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Morality for Kant is therefore an aspect of rationality and has to do with our
conciseness of rules or laws of behavior which we consider both universal and necessary.
The qualities of universality and necessity are the marks of prior judgments and these
affirmed by Kant as the principle of behavior. These derived by practical reason a priori;
instead of searching for the quality of goodness, in the effects of our actions. Kant much
focus was upon the rational aspect of our behavior. Moral philosophy is the quest for
these principles that apply to all rational beings and that lead to behavior that we call
good. Kant chief point is the essence of the moral .good act is the principle that a person
affirms when he wills an act. The good will is good not because what it cause but because
of the willing that is to say, the good will is good to itself.

According to Kant, There are two moral demands which are; freedom, immortality
and God existence. Freedom is the thought which is so important for the one to assume
because of our experience of moral obligation, that is “because I must, I can” 1.Even
though it is difficult to say our will are free, but our intellect assume so. In real sense,
morality and freedom are two things inseparable. Because how can a person have
responsibility for duty without being free to do such duty? It is not possible, so according
to Kant, Freedom is one of the Demands of morality

The reason which brought Kant to say the immortality is another demand of
morality is his conception of the supreme good “summum bonum” 2.The rational beings
only are satisfied when there is the union between virtue and happiness. Although it does
not always happen so but we all assume that virtue ought to produce happiness.
According to Kant had maintained that the moral law commands us to act not so that we
become happy but because our actions will be right. The thought of the rational beings
normally shows that the supreme good includes both virtue and happiness. But in the
experience there is no any necessary connection between virtue and happiness. The moral

Samuel,STUMPF,Philosopy:History and problem, McGraw-Hill, New York,2003,300
law always command us to live in perfect good .A man has endless progress and it is
possible only due to the supposition of the unending time which is Kant called it as the
immortality of the soul.

Because we mean by happiness as the state of a rational being in the world in his
experience everything goes according to his wish and will, then happiness implies
harmony between persons will and the physical nature because rational beings are not the
author of the world, then there must be the supreme being who is the author of the world.
So there must be the cause of the things which man act morally .Here there is then
demand of Gods existence.


Nietzsche rejected the idea that there is universal and absolute system of morality
that everyone must equally obey,becauase people are difference also it is impossible for
them to have one moral law. It is impracticable to presume that there is only one nature of
people so that all may follow one set of rules.

According to Nietzsche the Christianity and the Judaism morality are load and are
contrary with our nature and also their morality bring the troubles in life. He proposed
two types of morality. These are slave and master morality. In the master morality “good”
always meant “noble” in the sense of “with a soul of high talent”. “Evil” by contrast,
meant “unpleasant” or “accepted”. According to Nietzsche noble people regard
themselves as the creators and determiners of values. They pass decision upon
themselves. Their morality is one of self –praise. These noble individuals act out of a
feeling of power, which seeks to spread out.3

Slave morality originates with the lowest element of society; the battered, the
exploited, the slaves, and those who are uncertain of themselves. For the slave, “good” is

Samuel,STUMPF,Philosopy:History and problem, McGraw-Hill, New York,2003,384
the symbol for all those qualities that serve to lighten the existence of victims, such
assympathy, and the kind of helping hands. According to him, the slave morality is
essentially the morality of efficacy since moral goodness involves whatever is beneficial
to those who are weak and powerless 4. With the slave morality, the person who arouses
fright is “evil”, but with the master morality it is in fact the “good” person who is able to
arouse fright.


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