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2-Find the correlation coefficient between x and y.

Answer: the correlation coefficient between x and y is 0.68 shown in excel.

3- Identify the strength and nature of the relationship.

Answer: The correlation coefficient of 0.68 means there is a reasonably intermediate connection
between Age and Blood Pressure. When people get older (Age increases), their Blood Pressure tends to
go up. So, there is a positive relationship between Age and Blood Pressure. This means that as one goes
up, the other tends to go up too. However, keep in mind that many factors can affect Blood Pressure, so
Age isn't the only thing at play.

4- Find the regression model?

Answer: the regression model is 119.25+0.291X as per excel and the paper which I calculated by the

B1:- 0.291

B2:- 119.5

5- To predict the Blood Pressure for a 35-year-old man using your regression model, you can use the

119.5+0.291(35) = 129.6

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