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mining is often seen as a privilege rather than a right, as it is subject to

certain conditions and regulations. however, the rights of filipinos to their

water, air, rivers, and streams are not just constitutional but also considered
god-given. it is the responsibility of the government to safeguard and protect
these rights.

the philippines, known for its rich natural resources, has a duty to ensure the
sustainable management and utilization of its natural assets. while mining can
contribute to economic growth and development, it also poses risks and potential
harm to the environment and the people. therefore, striking a balance between
mining activities and environmental preservation becomes crucial.

the constitution of the philippines recognizes the inherent right of filipinos to a

balanced and healthful ecology. this includes the right to clean air, water, and a
sustainable environment. these rights are not only legal but are also rooted in the
belief that as stewards of the earth, it is our duty to protect and preserve our
natural resources for future generations.

the government, as the representative of the people, has the responsibility to

regulate and enforce laws that protect these fundamental rights. this involves
implementing strict environmental standards, conducting thorough assessments before
granting mining permits, and monitoring mining activities to ensure compliance with
regulations. additionally, the government should prioritize the rehabilitation and
restoration of areas affected by mining activities, as well as support sustainable
alternatives to mining.

it is essential to strike a balance between economic development and environmental

conservation. this can be achieved through responsible and sustainable mining
practices, enforcing strict regulations, and promoting alternative industries that
prioritize environmental protection. by fulfilling its duty to protect the rights
of the filipino people, the government can ensure the long-term well-being and
prosperity of the nation while preserving the invaluable natural resources that are
a gift from god.

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