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Welcome to a gentle way of releasing emotions!

Why is this so important? Every time, we have something upsetting happening in

our lives, the energy of the emotion experienced, stays behind as an energetic
imprint. These energies can be stuck in our energy field, chakras, physical body,
or our heart, creating a heart-wall.

Benefits of an emotion code session:

Restores feelings of joy, love, gratitude, increases energy levels and well-being!
Restore flow of intuition, confidence, creativity, inner peace and inspiration
Improves mental, emotional and physical stress responses
Clears away energy blockages
Releases tension & traumatic energy from the body
Clears energetic barriers to mental clarity
Releases unhealthy emotions, stress, tension, and negative energy
Lowers stress responses to daily life challenges

How does a session for kids and pets work?

I will perform the clearing as they go about their day, and send you the
notes/report of what was cleared, age related to the emotions presented, and if
there is any other information you need to know (inherited emotion, stuck in a
chakra, or absorbed from someone else.) As the emotions are released, some
clients report they can see immediate effects ranging from subtle to profound in
their kids or pets overall health, life or well being.

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