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November 9,2023

Edgar Gomez
On November 9, 2023 Edgar Gomez, author of High Risk Homosexual: A Memoir came to
CSUN to do a reading of his book. From what I saw many of the people there were students and
then like 4 professors who also came. The event mainly contained Edgar Gomez talking about
his book and his upbringing; he even started off with a poem he wrote during quarantine about
being proud of being gay the crowd was interactive it wasn’t completely silent the whole time
there were some laughs here and there when he read his poem and when he was talking the book
and even giving some background. People even asked questions when it was Q&A time. It
wasn't silent the whole time and there were definitely interesting questions with interesting
answers. For instance someone asked a question along the lines of “what did your family think
about the book” to which Edgar replied saying that his mom did read the book and even
apologized to him about the way she treated him back then he also talked about how one of his
uncles knew Edgar wrote a book and knew he was in it and said something about wanting a cut
of the profit since he was it even though his name wasn’t explicitly said. Edgar also said that he
noticed that while his uncle said what he said he didn’t think that what he did was wrong for me
personally if felt like his uncle really is set on the mindset he has and isn’t going to acknowledge
any wrong doing soon. So I found that part of the interview the most interesting because it was a
reminder that at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you call people out on what they’ve done
they might change their public image but they’re still them and there’s no changing that if they
don’t want to. Something else that caught my attention was when someone asked “when did you
begin writing the memoir” and he answered that some of the first few chapter he actually started
when he was in college I mean from what I understood he didn’t have intentions of writing a
memoir when he was in college and they all came from writing exercises he did. It was attention
grabbing because even after he’s done with college he used examples or papers he had from
when he was in college to help him go off on what he did have and continued. The event itself
was interesting, I’ve never done anything like this before so I didn’t know what to expect or how
it’d go but it was an easy going session it wasn’t anything I couldn’t understand or difficult.

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