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ENGLISH PRACTICE (in your English notebook)

Present perfect vs Present perfect continuous:
Students should watch this video:
I- Underline or circle the correct answer:

 Presente perfect: Subject+ have/ has/ +past participle (it doesn´t specify
the time the event occur).
 Present perfect continuous: (Subject+ have / has+ been + verb
(ing)+complement. (it usually specify the time where the event occurs or
specify it's still occurring during the present moment)

1-I have been/ has been traveling to Paris since 2010.

2- I has been/ have been to new york many times.
3-She have been drinking/ has been drinking coffee since this morning.
4- Somebody has eaten/ have been eating. There are none left.
5- She must be tired. She has been working/ have worked all afternoon.
6- They has been traveling/ have been traveling for month. They Have
visited / have been visiting 3 countries so far.
II-Match the people word with correct definition below.
Book writer, Employee, Employer, Lawyer, Trainer, Winner, Pianist, Resident,
Villager, European, sculptor, competitor, Student, Trainee
1-Lives in a Village?________ 8-Trains people?______________
2-Comes from Europe?________ 9-Lives in a particular place?___________
3-Make Sculptures?__________ 10-is being trained?_______________
4-Plays the piano?_____________ 11-Takes part in a competition?__________
5- Employs people?________________ 12- Writes books?_______________
6-Studies a subject?______________ 13-is employed by someone?__________
7- Practices law?______________ 14- Has won something?________________

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