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The Oxford School, Dubai

Year 11 Revision Sheet Term 1


1. Surah al Kahf 1-8 Unit 1 L1 pgs 10-19

2. The Islamic Juristic (Legal) schools Unit 1 L4 pgs 34-39
3. Surah al Kahf 9-27 Unit 1 L2 pgs 48-58
4. Endowments (Waqf) Giving & Growth Unit 2 L4 pgs 76-83
5. Juristic Diversity & Disagreement Unit 3 L4 pgs 124-129
6. Surah al Kahf 28-44 The Owner of the two gardens Unit 3 L1 pgs 96-105
7. Dressing Etiquette Unit 3 L3 pgs 116-123

1. Recall the hadith related to the virtue of reciting Surah al Kahf. [2]
Ans: The Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: “Whoever memorizes ten verses from the beginning of Sūrat al-Kahf
will be protected from al-Dajjāl (the False Messiah).”
2. State the reason of revelation of Surah al Kahf. [3]
Ans: This Surah was revealed to answer three questions which the jews were told to ask the
prophet, in order to test him. These were: (1) Who were "the Companions of' the Cave"? (2)
What is the real story of Khidr? and (3) What do you know about Zul-Qarnain?
3. Read the ayaat and list 4 lessons you learn from it. [4]
1.Praise be to Allah Who has revealed the Scripture unto His slave, and has not placed
therein any crookedness, 2. (But has made it) straight, to give warning of stern
punishment from Him, and to bring unto the believers who do good works the news that
theirs will be a fair reward. 3. Wherein they will abide forever; 4. And to warn those who
say: Allah has chosen a son, 5. (A thing) whereof they have no knowledge, nor (had) you
fathers. Dreadful is the word that comes out of their mouths. They say nothing but a lie.
6. Yet it may be, if they believe not in this statement, that you (Muhammad) will torment
your soul with grief over their footsteps. 7. Lo! We have placed all that is on the earth as
an ornament thereof that we may try them: which of them is best in conduct. 8. And lo!
We shall make all that is therein a barren mound.
Ans: Allah is telling us that the Quran is pure without any faults and given to us as
It is giving a straight forward warning to disbelievers that they will be strictly
Punished who do bad and those who say Allah SWT has a son, And a reward
for the righteous.
This earth is a test for humanity to check who is the best in conduct. This
world is like an ornament, with this Allah SWT will test us
Which ayah shows that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was concerned for his
followers? [1]
Ans: Surah At-Tawbah (9:128) which states that he was "concerned over you and to the
believers is kind and merciful."
b. How can we implement this verse if we are going through a difficult situation? [2]
Ans: Praying for guidance
4. Recall the story of Ashab ul Kahf and List the lessons learned from it
Ans: Hold onto Your Faith: No matter what, stay strong in your beliefs.
Trust in Allah’s Protection: Allah can keep you safe in surprising ways.
Be Patient: you have to wait for good times to come. Hold onto Your Faith: No matter
what, stay strong in your beliefs

7. Describe the reason of revelation of the following ayah: And restrain yourself whole-
heartedly with those who pray and let not your eyes overlook them, desiring the pomp of the
life of the world; and obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our
remembrance, who follows his own lust and whose case has been their Lord
morning and evening.
Ans: Allah swt ordered prophet Muhammad pbuh to sit with the poor and not to avoid them
as they are good believers who only want to please Allah Swt. And not to follow/ listen to
The people who follow their desires and lust eg: ummaya bin khalf told prophet muha

9. Discuss and explain the following observation: “A person is more fearful of punishment
than his eagerness for acquiring and securing benefits for himself.”

ANS: the fear of punishment in the Hereafter is a strong motivator for righteous behavior. Believers
prioritize pleasing Allah and avoiding sin over seeking personal benefits, as they are deeply
concerned about being held accountable for their actions on the Day of Judgment.

10. What did the brother of the owner of the two gardens say to him? What lesson do we
learn from that?

Ans: He reminded him of the greatness of Allah and how he created him from dust. He also
reminded him of Allahs generosity towards him for Allah made him greater in wealth and
children and stronger in manpower.
8. [1]
9. [2]
10. [4]
11. Define- Shariah, Fiqh, Ijma, Qiyas.
Ans: Shariah is the Islamic way of life based on the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. 2
marks each.
Fiqh refers to Islamic jurisprudence, which is the human interpretation and understanding
of Shariah
Ijma is when Islamic scholars all agree on a certain interpretation or decision. It's a way to
settle issues when there's no clear answer in the Quran or Hadith.
Qiyas is like making a comparison. It's when scholars make a decision based on something
similar in the Quran or Hadith when there's no direct guidance for a specific situation.
12. Describe the features of Iraqi and Madinah school.
Ans: Iraqi school
Was founded by abu hanifa in Iraq
Hanafi jurisprudence places a strong emphasis on the use of reason (qiyas) and analogical
reasoning to derive legal rulings, making it one of the more rationalist schools.
Madinah School
Was founded by imam malik
More focused on Quran and Sunnah
There was more presence of the companions of the prophet pbuh so the hadith was [2]
13. List the names of the four madhabs or schools of thought.
Ans: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii, Hanabali [4]
14. What will you advise people if you see them arguing in matters that have difference of
opinion according to the four schools of thought?

Ans: all of the schools of thoughts are different ways of doing the same thing so it is basically
leniency for Muslims so I would tell him not to fight as these methods are correct and
approved by scholars [4]
15. Explain the reasons behind different opinions in the four schools of thought.
Ans: Different location of the people mean they interpreted it differently or they could
Have heard it in different words which would made their opinions different on
The same matter [4]
16. Define the meaning of waqf with the types of waqf.
Ans: Waqf is dedication of assests such as land for a specific charitable purpose
To bring you close to Allah. It cannot be sold, inherited or gifted. There are
3 types of waqf, Family waqf, society waqf, joint waqf. [4]
17. Explain the benefits of waqf for an individual, society and family.
Ans: Individuals: It can earn rewards in the afterlife and help you fulfill religious duties.
Society: It can support important things like schools, hospitals, and charities, helping the
Family: It can create a lasting legacy, passing on benefits to future generations.
18. Distinguish the etiquettes of clothing and adornment for men & women. Support your
answer with relevant ayaat and hadith. [4]
19. Identify the purpose of etiquette of clothing. Give reference from Quran. [2]

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