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The delivery schedule allows us to enter and control the sales demand of our customers. It
consists of a record of products and quantities requested, for certain customers, delivery
locations and delivery dates, with established sales conditions (price, unit, and sales currency).

2. Screen Structure

The screen is divided in:

- Filters
- Main grid
- Batches info
- Client info

3. Filters

There are two types of element to filter: boxes and tri-checks.

Boxes: The boxes are subdivided in list box and regular boxes. In the list box list box you can
click on the arrow and it’ll show all the options that it has associated or you can write in the
box the value you are searching for and the field will show you the values that matches the
value you enter.

Tri-checks: The tri-checks work as follows: If you click once the box it will appear a check

symbol (✔) the system will show the data that matches the value you check, if you click it twice

it will appear and x symbol (✘) the system will show you data that does not contain the
selected value.

Through this option we can filter to browse among all the records of the delivery plan, the
filter criteria we have are:


a. Enterprise: This field refers to a specific company of the Daifruits group of companies
who performs the operation.
b. Start date/End date: This option allows us to select the range of dates that we want to
search for.
c. Category: This option allows us to select between the categories of the products, for
example: berries, vegetables, citrus, etc.
d. Article: Select the specific article you want to search for. For example: mango loose pz,
orange girsac 1.5 kg, etc.
e. Clients group: Allows to select an option that contains a group of clients predefined.
For example: Tesco, which contains Tesco SR, Tesco CR and Tesco ZRT as a whole.
f. Client: Company to which the sale/delivery is made. For example: Netto, Jeronimo
Martins Polska, Bakker, etc
g. Location: This field refers to the depot location of the client that we have previously
selected. For example: If we selected Netto as a cliente the locations will be Netto
Gliwice, Netto Teresin, etc. If we don´t select the client, the location option will be
h. SP: The service provider from which the delivery is made. For example: DFG, DLS,
Matrix, Servicefruit, etc.
i. Purchase order: Filters the planned deliveries of the purchase order that is specified.
j. International expedition: Filters the planned deliveries of the specified international
k. Delivery expedition: Filters the planned deliveries of the specified delivery expedition.
l. Rejection expedition: Filters the planned deliveries of the specified rejection


m. Daily order: Returns records containing scheduled deliveries with daily orders.
n. Purchase order created: Returns records containing (or not) scheduled deliveries with
purchase orders created.
o. In sales order: Returns records containing (or not) scheduled deliveries that have
associated a sales order.
p. In invoiced sales order: Returns records containing (or not) scheduled deliveries that
have associated a sales order that has already been invoiced.
q. Reverse client filter: Returns records containing scheduled deliveries that do not match
with the chosen client or group of clients.
r. Direct delivery: Returns records containing scheduled deliveries with direct deliveries.
s. Cancelled: Returns records containing (or not) scheduled deliveries that have been
t. Delivery expedition created: Returns records containing (or not) scheduled deliveries
that have an expedition that has already been created.

4. Main grid
5. Actions

Through the buttons:

a. Add /modify delivery: Through this option we can an add/modify a delivery filling at
least the fields client, delivery date, article, delivery quantity and unit, sales prices and
unit and currency.
The box type, box log, pallet type and pallet log field will be auto filled according to the
customer and article you’ve selected.
The weight, pallets, boxes field will be automatically calculated according to the
delivery quantity that you’ve entered.

b. Remove delivery: To remove a record we click on the row we want to remove or check
the box in the left a press the button “Remove delivery”.
The only restriction that would prevent a record from being deleted is that it already
has a proforma invoice generated. We can delete it even if we have already created a
folder or an order from it, the system will simply warn us about it when we try to
eliminate it in these cases; and after that, both the customer order and the batches
linked to the deleted records, simply disassociates.

c. Duplicate delivery: This action button allows you to duplicate one delivery that you
have created, through the same window of the “add/modify delivery”.
d. Duplicate records: The main difference between this button and the previous one is
that in this one, you can select more than one record to duplicate a change the depot
and delivery date, the other fields are not eligible and are copied from the original

e. Cancel/undo cancel: This option allows you to disable the record you have selected,
therefore making it useless for the other action buttons. If you want to und the
cancelling, select the record a press “undo cancel”.
f. Modify service provider: Allows you to modify the SP that the delivery goes through.

g. Change price: Modify the price of the record you have selected.

h. Create delivery expedition: Select the delivery or deliveries that you want to create a
delivery expedition, press the button and the system will associate it automatically.

i. Generate sales order: Certain clients do not manage their orders with us via EDI, so it
is necessary to create them manually. The way to do it is from the previously created
Delivery Plan, based on the orders that these customers communicate to us by more
traditional means (mail, telephone, etc.).

In order to generate the order, the records selected to be included in this new order
must all indicate the same sales section, customer, currency, delivery location and
delivery date. As for the delivery location, it is necessary that you are already
informed. The system will create an order line for each record of the selected delivery
plan, and for the part of the planned quantity that is pending ordering; For the latter, it
is normal that we can only convert a record of the delivery plan in line of order a single

When we create an order from the delivery plan, its lines are necessarily linked to the
records of the plan that were selected to generate it; immediately after its creation,
we will see the records that were selected with all their planned quantity as requested,
and in the bottom of the screen we will see the line created for each of them.

j. Generate purchase order: Using this tool we can quickly create folders that include as
products all those corresponding to the records that we mark as selected. The batches
created in this way will not yet have a planned supplier, but they will take the
customer, the location, and the delivery date of the selected records and optionally
they will also take as the purchase quantity the one that has been planned to be
We can only make, for each record, a single pass to folder. If the record appears
marked in the grid as passed to a folder, or what is the same with batches informed at
the bottom of the screen, when trying to create a folder with it, we will be told that it
is not possible for the aforementioned reason.

When we select the records to move to the folder and press the corresponding button,
we will see this screen with the following options:

- Possibility of creating a new folder or adding the new batches to an existing folder: for
the second we must indicate the cycle and id. of the folder to modify. If we leave the
folder blank, a new one will be created.
- Specify or not the date of production and loading of the new batches.
- Create the new batches without quantity. Sometimes, correctly specifying the quantity
to buy may require more work than simply copying the planned quantity, so in these
cases it may be preferable to create batches without quantities and leave this work for
- Optionally indicate a step by groupage. This information is always entered manually.
- Optionally indicate a service provider. If the records already have a SP indicated, this
will be the one that will appear by default, and with the proposed transshipment date
one day before the lowest selected delivery date.

Through the grid:

k. Split/modify: This option allows you to create a new Delivery Plan record from an
existing one, indicating the amount you want to deduct from the original record and
move on to the new created record. We may also indicate a new shipping location and
delivery date for the new record. Except for the quantity, and the shipment location
data and delivery date if we have modified them, the other data of the new record will
be identical to that of the original.

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