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Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

In homeschooling, the child can learn in a way they find easy. They
also get the sole attention of an adult. This is helps because all the of
the student’s doubts get cleared. They can focus on a topic for a long
time until the child has completely understood the topic.
There are many disadvantages of homeschooling. One of them is
socializing. When you study at home, you are not able to meet new
people and make new friends. This leads to loneliness. Another
disadvantage is that your parents may not be properly educated. For
example, if your parent is good at science but not math, then you will
only get better and better at science and lag behind in math. Lastly, I
think that when you are in a school with a group of students, then
you get different answers and perspectives to a question. Otherwise,
you get only one perspective and answer, which is yours.

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