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 Stockier bone structures with larger midsection and hips.

 Carries more fat throughout the body.
 Gains fat fast and loses it slow.
 Naturally slow metabolism; potentially due to chronic conditions (e.g., thyroid
deficiency, diabetes) but too frequently the result of a sedentary lifestyle and
chronically-positive daily energy balance.

 Medium bone structure with shoulders wider than the hips.
 Developed athletic musculature.
 Efficient metabolism; mass gain and loss both happen with relative ease.

 More narrow shoulders and hips in respect to height.
 Relatively smaller muscles in respect to bone length.
 Naturally fast metabolism makes it difficult for many to gain mass.
 Potentially indicative of disordered eating (e.g., anorexia, bulimia) when BMI is

they tend to gain weight faster. However, they look curvy. Endomorphs usually
look broader and have a triangular bone structure, narrower hips, and broader

 They usually have broad shoulders, narrow hips and shorter limbs.
While they have larger muscle mass, they also have a higher fat
percentage because they are predisposed to storing fat rather than
building muscles.
 They store excess weight in their thighs, buttocks and hips giving them
a pear-shaped appearance. The best way for an endomorph to lose
weight is through a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise.

 Start by cutting down carbs to only 30 percent of total daily calories. The
other 70 percent should be divided into protein and good fats.


 Cardio is the best form of exercise because it ensures that the body
does not revert to fat-storing stages.
 They can also do high-intensity interval training and cross-training to
build muscles.
 Their main goal should not be to lose weight but to boost metabolism
and prevent calories from turning into fat.

Mesomorph: This body type is generally considered the ideal body type.
Individuals usually look lighter and have a more rectangular bone structure,
longer limbs, thinner bones and a flatter ribcage.

 A mesomorph has a natural tendency to stay fit and achieve muscle

mass very easily.
 They have more muscle than fat on their bodies and are
not overweight or underweight.


 Just like ectomorphs, mesomorphs too can eat whatever they like
without putting on weight, but the flip side here is that they may gain
weight just as easily if they aren’t careful.
 Because people with this body type have a lot to do with muscle, it
stands to reason that they need a more protein-based diet that can help
build and repair muscles.
 They also need to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables rich in
antioxidants and whole grains (quinoa, oats, etc.).

 Just because mesomorphs have a naturally muscular body doesn’t
mean they don’t need to exercise. They do need training to stay lean.
Alternating between weights and cardio would be the ideal workout for

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