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In the age of social media dominance, the narrative around education and success is

rapidly evolving. Our video project aims to address this shift, particularly the rhetoric propagated
by social media influencers who claim that traditional education pathways, such as universities
and diplomas, are obsolete. The video is a multimodal project that combines visual, auditory, and
textual elements to engage the audience and convey a compelling message.
The video opens with a montage of Instagram stories from various bloggers, all of whom
are promoting their online courses. These snippets feature enthusiastic claims that their courses
are the keys to quick and substantial earnings, bypassing the need for a formal education. This
introduction sets the stage for the problem we're addressing: the persuasive, yet potentially
misleading, marketing strategies used by influencers to sell their success recipes, which echo
principles of design that are meant to "Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better"
(Universal Principles of Design, 2003).
As the video transitions from the Instagram clips to a black background, text materializes,
echoing the bloggers' promises of "successful success" without the need for higher education.
This stark visual contrast underscores the gravity of the message and the skepticism we aim to
express. The choice of a black background is deliberate, symbolizing the void of misinformation
that can trap the unwary.
The narrative voice then enters, expressing weariness with these relentless promotions.
The tone is one of camaraderie with the viewer, who may also feel overwhelmed by these
constant assertions. A photo of money accompanies the mention of earning potential, a visual
cue that highlights the bloggers' focus on financial success, drawing upon the cognitive view that
our perceptions are influenced by what we see and hear (Educational Psychology: A Cognitive
View, 2nd ed.).
The video then takes a poignant turn, showing a photo of a person consumed by sadness
and doubt, representing the psychological impact of these social media narratives on students.
This image is supported by statistics from Cursive Media, which indicate that about 60% of
students suffer from depression related to financial pressures. The use of this statistic is a
rhetorical strategy meant to ground our advocacy in reality and to resonate with the viewer's own
experiences or observations.
To further our argument, the video employs screen sharing to display searches for
information on careers that require formal education. Set to the song "Moth To A Flame," a
series of photos showcases professions such as doctors, judges, and engineers, all of which
necessitate a diploma. This segment serves as a counterargument to the influencers' claims,
illustrating that many high-paying and respected jobs still rely on traditional educational paths.
The speaker then cites sources like Great Learning, which lists the top 25 highest-paying
jobs, including those in data science, surgery, IT management, investment banking, and
engineering. This information is presented to reinforce the value of formal education in
accessing lucrative careers, echoing the need for continuous learning and specialization
(Universal Principles of Design, 2003).
In the video's conclusion, advice from the Better App Blog is shared, suggesting that to
alleviate anxiety, one should stop comparing oneself to others. This is visually represented by a
person unfollowing Instagram influencers, a symbolic act of reclaiming one's mental space and
rejecting unhelpful comparisons.
Throughout the video, we have employed a mix of rhetorical strategies, including ethos,
by citing credible sources; pathos, by evoking emotional responses through powerful imagery
and statistics; and logos, by presenting logical arguments and counterpoints to the influencers'
claims. The camera and video production techniques, such as the juxtaposition of images, text,
and music, are all carefully chosen to enhance the persuasive power of the video and to support
advocacy for a more balanced view of education and success.
In conclusion, the video is a multimodal project that not only challenges the prevailing
discourse on education and success in the digital age but also offers a nuanced perspective that
values both traditional and new avenues for achievement. It is a call to viewers to critically
evaluate the messages they receive and to make informed decisions about their educational and
professional paths."

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