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The Odyssey Vocabulary A. Mythology 1. Calypso A sea nymph who entertained Odysseus on her island for seven years 2. Odyssey a long journey that alters the journeyer 3. Palladium - safeguard 4. Penelope loyal woman 5. Procrustean producing strict conformity by ruthless or arbitrary means 6. Protean readily assuming different shapes or forms 7. Sibyl female oracle or prophetess 8. Siren a dangerously seductive woman 9. Augean stable Hercules task, marked by filth 10. Croesus rich person 11. Dragons teeth seeds of conflict 12. Hades death 13. Lethargic sluggish 14. Midas Touch ability to make money always 15. Pyrrhic Victory victory at heavy cost 16. Stygian accumulation of filth 17. Achilles heel seemingly small but mortal weakness 18. Arcadia geographic area 19. Cassandra someone who makes predictions which are never believed but turn out to be true 20. Cyclopean style of masonry where walls are fitted together of huge irregular stones 21. Draconian very severe, oppressive, or strict 22. Myrmidon one of a fierce tribe or troop 23. Nemesis principle of retributive justice 24. Trojan Horse subversive person or device placed within the ranks of the enemy 25. Cynosure Ursa Minor 26. Aeolian Harp harp with strings tuned in unison 27. Laconic using as few words as possible to communicate lots of information 28. Mnemonic anything used to help remember something 29. Platonic mutual 30. Sapphic relating to lesbianism 31. Solecism error in the use of language B. Curr/Curs to run 1. Concurrent simultaneous 2. Cursory brief or broad 3. Discursive using reason and argument rather than intuition

4. Precursor an indicator of approaching events C. Ped foot 1. Expedient a simple or quick method 2. Expedite the accelerate the process of something 3. Impediment an obstacle to progress 4. Pedestrian ordinary or everyday D. Flect/Flex to bend 1. Deflect to deviate from the original path 2. Flexor a muscle whose contractions act to bend a joint or limb 3. Genuflect to bend the knee in servitude or worship, grovel 4. Inflection turning away from a straight course E. Post after or behind 1. Posterior located behind or near the rear of an object 2. Posthumous taking place after ones death 3. Postmodern any piece of art, architecture, or literature that reacts against an earlier modernism 4. Postmortem occurring or done after death F. Prot/Proto first in time or first formed 1. Protagonist main character in a literary work 2. Protocol rule which guides how an activity should be performed 3. Protoplasm the cytoplasm and nucleus of a cell 4. Prototype original object that acts as the basis for other objects G. Ante before or in front of 1. Antechamber small room used as an entryway to a larger room 2. Antedate to occur before an event or time; to backdate 3. Ante Meridiem before noon, A.M. 4. Anterior before in place; nearer to the front H. Orth/Ortho straight, right, or true 1. Orthodontics area of dentistry concerned with correcting misaligned teeth 2. Orthodox conforming to established, accepted or traditional faith or religion 3. Orthopedics branch of medicine dealing with the prevention or correction of disorders of the bones 4. Orthography the study of correct spelling I. Mal bad 1. Malevolent having or displaying ill will

Malicious the willful or will-less behavior of one who hurts others in a mean-spirited fashion 3. Malign to make false defamatory statements about someone 4. Malnourished fed too little to obtain the nutrients required to sustain life J. Cata down 1. Catacomb underground system of tunnels and chambers with recesses for graves 2. Catalyst something that speeds up a reaction or event 3. Catatonic suffering from mental illness K. Latin Terms 1. A fortiori with greater reason or more convincing force 2. A posteriori from the latter 3. A priori from the former 4. Bona fide in good faith, without fraud or deceit 5. Carpe diem seize the day 6. Caveat emptor let the buyer beware, without a warranty 7. Corpus delicti fundamental fact necessary to prove guilt of a crime 8. Curriculum vitae short account of ones career and qualifications L. Rog to ask 1. Abrogate to treat as nonexistent 2. Arrogate To claim without justification, in the name of another 3. Derogatory expressive of a low opinion 4. Prerogative exclusive or special right, power, or privilege M. Quis to seek or obtain 1. Inquisition official inquiry before a jury 2. Perquisite gain or profit incidental to regular salary or wages 3. Acquisitive strongly desirous of possessing 4. Requisition act of requiring someone to perform an act G. Err to wander or stray 1. Aberrant deviating from the ordinary or normal way 2. Errant straying outside of the established limits 3. Erratic unsteady and prone to sudden changes 4. Erroneous inaccurate H. Ced/Cess to go or proceed 1. Accede to arrive; to enter upon an office or dignity 2. Antecedent earlier either in time or order








Concession the act of conceding defeat 4. Precedent an act in the past which may be used as an example to help decide the outcome of similar instances in the future. Vid/Vis relating to seeing or sight 1. Visage countenance or appearance 2. Vis--vis face-to-face 3. Visionary Having vision or foresight; imaginary or illusory 4. Visitation an official visit to expect or examine something. Spic/Spec to look or behold 1. Auspicious of good omen, conducive to success 2. Conspicuous obvious or easily noticeable 3. Introspection the act or process of self-examination; the cognition which the mand has of its own acts and states 4. Perspicacious having the power of seeing or understanding clearly Voc/Vok speaking, calling, or use of voice 1. Equivocate to express ones opinions in terms which admit of different senses, with intent to deceive 2. Irrevocable Unable to be retracted or reversed; final 3. Provoke to bring about a reaction 4. Vociferous clamorous or noisy Phon sound 1. Cacophony a mix of discordant sounds 2. Phonetic relating to the sounds of spoken language 3. Polyphonic having two or more independent but harmonic melodies 4. Symphony an extended piece of music in three or more movements for a full orchestra Cur to care for 1. Curative possessing the power to heal or treat illness 2. Curator person who manages, administers, or organizes a collection 3. Procure to acquire or an item, sometimes rare and usually by extra effort 4. Sinecure a position that requires no work but still gives a payment Tend/Tent to stretch, extend, or spread 1. Contentious marked by heated arguments or controversy 2. Distend to expand from internal pressure; swell









3. Portend to serve as a warning or omen 4. Tendentious having a partisan, biased, or prejudiced opinion Pend/Pens to hand, weigh, or cause to hang down 1. Appendage external body part that projects from the body 2. Expend To spend or disperse money; to consume or exhaust some resource 3. Propensity tendency, preference, or attraction 4. Stipend a fixed payment, generally small and occurring at regular intervals Pan Completely, whole, or general 1. Panacea healing through herbs 2. Pandemonium tumultuous or lawless gathering 3. Panegyric formal speech or opus publicly praising someone or something 4. Panoply A splendid display of something Extra beyond usual or routine territory 1. Extrapolate to infer by extending known information 2. Extrovert One who is outgoing, sociable, or concerned with outer affairs 3. Extraneous not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing Phos/Phot light 1. Phosphorescent having the property of emitting light for a period of time after the source of excitation is taken away 2. Photogenic generated or caused by light 3. Photon The quantum of electromagnetic energy Luc light; to shine or glitter 1. Elucidate to make clear or obvious 2. Lucent translucent, emitting light 3. Lucubration intense or prolonged study or meditation 4. Translucent allowing light to pass through but scattering as it does Mort/Mor to die or death 1. Immortality not susceptible to death 2. Mortibund approaching death 3. Mortician an undertaker or funeral director 4. Mortify to discipline oneself by suppressing desires Nec/nie/nox having to do with death and dying 1. Internecine mutually destructive 2. Necrosis the localized death of cells or tissues through injury or disease 3. Noxious unpleasant and possibly harmful fumes 4. Pernicious causing death or injury


Her/Hes to stick or get stuck 1. Adherent a person with a membership to a group, association, or religion 2. Cohesion sticking together 3. Incoherent unable to be understood 4. Inherent a natural part or consequence of something W. Fug to flee 1. Centrifugal tending or causing to recede from the center 2. Fugitive person who is fleeing or escaping from something 3. Fugue contrapuntal piece of music wherein a particular melody is played in a number of voices 4. Subterfuge indirect or deceptive device or staragem X. Cosm ornament and order 1. Cosmetic external or superficial 2. Cosmology the study of the physical universe, its structure, dynamics, origin, evolution, and fate 3. Cosmopolitan composed of people from all over the world 4. Cosmos an ordered, harmonious whole Y. Sci to know or understand 1. Conscientious thorough, careful, or vigilant 2. Omniscience the capacity to know everything 3. Prescient possessing, exhibiting, or relating to foresight 4. Unconscionable unscrupulous and lacking in principles

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