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Chapter 10: JESUS instituted the EUCHARIST, the fount of GRATITUDE of
Lesson 10.1.: The Sacrament of the Eucharist
Learning Competency: VIII.III-10.1. Explain how Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist,
fount of gratitude.

Preparatory Activity
a. List down five reasons why the Eucharist is important in your life as a Catholic Christian.
1. 3. 5.
2. 4.

b. How frequently do you attend the Holy Eucharist in one week?


The basic description of the Holy Eucharist is found in Vatican II “Constitution on the Sacred

* a memorial of His death and resurrection:

* a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity
* a paschal banquet in which Christ is eaten, the mind is filled with grace, and
* a pledge of future glory is given to us
The specific points of this descriptive definition of the Eucharist can be summarized as follows:

First, the Eucharist was instituted by Christ. He prepared for it in the many fellowship meals
which he shared during his public life. He established the Eucharist at the Last Supper, the night
before he died on the Cross. And he confirmed it as the Risen Christ in his Easter meal appearances
to his disciples.
Secondly, the Eucharist is celebrated with Christ by the Christian community, the Church. It is
an essentially ecclesial act, carried out “by the Mystical Body of Christ, that is, by the Head and his
members” (SC 7).

Thirdly, the Eucharist is at once both sacrifice and sacred meal. It is the memorial instituted by
Christ so that the saving benefits of his Death and Resurrection can be shared by the People of God
through every age.

Fourthly, Christ himself is really present in the Eucharistic celebration in multiple ways, but
especially under the sacramental signs of bread and wine.

Finally, the Eucharist is the eschatological pledge and foretaste of our future glory.

1. What is the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice in the Mass for us Christians?
The mass is at once a memorial and a sacrifice. In the eucharistic prayer, the church commemorates Jesus
Christ and his redeeming work, especially his sacrifice for the sake of all humankind through his crucifixion.
2. Why is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist called the Sacrament of Love?
The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is also called the Sacrament of Love; considering that we take the Holy
Eucharist as a gift for granted the way that Jesus is involve within this Sacrament. We take Eucharist as how
Jesus’ takes us with our sins that’s why it’s called the Sacrament of Love.
1. How do you participate actively and consciously in the celebration of the Holy Mass?
I participate actively and consciously in the celebration of the Holy Mass by responding the
words that must be responded(like responsorial psalm), singing together with the choir, receiving
the Eucharist, and mostly listening to the Gospel and its Homily.
a. Introductory Rite – This part of the mass includes opening song, penitential rite, the Gloria and
the prayer of the day.
b. Liturgy of the Word – This part includes first reading (second reading is only for Sundays and
feasts days), responsorial psalm, Alleluia, Gospel, homily, creed and prayer of the faithful.
c. Liturgy of the Eucharist – Here we have offertory, prayer for gifts, Epiclesis, Anamnesis and the
Great Amen.
d. Communion Rite – under this part of the Mass we have Our Father, prayer for peace, breaking
of the bread and partaking of the body of Christ.
e. Concluding Rite – we have final blessing and dismissal.


1. Community – Sunday is the day when people converge to worship and praise God in the
sacrament of the Eucharist.
2. Minister – The priest’s act “another Christ” doing all the actions of Christ in the sacrament of the
Eucharist, as the offerer and the one being offered as pleasing sacrifice to God for the salvation of
3. Bread and Wine – We receive Jesus himself in the form of bread and wine in the Eucharist
through Communion
4. Word – The readings in the celebration of the mass are the words of God announcing to all men
the Gospel of hope, love and salvation.

Activity 1
Direction: Complete the table below. Write in order the actions and gestures we do in the Mass

Order of the Mass Actions/Gestures

Introductory Rite The Penitential Rite
Liturgy of the Word extending of hands, bowing, or kneeling
Liturgy of the Eucharist General intercessions, Preface, Sanctus and Eucharistic
Prayer, elevation of the host and chalice and invitation to
the Eucharist receiving the body of Christ
Communion Rite receiving the body of Christ, minister of Communion holds
up the Host and says “The Body of Christ” and the person
replies “Amen”
Concluding Rite Final Blessing, Dismissal

The Eucharistic celebration that we are celebrating today can actually be traced from the
very night Jesus shared meal with His disciples. There, He encouraged all those present to
remember His words and deeds of goodness and every time we do acts of kindness to other people.
The Mass should not just be pure celebration but also to express our gratitude to God. It has to be
incorporated on how we live our lives as Christians.

One way on how do we express our gratitude to God is through our active
participation in the Holy Mass. Read the letter of Father Michael Van Sloun that we can
express our thanksgiving and gratitude through the Eucharist:

You have no idea how many people have told me, “I don’t get anything out of Mass.” I am quick to reply, “You have it backwards.
You don’t come to Mass to get something. You come to Mass to give something, and that something is your thanks to our good
and gracious God for the blessings that you have received.”

Sometimes the person will add, “And Mass is boring, too.” So I will needle the grumbler, “Have you received any blessings this
week?” Usually there is a blank stare and a long pause. After a brief uneasy silence, I pipe up, “What about each new day? You
have your health, food on the table, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, money in your pocket, friends at your side and
some happy experiences, too.”

This brief exchange is headed to two final questions. “Where did all of this come from?” For a person of faith, the correct answer
is, “God.”

“And, what did you do to deserve it?” The correct answer is, “Nothing.” Everything that we receive over the course of a week is an
undeserved gift from our benevolent and generous God, and if all is a gift, the least a person can do is set aside an hour a week
to go to Mass to give God praise and thanks.

Actually, once a week is not enough. At the parish where I served on the South Side of Chicago, there was a spiritual hymn that
was one of the congregation’s favorites: “Every day is a day of thanksgiving. God’s been so good to me. He’s been blessing me.
Every day is a day of thanksgiving. Glorify the Lord today.”

When Jesus instituted the Eucharist, he established it as an act of thanksgiving. The Words of Institution are: “He took the bread,
and giving thanks, broke it,” and, “He took the chalice, and once more giving thanks, he gave it to his disciples” (see Lk 22:19, 17
and 1 Cor 11:24). The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes this as “consecratory thanksgiving” (No. 1346). The two
substances, bread and wine, are signs of gratitude, as first seen when the priest Melchizedek offered bread and wine to thank
God the Creator for the fruits of the earth (Gn 14:18-20).

The Greek word “eucharisteo” means “to give thanks.” The Catechism states that the Eucharist “is an act of thanksgiving to God”
(No. 1329). The entire Mass is a prayer of thanksgiving, which is stated explicitly in some prayers and implied throughout. The
priest says, “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God,” and the congregation replies, “It is right and just.” The Preface continues, “It
is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father.” The Preface
concludes with the “Holy, Holy,” a hymn of praise that gives thanks to God. Similarly, the words of the doxology are, “Through him
and with him, and in him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, for ever and ever” —
a joyful song of praise to offer thanks to God.

After we receive holy Communion and Christ is really present to us in an intensified sacramental way, it is a perfect time to have
a chat with the Lord, to mention a few of the blessings we have received over the past week, and to tell Jesus just how grateful
we are. All we have is from God, and without God we would have nothing. It is an empty argument to say, “I don’t get anything
out of Mass.” We go because we owe God our praise and thanks.


MISSION on page 194-195
and the life story of ST. PASCHAL BAYLON
on page 195-196

1. Guided by St. Paschal’s mott, explain how you can have three hearts in one?
Guided by St. Paschal’s motto, in my understanding, for whoever wants to save his soul,
must have three hearts in one: He must have the heart of a Son towards God, he must have the
heart of a mother towards his neighbor, and lastly he must have the heart of a judge towards

Suggest some innovations on how to enliven the celebration of the Mass in the school. Explain the
guidelines of the suggested activity.

Suggested Activity:

Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
B. 1. Which of the following can substitute the bread and wine in the Eucharist?
a. pan de sal and water c.. Biscuits and coffee
b. bread loaves and fish d. none of the above
D. 2. Which of the following can be removed from the Liturgy of the Word?
a. Prayer of the Faithful c. Creed
b. Homily d. None of the Above
A. 3. This refers to the minister for the celebration of the Eucharist
a. Priest or Bishop c. Acolyte
b. Deacon d. Lay Minister
D. 4. The following refer to parts of the whole Eucharist celebration except:
a. Concluding Rite c. Liturgy of the Word
b. Introductory Rite d. Blessing of Religious Icons
A. 5. Which of the following is part of the Liturgy of the Word
a. Invocation to the Holy Spirit c. Scripture Reading
b. Prayer for Peace d. Final Blessing
B. 6. The Eucharist is structured like _____
a. A meeting c. A gathering
b. A meal d. An extravagant feast
A. 7. This refers to the high point in the Liturgy of the Word.
a. Reading of the Gospel c. Homily of the priest/Bishop
b. Singing of the Responsorial Psalm d. Profession of Faith
A. 8. This refers to the summit of Christian faith
a. Baptism c. Liturgy of the Word
b. Confirmation d. Holy Eucharist
B. 9. This part of the Liturgy of the Word helps us to discover the meaning of the word of God and lead the
community into active participation.
a. Scripture Reading c. Creed
b. Homily d. Prayer of the faithful


Chapter 10: JESUS instituted the EUCHARIST, the fount of GRATITUDE of
Lesson 10.2.: Thanksgiving Worship
Learning Competency: VIII.III-10.2. Identify the kind acts received from the goodness
of others and the ways of expressing one’s thankfulness

Preparatory Activity A.
How often do you thank people for their kind deeds? Do this exercise and thank them now. Inside
the square, cut and paste a picture of important persons you would like to express your gratitude
for the good things they have done to you. Cite their kind deeds, when and how they affected you.
On the space beside the box, write your statement of gratitude.

For my dearest father, I want to thank you for being the best father ever. Even so I had a
lot of mistakes that I made almost my whole life you’re still always there for me. Through
my worst times, even a single time you didn’t give up on me. Papa, you almost give
everything what I wanted either material things or love. Thank you papa, because you
accepted me as your daughter unconditionally. I will always appreciate your doings in so
many different ways. I love you papa!

For my dearest mother, I also want to thank you for being the best mother ever. We had
great fights, but even so we forgive each other in no time. Thank you mama for taking
care of me from my childhood until now. You always prepare the most delicious foods
for me. It makes me touched when you remember all of my favorite things. Thank
you mama, because you also accepted me as your daughter unconditionally. I love you

For my dearest aunt bestfriend, lastly, I thank you for supporting me then whenever I
get involve on contests, you were like Mommy Norma, you spend money on me
then just so that I can win my contests. It made me touch in a way that even so that
you’re not my mother but always being there for me makes my heart melt. Sometimes,
I tell you my problems and so, you gave me advices that inspired me and motivating
me doing the best thing in my certain problems.

Preparatory Activity B.
Fill in the columns with the appropriate information about the persons who have done good things
to you. On the first column, read the different slogans of different products and companies. On the
second column, write the name of the person/s who fit the slogan. On the third column, state why
you think so.

Slogans Person/s Reason

1. “Because the best things in My Mother and Father They are the best people in my
life are meant to last” life that I want to last
2. “We’ve got it all for you” My Friends They are the people always
asking me for their prob.advice
3. “No more tears” Myself I always tear down to tears on
matters I couldn’t handle
4. “Connecting People” My Aunt She always connects to
different people as how much
kind she is
5. “It’s the real thing” My Grandmother She always shows pure
emotions toward people, she’s
very kind


Activity 1:
There are many ways of showing gratitude. Write down your ways of showing gratitude.
In my way of showing gratitude, I had always been admitting my faults or even if it isn’t my fault, I always say that I’m
sorry. I don’t really know how it became a habit and culture of mine. But, I always think in matters where saying sorry is
involved, that no matter how mad I get or how right I am, I’d be more willing to say that I’m sorry to those people. I’d be
more willing to compromise in life.

Activity 2

Stop getting jealous on people’s acheivements

Stop being selfish

Have a knowledge about Word’s of God

Realize bad things againts good things

Always be thankful
Show appreciation to people that done
great or small things to you

Log on to and read then write your own
speech about having a grateful heart.

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