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Nietzsche was a theorist of what he called "master" morality and "slave" morality.

He said that
there were is essence two moralities based upon one's position within society. These were in
conflict with one another. His critique fell mostly on the "slave" morality lor traditional morality
that kept people in check when it was possible for them to ignore the slave morality and
accomplish great things. Nietzsche was unique in pointing out that morality is not a fixed thing,
but rather is skewed by one's position in the hierarchy.

Virtue ethics makes us understand how to live a life which has moral significance
in the society. With good practice we can definitely earn virtue to our life. For
example by practicing being ethical and practice truth and not lies, practicing
dignity and equality can lead to virtuous character.

In our everyday life when we use certain ideals such as dedication to common
good, towards full development of humanity and it is developed by learning and
practices. Practicing self discipline, becomes important. Virtues are habits, hence
an individual who has developed the virtue of kind and generosity then is often
referred to as a kind or generous man. Hence virtuous people are ethical human

Nietzsche was a philosopher of the concepts of "slave" and "master" morality. Based on one's
place in society, he claimed there were really only two moralities. Both of them were at odds
with one another. His criticism focused mostly on the "slave" morality of conventional morality
that served as a restraint on individuals even when doing so would have allowed them to
achieve great things. Nietzsche was the first to recognize that morality is not a constant but is
instead influenced by one's place in the hierarchy.

Critique of the Descriptive Components of Nietzsche traditional morality-

1. He states that human or individual agents possess a will capable of free


2. He also stated that our self is transparent where our actions can be
distinguished on the basis of our respective motives.

Normative components-

1. The normative agenda favors the interests of the lowest human beings at the
expense of the highest.
2. Culture where norms prevails as morality in fact that will eliminate the
conditions for realisation of human excellence.

Nietzsche was a philosopher of the concepts of "slave" and "master" morality.

Based on one's place in society, he claimed there were really only two moralities.
Both of them were at odds with one another. His criticism focused mostly on the
"slave" morality of conventional morality that served as a restraint on individuals
even when doing so would have allowed them to achieve great things. Nietzsche
was the first to recognize that morality is not a constant but is instead influenced by
one's place in the hierarchy.

Critique of the Descriptive Components of Nietzsche traditional morality-

1. He states that human or individual agents possess a will capable of free choice.

2. He also stated that our self is transparent where our actions can be distinguished
on the basis of our respective motives.

Normative components-

1. The normative agenda favors the interests of the lowest human beings at the
expense of the highest.

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