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1.1. Read the definitions and choose the most suitable words [Note: This task should be done before
students do the activity 1 on p
age 22.]
1. the way that an organization deals with customers before, during, and after a sale, and the activities
involved in dealing with customers
A. customer service B. customer management C. responsibilities
2. the fact that a customer returns to buy more products or services from the same company
A. business plan B. loyalty C. repeat business
3. to tell someone that something is wrong or not satisfactory, and that you are annoyed about it
A. complain B. accomplish C. gain
4. a written promise from a company or a person to repair or replace a product that you buy from them
if it develops a fault within a fixed period of time
A. refund B. warranty C. return
5. to behave in a particular way as a direct result of something else
A. response B. react C. recall

1.2. Match the words/phrases in the box with their definitions [Note: This task should be done before
students do the activity 4 on page 22.] There are THREE extra words.

consumer lead satisfaction prospect

referral customer recommendation referral

1. This person is a possible future customer. The chances of this are low, but the company still contacts
them. ____________________
2. This person is a possible future customer. The chances of this are high, and the company may already
be in contact with them. ____________________
3. This person goes into a store and buys something. They are the end user. ____________________
4. This person buys something at any point in the chain. They may be a manufacturer buying from a
supplier, a distributor buying from a manufacturer or the end user buying from a store.
5. This person becomes a new customer because an existing customer recommends them.
1.3. Find the words in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the article on page 23 with the following meanings [Note:
This task should be done before students do the activity 4 on page 22).] ONE WORD ONLY
1. help and advice that a company makes available to customers when they have bought something
2. something that you do or deal with first because it is more important or urgent than other things
3. the feelings that someone has about a product or service that can influence their decision whether to
buy it or not ____________________
4. the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult ____________________
5. serious and careful thought ____________________
1.4. Use words from exercise 1.3. to complete these sentences.
1. On ____________________ (= after considering it), I decided I had been wrong.
2. She had great ____________________ to succeed.
3. Advertising traditionally relies on the persuasive power of positive_____________.
4. If you have a question, contact our _________________________ line.
5. The president vowed to make education one of his top __________________.


2.1. Fill in the numbered blanks with the correct words/ phrases given in the box. There are FOUR
extra words.

refund solution sympathetic communicate

dissatisfied temper control apologize
deal agree delivery make

Before you (1) _______________ a complaint it’s important that you are absolutely clear about why you
are unhappy. Perhaps you are (2) _______________ with the way you were treated, you’ve bought a
product which was faulty, or a (3) _______________ was late. You also need to be clear in your mind
about what you want to achieve by complaining. Is it enough for someone to (4) _______________ for
the problem, or are you expecting a full (5) _______________ of the money you spent? When you do
complain, make sure you are speaking to the right person in the organization to deal with the problem.
Make an effort to communicate clearly and calmly. Try not to lose your (6) _______________, as this
may result in the other person being unhelpful. If you are not successful the first time, keep trying. You
may need to speak to several different people before you can agree on a (7) _______________. Finally,
if the listener has been (8) _____________ and you feel that they have resolved the complaint in a way
that is acceptable to you, remember to thank them for their help.
2.2. Choose the best word to fill in each gap.
Simco identified two factors that decide whether (1) _______________ customers will become loyal
ones: the outcome that customers experience and the process by which they receive it. “We’ve all
bought cars, and the car might be the most wonderful car, so the outcome was (2) _______________,”
Simco said. “But we might decide not to go back to the car dealership because they were (3)
_______________to work with. In this case, the process was negative.”

People, in the form of employees, are part of that process, she explained, and people are your key (4)
_______________ advantage. It’s your people who developed those relationships with your customers,
and you really need to (5) _______________ on them.”

Furthermonre, when it comes to convincing people in your organisation of the impact that customer
loyalty can have on your bottom line, the business case for building loyalty is quite simple. “ None of us
is surpirsed that loyal customers are going to (6) _______________ at two to four times the rate of just
purely satisfied customers,” she said. “And they’re going to enthusisatically (7) ______________ your
company to others. So they can serve as your best marketer. (8) ________________ customers are also
willing to pay more for your services.”

1. A. dissatisfied B. annoying C. negative D. satisfied

2. A. negative B. happy C. positive D. dissatisfying
3. A. glad B. annoying C. interested D. fun
4. A. competitive B. advantage C. beneficial D. enjoyable
5. A. depend B. work C. focus D. rely
6. A. sell B. acquire C. regain D. repurchase
7. A. retain B. reuse C. recommend D. improve
8. A. Potential B. Loyal C. Satisfying D. Annoying III.


3.1. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True or False.

One if the skills required of today’s successful business people is the ability to deal with difficult people
on the phone. The Reed Employment agency has come up with some advice to help business people get
the best from the caller.
First of all, accept that people can be rude when they are under pressure. Try to find out why they are
angry –even if you have to guess. And, importantly never get angry back. Many problems are caused by
a smile misunderstanding. Therefore, it is essential to remain calm so that you can get to the root of the
problem and thus have a better chance of resolving it. Understand that maintaining your calm is much
easier than it sounds – but you can prepare by designing a strategy. Most call centers train staff in these
techniques; other office workers need to train themselves. The trick is to be really nice back so that they
end up thanking you for your help, understanding and assistance. Secondly, listen carefully and
empathize with the person making the complaint. You don’t need to compromise your company or your
colleagues just because you show understanding. Agree to a course of action and stick to it and finally,
always try to be courteous. Sometimes you are the one who will have to apologize and you just have to
accept that. 

True/False statements
1 Successful business people are able to handle difficult people on the phone. _______ _______
2. Business people can sometimes get angry with customers making complaints on the phone. _______
3. Maintaining calm helps business people get to the root of the problem. _______ _______
4 Business people don’t have to show empathy with people making complaints. _______ _______
5. Business people never have to apologize customers. _______ _______

3.2. Read the text and answer the questions below.

Whenever a customer hands you a complaint, he’s also offering you an opportunity to create a
stronger and more profitable relationship with him. That’s because complaints that are handled
properly can be converted into increased loyalty, extra business and recommendations.
Although several of my customers have had complaints, initially my organization wasn’t ready to
hear the feedback. But over the years, listening to customers has helped me to shape our
services so they’re easier, better and faster. Here’s how to encourage them to communicate
their comments, feedback and complaints directly to you: firstly, at the point of purchase,
provide comment forms and an email link or phone number to you personally. Secondly, answer
each and every complaint or suggestion. Also, put your personal signature on each response.
Finally, create a customer-user group and pay attention to what they tell you. The golden rule is
this: when customers give you valuable feedback, make sure they’re rewarded in some special
way. You should send them a handwritten thank-you note, a free gift or a unique discount. Be
sure to tell them that their input is available.
 Questions
1. What are the results of handling customers’ complaints properly?
2. How has listening to customers helped the writer’s business?
3. How did the writer’s organization react to customers’ complaints initially?
4. What does the writer advise you to do on each response?
5. What should you send to customers if they give you valuable feedback?

Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
1. Multicultural teams may take more time to make decisions, so you need to be patient and live with
uncertainty for a while.
2. Customer loyalty and customer satisfaction increase when they are based on communication with
real people, and they may not be sacrificed if the customer service experience is too automated.
3. Every contact must contribute to customer satisfaction if a company wants to build a long-term
relationship and get repeat business.
4. The returning customers are especially valuable when they make a customer referral, that is
recommend the company’s products to colleagues or friends.
5. Loyal customers are going to come back to your company and not only use your current products and
service, but maybe start using some new ones and recommending them to others.

Complete the following incomplete sentences between 6 and 12 words USING YOUR OWN WORDS.
1. If you can keep existing customers happy, they _____________________________________
2. Good customer service can _contribute to increase returning customer and they make a referral
3. In order to deliver good customer service, staff need to exchange
4. If customers are not satisfied, they __________________________________________________
5. Every year, businesses spend millions on ___________________________________________

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