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(Inglés Inicial)

Nombre : Sebastián Villegas Uribe Nota :

Curso :

Sede : INACAP Chillán Puntaje Obtenido :

Docente : Puntaje Aprobatorio : 28 pts.

Fecha : Puntaje Ideal : 47 pts.


 Lea atentamente cada ítem antes de responder.

 Dispone de 40 minutos para el desarrollo de la evaluación.
 Utilice letra imprenta y legible.
 Utilice lápiz pasta negro o azul. Respuestas con lápiz grafito NO se corregirán.
 Mantener celulares en silencio durante el desarrollo de la evaluación.
 No se permite el préstamo de corrector.



28 pts.
8 pts. 9 pts. 6 pts. 6 pts. 6 pts. 12 pts. 47 pts.

I. Write a comparison using: (8 points)

1.(Heavy): The classic car, with its vintage steel frame and powerful V8 engine, is surprisingly
heavy for its size. It feels like a solid piece of history on the road.

2.(Beautiful): The classic car exudes timeless beauty with its sleek lines, chrome accents, and
perfectly restored paint job. It's a symbol of automotive elegance.

3.(Small): The classic car, although compact by today's standards, feels small and nimble
compared to modern vehicles. It can easily weave through city traffic and fit into tight parking spots.

3.(Big): The classic car, despite its small size, has a big impact when it comes to its historical
significance and the sense of nostalgia it evokes. It's a big player in the world of vintage
II. Complete the chart (9 points)


Clean Cleaner

Dangerous More dangerous

Far Farther

Good Better

Bad Worse

Heavy Heavier

More Tall Taller

Polluted More Polluted

Interesting More interesting

III. Grammar and Vocabulary (6 points).

1. Write the correct form of the adjectives in parentheses (5 points).

1 This book was ______More______ (interesting) than the last one I read.

2 That joke is _____Funnier_______ (funny) than your last joke

3 Jules is _____Taller_______ (tall) than Mary.

4 You are ______Better______ (good) at tennis than me.

5 It’s _____Hotter_____ (hot) in Dubai than in Johannesburg.

IV. Write comparatives sentences about: (6 points)

1. Chile / Agentina

Chile is smaller in terms of land area compared to Argentina, but it has a longer coastline.

2. Santiago / Chillan

Santiago is much larger and more urbanized than Chillan, which is a smaller, more rural city.

3. Samsung / Iphone

Samsung offers a wider range of smartphone models than iPhone, providing more options
for consumers.
V. Choose the correct alternative. (6 points)

1) A: Is The Nyle river longer than the Amazon River? B: Yes, it is

a) the longest than b) longer than c) more long than

2) A: Which city is more crowded Hong Kong or Cairo?

a) the crowdest b) more crowded c) the most crowded

3) Lake Caburgua is cleaner than lake Villarrica.

a) cleaner b) more clean c) the cleanest

4) Santiago is more polluted Concepción.

a) more polluted than b) polluteder than c) the most polluted

5) Bulnes is more boring than San Carlos.

a) boringer b) most boring c) more boring

6) Real Madrid is better than Barcelona

a) gooder b) more good C) better

VI. Write the sentences in the correct order (12 points)

1. country / modern / USA / is / a very.

The USA is a very modern country.

2. is / Europe / very / continent / amazing / a

Europe is a very amazing continent.

3. is / river / extremely / beautiful / Bío Bío / an

The Bío Bío river is an extremely beautiful river.

4. rainy / city / Valdivia / is / a very

Valdivia is a very rainy city.

5. Sahara / very / and / hot / desert / very / a / dry / is

The Sahara is a very hot and very dry desert.

6. Villarica / lake / is / a / interesting / very

Villarica lake is a very interesting lake.

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