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Review - Mood of Verbs

I. Indicate the mood of each of the following verbs as Indicative, Imperative, or


1. Victor enjoys skating; however, he doesn't skate very often.

2. Please don't forget to water the plants.
3. Today, I am meeting my friends for a coffee at the Corner Café.
4. I suggest that you dress warmly because the temperature is dropping.
5. Do you know where everyone has gone?
6. Watch out for the puddle!
7. To protect your head from a fall, it is important that you wear a helmet.
8. If I were to be late, you would have to leave without me.
9. Please help yourself to some homemade soup and crusty bread.
10. If they were seen breaking into the building, they will face charges.
11. It is best that she stay here tonight instead of driving home in the snow storm.
12. If he were at the baseball game right now, he would be eating hotdogs.
13. We demanded that he stop setting off the fire alarm at school.
14. Rain falls quite heavily during the month of April.
15. Don’t forget to do your homework on photosynthesis.

II. The verb in each sentence is in the indicative mood. Rewrite the sentence to
express the mood shown in parentheses.

1. Pet cats and dogs are fed everyday. (subjunctive- suggestion)

2. She runs to the market to buy cat food. (imperative)
3. That cat is hungry, and it is clawing your leg. (subjunctive-condition contrary to fact)
4. A pet’s diet contains all the nutrients needed for good health. (subjunctive- suggestion)
5. He shows responsibility in caring for a pet. (imperative)

III. Using the topic “Family Trip” write three sentences: one in indicative, imperative
and subjunctive mood.


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