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Outcomes Intermediate – Game 3

Units 9–12

 Work in pairs. Student A use only the white squares; Student B use only the grey squares.
 Spend 5 minutes looking at your questions and revising the answers using the Student’s Book.
 Take turns tossing a coin: Heads = move one of your squares; Tails = move two of your squares.
 When you land on a square, your partner looks at the page in the book to check your answers, but you don’t!
 If you are wrong, your partner tells you the right answer, and you miss a go.
 When you’ve finished the game change roles and play again.

1 2 3
START Vocabulary page 80: describe
where you live using five of
Developing Conversations
page 81: compare the room
Grammar page 83: say four
things that have changed in
the adjectives for describing you’re in to two different your country using the verbs in
homes. rooms you know using the Exercise 7.

7 6 5 4
Vocabulary page 88: say ten
words about exhibitions, films Miss a go! Developing Conversations page
85: your partner will ask the six
Vocabulary page 84: say six
adjectives for describing areas.
and theatre. questions. Answer using three
of the forms in bold.

8 9 10 11
Understanding vocabulary Grammar page 91: your Vocabulary page 92: say five Grammar page 99: your
page 91: say eight idioms partner will read four pairs of words or phrases describing partner will read the five
using parts of the body. quantifiers. Explain the events. situations in Exercise 9. Say a
difference between the two. sentence to explain how you
resolved the situation.

15 14 13 12
Grammar page 103: your
partner will read six verbs
Reading page 102: your
partner will read the Miss a go! Vocabulary page 100: describe
three important achievements
from Exercise 10. Say one definitions in Exercise 3. Can in your life using five of the
passive sentence for each one. you remember the word? words and phrases in the box.

16 17 18
Vocabulary page 106: say
eight of the adjectives for
Grammar page 109: talk about
how you spent your free time
Grammar page 111: say four
regrets about the past using
describing character. when you were young, using wish.
three different structures.

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