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What are some specific
examples in your life that
influence the health of
your muscles?
What is muscular system?
• The muscular system is an organ system
consisting of skeletal, smooth and cardiac
muscles. It permits movement of the body,
maintains posture and circulated blood
throughout the body.

• The muscular system in vertebrates are

controlled through the nervous system
although some muscles (such as the cardiac
muscle) can be completely autonomous.
Together with the skeletal system in the
human, it forms the musculoskeletal system,
which is responsible for movement of the
Structure of Skeletal Muscle
A whole skeletal muscle is considered an organ of the 
muscular system. Each organ or muscle consists of
skeletal muscle tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue,
and blood or vascular tissue.
Skeletal muscles vary considerably in size, shape, and
arrangement of fibers. They range from extremely tiny
strands such as the stapedius muscle of the middle ear to
large masses such as the muscles of the thigh. Some
skeletal muscles are broad in shape and some narrow. In
some muscles the fibers are parallel to the long axis of the
muscle; in some they converge to a narrow attachment;
and in some they are oblique.
•Skeletal muscle – the specialized tissue that is
attached to bones and allows movement.
Together, skeletal muscles and bones are called
the musculoskeletal system (also known as the
locomotor system). Generally speaking, skeletal
muscle is grouped into opposing pairs such as the
biceps and triceps on the front and back of the
upper arm. Skeletal muscles are under our
conscious control, which is why they are also
known as voluntary muscles. Another term is
striated muscles, since the tissue looks striped
when viewed under a microscope.
Smooth muscle – located in various internal structures including the
digestive tract, uterus and blood vessels such as arteries. Smooth muscle
is arranged in layered sheets that contract in waves along the length of
the structure. Another common term is involuntary muscle, since the
motion of smooth muscle happens without our conscious awareness.
Cardiac muscle – the muscle specific to the
heart. The heart contracts and relaxes without
our conscious awareness.
Muscles of the Head and Neck
Humans have well-developed muscles in the face
that permit a large variety of facial expressions.
Because the muscles are used to show surprise,
disgust, anger, fear, and other emotions, they are
an important means of nonverbal communication.
Muscles of facial expression include frontalis,
orbicularis oris, laris oculi, buccinator, and
zygomaticus. These muscles of facial expressions
are identified in the illustration below.
Muscles of the Trunk
The muscles of the trunk include those that move
the vertebral column, the muscles that form the
thoracic and abdominal walls, and those that
cover the pelvic outlet.
Muscles of the Upper Extremity
The muscles of the upper extremity include those that attach the scapula
 to the thorax and generally move the scapula, those that attach the 
humerus to the scapula and generally move the arm, and those that are
located in the arm or forearm that move the forearm, wrist, and hand.
The illustration below shows some of the muscles of the upper
Muscles of the Lower Extremity
The muscles that move the thigh have their origins on some
part of the pelvic girdle and their insertions on the femur.
The largest muscle mass belongs to the posterior group, the
gluteal muscles, which, as a group, adduct the thigh. The
iliopsoas, an anterior muscle, flexes the thigh. The muscles
in the medial compartment adduct the thigh. The illustration
below shows some of the muscles of the lower extremity.
Muscles that move the leg are located in the thigh
region. The quadriceps femoris muscle group
straightens the leg at the knee. The hamstrings are
antagonists to the quadriceps femoris muscle
group, which are used to flex the leg at the knee.
The muscles located in the leg that move the ankle
and foot are divided into anterior, posterior, and 
lateral compartments. The tibialis anterior, which
dorsiflexes the foot, is antagonistic to the
gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, which plantar
flex the foot.
Necrotizing fasciitis (NECK-re-tie-zing FASH-e-i-tis) is a rare bacterial
infection that spreads quickly in the body and can cause death.
Accurate diagnosis, rapid antibiotic treatment, and prompt surgery are
important to stopping this infection. See a doctor right away if your
skin becomes red, warm, swollen, or very painful soon after an injury
or surgery.

Necrotizing means causing the death of tissues. Fasciitis means

inflammation of the fascia (the tissue under the skin that surrounds
muscles, nerves, fat, and blood vessels).
Somatotypes describe how we have a genetic physical predisposition
to a certain physic, fat to muscle ratio and stature. As a result, we
require different training and nutritional demands. The three
different body types are ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.
Those with an ectomorph body type are of slight
build and possess fast metabolisms. With a low
body fat and a smaller build, ectomorphs
genetically find it harder than the other body types
to gain bodyweight or build muscle mass. An
athletic archetype of an ectomorph is the marathon
Ectomorph Physical Traits
•Slight frame and bone structure
•Narrow shoulders
•Naturally lean
•Flat chest
•Fast metabolism
•Finds it difficult to gain weight
•Finds building additional muscle mass
Ectomorphs are genetically predisposed to have the optimum physic for sports like long-distance
running and certain field athletics such as hurdles. The ectomorph body type is perfect for any
sport requiring speed, however extra attention to strength training would usually be required for
competitive and contact sports. Due to their fast metabolism, ectomorphs seeking to gain body
weight or muscle mass should focus upon strength and resistance training with minimal cardio.
Due to their fast metabolism and naturally slight build, ectomorph athletes need to pay particular
attention to bolstering their calorific intake to fuel workouts, replenish depleted energy stores
and aid recovery. With a high carbohydrate tolerance, ensuring a high calorific intake is key to
an ectomorph’s optimum athletic performance.
Ectomorphs seeking to increase muscle mass or ‘bulk up’ would benefit best from protein shakes
with a high-calorie density – before and after training. The addition of nut butters (peanut butter,
almond butter) is an efficient way to bolster protein shakes, delivering highly nutritious calorific
density and extra protein.
A mesomorph body type is those who have a medium
frame and bone structure. With a considerable level of
lean body mass, they are genetically predisposed to an
athletic body. Generally, mesomorphs tend to be growth
hormone dominant, which makes them physically
inclined to easy muscle gain and naturally maintaining
lower body fat.
Mesomorph Physical Traits
•Medium frame
•Athletic and toned body
•Muscle definition
•Generally rectangular-shaped body
•Gains muscle easily
The mesomorph predisposition to building muscle means that they respond quickly to
training, with physical results appearing relatively quickly. Because of this predisposition,
mesomorphs have the best natural body type for bodybuilding and strength-based sports.
However, mesomorphs can gain fat with muscular gain, so calorie allowances have to be made
to complement their chosen sport or training and cardio should also be practiced alongside
weight training.
Typically, a mesomorph diet is mixed – consisting of complex carbohydrates (40%), protein
(30%) and fat (30%) – however nutrition would be tailored to best suit the goals and
performance requirements of the individual.
In general, mesomorphs have a moderate tolerance to carbohydrates, meaning that they should
be called upon predominantly for training fuel and recovery, but not relied upon as a dietary
staple outside of training, in order to avoid fat gain without energy expenditure. For example,
bodybuilders would choose a much smaller ratio of carbohydrate to protein and fat, whereas
mesomorph athletes in competitive sports would possibly need a higher carbohydrate ratio to
fuel their cardio.
An endomorph body type is naturally predisposed to a ‘softer’ body mass and a higher body fat
ratio. With a slower metabolism than the other body types, endomorphs are insulin dominant,
meaning that their body more readily stores energy as body fat. However, endomorphs also gain
muscle with relative ease. With the correct training and nutritional approach, endomorph athletes
can truly optimize their physic and athletic performance, effectively harnessing their natural
Endomorph Physical Traits
•Soft body with minimal natural
muscle definition
•Tends towards a round body shape
•Prone to gaining fat
•Usually, have a larger bone structure
•Slower metabolism
•Finds it more difficult than the other
body types to lose fat
Due to their propensity towards a higher body fat ratio, an endomorph workout would
benefit most from emphasizing cardio in order to minimize weight gain from fat. Weight
training is also important in order to build muscle mass, and therefore boost the metabolic
Even those seeking to build muscle need to supplement their training with cardio in order to
reduce fat and allow muscle visibility. Professional endomorph bodybuilders supplement
their training with cardio, which those from the other body type subsets won’t necessarily
Football lineman and professional bodybuilders are often classified as endomorphs. Many
endomorphs are predisposed to excellent natural lower body strength, so this can certainly
often be used to the advantage of the endomorph athlete (think training that requires a
particular emphasis on lower-body strength such as sprinting, squatting and lifting.)
Endomorphs tend to be dominant in insulin, meaning they have a lower
carbohydrate tolerance to the other body types and a propensity towards
energy storage (e.g additional calorific intake and sugars are easily stored
as fat.) With this in mind, endomorphs seeking to enhance their physic and
athletic performance would benefit from a smaller proportional intake of
carbohydrate and a higher intake of protein and fat.
Ideally, refined carbohydrates should be avoided (e.g cookies, candy, non-
wholegrain bread) and complex carbohydrates (such as oatmeal, bananas
and sweet potato) used as training fuel. An endomorph diet will need to
control calorific intake more so than the other body types, in order to yield
effective fat loss results or to avoid fat gain.
My day to day tasks under new normal
Instructions. Create your personalized daily routine and indicate what type of activity
(exercise, household chores, etc.). Identify what type of muscles involved.
(Attach the picture)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

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