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Citation List

Day 1:

Novembre, G., M. Zanon, and G. Silani. "Empathy for Social Exclusion

Involves the Sensory-discriminative Component of Pain: A Within-
subject FMRI Study." Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Lewis, Thomas, Fari Amini, and Richard Lannon. A General Theory of

Love. New York: Random House, 2000

Goleman, Daniel, Richard E. Boyatzis, and Annie McKee. Primal

Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence.

Iacoboni, Marco. "Imitation, Empathy, and Mirror Neurons." Annual

Review of Psychology 60.1 (2009): 653-70.

Cuddy, Amy J.c., Peter Glick, and Anna Beninger. "The Dynamics of
Warmth and Competence Judgments, and Their Outcomes in
Organizations." Research in Organizational Behavior 31 (2011): 73-98.

Gilovich, Thomas, and Victoria Husted Medvec. "The Experience of

Regret: What, When, and Why." Psychological Review 102.2 (1995):

Bernieri, Frank J., and Kristen N. Petty. "The Influence of Handshakes

on First Impression Accuracy." Social Influence 6.2 (2011): 78-87.

Carr, Deborah, Vicki A. Freedman, Jennifer C. Cornman, and Norbert

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Balthazard, Pierre A., David A. Waldman, Robert W. Thatcher, and

Sean T. Hannah. "Differentiating Transformational and Non-
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Leadership Quarterly 23.2 (2012): 244-58.
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Goleman, Daniel, Richard E. Boyatzis, and Annie McKee. The New

Leaders: Transforming the Art of Leadership into the Science of
Results. London: Little, Brown, 2002.

Howard, Pierce J., and Jane Mitchell Howard. The Owner's Manual for
Personality at Work: How the Big Five Personality Traits Affect
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Pillay, Srinivasan S. Your Brain and Business: The Neuroscience of

Great Leaders. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT, 2011.

Wiseman, Richard. 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot. New York:

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Tieger, Paul D., and Barbara Barron-Tieger. The Art of Speedreading

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Want in Business and in Life. Boston: Little, Brown, 1998.

Nettle, Daniel. Personality: What Makes You the Way You Are. Oxford:
Oxford UP, 2007.

Silberman, Melvin L., and Freda Hansburg. People Smart: Developing

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Mayer, John D. Personal Intelligence: The Power of Personality and

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Covey, Stephen R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Provo, UT:

Franklin Covey, 1998.
Pillay, Srinivasan S. Life Unlocked: 7 Revolutionary Lessons to
Overcome Fear. Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 2010.

Holmes, Hannah. Quirk: Brain Science Makes Sense of Your Peculiar

Personality. New York: Random House, 2011.

McAdams, Dan P., Ruthellen Josselson, and Amia Lieblich. Turns in the
Road: Narrative Studies of Lives in Transition. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association, 2001.

Guinn, Jeff. Manson: The Life and times of Charles Manson.

Albrecht, Karl. Social Intelligence: The New Science of Success. San

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Fleming, Carol A. It's the Way You Say It: Becoming Articulate, Well-
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Glass, Lillian. I Know What You're Thinking: Using the Four Codes of
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Boswell, John. What to Say to Get Your Way: The Magic Words That
Guarantee Better, More Effective Communication. New York: St.
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Barondes, Samuel H. Making Sense of People: Decoding the Mysteries

of Personality. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT, 2012.

Carnegie, Dale. The 5 Essential People Skills: How to Assert Yourself,

Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts. New York: Simon & Schuster,

Colin, Chris, Rob Baedecker, and Tony Millionaire. What to Talk About:
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Ouellette, Jennifer. Me, Myself, and Why: Searching for the Science of

Levine, Amir, and Rachel Heller. Attached: The New Science of Adult
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Duarte, Nancy. HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations. Boston, MA:
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Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York: Farrar, Straus
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Day 2:

Carmody, Dennis P., and Michael Lewis. "Brain Activation When

Hearing One's Own and Others' Names." Brain Research 1116.1 (2006):

Tamir, D. I., and J. P. Mitchell. "Disclosing Information about the Self Is

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Day 3:

Carpenter, Patricia A., Marcel Adam Just, and Erik D. Reichle. "Working
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Current Opinion in Neurobiology 10.2 (2000): 195-99.

Dunbar, R. I. M., Anna Marriott, and N. D. C. Duncan. "Human

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Day 4:

Small, Deborah A., George Loewenstein, and Paul Slovic. "Sympathy

and Callousness: The Impact of Deliberative Thought on Donations to
Identifiable and Statistical Victims." Organizational Behavior and
Human Decision Processes 102.2 (2007): 143-53.

Day 5:

Friedman, Howard S., Louise M. Prince, Ronald E. Riggio, and M. Robin

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The Affective Communication Test." Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology 39.2 (1980): 333-51.
Epstude, Kai, and Thomas Mussweiler. "What You Feel Is How You
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Emotion 9.1 (2009): 1-14.

Day 7:

Proulx, Travis, and Steven J. Heine. "Connections From Kafka:

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Grammar." Psychological Science 20.9 (2009): 1125-131.

Day 8:

Alison Wood Brooks, Hengchen Dai, and Maurice E. Schweitzer (2013).

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Empathic Concern and Increase Trust. Social Psychological and
Personality Science.

Mehl, M. R., S. Vazire, S. E. Holleran, and C. S. Clark. "Eavesdropping on

Happiness: Well-Being Is Related to Having Less Small Talk and More
Substantive Conversations." Psychological Science 21.4 (2010): 539-41.

Day 9:

Rind, Bruce. "Effect of Beliefs About Weather Conditions on Tipping."

Journal of Applied Social Psychology 26.2 (1996): 137-47.

Crawford, Matthew T., John J. Skowronski, and Chris Stiff. "Limiting the
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Social Psychology 43.3 (2007): 466-72.

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Jussim, Lee, and Kent D. Harber. "Teacher Expectations and Self-
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Day 10:

Simons, Daniel J., and Daniel T. Levin. "Failure to Detect Changes to

People during a Real-world Interaction." Psychonomic Bulletin &
Review 5.4 (1998): 644-49.

Neubert, Sean. "The Five-Factor Model of Personality in the

Workplace." The Five-Factor Model in the Workplace. Rochester
Institute of Technology, Nov. 2004.

Day 13:

Dishman, Lydia. "How To Stop Feeling Like A Fraud." Fast Company.

Fast Company, 26 Mar. 2014.

Ledoux, Joseph E. "Emotion, Memory and the Brain." Scientific

American 270.6 (1994): 50-57.

Whalen, Paul J., Lisa M. Shin, Sean C. Mcinerney, Håkan Fischer,

Christopher I. Wright, and Scott L. Rauch. "A Functional MRI Study of
Human Amygdala Responses to Facial Expressions of Fear versus
Anger." Emotion 1.1 (2001): 70-83.

Aloe, L., L. Bracci-Laudiero, E. Allevat, A. Lambiase, A. Micera, and P.

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Growth Factor Receptors in Lymphocytes." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
91 (1994): 10440-0444.

Lieberman, M. D., N. I. Eisenberger, M. J. Crockett, S. M. Tom, J. H.

Pfeifer, and B. M. Way. "Putting Feelings Into Words: Affect Labeling
Disrupts Amygdala Activity in Response to Affective Stimuli."
Psychological Science 18.5 (2007): 421-28.

Neff, Kristin D., and Roos Vonk. "Self-Compassion Versus Global Self-
Esteem: Two Different Ways of Relating to Oneself." Journal of
Personality 77.1 (2009): 23-50.

Day 15:
Mcadams, Dan P. "The Psychology of Life Stories." Review of General
Psychology 5.2 (2001): 100-22.

Day 16:

Raji, Cyrus A., Robert Tarzwell, Dan Pavel, Howard Schneider, Michael
Uszler, John Thornton, Muriel Van Lierop, Phil Cohen, Daniel G. Amen,
and Theodore Henderson. "Clinical Utility of SPECT Neuroimaging in
the Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic
Review." Ed. Jie Tian. PLoS ONE 9.3 (2014): E91088.

McGonigal, Kelly. The Willpower Instinct: How Self-control Works, Why

It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It. New York: Avery,

Carney, Dana R., and Mahzarin R. Banaji. "First Is Best." Ed. Sarah
Frances Brosnan. PLoS ONE 7.6 (2012): E35088.

Dockweiler, Scott. "The New Secrets to Rocking Your Skype

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Antonakis, John, Marika Fenley, and Sue Liechti. "Can Charisma Be

Taught? Tests of Two Interventions." The Academy of Management
Learning and Education 10.3 (2011): 374-96.

Platz, F., and R. Kopiez. "When the First Impression Counts: Music
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Behaviour." Musicae Scientiae 17.2 (2013): 167-97.

Pease, Allan, and Barbara Pease. The Definitive Book of Body

Language. New York: Bantam, 2006.

Goulston, Mark. Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting through to

Absolutely Anyone. New York: American Management Association,

Day 17:

Chaplin, William F., Jeffrey B. Phillips, Jonathan D. Brown, Nancy R.

Clanton, and Jennifer L. Stein. "Handshaking, Gender, Personality, and
First Impressions." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79.1
(2000): 110-17.
Cabane, Olivia Fox. The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the
Art and Science of Personal Magnetism. New York: Portfolio/Penguin,

Day 18:

Moore, Monica M. "Courtship Communication And Perception."

Perceptual and Motor Skills 94.1 (2002): 97-105.

Dweck, Carol S. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York:

Random House, 2006.

Ingalhalikara, Madhura, Alex Smith, and Drew Parker. "Sex Differences

in the Structural Connectome of the Human Brain." PNAS 111.2 (2014):

Baron-Cohen, Simon. "The Extreme Male Brain Theory of Autism."

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Day 19:

Waters, Everett, David Corcoran, and Meltem Anafarta. "Attachment,

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Together." Human Development 48.1-2 (2005): 80-84.

Landa, Sophie, and Robbie Duschinsky. "Crittenden’s Dynamic–

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Day 20:

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Day 21:

Ariely, Dan, Uri Gneezy, George Loewnstein, and Nina Mazar. "Large
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Day 22:

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of Business Administration, Harvard U, 1968.
Norton, Michael I., Daniel Mochon, and Dan Ariely. "The IKEA Effect:
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Day 24:

Balthazard, Pierre A., David A. Waldman, Robert W. Thatcher, and

Sean T. Hannah. "Differentiating Transformational and Non-
transformational Leaders on the Basis of Neurological Imaging." The
Leadership Quarterly 23.2 (2012): 244-58.

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Day 25:

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Day 27:

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Day 28:

Roberts, S. Craig, A. C. Little, A. Lyndon, J. Roberts, J. Havlicek, and R.

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Day 30:

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