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Throughout the years technology has come to the schools as part of the students and teachers
in education and we have included it in our school.

About changes

We have made some changes to facilitate our level of learning in school hours. First of all we
included a virtual platform, where teachers can upload books to the app without the need to
make copies.
Secondly, the teachers no longer need the blackboard, we have a television where
powerpoints with the contents for the subjects are transmitted, something really dynamic.
And every class we have to upload the notes or exercises that have been done in class as
homework and study method.
The classes are recorded so if we don't remember something we just have to look up the day
and the class and that's it.

Obviously not all classes have implemented this system, but if you want to see how effective
these changes can be you should watch the computer science and mathematics class as all
these changes are mainly in those subjects.
we hope that this information will be useful for you to vitiate the start of the technology

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