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Jamil Zeledon

Prof. Kirsten Gerdes



Who are the characters of Morpheus, trinity, and neo?

Morpheus is the leader of the people who escape from the matrix and the one who saved Neo
from it.
Trinity is a hacker that is part of Morpheus crew, she fell in love with neo during the film, and
she is the one missing piece for Neo to transcend to be the chosen one.
Neo is the main character, at the beginning of the movie he was office man with a secret life as a
hacker, until he is saved by Morpheus because he’s believed that Neo is the chosen one to save
humanity from the matrix.
Explain Socrates’ (Plato’s) theory of the divide line, use citation from the text, what does it
say about what Plato considers true knowledge?
There is dived line that can be split into 4 sections, those four sections are divided on “the
visible” and the “Intelligible”. There’s two sections on “the visible”, in one we have shadows
and reflections and in the other one we have “the originals of this images”(509-e) our physical
bodies. And then we have two more sections on the “the intelligible”, one is “the soul, using
images of the things that were imitated before is forced to investigate form hypotheses,
proceeding not to a first principal but to a conclusion” (510-b) in this section we can find things
like numbers or shapes, and in the last section it would be understanding, “using form
themselves and making its investigation through them” (510-b). The highest form of knowledge
is understanding because once we are able to understand and learn how to look further a concept
is when we get closer to the real knowledge.
Explain Socrates’ (Plato’s) allegory of the cave. What does this indicate about what
Socrates (Plato) believes about the physical and intelligible worlds- about what is real?
Socrates explains Glaucon that: If someone has live his entire life in cave where he or she was
only exposed to shadows during their whole life, “the prisoner would believe that the truth is
nothing other than the shadows”(514-c) and if somehow that person gets out of from the cave,
he or she could experience a shock and will struggle if someone show them the Real world “and
if someone compelled him to look at the light itself, wouldn’t his eyes hurt, and wouldn’t he turn
around and flee towards the things he’s able to see” (515-e). this allegory is explain how hard it
could be to process new information, that the thing that we think we know they might be wrong,
and that we have to be prepared to change our understanding of things in any moment, this is
part of knowledge, be willing to change our mind when we are shown what it real.
How are the theme of knowledge and freedom explored (and related to each other) in the
matrix? Would plato agree with the film?
In movie The Matrix we follow the main character Neo, that at first looks like a regular hacker
dude with a normal day life, but as the movie goes one we realize that he, as same as all humans,
was trapped in a simulation control by robots. Almost one is aware of that, they have been in the
simulation since they were born, so they don’t have the knowledge of what it actual life like.
Then Morpheus rescue Neo and he explain him what is going on, He gave Neo the knowledge,
he told him that he was not living a real life, and then he gave him the option of being free or go
back to the matrix. Here is where Neo decides to leave the matrix, and experience real life. The
point of all this is that to be free, before you need the knowledge. And yeah, I totally think Plato
would agree with this movie, because is basically a sci-fi remake of the allegory of the cave.

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