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Gabriel Isdra Moszkowicz

Email Phone 51980407728

GitHub LinkedIn


Work History

2021-12 - present Lead Programmer in Cientific Initiation Study

Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Violência(NEPEVI)
This Cientific Initiation Study aims to develop software as a means of enriching endangered communities'
contact with technoogy.
As such, i have acted as Lead Programmer in the following projects:
Aplicativo Quilombola
Built on Android Studio, this app provides information on social political rights to Quilombola Communities.
Google Play -
Projeto Game Afro
Built on Unity, this project centers on the development of a educational videogame that integrates
valuable lessons on ethnical and gender equality.
Currently in the works.


2021-03 - present Bachelor's in Computer Science

PUCRS, Porto Alegre


Experienced in Java, Python, C#, and C++.

Android Studio Development

Unity 2D and 3D Development

Familiar with CLEAN Architecture and JPA development.

GitHub Project Management

Highly dedicated to learning.



About Me

I would say I have exceptional critical thinking skills. Often when facing a problem a find I myself abstracting away its different
components so as to identify an overlying issue. Although this technique borrows itself naturally well to programming and
mathmatics, I believe that it is through applying it to my day to day personal interactions where it truly excels.

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