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Слайд 1. Good evening. My name is Desiatkov Danil. I am a student of class 7.

My project is on the subject: English. The name is The origin of British surnames.

In England, surnames are also commonly known as last names due to the
practice of writing the given names first and then the family name or surname last.
Surnames were originally introduced into England by the Normans in 1066, and
the practice began to spread.

Actuality of the project is to study the surnames, that can be a useful tool in
genealogy as well as being a fascinating topic in its own right. Surname studies can
give a rich insight into the development of human society.

Слайд 2. Purpose of the project: to study the origin and meaning of surnames in
the English language, as well as the identification of the most common English

Project tasks:

1. Formulate methods of formation of surnames in English;

2. Identify the most common English surnames;

3. Make a mini dictionary of the most popular English surnames with their

4. Make a presentation of the leaflet.

Practical significance of the project. The results of the project will inform
students about the meaning and origin of surnames in the English language, the
material will be interesting and useful to all students who study English.

Some people think that names aren't important. They're probably right, but
they can be very interesting. Take British surnames, for example. A surname is a
name that you and your family all have, and that you pass from one generation to
another. When we start to look at the meaning of different surnames, we soon
discover that many of them can be devided into some groups:

Слайд 3. 1) Occupational Surnames or what is this person's job? The

very common surname Smith. Comes from 'blacksmith', the traditional job of
making objects such as horseshoes from metal. Baker (someone who makes bread)
is common British surname, too.
Слайд 4. 2) Surnames from Personal Names or who is this person's
father or grandfather? This gives us British surnames like Peters or Peterson.
There are many surnames which begin with Mac, for example Macdonald. This
has a Scottish origin and also means son of, the same as O' in Ireland, like the
surname O'Connor.

Слайд 5. 3) Surnames from place names or where is this person from?

Some people have a country for their surname, for example England. Field, House,
Lake and Hill are all common family names in Britain too. In fact, some experts
think that 50% of all surnames come from some type of geographic description.

Слайд 6. 4) Surnames from Nicknames or what is special about this

person? If your surname is Small, there's probably a small person in your family's
history. And the surname Reid comes from the word red, so you probably had a
family member with red hair or a red face. When you start to investigate, you soon
find that British surnames can be really interesting.
Having studied the theoretical part of the project, I've learned a lot of
interesting information about the origin and meaning of surnames in the English
language, as well as the identification of the most common English surname.

I started my practical part with the following. First of all I chose 28 most
popular English surnames. Then I proceeded to determine their origin.

Слайд 7. I found some famous English people. Their surnames are

occupational surnames. For example:

•James Cook (Джеймс Кук) – английский мореплаватель.

Their surnames are personal names. For example:

•Percival Harrison Fawcett (Персивал Харрисон Фосетт) – британский

топограф и путешественник.

Слайд 8. Their surnames are place names. For example:

•Walter Scott (Вальтер Скотт) – писатель.

Their surnames are nicknames. For example:

•Gordon Brown (Гордон Браун) – премьер-министр Великобритании.

Слайд 9. I completed my work of compiling a leaflet with a mini dictionary
of popular English surnames with their origin (раздача буклетов).

I used the following algorithm to make this leaflet:

1. I formulated the contents of the leaflet.

2. I included in it a dictionary of popular English surnames with their origins.

3. I formulated the number of pages and the format of the leaflet. For this I used
the Microsoft Office Publisher program.

4. I chose the font and the base color for the illustrations and decorative elements.

5. I determined the number of leaflet. I released 10 copies.

The material in the leaflet will inform students about the meaning and origin
of surnames in the English language, the material will be interesting and useful to
all students who study English.

Слайд 10. Having finished my project, I came to the conclusion that the
study of surnames can give a rich insight into the development of human society.

I think I was able to achieve the purpose of the project, as during this work I
studied the history of the names in the English language, formulated the main ways
of their formation, identified the most common English surnames, compiled a
dictionary of the most popular English surnames and their meanings.

Слайд11. Thank you for attention. I am ready to answer your questions.

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