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Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara

Ciocanu Marian
Gr. 111 B
Specialization : Civil Engineering

Graphical projection is a technique used to expose 3d object in 2d surface. In this paper ,
we aim to present the use of computer resources in engineering drawing and how easily they
can handled with some platform and one of this is intitulated CATIA (Computer Aided Three-
dimensional Intercative Application) . We start by detailinh program’s operating tools ,
difference from standard drawing by hand , types of modeling , exclusion of tolerance error and
present of some succesful examples and apllication. Finally , we try to find new fields of use of
this software for contemporary situations and adjusting for others fields of engineering.

Graphical projection , engineering drawing , platform , software , CATIA (Computer
Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) , modeling .

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