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A history of niobium

Article · January 2007


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1 author:

Fathi Habashi
Laval University


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A History of Niobium
Habashi, F. (1)

Niobium is a member of the group known as re- years, about 460 mil- During tin smelting, the tantalum and
fractory metals composed of the ten metals tung- lion tons. The mining niobium become concentrated in the
sten, molybdenum, niobium, tantalum, titanium, of weathered ore, slag.
zirconium, hafnium, vanadium, rhenium, and running between 2.5
chromium, located near each other in the Peri- and 3.0 % Nb2O5, is Discovery and isolation
odic Table (Fig. 1). All these metals have high conducted by simp-
melting points. For example, tungsten melts at le open pit mining Discovery of a new metal is a great
3380 °C and niobium at 2487 °C. They are without the need for honor to the discoverer and a great
mainly used as alloying elements in steel but also drilling and explosi- prestige to his country. The anci-
in the elemental form. Some resist high tempera- ves. ent people knew only seven metals:
The other pyrochlo- gold, silver, copper, lead, mercury,
ture without oxidation, and some are very hard,
re mine in Brazil is tin, and iron. During the Middle Ages
having excellent wear and abrasion resistance.
owned and operated arsenic, antimony, bismuth, and zinc
Information about the history and technology of by Anglo American became known. It was in the eigh-
this group of metals is available in a number of Brasil Mineração teenth century that more metals were
monographs and review articles [1-15]. Catalão and contains discovered and only towards the end
18 million tonnes of that century and the beginning of
Occurence and relative at 1.34 % niobium oxide. The third the next, that most of the refractory
Abundance major deposit of pyrochlore being metals were discovered.
actively mined is the Niobec Mine in During the eighteenth century mine-
The most important niobi- Quebec, Canada, owned by Cambior, ralogists and chemists were actively
um mineral is pyrochlore, with reserves of 18,000 tonnes. In all collecting, analyzing, and arranging
(Ca,Na)2-mNb2O6(O,OH,F)1-n.xH2O dis- three facilities, the pyrochlore mineral minerals for display and study. Some-
covered in 1826. The lattice positions is processed by primarily physical pro- times the analysis of a mineral was a
of Na and Ca can also be occupied cessing technology to give a concen- few per cent short to account for its
by Ba, Sr, rare earths, Th, and U. The trate ranging from 55 to about 60 % full composition. In these cases, the
latter two elements are responsible for niobium oxide. These three companies presence of a new metal was suspec-
the radioactivity of some pyrochlore produce about 85 % of the world‘s ted and attempts were made to isolate
concentrates. The name comes from demand for niobium products, with it. Once a grain of metallic character
the Greek πυρ, fire, and χλωρος, most of that output being in the form was obtained from an earth (oxide),
green in allusion to the fact that the of ferro-niobium with a nominal 60 % the discovery of a metal was confir-
mineral usually turns green on igniti- niobium oxide content, for making med and the work was extended to
on. Two types of niobium ore deposits high-strength, low-alloy steel. prepare a large amount of this metal
are known. In primary deposits, e.g., The second most important niobium in a pure form to study its proper-
the Canadian deposits at Saint Honoré mineral is columbite, (Fe,Mn)(Nb,Ta)2O6,
and Oka both in Quebec Province, the in which niobium is always present
calciopyrochlore is interstratified in with tantalum. These ores are referred
dolomite. The ore contains 0.5-0.7 % to as columbites if the Nb2O5 content
Nb2O5. In the secondary Brazilian is greater than that of Ta2O5, otherwi-
deposits at Araxá and Catalão both se as tantalites. Columbites and tan-
in Minas Gerais State, the niobium talites contain at least 60 % combined
content of the carbonate minerals pentoxides. These minerals occur as
has been considerably enriched by primary deposits in granites and peg-
weathering. The ore contains about matits, or in alluvial secondary depo-
3 % Nb2O5, 46 % Fe2O3, 17-18 % BaO sits. It was in these minerals that both
as barite, and 1.5 % P as apatite. The niobium and tantalum were disco-
world‘s largest deposit is located in vered.An important potential reserve
Araxá and is owned by Companhia lies in a belt stretching from China to
Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração. Indonesia via Thailand and Malaysia,
The reserves are enough to supply and consists of cassiterite, SnO2, that Fig. 1: Position of the refractory
current world demand for about 500 contains some tantalum and niobium. metals in the Periodic Table

804 · 61. Jahrgang · 1-2/2007

Historische Metallurgie

published by the famous German che-

mist and Nobel Prize winner Walther
Nernst (1864-1941) at the end of
the last century shows that the mel-
ting points of most of the refractory
metals were still unknown (Table 1).
The close similarity between niobium
and tantalum and their occurrence
together in minerals caused a con-
fusion among chemists for about
half a century. In 1801 in London,
the English chemist Charles Hat-
chett (1765-1847) (Fig. 2) announced
Fig. 2: Charles Hatchett (1765- the discovery of a new earth which
1847) discoverer of niobium. A implied the discovery of a new metal.
medal given annually in his honor He called it columbium because he
to noted chemists since 1979 found it in a specimen of a heavy Fig. 4: English chemist William H.
by the Institute of Materials in black mineral called columbite from Wollaston (1766-1828)
London. The award is given to the New England in the North Ame-
author of the best paper on the rican colony, in honor of Christo- resolved the confusion regarding the
science and technology of niobium pher Columbus because it was first two metals (Fig. 7). He was then able
and its alloys. discovered in North America. The to isolate tantalum after repeated
mineral was supplied to the British crystallization of double fluorides
ties. This, however, was not enough Museum by the Governor of Con- followed by reduction. Today, sol-
for two closely related metals like necticut, John Winthrop, who was vent extraction methods are used to
niobium and tantalum. In this case, a manufacturing chemist, physician, separate niobium from tantalum, for
separation of compounds of the indi- and mineral collector. A year later example, using Hexone.
vidual metals must first be achieved. in 1802, the Swedish chemist Anders Niobium was isolated in 1864 by the
It may take a century or more from Gustaf Ekeberg (1767-1813) (Fig. 3) Swedish chemist Christian Wilhelm
the time a metal was discovered until in Uppsala analyzed a specimen of Blomstrand (1826-1897) (Fig. 8) by
it was isolated in a pure form. a mineral from Kimitom in Finland reduction of NbCl5 in hydrogen but
The melting point is one of the and another from Ytterby quarry in the metal still contained tantalum.
most important criteria for the purity Sweden and found that both contain The first pure samples of both nio-
of a substance. Chemists, physicists, a hitherto unknown metal which he bium and tantalum were not made
and metallurgists made great effort called tantalum because it had been a until 1907 when the German chemist
to determine the melting points of tantalizing task to trace it down.
metals. This is particularly difficult In 1809, another English chemist Wil-
Metal Melting point (°C)
for the high-melting metals. A Table liam H. Wollaston (1766-1828) (Fig. 4)
analyzed the same mineral studied by Nernst Today
Hatchett and came to the conclusion Ti not fused 1677
that Hatchett‘s columbium must be Zr >Si 1852
the same as Ekeberg‘s tantalum. This
Cr >1957 1900
erroneous opinion was held by the
greatest chemists in Europe for forty V not fused 1917
years until proved wrong by Heinrich Hf 2222
Rose (1795-1864) (Fig. 5) in Germany Nb not fused 2487
who in 1844 analyzed a large number Mo very high 2610
of minerals from America and Europe
Ta not fused 2997
and came to the conclusion that what
was thought to be an oxide of tanta- Re 3180
lum is in fact the oxide of new metal W very high 3380
which he called niobium. It was the
Swiss chemist Jean-Charles Marignac Table 1. Melting points of the refrac-
(1817-1894) (Fig. 6) in 1866 who tory metals as given by Nernst (Theo-
was able to make the separation of retical Chemistry, MacMillan, London)
niobium oxide from tantalum oxide in 1895 and today. Hafnium and
Fig. 3: Swedish chemist Anders by utilizing differences in solubilities rhenium were not discovered yet.
Gustaf Ekeberg (1767-1813) of their complex fluorides and have

· 61. Jahrgang · 1-2/2007 805


(60 tons) and Canada (60 tons) being

the major sources.

The refractory metals form part of
the so-called transition metals. They
are characterized by having the same
number of electrons in their outer-
most shell and a progressively greater
number of electrons in the next
inner shell. There are, however, some
apparent irregularities in the num-
ber of electrons in the outermost
electron shells. This is due to energy
Fig. 5: German chemist Heinrich levels which are determined from
Rose (1795-1864) spectroscopic measurements. As their
name implies the transition metals
Werner von Bolton (1868-1912) (Fig. have properties between the typical
9) at Siemens - Halske laboratories in and less typical metals. They are Fig. 6: Swiss chemist Jean-Char-
Berlin reduced K2NbOF5 and K2TaOF5 less reactive than the typical metals les Marignac (1817-1894)
with aluminum powder. It had taken because they will not achieve the
over 100 years to go from the disco- inert gas structure when they lose chromium, molybdenum and
very to the isolation of niobium. their outermost electrons, but they tungsten.
In the United States the metal disco- are nevertheless more reactive than They mostly form borides, car-
vered by Hatchett used to be known the less typical metals. They share bides, nitrides, and hydrides
as columbium, but in Europe the the following properties: which have mostly metallic
name niobium given by Rose is used. They resemble each other quite character except rhenium which
The International Union of Pure and closely besides showing the usu- does not form carbides.
Applied Chemistry recommended in al group relationships because They have the lowest solubility
1949 the use of the name niobium. In they have the same number of in mercury.
mythology Niobe was the daughter of the outermost electrons. The metals between lanthanum and
Tantalus. Tantalum was named from They may lose additional elec- hafnium, namely cerium to lutetium,
Greek mythology after King Tanta- trons from the next lower shell known as the lanthanides, are known
lus son of Zeus. The English verb to form ions with higher char- as inner transition metals because
to tantalize recalls the unsuccessful ges. As a result they show a they have the same number of elec-
attempts of Tantalus that was so near variable valence. For example, trons in the two outermost shells and
and desirable. The discoverer found vanadium exists in +2, +3, +4, a progressively greater number of
difficulty in dissolving the earth of and +5 oxidation states, and
that metal. titanium in +2, +3, and +4.
The major use of niobium is an The atomic radius of the succes-
alloying element for steel. Because sive metals in a certain horizon-
of its lower density and low thermal tal period decreases slightly as
neutron cross section compared to the atomic number rises because
other refractory metals, niobium is when an electron is added to an
useful in atomic reactors. At ordina- inner shell it decreases slightly
ry temperatures niobium will resist the size of the atom as a result
attack by all mineral acids, with the of increased electrostatic attrac-
exception of hydrofluoric, and it is tion.
not affected by mixed acids such as Most of them form colored ions
aqua regia. In 1999 the world mine in solution due to electronic
production of niobium was 18,500 transition with the exception
tons with Brazil (16,000 tons) and of the group Sc, Y, La and Ac
Canada (2,300 tons) being the major which form only colorless com-
sources. World mine production of pounds. Fig. 7: Separation of niobium from
tantalum is much smaller at 473 tons They form many covalent com- tantalum by Marignac’s method based
in 1999, Australia (350 tons), Brazil pounds, e.g., the chlorides of on solubility differences
titanium, and the oxyacids of

806 · 61. Jahrgang · 1-2/2007

Historische Metallurgie

the lower row are nearly double

those above them in the Periodic
Table, it follows that the densi-
ties of the metals in the lower
row are also nearly double those
above them.
The atoms of those metals in the
lower row are hence so compact, i.e.,
high density and this renders them
difficult to melt, i.e., refractory.

[1] C.K. Gupta, editor, Chemistry and Me-
tallurgy of Refractory and Reactive Me-
tals and Materials: Extraction and Pro-
Fig. 8: Swedish chemist Christian cessing, 2 volumes, Freund Publishing
Wilhelm Blomstrand (1826-1897) House, Tel-Aviv, Israel 1991-92.
[2] F. Habashi, editor, Handbook of Extracti-
ve Metallurgy, 4 volumes, WILEY-VCH,
electrons in the next inner shell. As Weinheim and New York 1997[3] Fig. 9: German chemist Werner
in typical and transition metals, the F. Habashi, editor, A History of Me- von Bolton (1868-1912) was the
tallurgy, Métallurgie Extractive Québec,
atomic radius in the lanthanides gra- Sainte Foy, Québec 1994. Distributed by first to prepare pure niobium and
dually decreases from lanthanum to Laval University Bookstore. tantalum in 1907
lutetium with the result that although [4] F. Habashi, „Discovery of Metals“, Bull.
Can. Inst. Min. & Met. 87 (979), 69-74 offindustrie, Leipzig 1961
the atomic radius of lanthanum is (1994), and 87 (980), 112-117 (1994) [12] H.Y. Sohn, O.N. Carlson, and J.T. Smith,
larger than that of yttrium, which [5] F. Habashi, „Mining, Metallurgy and My- editors, Extractive Metallurgy of Re-
is above it in the Table, the atomic thology“, Bull. Can. Inst. Min. & Met. 85 fractory Metals, The Metallurgical So-
(956), 79-83 (1992) ciety of AIME, Warrendale, Pennsylva-
radius of lutetium is smaller than [6] F. Habashi, “A New Look at the Peri- nia 1981
that of yttrium, i.e., La >Y >Lu. This odic Table,” Interdiscipl. Science Rev. 22 [13] V. Tafel, editor, Lehrbuch der Metall-
is known as the „lanthanide contrac- (1), 53–60 (1997) hüttenkunde, Volume 3, Hirzel Verlag,
[7] R. Kieffer, G. Jangg, and P. Ettmayer, Leipzig 1954
tion“ and is responsible for the fact Sondermetalle, Springer Verlag, Vienna [14] M.E. Weeks, Discovery of the Elements,
that the atomic radius of hafnium 1971 Journal of Chemical Education, Easton,
equals that of zirconium, and that [8] P. Kumar and R.L. Ammon, editors, Re- Pennsylvania 1960
fractory Metals. State of the Art, The [15] A.N. Zelikman, O.E. Krein, and G.V.
of tantalum to niobium, and that of Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, Samsonov, Metallurgy of Rare Metals,
tungsten to molybdenum. Two facts Warrendale, Pennsylvania 1988 Izdatel‘stvo Metallurgiya, Moscow
emerge as a result: [9] K.C. Liddell, D.R. Sadoway, and R.G. 1964, English translation by Israel Pro-
Bautista, editors, Refractory Metals. gram for Scientific Translations, Jerusa-
Isomorphous substitution. Haf- Extraction Processing and Applications, lem 1966
nium is always associated with The Minerals, Metals and Materials So-
zirconium in their minerals, ciety, Warrendale, Pennsylvania 1991 (1) F. Habashi, Department of Min-
[10] A.G. Quarrell, editor, Niobium, Tanta-
niobium with tantalum, and lum, Molybdenum, and Tungsten, Else- ing, Metallurgical, and Materi-
molybdenum with tungsten. vier, Amsterdam 1971 als Engineering, Laval University,
Refractory character. Since [11] W. Schreiter, Seltene Metalle, 3 volu- Quebec City, Canada G1K 7P4,
mes, VEB Deutscher Verlag für Grunst-
the atomic weights of metals in

European Aluminium Materials

European standardization has also converting the DIN Standards for Al for the practical man. The result is
led to serious changes within the alu- and its alloys into European Stand- this pocket book. It is arranged in
minium domain. In a relative short ards. Beyond that, it showed that an application oriented manner and
period the German Industrial Stand- in practice there is generally little can always be present „on site“ due
ards (DIN) had to be replaced by knowledge concerning the alloy des- to its size. The cited Standards and
European Standards. At a combined ignation system, the material temper the Standards for areas which are not
meeting of the International and designations and the old/new recod- treated are obtainable from the Beuth
European Standardization committee ing for aluminium and its alloys. publishing house.
(AGIE) of the ANP advisory council Therefore the task-forte AGIE10 „EN
(ANPIE) for DIN, held 1996 in Heidel- conversion non-ferrous metals - alu- From H.-W. Wenglorz, Beuth-Verlag,
berg, a majority of the people present minium/copper“ was formed, which Berlin, 2006, 294 p., Softcover, EUR
regretted the problems involved in was aimed at compiling a simple aid 29,80, ISBN 3-410-16287-9

· 61. Jahrgang · 1-2/2007 807

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