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Magcawas, Jolo A.

BSIT – 211

PE 2

Narrative Report

In this narrative report, it shows about the athletics running from starting line to finish line. In
this kind of athletics, players should practice speed, endurance and determination. From the first
picture, players are doing their preparation and doing some warm ups with appropriate shoes and
clothes that provide comfort and support before they run. Doing some warm-ups gives the players to
loosen their muscles, increasing blood flow and dynamic exercise to enhance agility and flexibility. For
the second picture, it will be starting line where players are taking the ground for their race by focusing
on good form to reduce risk of injury. For the next picture, players are ready to set and athletes should
remain their starting position and maintain their focus, quick reaction times precise footwork and
concentration. Next is the sprint, which is the moment of athletes to launch themselves forward and
begin their sprint toward the finish line. While in the mid race, players progress becomes paramount
that runners face physical fatigue and pushing their bodies to the limit. Last is the waiting finish line for
runners and waiting who will be the first to cross the finish line.
For Long Jump

Long jump event involves athletes attempting to jump as far as they can from designated take off into sandpit.

On this narrative, players are warming up their bodies to increase blood flow and temperature to lessen injury
risk. Base on my observation, the players approaching to the starting line point and accelerating steps to build
speed and momentum. Once the player is in the air, the players rotating the body position before landing and
after that I will land in the soft sandpit and track the feet touch to the ground and scorer will measure the the cm
and etc.

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