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Analytics Individual Case Analysis Consulting Report

Drout Advertising research Project

Attention: Ms. Jamie Drout

Executive Summary-

In this report, several points are discussed on how the use of business analytics might lead to a better
understanding of stereotype versus empowerment advertising. Business analytics was used to provide
insightful information on the data collected from all responses from the survey on the perceptions of
gender stereotypes within beauty product advertising. Without carefully analyzing this information,
these observations could have been easily overlooked. The main insights provided include the
correlation between age and the response to whether empowerment advertisement would help
transform culture gender stereotypes, the number of respondents who agree with transform versus
those who are neutral on the situation, and last, the number of ads that respondents see each day that
promote gender roles and stereotypes. In summary, the findings convey that many are aware of the
subtle suggestions made in product advertising, and most respondents agree that empowerment
advertising would help negate those gender stereotypes embedded in society.

Overview Case Analysis –

This case analysis is about understanding the perceptions of gender stereotypes within the beauty
industry. Many product advertisements for shampoo, soap, perfume, and cologne promote the idea of
gender roles. In an attempt to discourage gender roles and stereotypes in advertisements, a new
advertisement strategy was proposed. This strategy is called empowerment advertising, which focuses
on representing diversity in the beauty industry. This project is focused on gaining a better
understanding of consumer perceptions on the different advertising strategies, and their impact by
analyzing the data from a questionnaire.

Scope of Consulting Work and Report –

• Explain how the data and subsequent analysis using business analytics might lead to a better
understanding of stereotype versus empowerment advertising. Specifically, state some of the

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key insights that you would hope to answer by analyzing the data. Furthermore, create some
PivotTables to draw some insights from the data. This assignment described is critical to
identifying the benefits of using business analytics to understand consumer perceptions of the
different advertising strategies.


This report uses the data received from all survey responses regarding gender roles and stereotypes
within the beauty industry, and the opinion of empowerment advertisement to help answer unknown
questions about the topic. The survey asks individuals questions about their level of education, gender,
as well as the number of advertisements that they observe daily that support stereotypical ideas. The
results from the surveys have provided a lot of useful data about the issue of gender stereotypes in the
beauty industry, which can be further examined with the help of business analytics. In this report, we
will elaborate on how business analytics can lead to a better understanding of the impact of stereotype
versus empowerment advertising.

Analysis and Findings-

Identify Business Problem-

Explain how the data and subsequent analysis using business analytics might lead to a better
understanding of stereotype versus empowerment advertising. State some of the key insights that you
would hope to answer by analyzing the data and provide insights from the data by using PivotTables.

Analytics Tools and Models Used and Results-

The analytical tools used include excel spreadsheets to gather all data and survey responses in an
organized chart with rows and headings that lists each respondent and their feedback. PivotTables were
also used to provide visual representations to support the data. In using excel and charts to organize
data, it was easier to identify vital information that the data entailed. For example, by analyzing the
survey results, one of the conclusions made was that age plays an important role in individuals’
opinions on the use of empowerment advertising to transform cultural gender stereotypes. There were
over 40 responses from respondents in their twenties that stated that they either strongly agree or agree

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with the idea of using empowerment advertising. However, only a little more than a dozen respondents
aged 30 or above stated that they either agree or strongly agree with the idea of empowerment
advertising. This suggests that the younger generation is more aware of gender roles and stereotypical
ideas compared to the older generations. Another observation relates to the ad frequency rate and how
many of those ads subscribe to gender roles and stereotypes. Almost all respondents reported that more
than half or all the ads that they see daily encourage ideology that is based on stereotypes. These
findings are just some examples of the observations found in using business analytics to gain an
understanding of the impact in using stereotype and empowerment advertising, and the different
factors that alter the opinions towards these different advertisement strategies.

Interpretation, Discussion, and Analysis of Findings and Results–

In analyzing the data provided using business analytics, there were several observations. It was evident
that age seems to have a big impact on individuals’ responses to the extent to which they agree that
empowerment advertising would help transform cultural gender stereotypes. The data showed that the
majority of people who answered that they strongly agree or agree that empowerment advertisement
would be beneficial tended to be in their 20’s, while those who were in their 30’s and up had a lower
amount of responses that stated strongly agree or agree. There was a total of 49 responses from those
in their 20’s and a total of 13 responses from those who were 30 and older. This suggests that the
younger generation is more aware and exposed to stereotypes within the beauty industry, and as a
result, they may be more adamant about supporting empowerment advertisements. (See Exhibit A).
The next observation made was that most respondents stated that they either strongly agree, somewhat
agree, or simply agree that empowerment advertisement is needed. There was a total of 30 respondents
that agreed, 35 that somewhat agreed, and 32 that strongly agreed. Combined, 97 out of the 105
respondents stated that they agreed to some extent, which shows that many do recognize the issue
regarding advertisements exploiting specific gender roles. (See Exhibit B). Lastly, in reviewing the
relationship between ad frequency and the portion of those ads that promote stereotypes, it was found
that almost all of the respondents stated that more than half or all the ads that they have encountered
subscribe to gender roles and stereotypes. This data is further proof that the beauty industry is
infiltrated with ideas that encourage gender roles and unrealistic representations of beauty. (See
Exhibit C).

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Some recommendations based on the data mentioned is to further investigate the reasons why younger
individuals may be more adamant about the reform of beauty product advertising versus those who are
older. Some suggestions as to why there is such a huge gap between the younger generation and the
older generation might be the difference in the exposure to social media and the vast amounts of
information provided on the web. For example, the younger generation might be more privy to looking
up information on the issue of gender stereotypes within the beauty industry, which is why they may
be more opinionated or educated on the topic compared to others. This is just one possibility; however,
more information might be needed to understand the effect that age has in the responses on different
ideas concerning the topic.

Overall Case Analysis Findings Discussion-

With the help of business analytics, the overall findings show that most respondents agree that by
explicitly communicating the unique differences in each individual through empowerment advertising,
cultural gender stereotypes can be transformed. It was also found that most of the population that
strongly agreed or agreed to the idea of empowerment advertising was within their 20’s. This
information proved that the younger generation feels more strongly about eradicating gender
stereotypes within the beauty industry as opposed to the older generation. Last, in analyzing the
responses regarding ad frequency and the amount of those ads that are stereotypical, it was reported
that many respondents stated that more than half or all the ads promoted gender roles. In conclusion,
the perception of gender stereotypes within the beauty advertising industry is that change should be
implemented to promote diversity, rather than promoting unrealistic ideas of beauty through these

Overall Case Analysis Recommendations-

The overall recommendations are to investigate the reasons why younger individuals may be more
adamant about the reform of beauty product advertising. However, more information is needed to
conclude the reasons why the difference in age affects the perceptions of gender stereotypes. A new
survey should be used to collect further information on how individuals became enlightened on the
topic of gender stereotypes within the beauty industry, and by asking questions that will allow

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respondents to further elaborate on why and how they came to their conclusions and opinions
regarding this topic. This may help identify the main factors that contribute to the difference in
responses and opinions from the younger generation versus the older generation. Another
recommendation is to try to encourage more males to provide insight on the surveys. In the data, it is
evident that there were only a few males that participated in the study. It would be beneficial to get
opinions from more males in the next surveys to provide additional data on the perceptions of gender
stereotypes from both females and males equally.

Overall Case Analysis Conclusion-

In conclusion, many understand that gender roles and stereotypes are constantly encouraged in beauty
product advertisements. According to the data, many respondents have seen countless amounts of ads
that use subtle messages that exploit the idea of gender roles rather than promoting diversity in beauty.
In using business analytics, we were able to dissect the data provided from the survey responses even
further to identify trends within the information collected. It was found that age has an important part
in the respondents answer to certain questions asked on the survey, as well as the breakdown of
respondents who strongly agreed, agreed, somewhat agreed, somewhat disagreed, disagreed, or
remained neutral regarding whether empowerment advertising would help negate the exploitation of
gender roles in the beauty industry. Overall, these findings were critical in understanding consumer
perceptions of the different forms of advertising strategies.

Exhibit A
Age:30's & up
Agree: 9
Strongly Agree: 4
Grand Total 13

Agree: 21
Strongly Agree: 28
Grand Total 49
Exhibit B

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Transform Count of Transform
Agree 30
Disagree 1
Neutral 6
Somewhat Agree 35
Somewhat Disagree 1
Strongly Agree 32

Exhibit C

Bibliography and References-

Evans, J. R. (2020). Business analytics: methods, models, and decisions.

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