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Tanggal 29: Video

[Judul] Anti Internet Gadungan

VO Footage

Hangout di café, staycation di hotel pasti Footage menyesuaikan, sisipkan video /

menyenangkan. footage preview pesona Bali.

Hanging out at café or staycation at hotel

is surely delightful.

Karena kita dilayani.

Because we are served.

Tapi tidak semua layanan patut diapresiasi.

Yet not every service is worth to be


Terutama layanan internet abal-abal.

Particularly a fraud internet service

Ada wifi public yang free dan open,

langsung connect, karena dikira jaringan
wifi baru.

Seeing a free and open Wi-Fi public

service, you directly connect to it for you
think it is a new Wi-Fi network

Padahal, layanan ini bisa

Bukannya keren malah jadi kere.

In fact, this fraud internet service can harm

Instead of looking awesome, you will be
looking awful.

Karena akun medsosmu, emailmu, bahkan

mungkin kata sandi e-bankingmu bisa

Because your social media account, emails,

probably your e-banking password can be

Jadi, setiap kamu hangout di café atau

staycation di hotel, selalu koneksikan
gadgetmu ke jaringan wifi yang disediakan
secara resmi oleh pemilik café/hotel.

So, always connect your devices to Wi-Fi

network provided legally by the café or
hotel whenever you are there.

Biar makin ketjeh, cobain deh hangout atau

staycation di café dan hotel yang mendapat
layanan Varnion.

To look more awesome than ever, it is

suggested that you choose café or hotel
managed by Varnion network.

Karena koneksi internet Varnion sudah

pasti aman, nyaman dan ga tahaaaan untuk
buru-buru unggah video atau foto.

Because the internet connection by Varnion

is dependable, comfortable and photo video

Yuk cobain sensasinya berselancar bersama


Feel the maximum sensation of surfing the

internet with Varnion.

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