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Nama: Khoirun Nissa

Nim: 050121948


Export and import are two things that are interrelated. Please explain your thoughts on
the export and import policy in Indonesia. You can also add the examples to support your ideas.

The level of success of a country can be described through the rate of economic growth,
which can be measured from several aspects, including the value of exports and imports, which
have an influence on a country's trade balance.

Exports and imports, or international trade as a whole are an important part of the
national economy, because the impact of these activities can influence economic development.
To achieve this success requires commitment from the government in order to encourage
successful development by providing policies that can have a positive impact so that economic
growth can develop rapidly and stably, one of which is policies related to international trade.

Indonesia's export and import policies can be influenced by various factors. Some general
policies that can influence Indonesia's international trade can include various aspects regulated
by the government to manage foreign trade and have strategic objectives to increase the
competitiveness of national industry. Some general policies include regulations, tariffs, quotas,
incentives, and technical rules to ensure trade balance, protect domestic industry, and encourage
economic growth.

For example, some export and import policies in Indonesia include:

1. Tariffs and Import Duties:

The Indonesian government can set tariffs and import duties for certain goods. For
example, if the government wants to protect domestic industries from foreign
competition, they can increase import tariffs on similar or similar products.
2. Import Quota:
The government can impose import quotas to control the amount of certain goods that
can enter the country. This can be done to protect domestic production or to maintain
trade balance.
3. Technical rules and standards:
Application of certain technical rules and standards to imported goods, such as quality
standards or safety requirements. This aims to protect consumers and ensure that
incoming goods meet the specified standards.
4. Export incentives:
Providing fiscal or non-fiscal incentives to exporters to encourage exports. This could
include tax exemptions, tariff relief, or financial support for companies that successfully
export goods or services.
5. International trade agreements:
Join international trade agreements such as the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) or Free
Trade Agreement which can influence Indonesia's trade policies and open up new market
opportunities for exports.
6. Foreign exchange monitoring and control:
Supervision of foreign exchange flows to control the balance of payments and maintain
economic stability. The government can limit foreign exchange access for certain types
of transactions.

Apart from that, one of the government's policy strategies, namely Indonesia's
participation in the WTO organization, is an effort to improve the trade economy which
is related to the economic growth of developing countries. In order to achieve export and
import index prices. And for this reason, the Indonesian government must pay more
attention to problems appropriately when making policies. These policies can change
over time in accordance with economic developments and the government's strategic
objectives. Therefore, it is important to follow the latest developments in Indonesia's
trade policies to understand their impact on various economic sectors.

Arfiani, I. S. (2019). Analisis Empiris Hubungan antara Ekspor, Impor, Nilai


Kadarukmi,M.E.R.(2013). Dampak
ImplementasiGATT/WTOterhadapEksporImporIndonesia.AdministrasiBinis, 9(1), 83.

Carrasco,C.A.,&Tovar-García,E. D.(2020).Tradeandgrowthindevelopingcountries: the role of

export composition, import composition and exportdiversification.

Silaban,P.S.M.J.,&Rejeki,R.(2020).Pengaruh Inflasi,EksporDanImporTerhadap Pdb Di

Indonesia Periode 2015 –2018.

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