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4.1 Lists
4.1.1 Ordered Lists
4.1.2 Unordered Lists
4.1.3 Definition Lists
4.1.4 Nested Lists
4.2 Tables

D Gichuki
4.1 LISTs

❖ HTML supports 3 types of lists:

▪ Ordered Lists
▪ Unordered Lists
▪ Definition Lists
▪ Nested Lists

❖ Lists may be nested to obtain multiple hierarchy


D Gichuki
4.1 LISTs

4.1.1 Ordered List - <ol>

❖ Lists whose elements must appear in a certain order

❖ Such lists usually have their items prefixed with a number or


❖ An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag and finishes with
</ol> tag.

❖ Each list item written within the <li>... </li> tags.

❖ By default, ordered lists use decimal sequence numbers (1, 2,

3, …)
<li>Apples</li> 1. Apples
<li>Bananas</li> 2. Bananas
<li>Coconuts</li> 3. Coconuts
D Gichuki
4.1 LISTs

4.1.1 Ordered List - <ol>

❖ To change sequence type, use TYPE attribute in <OL>
opening tag;

▪ TYPE = “1” (default) – Decimal sequence (1, 2, 3, …)

▪ TYPE = “I” – Uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III, …)
▪ TYPE = “i” – Lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, …)
▪ TYPE = “A” – Uppercase alphabetical (A, B, C, …)
▪ TYPE = “a” – Lowercase alphabetical (a, b, c, …)

<ol type=“a”>
<li>Apples</li> a. Apples
<li>Bananas</li> b. Bananas
<li>Coconuts</li> c. Coconuts

D Gichuki
4.1 LISTs

4.1.2 Unordered List - <ul>

❖ Lists whose elements do not have to appear in a
certain order.

❖ An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag and finishes

with </ul> tag.

❖ Each list item written within the <li>...</li> tags.

❖ The list items are marked with bullets (typically small

black discs).

<li>Apples</li> • Apples
<li>Bananas</li> • Bananas
<li>Coconuts</li> • Coconuts
D Gichuki
4.1 LISTs

4.1.2 Unordered List - <ul>

❖ To change the type of a an unordered list,

use TYPE attribute in <OL> opening tag;

▪ TYPE = “disc” (default) –

▪ TYPE = “circle” –
▪ TYPE = “square” –

<ul type=”square”>
<li>Apples</li> ▪ Apples
<li>Bananas</li> ▪ Bananas
<li>Coconuts</li> ▪ Coconuts

D Gichuki
4.1 LISTs

4.1.3 Definition List - <dl>

❖ A definition list is a list of items, with a description of

each item.
❖ More complex than the other 2 lists due to their having 2
elements per list item

❖ <dl> tag defines a definition list.

❖ <dt> defines the item in the list.

❖ <dd> describes the item in the list.

D Gichuki
4.1 LISTs

4.1.3 Definition List - <dl>

<dt>Internet Explorer</dt>
<dd>Developed by Microsoft</dd>
<dd>Developed by Netscape</dd>

Internet Explorer
Developed by Microsoft
Developed by Netscape

D Gichuki
4.1 LISTs

4.1.4 Nested Lists

❖ Contained in another list element
❖ Lists can be nested of the same or different types
❖ Nesting the new list inside the original;
▪ Indents list one level and changes the bullet type to
reflect the Nesting
• Send us a letter, including:
<ul> 1. Your full name
<li>Send us a letter, including:</li> 2. Your order number
<ol> 3. You contact information
<li>Your full name</li> • Use the web form to send an email
<li>Your order number</li>
<li>Your contact information</li>
<li> Use the web form to send an email </li>

D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

❖ Tables are used when you need to show "tabular data" i.e.
information that is logically presented in rows and columns.

❖ Building tables in HTML may at first seem complicated but if you

keep cool and watch your step, it is actually strictly logical - just
like everything else in HTML.

❖ All tags and text that apply to the table go inside

<TABLE>…</TABLE> tags

❖ TABLE Attributes;
▪ BORDER: lets you set the width of the table’s border in pixels
▪ ALIGN: specifies the horizontal alignment of the content in
the entire table, in a row or in a single cell. For example, left,
center or right.
▪ WIDTH: pixels (absolute) or a percentage
▪ VALIGN: specifies the vertical alignment of the content in a
cell. For example, top, middle or bottom.
D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

❖ CAPTION element is inserted directly above the table

in the browser window
▪ Helps text-based browsers interpret table data

❖ TABLE Elements
▪ THEAD element
• Header info
• For example, titles of table and column headers
▪ TBODY element
• Used for formatting and grouping purposes

D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

❖ A table is divided into rows

❖ Each row is divided into data cells

❖ <TR>…</TR>
▪ stands for "table row"
▪ starts and ends horizontal rows.

❖ <TH>…</TH>
▪ suitable for titles and column headings
▪ used in the header part of a table.
▪ all major browsers will display the text in the
<th> element as bold and centered.

D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

❖ <TD>...</TD>
❖ stands for "table data".
❖ starts and ends each cell in the rows of the table.
❖ holds the content of a data cell.
❖ used in the body part of a table.
❖ aligned left by default.
❖ a <td> tag can contain
▪ text,
▪ links,
▪ images,
▪ lists,
▪ forms,
▪ other tables, etc.
D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

❖ Possible to make some data cells larger than others

❖ Cells can be merged with the rowspan and colspan
▪ The values of these attributes specify the number of
rows or columns occupied by the cell
▪ Can be placed inside any data cell or table header cell
▪ Modified cells will cover the areas of other cells
• Reduces number of cells in that row or column

D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs


<h4>Horizontal Headers:</h4>
Horizontal Headers:
<table border="1">
Name Telephone Telephone
<th>Telephone</th> Bill Gates 555 77 854 555 77 855
<td>Bill Gates</td>
<td>555 77 854</td>
<td>555 77 855</td>
D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

<h4>Vertical Headers:</h4> Vertical Headers:
<table border="1">
First Name: Bill Gates
<th>First Name:</th>
<td>Bill Gates</td> Telephone: 555 77 854
</tr> Telephone: 555 77 855
<td>555 77 854</td>
<td>555 77 855</td>
D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

<table border="1">
<caption> TABLE 1 </caption>
<th>Header 1</th> TABLE 1
<th>Header 2</th> Header 1 Header 2
</THEAD> row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2
<TBODY> row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2
<td>row 1, cell 1</td>
<td>row 1, cell 2</td>
<td>row 2, cell 1</td>
<td>row 2, cell 2</td>
D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

<h4>Cell that spans two columns:</h4>
<table border="1">
<th colspan="2">Telephone</th></tr>
<tr> Cell that spans two columns:
<td>Bill Gates</td>
<td>555 77 854</td> Name Telephone
<td>555 77 855</td>
Bill Gates 555 77 854 555 77 855
</table> Cell that spans two rows:
<h4>Cell that spans two rows:</h4> First Name: Bill Gates
<table border="1">
<tr><th>First Name:</th><td>Bill 555 77 854
Gates</td></tr> Telephone:
<tr><th rowspan="2">Telephone:</th>
555 77 855
<td>555 77 854</td>
<tr><td>555 77 855</td></tr>
D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

❖ COLGROUP element
▪ Used to group and format columns

❖ Each COL element

▪ In the <COLGROUP>…</COLGROUP> tag
▪ Can format any number of columns (specified by the
SPAN attribute)

❖ Background color or image

▪ Add to any row or cell
▪ Use BGCOLOR and BACKGROUND attributes

D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

D Gichuki
4.2 TABLEs

D Gichuki

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