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Third Person Singular with 2 verbs and ‘to’.

Add Model and Auxiliary verbs Do/does, will, would, should, could, might and
maybe to form yes/no questions and answers.

1) Victor _____ (sube) a ladder to _______ (pinta) the ceiling.

2) Pamela _______ (usa) a wrench to ______ (arregla) her car.

3) Giovanni ________ (quiebra) many eggs to _______ (hace) an omelet.

4) A fireman ________ (dirige) a hose to ________ (apaga) a fire.

5) A medical Student ________ (estudia) hard to ________ (pasa) the MCLEX.

6) A pilot ________ (vuela) planes to _________ (lleva) passengers places.

7) A boxer _______ (entrena) hard to _________ (derrota) his opponent.

8) A thief ________ (se pone) gloves to ______ (roba) things.

9) A trained dog ________ (huele) with his nose to ________ (encuentra)


10) A religious person _______ (reza) to _________ (perdona) his enemies.

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