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Oral manifestations of viral infections

Article in Official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care · August 2014
DOI: 10.1080/20786204.2006.10873440


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Willie van Heerden

University of Pretoria


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CPD Article

Oral manifestations of
viral infections
Van Heerden WFP, BChD, MChD (Oral Path), FC Path (SA) Oral Path, PhD, DSc
Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Biology, University of Pretoria

Correspondence to: Prof Willie van Heerden, e-mail:

Examination of the oral cavity is an integral part of every clinical examination. The clinical presentation of various viral
conditions is discussed in this article and will provide the family practitioner with an up to date guide to better diagnosis
and management.
SA Fam Pract 2006;48(8): 20-24

Introduction pharynx can resemble infectious mo-

Viral infections of the oral mucosa are nonucleosis or a streptococcal sore
frequently encountered in general prac- throat infection. Primary infection in an
tice. The clinical diagnosis of these le- immunocompromised adult can be life
sions can sometimes be confusing due threatening, with disseminated disease,
to similar clinical presentations. The or it may present with extensive non-
clinical presentation, diagnosis and healing oral ulceration.2
appropriate management of common
viral infections of the oral mucosa are

Herpes simplex virus Figure 2: Herpes labialis, consisting of a

Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis cluster of vesicles on the vermillion (arrow).
The infection that accompanies primary
herpetic gingivostomatitis is usually Diagnosis and management
subclinical in early childhood and only a The clinical features are usually suffi-
small percentage of patients develop an cient to diagnose these conditions. The
acute primary infection. This usually oc- differential diagnosis of primary herpe-
curs in older children and consists of fe- tic gingivostomatitis includes recurrent
Figure 1: Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis aphthous ulceration, which forms ulcers
ver, malaise, headache, cervical lymph- resulting in painful erythematous palatal gin-
adenopathy and a vesiculo-ulcerative on non-keratinised oral mucosa without
givae (arrows).
eruption on the peri-oral skin, vermilion a vesicle phase.
or any intra-oral mucosal surface.1 The There currently is no drug available
Secondary herpes labialis
vesicles, which are 2 to 3 mm in dia- to prevent the migration of the herpes
Around 15 to 30% of the community is
meter, rupture, leaving painful ulcers virus to the trigeminal ganglion after
affected by episodes of secondary her-
that heal without scarring after seven to primary infection. Acyclovir is a potent
pes simplex lesions (herpes labialis).
ten days. The gingivae are swollen and drug and may be life saving for herpe-
Common colds, influenza, fever, UV tic encephalitis and disseminated infec-
reddish due to a general inflammation exposure, menstruation, emotional up- tion, especially in those individuals who
(see Figure 1). The virus then migrates set, stress and anxiety predispose the are immuno-compromised. It will acce-
to the trigeminal ganglion, where it re- patient to recurrent infection, as these lerate healing if used sufficiently early in
mains latent. In more affluent countries cause reactivation of the virus, which the disease stage. Bed rest, fluids and
with better living conditions and less subsequently migrates along one of a soft diet, with antipyretics for fever,
overcrowding, many young adults do the sensory divisions of the trigeminal are recommended for primary herpe-
not acquire the infection during child- nerve. The lesions are most often seen tic gingivostomatitis. Preventative the-
hood. They are at risk of developing a at the mucocutaneous junction of the rapy, such as using sun block, is the
symptomatic infection as an adult, usu- lip or peri-oral skin (see Figure 2). A management of choice for herpes labi-
ally presenting as a pharyngotonsillitis, burning sensation usually precedes alis, while antiviral drugs such as acy-
with constitutional symptoms of fever, the development of a small cluster of clovir are only useful if applied at the
malaise and headaches. In the case of vesicles. These vesicles enlarge, co- prodromal stage before the develop-
cervical lymphadenopathy, the vesicles alesce, ulcerate and become crusted ment of vesicles.3 Patients must be
and ulcers on the tonsils and posterior before healing within 10 days. discouraged from touching the lesions

20 SA Fam Pract 2006:48(8)

CPD Article

in order to reduce the risk of sprea- Spontaneous bone necrosis of the

ding the infection to other sites. Sys- mandible, occurring during an acute
temic acyclovir may be used for immu- attack of herpes zoster, has been seen
nocompromised individuals.1 in immunocompromised patients.5 The
patients present with the unilateral ve-
Varicella-zoster virus sicles of herpes zoster, with subsequent
Chickenpox (varicella) results from pri- unilateral exfoliation of the teeth in the
mary infection, while reactivation of the necrotic mandible (see Figure 4).
virus is known as herpes zoster (shin-
gles). Intra-oral vesicles of varicella,
when present, are seen on the tongue, Figure 5: Herpangina, presenting with
buccal mucosa, gingival, palate and multiple ulcers on the soft palate, uvula and
oropharynx. They generally are not fauces.
very painful. Following the primary
infection, the virus is transported via Hand, foot and mouth disease
the sensory nerves to the dorsal spinal Hand, foot and mouth disease is most
ganglia or trigeminal ganglion, where it commonly seen amongst children aged
remains latent. one to five years. In 75% of cases it
A number of predisposing factors presents with an eruption of vesicles
can lead to a recurrence of the infection Figure 4: Unilateral necrosis of the man- on the palms of the hands and on the
in the tissue supplied by the sensory dible (arrow) in an HIV-positive man with a feet. Occasional vesicles may also be
nerve. Conditions leading to herpes CD4 count of less than 200. found on the proximal extremities and
zoster are usually those that cause im- buttocks. There are also vesicles in the
munosuppression, such as cytotoxic A residual complication of herpes zoster anterior part of the mouth (see Figure
drugs, radiation, internal malignancies, is post-herpetic neuralgia. It occurs in 6). An associated low-grade fever and
malnutrition, old age, and alcohol and 10% of patients with herpes zoster and malaise are usually present.
substance abuse. Occasionally, dental affects the trigeminal nerve, most com-
manipulation in a localised area can monly the ophthalmic division. There is Diagnosis and management
lead to reoccurrence. The first signs of persistent, unilateral pain in the affected The clinical features of Coxsackie virus
herpes zoster are pain and tenderness area. A history of previous skin lesions are distinctive. The distribution of the
in the dermatome corresponding to the and possible scarring may aid in the di- lesions of herpangina differentiates it
affected sensory ganglion. In the head agnosis. The pain is not paroxysmal, as from primary herpetic gingivostomatitis,
and neck area, vesicles form on one is seen in trigeminal neuralgia, although which affects the gingivae, whereas
side of the face or in the oral mucosa it may be just as severe. herpangina is an oropharyngitis. The
in one of the divisions of N. trigeminus. systemic symptoms differentiate it from
These unilateral vesicles form clusters recurrent aphthous ulceration. The ve-
Diagnosis and management
with areas of surrounding erythema, sicles also help to distinguish herpan-
The clinical picture is often distinctive.
ending abruptly in the midline (see gina from streptococcal pharyngitis.
Herpes zoster may be confused with
Figure 3). The vesicles ulcerate and In the case of hand, foot and mouth
recurrent Herpes simplex virus infec-
form pustules within three to four days. disease, the cutaneous vesicles can
tion. Herpes zoster has a longer dura-
A crust lesion then forms, and healing resemble chickenpox; however, in
tion, a more severe prodromal phase, chickenpox the vesicles usually start
takes place within seven to ten days. unilateral vesicles and ulceration, with on the face and trunk and then spread
These lesions often heal with scarring abrupt ending at the midline and post- to the extremities. Involvement of the
and areas of hypo/hyperpigmentation herpetic neuralgia. palms and soles is rare in chickenpox
may be seen. When the N. facialis The treatment is supportive and infections. Oral lesions are also rare in
and N. auditorius are involved (via the symptomatic, with topical or systemic chickenpox.
geniculate ganglion), facial paralysis, antipruritics and analgesics that do not Herpangina and hand, foot and
vesicles on the external ear, tinnitus, contain aspirin. A high dose of oral acy- mouth disease are self-limiting, of short
deafness and vertigo may follow. This clovir (800 mg five times daily for seven duration and need no treatment. Symp-
is known as Ramsay-Hunt syndrome.4 days) is recommended for treating both tomatic treatment is indicated in very
primary and recurrent infections in im- painful cases of herpangina, in which
munocompromised patients.6 case non-aspirin antipyretics and topi-
cal anaesthetics can be used.
Coxsackie virus
Herpangina Human papillomavirus
Herpangina affects children, mainly Focal epithelial hyperplasia (Heck’s
during summer, and is characterised disease)
by a sudden onset of malaise, fever Heck’s disease presents with multiple
and a sore throat. Patients present asymptomatic, slightly elevated, mu-
with vesicles, ulcerations, and diffuse cosa-coloured, smooth-surfaced no-
erythema on the soft palate, fauces dules that occur on the labial or buccal
Figure 3: Herpes zoster, presenting with and tonsillar areas (see Figure 5). The mucosa gingivae or tongue of children
multiple ulcers on the palate. Note the systemic symptoms settle in two to three (see Figure 7). Individual lesions tend
abrupt ending of the ulcers at the midline days and the ulcers heal in seven to ten to be small (0.3 to 1 cm), but they fre-
(arrow). days. quently cluster and coalesce, giving the

22 SA Fam Pract 2006:48(8)

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mucosa a cobblestone or fissured sur- aesthetic problems or are chronically tous maculopapular skin rash. The
face. Most lesions are found in children, injured can be removed surgically. incidence of measles has decreased
although they occasionally can be It is often impossible to distinguish dramatically in many communities due
found in older age groups. They usually between verruca vulgaris and squa- to successful vaccination programs
regress spontaneously with age. mous cell papilloma of the oral muco- although it has re-emerged in unvac-
sa. Excision of both lesions is the treat- cinated children, mostly amongst chil-
ment of choice. dren of poor rural communities. Follo-
Condyloma accuminatum should wing an incubation period of 10 to 12
not be confused with focal epithelial days, a prodromal phase consisting
hyperplasia. It may be difficult to dis- of fever, malaise, conjunctivitis, cough
tinguish from squamous cell papilloma, and coryza is seen. This is followed
which is usually single and not larger by a generalized exanthematous skin
than 0.5 cm. Excision is the treatment of rash. The oral manifestation of measles
choice. The presence of these lesions is known as Koplik’s spots. These oc-
in children should raise the possibility cur early in the course of the infection
of sexual abuse, although on rare occa- and often precede the skin rash by 1
sions they may be transmitted by non- to 2 days. Koplik’s spots are white-red
Figure 6: Patient with hand, foot and mouth sexual contact.7 macules on that appear on the buc-
disease, presenting with (A) intra-oral ulce- cal and labial mucosa (see Figure 9).
rations (arrow) secondary to vesicles, with These macules represent foci of epi-
(B) small vesicles on his palm and fingers thelial necrosis.8
(arrows) and (C) a vesicle on the toe (arrow)
is clearly visible.

Squamous cell papilloma and ver-

ruca vulgaris
Squamous papilloma is a slow-gro-
wing, solitary, painless, cauliflower-like
lesion with branched finger-like pro-
cesses (see Figure 8). It can occur at
any age, but is most commonly diag-
nosed in the age group 30 to 50 years.
It may initially grow rapidly, but seldom
grows beyond 5 mm in diameter. Al-
though any site of the oral cavity may Figure 9: Koplik’s spots on the labial mu-
be affected, the tongue, lips and soft cosa present as numerous small macules
palate are common locations. The le- (arrows).
sion will range from reddish to white,
depending on the degree of surface Diagnosis and management
keratinisation. Diagnosis is based on the clinical
Verruca vulgaris is a very common features and history. Laboratory con-
childhood infection. Oral lesions usually firmation is possible for atypical cases.
arise from autoinoculation, most com- Figure 7: Focal epithelial hyperplasia at the
Supportive therapy including bed rest,
monly on the labial mucosa, tongue and mucosa of the corner of the mouth, consis- fluids, adequate diet and non-aspirin
gingiva. It presents as a slow-growing, ting of multiple, slightly elevated, mucosa- antipyretics are recommended for
painless, exophytic lesion that consists coloured nodules. symptomatic relief.
of sharp, finger-like processes.
Human immunodeficiency virus
Condyloma accuminatum Although no oral lesions are found as
Condyloma accuminatum is usually a direct result of HIV infection itself, a
present on the genitals, although it may range of HIV-associated oral lesions,
be found in the oral cavity. Oral lesions
some with a viral aetiology, have been
are predominantly transmitted through
oral-genital sexual contact. It consists of
multiple cauliflower-like lesions, some of
which are larger than 0.5 cm. They may Oral hairy leukoplakia
become as large as 3 cm in size. The This presents as a white, vertically cor-
most common intra-oral sites are the rugated, non-removable lesion on the
labial mucosa and the lingual frenum Figure 8: Squamous papilloma presenting lateral or ventral margin of the tongue
and soft palate. as a single cauliflower-like lesion (arrow) on (see Figure 10). The surface might
the lingual frenum in an adult. be non-corrugated if it is seen on the
Diagnosis and management inferior surface of the tongue or in the
No treatment is usually required for Measles buccal mucosa. This lesion is caused
focal epithelial hyperplasia, as the no- Measles, a paramyxovirus infection, by the Epstein-Barr virus and has no
dules undergo spontaneous regres- is most commonly seen in children as premalignant potential. It has also
sion during puberty. Lesions that cause an acute febrile illness and erythema- been reported in HIV-negative persons

SA Fam Pract 2006:48(8) 23

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in association with immunosuppresive in appropriate patient care. Persistent le-

therapy. It must be differentiated from sions, especially if ulcerated, should be
chronic hyperplastic candidiasis or biopsied to exclude the possibility of a
leukoplakia (a potentially malignant le- non-infective, more serious aetiology. Bi-
sion). A biopsy must be performed to opsies or other laboratory investigations
establish a reliable diag-nosis. Once should also be performed if a clinical
the diagnosis has been made, no treat- diagnosis can not be established. This is
ment for the lesion is necessary. especially true in the setting of HIV/AIDS
that can influence the typical clinical fea-
Kaposi’s sarcoma tures of viral infections.
Kaposi’s sarcoma is characterised by
Figure 10: Oral hairy leukoplakia on the
erythematous or violaceous plaque- lateral border of the tongue, with exten- See CPD Questionnaire, page 44
like lesions that develop into tumor- sion onto the smooth ventral aspect of the
ous growths over time (see Figure 11). tongue (arrow). P This article has been peer reviewed
These larger lesions may become ul-
cerated and painful and may interfere
with function. Kaposi’s sarcoma is pre- References
1. McCullough MJ, Savage NW. Oral viral
dominantly seen in the palate or on the infections and the therapeutic use of antiviral
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should be confirmed by biopsy, as J Can Dent Assoc 2003;69:498-503.
Figure 11: Kaposi’s sarcoma of the palate
4. Sweeney CJ, Gilden DH. Ramsay-Hunt
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lar clinical presentations. This is es- (B) the more advanced tumorous phase on 2001;71:149-54.
pecially true for early lesions that may the gingiva (arrows). 5. Van Heerden WF, McEachen SE, Boy SC.
have similar clinical features as vascu- Alveolar bone necrosis and tooth exfoliation
secondary to herpes zoster in the setting of
lar malformations, bacillary angioma- Conclusion HIV/AIDS. Aids 2005;19:2183-4.
tosis and even well differentiated an- Examination of the oral cavity should 6. Reusser P. Management of viral infections in
giosarcoma. A variety of treatment op- routinely be performed as the oral immunocompromised cancer patients. Swiss
Med Wkly 2002;132:374-8.
tions are available varying from intrale- mucosa is often the first site affected
7. Kui LL, Xiu HZ, Ning LY. Condyloma
sional injection of chemotherapeutic or by viral infections. A thorough medi- acuminatum and human papilloma virus
sclerosing agents to surgery or radia- cal history together with a detailed infection in the oral mucosa of children. Pediatr
tion. Regression of Kaposi’s sarcoma examination will result in an accurate Dent 2003;25:149-53.
8. Neville BD, Damm DD, Allen CM, Bouquot JE.
has been reported in patients receiving diagnosis for the majority of viral le- Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 2nd ed. WB
combination antiretroviral therapy. sions affecting the oral cavity, resulting Saunders Co, Philadelphia 2002.

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24 SA Fam Pract 2006:48(8)

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