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Regress under stress: A simple

least-squares method for integrating

economic scenarios with risk
Accepted 2nd June, 2016

Dan Rosen
is Visiting Researcher and first Director of the Centre for Financial Industries at the Fields Institute, as well as an Adjunct Professor
of Mathematical Finance at the University of Toronto. He was the co-founder and CEO of R2 Financial Technologies, acquired by
S&P Capital IQ in 2012. Before founding R2 in 2006, Dr Rosen had a successful career over a decade at Algorithmics. He holds an
MASc and PhD from the University of Toronto.

The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, 222 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 3J1, Canada

David Saunders
is an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo. He is the author of many
articles on the subjects of risk management, portfolio optimisation and derivatives pricing. Dr Saunders holds a PhD in Mathematics
from the University of Toronto.


Abstract We present a simple and powerful approach to create meaningful stress scenarios for
risk management and investment analysis of multi-asset portfolios, which effectively combines
economic forecasts and ‘expert’ views with portfolio simulation methods. Expert scenarios are
typically described in terms of a small number of key economic variables or factors. However,
when applied to a portfolio, they are incomplete — they generally do not describe what occurs
to all relevant market risk factors that affect the portfolio. We need to understand how these
market risk factors behave, conditional on the outcome of the economic factors. The key insight
to our approach is that the conditional expectation, and more generally the full conditional
distribution of all the factors, and of the portfolio profit and loss (P&L), can be estimated directly
from a pre-computed simulation using least squares regression. We refer to this approach as
least squares stress testing (LSST). LSST is a simulation-based conditional scenario generation
method that offers many advantages over more traditional analytical methods. Simulation
techniques are simple, flexible and provide very transparent results, which are auditable and easy
to explain. LSST can be applied to both market and credit risk stress testing with a large number
of risk factors, which can follow completely general stochastic processes, with fat-tails,
non-parametric and general co-dependence structures, autocorrelation, etc. LSST further
produces explicit risk factor P&L contributions. We demonstrate the methodology in detail with
the practical example of a multi-asset investment portfolio and economic scenarios from an
industry report.

Keywords: stress testing, risk management, conditional simulation, linear regression, scenario
generation, risk contributions

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391-412 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 391
Rosen and Saunders

INTRODUCTION the econom ic scenario. All the conditional scenario

Scenarios are the language o f R isk. T he quality o f analytics can be derived from the regression results.
a risk m anagem ent analysis depends on o u r ability T he application o f LSR on the cross-sectional
to generate relevant forw ard-looking scenarios that inform ation o f a sim ulation to obtain conditional
properly represent the future, and to understand expectations is the key com ponent o f the popular
clearly how these scenarios apply to our current least-squares M onte C arlo approach , 3 w idely used
situation, im pact o u r specific portfolios and provide to price A m erican options. H ere we show how
guidance on how to m anage their risk effectively sim ilar ideas can also be effectively applied to
or take advantage o f investm ent opportunities. portfolio risk m anagem ent and stress testing.
A lthough scenario analysis and stress testing W e refer to this approach as ‘least squares stress
have been an explicit part o f risk m anagem ent testing’ (LSST).
m ethodologies and systems for over tw o decades, LSST is a sim ulation-based m ethod that offers
the typical scenario and stress-testing tools have m any advantages over m ore traditional analytical
not evolved m uch and are still generally quite m ethods, including the following:
static and largely subjective. T he future cannot be
• It can easily be applied to large portfolios and a
predicted, but the com bination o f expert econom ic
large num ber o f risk factors, including m arket
analysis w ith advanced scenario and portfolio
and credit risks.
analytics can provide a strong basis for m anaging
• Simulation allows the risk factors to follow
risk and m ak in g better, m ore inform ed investm ent
completely general jo in t stochastic processes,
w ith fat-tails, non-param etric and general
In this paper, we present a simple and pow erful
co-dependence structures, autocorrelation, etc.
approach to create m eaningful stress scenarios
• Simulation techniques are simple, flexible and
for risk m anagem ent and investm ent analysis o f
provide very transparent results, which are
m ulti-asset portfolios, w hich effectively com bine
auditable and easy to explain.
econom ic forecasts and ‘expert’ views w ith portfolio
• LSST conditional scenarios analytics are easy to
sim ulation m ethods. T he intuition o f the approach
build on top o f any existing scenario and portfolio
is straightforw ard. E xpert scenarios are typically
simulation risk engine.
described in term s o f a small num ber o f key economic
• LSST further decomposes the portfolio’s
variables or m arket risk factors. However, when
perform ance in the simulation to produce explicit
applied to a portfolio, they are incom plete — they
risk factor P&L contributions.
generally do not describe what happens to all relevant
• T he com putational efficiency o f post-sim ulation
market risk factors that affect the portfolio directly
analytics allows users to run multiple scenarios
(or indirectly). We need to understand how these market
and assumptions in real time, thus providing
risk factors behave, conditional on the outcom e o f the
multiple-portfolio views and an explicit assessment
econom ic factors. For example, in a scenario w ith
o f m odel risk.
large gross dom estic product (GDP) grow th, equity
prices may rise to various degrees and credit default We focus this paper on conditional scenarios where
swap (CDS) spreads contract. C onditional scenarios several factors are given fixed values, ie point scenarios.
can be obtained analytically for the jo in t Gaussian O th er recent w ork defines m ore general views, for
and Student (distributions .1'2 T he key insight to our example on distribution param eters (eg m om ents or
approach is that the conditional expectation, or more quantiles). See, for example, M eucci ,4’5 and Ardia
generally the full conditional distribution o f all the factors, and M eucci .6 We note that it is easy to extend the
and o f the portfolio profit and loss (P&L), can be LSST m ethodology to m ore general views, including
estim ated directly from a pre-com puted sim ulation bounds on the factors, views on param eters o f the
using least squares regression (LSR). Specifically, we factor distributions, etc.
regress the m arket risk factors in the sim ulation, or T h e rest o f the paper is organised as follows.
directly the portfolio P&L values, on the economic T he next section briefly introduces the problem and
factors (or some function o f these), which define describes the basic setting for analysing portfolios

392 J o u r n a l o f R is k M a n a g e m e n t in F in a n c ia l In s t it u t io n s Vol. 9, 4 391-412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)

A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations

under conditional scenarios. This is followed by M arket risk factors include equity prices and indices,
a section presenting the LSST m ethodology. To interest rate zero curves (governm ent & swap curves),
illustrate the approach, the next section presents a cash credit curves, CDS curves, foreign exchange (FX)
real-life stress-testing example w here we analyse rates, com m odity prices, etc. T he num ber o f risk
the perform ance o f a typical m ulti-asset portfolio, factors can be large for a typical portfolio.
dependent on a large num ber o f risk factors, under
recent econom ic research report and regulatory
scenarios. Conclusions and further extensions are Market scenarios and portfolio
given in the last section. risk metrics
D enote a market scenario by Y=y. This is a specific
realisation o f the risk factors at T. U nder the m arket
P O R TFO LIO ANALYSIS U N D E R scenario, the portfolio P&L is AV(y).
C O N D IT IO N A L S C E N A R IO S For risk analysis, we also define a jo in t distribution
T he general problem can be form ulated as follows. ot the risk factors at the ho rizo n , F Y(y). This
Scenarios typically com ing from a research report distribution is used with the P&L function (1) to obtain
or an analyst’s views are naturally described in the portfolio’s P&L distribution via either simulation
term s o f a small num ber o f key econom ic variables or analytical m ethods, if tractable. Statistical risk
or risk factors. W hen applied to a given portfolio, measures for the portfolio, such as VaR and expected
they do not describe w hat happens to all relevant shortfall, are derived from this P&L distribution.
risk factors that affect the portfolio either directly
or indirectly. In order to apply these econom ic
scenarios to our portfolio, we have to find how Economic scenarios and economic
all the relevant m arket factors behave as a given risk factors
econom ic scenario unfolds. Implicitly or explicitly, C onsider a vector o f econom ic factors X, and denote
this relationship betw een all the factors m ust be by X = x () an economic scenario, w hich may come
assigned, and resolved w hen the scenario is applied from an econom ic report or an analyst’s projections.
to the portfolio. A simple approach com m only used Econom ic factors typically include m acro-econom ic
by practitioners is to elicit subjective views or expert variables, such as G D P and unem ploym ent, or other
opinions on how some econom ic levels affect all the financial and m arket factors such as interest rates and
m arket factors in the portfolio. Alternatively, we m arket indices. We focus on scenarios as ‘point-w ise
focus on first applying statistical tools to m odel the views’ o f the form X = x (), but the approach can be
jo in t behaviour o f the factors, and use these models extended to m ore general views.
to create the ‘complete scenarios’.
T he general setting is described in the following
sections. Joint factor evolution model
and joint scenarios
A m odel o f the jo in t evolution o f the m arket and
Portfolio and market risk factors econom ic factors produces a jo in t distribution at
C onsider a m ulti-asset portfolio P, w ith positions, for horizon T, FXY(x, y). T he m odel and the resulting
example, in equities, bonds, CDSs and derivatives distribution F can be com pletely general: param etric
in m ultiple currencies. We are interested in the P&L or non-param etric, w ith fat-tailed m arginals and
distribution o f the portfolio over a single horizon T, general co-dependence structure.
say one m onth or one quarter. T he discussion also
applies to m ultiple horizons.
T he portfolio P&L at the horizon is a function o f Conditional scenarios
a vector o f market, risk factors Y: O u r objective is to understand the perform ance o f
the portfolio under the econom ic scenario X = x ().
AV: = A V(Y) (1) Thus we need to understand how the m arket risk

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391-412 Journal o f Risk Management in Financial Institutions 393
Rosen and Saunders

Figure 1: Conditional scenario setting

factors behave, conditional on the defined outcom e o f Portfolio stress testing and conditional
the econom ic factors. T he expected conditional market scenario analytics
scenario is defined as
T he im pact o f the econom ic scenario on the
Yo= E [Y \X = x q] (2) portfolio’s perform ance is calculated by sim ulating
the portfolio over the conditional scenarios
M ore generally, w e can obtain the full conditional (alternatively, one m ight re-w eight the original
market factor distribution scenarios using the conditional distribution). As
w ith expressions (2) and (3), we obtain the conditional
F Ylx(y \x 0) = P [Y < y \X = x 0] (3) expected P&L scenario and the conditional distribution:

T h e case where the m arket and econom ic factors AV0= E [A V \X = x ()]

follow a jo in t m ultivariate Gaussian distribution, and
FAViX(y \x J = P[AV<V|X = * J (4)

N ote that, in general, because V may be nonlinear,

the expected conditional P&L scenario, AV(), is not
results in simple analytical expressions for conditional
equal to the P&L in the expected conditional m arket
scenarios and distributions. D enote the m ean and
scenario, A F(y0).
covariance o f the jo in t distribution by
All the risk metrics, including a conditional VaR or
expected shortfall are estimated from the conditional
M= P&L distribution. In addition, one may want to attribute
any m etric to various positions or risk factors, and
understand possible hedges.
T hen, the conditional distribution o f Y given
X = x 0 is also m ultivariate norm al w ith new mean
m and covariance m atrix B given by
B = ^2 2 ” ^21 ^1 1 ^12 We focus on a discrete version o f the jo in t
m odel, w here w e have a (large) set o f scenarios
Figure 1 provides a simple picture o f the setting S = { (x , y.), j= 1,..., m) obtained from a sim ulation
for the 2D case, w ith one m arket factor and one from the jo in t distribution F x y at horizon T
econom ic factor. (as m entioned earlier, F can be completely general).

394 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions Vol. 9, 4 391 -412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)
A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations

The key insight for our approach is that the independent of X, then the conditional distribution
conditional expected market scenario, and more of Ygiven X= x()can be calculated as
generally the conditional marketfactor distribution, P[Y< y |X=x(|]= P[BX+ U<y\X= x()J
can be estimated directly from the matrix of = P[U<y-BX|X=x()]
simulated scenarios using LSR. = P[U<y-Bx„) (7)
Expression (7) can be used to sample from the
LSR for market risk factors conditional distribution of Ygiven X, for example,
Based on the set of scenarios S, we fit a general when a fat-tailed distribution is used for the residuals U.
linear model of the form Alternatively, the errors can be sampled directly using
Y—BX+ U (5) their empirical distribution (see equations 12— 14),
thus avoiding any distributional assumptions on U.
where The matrix of parameters B can be estimated in
Y is the vector of market factors; a number of ways, including LSR and maximum
X is the vector of economic factors; likelihood estimation. We find in practice that
B is the matrix of sensitivities of the market it is straightforward to use ordinary least squares
factors to the economic factors; regression (OLSR) to estimate the parameters
U is the vector of errors, with zero mean, and associated with each component of the vector Y
assumed to be independent of (or at least separately (alternative methods of estimation include
uncorrelated with) the vector of economic using econometric techniques for simultaneous
factors X. equations; eg see Ruud7 for details). That is, for each
market factor, we consider the regression equation
Often, the vector U is assumed to have N
a multivariate normal distribution, with Y,=l/3ikx k+a 8
( )
covariance matrix X, but this is not necessary
in our case.
This linear model (5) is not as restrictive as it (3jk is the (i, L)-th component of the matrix B.
may first appear. First, the market factors Y can
be assumed to be nonlinear functions of the linear We can write expression (8) in terms of the
combination of economic factors. More generally, simulated scenarios S={(x., y), j= 1,..., m}:
Y can also depend on linear combinations of nonlinear N
functions of the economic factors, simply by adding e))
these as new explanatory variables in the regression where
(as an example, consider the case where each factor
is first transformed to a Normal variable — as in y- is the value of the i-th market factor under the
N j-th scenario;
a Gaussian copula setting—Y. =jLtPikXk+ Uj with xk/. is the value of the fe-th economic factor under the
j-th scenario;
%=O-' (F( Y)), Xk=A>-'(F(Xfe)), k= 1,... N. U- j is the value of the i-th error under the i-th scenario.

Based on expression (5), the expected conditional Parameters (3ik in equation (9) are then estimated
market scenario is given by using OLSR on each factor separately. We denote the
yn=E[Y\X=xJ =Bx0 (6) estimator of /3jkby j3jk. Once the parameters have been
estimated, we can construct the regression residuals:
Under the assumptions that the errors U are N
multivariate normal with mean zero and covariance ( 10)
matrix X, and independent of X, the conditional
distribution of Ygiven X —x{) is also multivariate where yi() is the estimated conditional mean:
normal with mean y() and covariance matrix X. N
When U is not normally distributed, but is still (ii)

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391-412 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 395
Rosen and Saunders

T he em pirical estim ator for the distribution as well as the conditional distribution o f the P&L:
o f U is then given by
m AL ^iibjkx k0 + Ej = ^> j= l-,m (18)
P[ U< u ] ~ m- ]' Zl ( u<u) ( 12) k= l
j= i J
T here are several advantages o f regressing the
w here 1(A) is equal to one if A is true and zero portfolio P&L directly on the econom ic factors.
if A is false (inequalities involving vectors are First, for a given portfolio, it only requires a single
interpreted com ponent-wise). regression, rather than m ultiple regressions (or a
T his is equivalent to assum ing that regression to fit a system o f sim ultaneous equations).
A lthough num erical algorithm s for O L S R are now
P\ U=uJ=^, j = 1, m (13) really efficient, this is m uch simpler and may also
From this, the resulting conditional distribution result in non-trivial reductions in com putation time
o f the m arket scenarios is given by for some very large problems.
Secondly, and m ore im portantly, by regressing the
P[Y=Uj + Y0] = ^ , (14) portfolio P&L directly on the econom ic factors, we
can com pute several conditional scenario portfolio
N o te that this is only an approxim ation. If analytics w ith a single portfolio sim ulation, w hich
the true distribution o f U is norm al w ith m ean 0 is typically the most expensive com putational step.
and covariance m atrix O/, then u w ill be norm al Also, a single sim ulation can be used to explore
w ith m ean 0 and covariance m atrix <J(I — H), different sets o f econom ic factors to fix in the
w here H = X (X TX)~]X r. conditioning. If we wish to constrain on a different
set o f econom ic factors, then the regression is rerun
to generate a new set o f residuals, over the same
LSR for portfolio P&L sim ulation, and thus new conditional means and
In the end, we are interested in com puting the distributions are obtained.
im pact o f the econom ic scenario on the perform ance Finally, the portfolio P&L regression also has
o f the portfolio. As m entioned above, this can significant m eaning in term s o f (economic) factor
be calculated by first obtaining the expected contributions to a given scenario P&L, and m ore
conditional m arket scenario (or perhaps a full generally to portfolio risk measures such as V aR or
conditional m arket scenario distribution) and expected shortfall (see R osen and Saunders8-10 and
then sim ulating the portfolio over the conditional M eucci11). Given an econom ic scenario, X = x, the
scenarios. A useful alternative in practice is to conditional portfolio P&L can be w ritten as
first sim ulate the portfolio over the full set o f
scenarios S, and then regress the portfolio
P&L directly against the econom ic factors: AF(x) = X Ck='5hbkx k (19)
k=t k=t
w here C fe are the (linear) econom ic factor
A R = X bkx k 7=1,...,m (15)
contributions. M ore generally, if the portfolio
loss is w ritten as the sum o f its com ponents
w ith estim ated residuals

L = h k
ij- A V j- ifa (i6) k=i

then, under regularity conditions on the random

w here the hat indicates the O L S R estimate. Based
variables involved (see, eg, M cNeil, Frey and
on the regression, we obtain the conditional expected
Em brechts12), the contributions o f the fc-th com ponent
P&L scenario:
to value at risk and expected shortfall are given by
AFg= E [A V | X = x j = X (ly )
C ^ R= £ [L JL = V aR ], C f s —E[Lk \L> VaR]. (20)

396 J o u r n a l o f R is k M a n a g e m e n t in F in a n c ia l In s t it u t io n s Vol. 9, 4 391-412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)

A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations

Setting, L = —A K we can estim ate the risk o f the portfolio P&L, an alternative technique
contributions o f the fe-th econom ic risk factor to O L S R w hen one is interested in obtaining
using the regression results: specific conditional quantiles or the full conditional
scenario distribution is the use o f quantile regression
1 techniques.13 We discuss the application o f these
,-V aR. ES
— ^ b £ xkj (21)
techniques in a follow-up paper.
where j* is the VaR scenario, and m' is the total
num ber o f scenarios in w hich losses exceed VaR. EXAMPLE
The portfolio
Consider a typical US$-based m ulti-asset portfolio
Heteroskedasticity w ith positions in equities (EQ), rates (IR) and credit
A n im p o rtan t add itional assum ption o f the (CR) in four currencies: US$, € , GBP and JPY.
L S R m odel is th at the variance of the errors Portfolio exposures are sum m arised in Figure 2. Its
around the regression surface is everywhere the same, ie m ark-to-m arket (MtM), as o f 28th April, 2015, is
V(Uj = V(Y|X) = (J 2. In this case, we refer to the US$458m , w ith US$568m in long and US$110m in
errors in the regression as homoskedastic. T he situation short positions. H a lf o f its M tM is in EQ, w ith the
w here the variance o f the errors depends on the rest split equally betw een IR and C R . In term s o f
level o f the independent variables X is referred to as currency exposure, alm ost 60 per cent is US$, with
heteroskedasticity. N on-constant error variance does 32 per cent in € and just under 5 per cent for each
not cause biased estimates, but it does pose problems o f GBP and JPY. T he US E Q portfolio accounts
for efficiency, and the usual formulas for standard for alm ost a third o f the exposure, w ith diversified
errors o f the estimates are less accurate. Essentially, positions across sectors w ith the highest exposure in
in this case, OLS estimates are inefficient because they Energy (20 per cent). T he IR portfolio is long US
give equal w eight to all observations regardless o f and G erm an G overnm ent bonds, w hile the CDS
the fact that those w ith large residual errors contain portfolio has lo ng-short strategies w ith high-yield
less inform ation about the regression. Standard and investm ent-grade single-nam e CDSs and indices
econom etric tests for heteroskedasticity include the (portfolio calculations perform ed by S&P Capital
W hite test and the Breusch—Pagan test (see, eg, R uud7). IQ Portfolio R isk; for illustrative purposes only).
T he presence o f heteroskedasticity does not Figure 3 provides a sum m ary o f the risk o f the
in general cause large problems for obtaining portfolio, m easured as 99 per cent V aR over one
conditional expected scenarios, but it does have m onth, and the risk contributions (stand-alone and
an im pact w hen we are concerned w ith the full m arginal VaR contributions). T he EQ portfolio
conditional scenario distributions. accounts for half o f the exposure but almost tw o-
T here are several ways to correct for thirds o f the portfolio risk, w ith US E Q constituting
heteroskedastic errors in the regression. First, one m ore than h alf o f this contribution (37 per cent).
can add m ore independent variables or transform In term s o f currency, US$ positions contribute
both the dependent and independent variables slightly m ore than h alf o f the risk, w hile € positions
w ith nonlinear functions. Secondly, there are some contribute about 40 per cent, despite being only
techniques such as weighted L S R to correct for this 32 per cent o f the portfolio exposure. T he C R
(eg R u u d 7). Thirdly, we may w ant to account for portfolio, although in principle m ore risky than
the fact that the conditional variance is not constant the IR portfolio, seems reasonably well hedged,
in the m odel, and perhaps adjust the variance o f and only contributes to the total risk by 3 per cent
the error distribution conditional on the specific m ore than IR . Looking deeper into US EQ , Energy
econom ic scenario (for example, by looking at the contributes alm ost 30 per cent o f the risk (with
variance surrounding that scenario, through the about 20 per cent o f exposure), and Industrials are
n closest points or the points w ithin a given radius). the second risk contributor at over 17 per cent (with
Finally, particularly for the one-dim ensional case only 12 per cent o f exposure, about the same level

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391-412 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 397
Rosen and Saunders

U S $ (M illio n )
NMV Long S h o rt NMV US$ € GBP JPY T otal
Portfolio 457.5 567.8 110.3 EQ 32% 11% 4% 5% S2%

EQ 221.4 225.5 4.1 IR 10% 14% 24%

IR 111.2 111.2 0.0 CR 18% 7% 24%

CR 124.9 231.1 106.2 Total 59% 32% 4% 5% 100%

Portfolio 458
EQ 221
US Equities
US EQ 136 Telecom, Utilities, 1% Consumer Disc, 7%
Materials, 0%
EU EQ 48
6 8 EQ 16 Technology,
JP EQ 22

IR 111
US$ 6 0 V 52

€ SOV 59

CR 125
US IG 70

US HY 60

EU HY 32

US CDS -38

Figure 2: Portfolio exposures

Key: NMV: net market value; EQ: equities; IR: interest rates; CR: credit; IG: investment grade; HY: high yield; CDS: credit default swap

uss EUR GBP JPY Total

EQ 37% 21% 4% 2% 65%

IR 3% 13% 16%

CR 13% 7% 19%

T ota l 53% 40% 4% 2% 100%

Portfolio 458 22,3 22.3

EQ 221 17.1 14.4 ■ VaR
US EQ 136 11.5 8.3
EU EQ 48 6.2 4.6
UK EQ 16 1.5 1.0
JP EQ 22 2.7 0.6
IR 111 6.3 3.6
US$ GOV 52 2.4 0.7
EUR SOV 59 4.6 2.9
CR 12S 6.5 4.3
USIG 70 2.1 0.8
US HY 60 3.4 2.0
EU HY 32 2.1 1.5
US CDS -38 1.9 0.0

Figure 3: Portfolio risk and risk contributions (VaR 99 per cent, one month)
Key: NMV: net market value; VaR: value-at-risk; EQ: equities; IR: interest rates; CR: credit; IG: investment grade; HY: high yield;
CDS: credit default swap

398 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions Vol. 9, 4 391-412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)
A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations

Table 1: Global economic scenario (one year)

Global scenario USA Eurozone UK Japan
Real GDP (% change) 3 1.5 2.8 0.8
Inflation (% change) -0.3 -0.3 0.1 0.4
IR short 0.3 0.1
IR long 2.3 0.3 - -
FX - 0.9 0.7 120.0
Key: IR: interest rates; FX: foreign exchange; GDP: gross domestic product

as Financials, H ealthcare and Telecom and below of 15 factors that are relevant to our portfolio, as
C onsum er Staples). shown in Table 1. For example, Eurozone interest
rates are forecast to go dow n in 2015 from their 2014
levels, w hile the actions o f the US Federal R eserve
The economic report and economic will result in the policy rate being raised, although
scenarios the ten-year yield stays at 2.3 per cent, below its
Suppose that the analysts just reviewed a new 2014 level. G D P grow th is expected to increase to
series o f econom ic research reports (S&P econom ic 3 per cent in the USA (from 2.4 per cent in 2014),
research, C redit W eek, 22nd April, 2015) from w h ile g ro w th in the E urozone and Japan is also
which they draw a set o f future scenarios on the expected to increase to 1.5 per cent and 0.8 per cent,
global economy, in general, and the US econom y respectively (from u n d er 1 per cent and m inus
specifically. We w ould like to understand how our 0.1 per cent last year).
portfolio w ill react if these conditions unfold over
the next year. We focus on four econom ic scenarios:
US economic outlook scenarios
• A global econom ic scenario. A ccording to the research re p o rt on the US
• T hree US outlook scenarios. economy, its grow th prospects rem ain favourable.
Still, given a slightly softer than expected start to
2015, econom ists lowered their forecast for GDP
Global economic outlook scenario grow th from 3.3 per cent to 3 per cent. At the time
T he global scenario describes how the global economy, o f the report, it seemed plausible that the Federal
after being hit in 2008 by the worst financial crisis R eserve w ould raise rates for the first tim e in almost
and recession since the Great Depression, had ten years. Based on this econom ic analysis, the
started to expand again by mid 2009, and has been report presents three scenarios (Base, U p and Down)
expanding ever since. Econom ists expect the global on over 30 econom ic variables. For this example,
econom y to continue to grow, w ith about 3.5 per we construct scenarios based on a manageable set
cent real G D P grow th in 2015 and 3.9 per cent the o f seven econom ic factors. In addition to GDP,
follow ing year. All o f this is despite a continuing inflation and IRs, w hich are in the Global scenario,
slowdown in C hina, w hile the USA, the Eurozone, we include unem ploym ent, a m arket index (S&P500)
Japan and India all grow faster. T he overall picture and oil prices. Table 2 presents these three econom ic
draws on the positives for global grow th resulting scenarios. For example, GDP grows at about 3 per cent
from the decline in oil prices, the inform ation in the Base scenario, increases by 3.4 per cent in
technology revolution, the European C entral the Up scenario, and grow th is merely 2.1 per cent
B ank’s quantitative easing program m e and the in the D ow n scenario. T he S&P500 is projected
Federal R eserve’s caution and norm alisation o f to grow betw een 7.6 per cent and 10 per cent.
m onetary policy. Also note that the D ow n scenario has an 8.5 per cent
O f the large num ber o f econom ic variables in the equity g ro w th , w hich is h ig h er than the Base
forecast (about 120), we focus on a reasonable subset scenario. A lthough perhaps counterintuitive, this is

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391-412 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 399
Rosen and Saunders

Table 2: US economic scenarios (one year)

US scenario Up Base Down
Real GDP (% change) 3.4 3 2.1
Inflation (% change) -0.3 -0.3 -0.4
Unemployment (%) 5.4 5.4 5.8
IR short 0.4 0.3 0
IR long 2.4 2.3 2.1
S&P500(%) 10.0 7.6 8.5
Oil (US$/bbl, WTI) 50.12 50 48.56
Key: GDP: gross domestic product; IR, interest rates; bbl: barrel; WTI: west texas intermediate

a consequence o f the econom ists’ m odel showing enough m odel for this example, and highlights
that the w eaker than expected econom ic conditions the m ain advantages o f the conditional scenario
in the D ow n scenario cause the Federal R eserve m ethodology.
Fund R ates to rem ain at zero well into 2017, and • Co-dependence structure of residuals. After each
this drives the stock m arket levels higher than in the factor’s process is estimated, we m odel their
baseline case. co-dependence structure non-param etrically
using the historical residuals directly. W ith
56 factors and 20 years o f quarterly data, the
The jo in t fa cto r sim ulation m odel factor co-dependence is described by a matrix
We now construct a sim ulation m odel for the jo in t o f residuals consisting o f 80 rows (80 quarters)
future evolution o f the m arket factors affecting and 56 columns.
the portfolio P&L and the econom ic factors. This
statistical model helps us translate the econom ic W e avoid the typical assum ption o f Gaussian
forecast scenarios into m arket scenarios, w hich we residuals to generate m ore m ean in g fu l stress
can use to simulate our investm ent portfolio and scenarios. T h e historical (non-param etric)
understand its risk. residual co-dependence allows us to capture both
T he m odel is estim ated using quarterly data for non-norm al m arginal distributions w ith fat tails, as
all the factors over about 20 years. It has a total o f well as m ore complex tail dependence. O f course,
18 econom ic factors (Tables 1 and 2) and 38 m arket w hen the num ber o f m arket factors becomes too
factors, w hich include 13 E Q factors (10 USA, large, some dim ensionality reduction may be
1 Europe, 1 U K and 1 Japan); IR curves in US$ necessary.
and € (8 points each); bond spreads in US$ and € Figure 4 depicts the correlation m atrix implied
(IG and HY); CDS spreads in US$ (HY and IG); from the historical residuals. In general, the
and FX rates in € , GBP andJPY . correlations betw een the econom ic factors are
This jo in t factor m odel consists o f tw o not as strong, except perhaps for the E Q index
com ponents (we use in this example a simple, but and long rates, G D P and O il, and a negative
rich enough m odel to highlight the benefit o f the correlation betw een G D P and U nem ploym ent,
LSST methodology): as expected. In contrast, the correlations betw een
the m arket factors are higher. T he low er left side
• Marginal risk factor processes. Based on each o f the m atrix gives the correlations betw een
individual factor’s time series, we construct a the m arket and the econom ic factors, w hich are
statistical model for its m arginal processes. We generally not very strong. As expected, we can
use A R M A -G A R C H models to filter the series see, for example, that Long R ates are positively
and rem ove autocorrelations, etc. Although correlated to E Q and negatively to CDS spreads,
perhaps m ore sophisticated models can be and O il Prices have strong correlation to Energy
used in practice, this suffices to generate a rich E Q returns.

400 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions Vol. 9, 4 391-412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)
A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations

J ii
mi s i s tf £ ^ S 2 S£ > .*
Is flf § l | i s s l!» „ „
Z s c i l g f J U s s g l i f f p 'S i 5 * 5 i * S I 5 ! 1 ^ 1 1 5 i i i i i l S 5 i S S 3 I l i 5 l « ? ?
5S8 88 3lJs8«i8lS«iS8§8S[ ts s s s s a s a s s s s fifiS S S S S S S S a s * 15%
us ■ ■ •
u sC P f *•# ■ ■
US Pcs une~<i
US ttwj & r c n
us «*:« ur«j IIIll
55** sec ■ is ia i
Economic Cn*5fe Oti •*
XL P e & O O P
Factors jPPcaKJO**
XL. CPI tr*
O BCPirsr 0.6
X £ stase S *o n ■
X L Rate ic n g
.P V U S S

US li«J~S5P !tNJv«
U $ E ft~ S ftP C o n » 0 « C
usLot-SiPm Teen 0.2
usfco-sapfenoomm ( S B ! I
JS£<HS5PC«**SW0 ■■■■ ■■ ■
US LQ -S&P fc.-wiyy
US fc Q -M P US'S
m mmmmrnm i
US S ^ e a d <J ia in i « ■ * ■ ! ---
U5S ij MV

Market U S$
O iM W
i» a mmmmmm
■■■a. - 0.2
Factors US$
GS*rt 3Y
« 8SI5SS5

i ■■■■BBmBf ■■■ ■■B alia

US$ Cost SY
USS Govt TV mm nmmwmmm mm ■■■■■■■
USSGov? 10Y ■■■■■■■> ■■ .■■■■■■ -0.4
U S $0<^30Y
xecq-wsacMu ■■■■■ " ■■■MM
■■ s is■ mm
0 6 U t- * 1 S £ iSC ■■■•
EUH spreoa MY f m mwMB
■ ■ B IB II
C U * Govt J V ■ ■■■■■■« - 0.6
£ U 8 Govt 6W
LU M &yrfJY
H» fiS B Iili
■■ S B ' l
E U « QOA 3Y ■■
6U H OOvt 5Y ■■
G U R G o rtT V MB ■■■■■ . »■•■■■■■■■ - 0.8
£U#t<^VS 10Y ■ ■■■■■ i i M N i H i a
E U ? t< k M 3 0 Y
to a u s s
■■■■ mmmmm
^Y U S $

F ig u re 4: Correlation matrix of historical factor residuals

Finally, w ith the calibrated m odel, we obtain a GDP vs. U nem ploym ent. In general these scenarios
large num ber (say 1,000 to 10,000) o fjo in t scenarios are stored in a m atrix o f 56 colum ns (the num ber
for the econom ic and m arket factors, using M onte o f econom ic and m arket factors) and 1,000 rows
Carlo m ethods that simulate A R M A -G A R C H (the num ber o f scenarios).
processes and random ly sample from the jo in t
residuals. As specified by the econom ic scenarios,
we ru n the sim ulation for a one-year horizon, by Conditional scenarios
sim ulating four quarterly steps for each scenario. We cannot obtain analytical closed-form expressions
A lthough we have a small num ber o f quarterly for either the jo in t factor d istrib u tio n or for the
residuals (80), we can generate a large num ber o f conditional scenarios u n d er this fairly rich (but
distinct yearly scenarios (almost 41 m illion). As an still quite simple) factor m odel setting. H ow ever,
example, Figure 5 plots the jo in t quarterly residuals, as m entioned earlier, the LSST m ethodology
as well as 1,000 sim ulated yearly scenarios, for can be applied in a straightforw ard way w ith the
2D projections o f € vs. US$ Long Rates, and for p re -co m p u ted jo in t scenarios on the econom ic

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391 -412 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 401
Rosen and Saunders

Historical Residuals Historical Residuals

US GDP-Unemployment Long Rates US-EUR

Simulated Returns 1 Year Simulated Returns 1 Year

US GDP-Unemployment Long Rates US-EUR
y = - 3 .2 7 1 9 x - 0 .0 4 5 5
y = 0.669X - 0 .0 0 0 4
R2 = 0.68138 0.03

0 .0 ?

c 0.05 0.04 0.03
o - -


— 0.04
US Long Rate

Figure 5: Joint economic and market factor scenarios (2D projections)

Key: GDP: gross domestic product

and m arket factors, as simulated from the model. In the US econom ic outlook scenarios, almost
Figures 6 and 7 show the expected conditional all equity sectors are up in the Base (from their
market scenarios for the Global and US Econom ic expectation, w hich is generally positive) except
O u tlo o k , respectively. For sim plicity, the for Energy, Utilities and C onsum er Staples. C redit
scenarios are expressed in standardised form , ie spreads tend to decline w hile the IR term structure
as the num ber o f standard deviations from their rises. T he Up scenario, as expected, essentially
expected value. amplifies these effects, but not drastically. In
In the global economic expected scenario (Figure 6) contrast, the D ow n scenario is a bit m ore complex.
most US E Q sectors move up m arkedly (some Equity returns for some sectors (eg Telecom) are
by one standard deviation) as a consequence o f above their m ean and for others (Energy) they are
beneficial econom ic conditions. However, Energy below. IR changes are generally less than expected
increases only m arginally, largely due to oil prices for the short end o f the curve, but they are positive
rem aining quite low in the forecast. C redit spreads and lower for the long end o f the curve. This is
tend to tighten, but the im pact is less clear for IR s quite consistent w ith the earlier explanation o f
in the figure, because the scenarios are expressed in the scenario.
standardised form (but essentially we know that the O ne can understand better these conditional
long end o f the US$ IR curve is at about 2.3 per cent scenarios by visualising simple 2D projections o f
and the short end at 0.3 per cent). the jo in t scenarios, the regression and the resulting

402 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions Vol. 9, 4 391-412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)
A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations



■ Base
0.40 1 - 1 _ a J I ......................- ■ ....
i l l
0.20 1 i « i l
1 l l 1 1 . M l . i l l !
—' l l 1
- 0.20 I I II


A- 4 - A a
^ ^ <o
^ ^
S' S' S'
o o ^P ^p ,-P
& & & o & ° o/ • o■
k / k/ kj k/ /.-o / A


Figure 6: Global economic outlook — expected conditional market scenario

Key: EQ: equities; CR: credit; IR: interest rates; FX: foreign exchange

Figure 7: US outlook — expected conditional market scenarios

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391-412 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 403
Rosen and Saunders

US Rate Long US Rate Long

Figure 8: US outlook — expected conditional scenarios (2D projections)

conditional distributions. For example, Figure 8 E Q Index (as given in the US outlook Base scenario
shows the projections o f the conditional scenarios for in Table 2), and then re -ru n the LSR to obtain new
a given EQ index (Industrials) against an econom ic conditional scenarios on the m arket factors. Figure 9
factor (US Long Rate). T he figure depicts both compares the expected conditional scenarios for
the expected conditional scenario, as well as the these three cases. Adding O il Prices to the forecast
full conditional distribution for each o f the three does not affect the conditional scenario much.
US econom ic outlook scenarios. (We point out However, adding in the E Q Index (which is highly
that m ost o f the factor regressions do not pass the correlated to m any o f the m arket factors) affects the
hom oskedasticity tests. A lthough, as m entioned scenario quite drastically. T he expected conditional
earlier, the expected conditional scenarios are not scenario becomes less bullish on equity prices, w ith
affected strongly by this, the conditional factor correspondingly higher credit spreads, but does not
distributions are not expected to be accurate and are affect IR s or FX much.
only shown here for illustration purposes.)
C onditional scenarios can be very sensitive to the Portfolio simulation and analysis
econom ic variables included in the forecast or view.
Finally, we analyse the im pact o f the conditional
T he LSST m ethodology allows a quick assessment
scenarios on the portfolio. To recap, the full process
o f this im pact, w ith out having to re-sim ulate the
essentially covers the following:
original unconditional scenarios. Take, for example,
the global outlook scenario, w hich originally • R u n n in g a M onte Carlo (MC) sim ulation w ith,
included 15 econom ic variables (Table 1). W e add say, 1,000 jo in t scenarios on the econom ic and
first the price o f O il to the forecast and then the US m arket factors.

404 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions Vol. 9, 4 391-412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)
A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations

' I°e ,


< *% > %
cc o
%- 3 o3

°o S £ °$

~ O E
c 111 o
■ ir .% % U)
+ S % 0
E 00)
0 C
c 0
o JZ
"O 0
c c
o CO
~o ‘0
0 o
0 X
V ^vs Q- LL
0 CO
0 0
-C 0
^°s/ %■ . c 01
o 0
CO 0
n C
0 CC
0 0_
% V s &o o
0 cr
% 9 ^PcTSy, CO 0 o

°09 ° o V P f )
3 LU o
O o o o o o o o o o d>
O 00 CD C\J o C\l CD CO 0 d
i_ LU
o o o o 3 >%
I I I I O) 0
'/? ^ Li. *

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391-412 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 405
Rosen and Saunders

NMV VaR P&L Global Rel. $US P&L Global

( $ USM ) (Annual) Mean Scenario Return Million M ean Scenario

Portfolio 457.5 16 . 0 % 3.7% 8 . 1% 4 .4% P o rtfo lio 458 15.9 37.0

EQ 221 14.5 37.8

EQ 221.4 29 . 0 % 6 .7 % 17 . 1% 10 . 4 %
US EQ 136 9.7 22.1
EU EQ 48 2.6 9.8
IR 111.2 14 . 4 % 1 . 6% - 0 . 1% - 1 . 8%
GB EQ 16 0.8 1.8
CR 124.9 16 . 8 % 0 .4 % - 0 . 5% - 0 .8% JP EQ 22 1.3 4.1
IR 111 1.5 - 0.1
US$ G O V 52 0.3 - 0.7

EURSOV 59 1.3 0.6

CR 125 - 0.1 - 0.6
US IG 70 - 0.1 - 1.0

US HY 60 - 0.6 0.2
EU HY 32 0.4 1.1
US CDS -38 0.2 - 1.0

Figure 10: Portfolio P&L — expected global outlook scenario

Key: NMV: net market value; VaR: value-at-risk; P&L: profit and loss; EQ: equities; IR: interest rates; CR: credit

• Simulating the portfolio over these scenarios To begin, we look at the global outlook scenario,
and calculating P&Ls for the portfolio (and all which sets views on GDP, inflation, short and long
sub-portfolios) — this allows the ‘unconditional’ IRs and FX in the USA, Europe, UK and Japan.
P&L portfolio distribution over one year to be Figure 10 gives the impact of the scenario on the
obtained, which we can also use as a basis to portfolio P&L, and contrasts it to the portfolio’s
understand the impact o f the stress tests. mean P&L over the horizon and its annual VaR
• Creating the expected conditional scenarios for each (99 per cent). The global outlook scenario produces
o f the four economic scenarios in the report. an excess return of 4.4 per cent over the mean,
This is done by applying the LSST methodology with most of it coming from the EQ portfolio,
on the generated scenario matrix. and almost two-thirds o f this from the US EQ
• Simulating the portfolio directly over these portfolio alone. Both the rates and credit portfolios
scenarios, and analysing the portfolio. have negative excess returns. The table on the
• Alternatively, also applying a LSR directly on the right side further breaks dow n the scenario
portfolio simulated P&L values (in the unconditional returns into the underlying sub-portfolio
distribution), as explained earlier, to obtain the contributions.
expected conditional portfolio P&L, and also to obtain Figure 11 shows the impact on the Portfolio P&L
full conditional portfolio P&L distributions. (Note as we add additional economic variables to the global
that the full conditional portfolio P&L distribution outlook scenario (Oil Prices and the EQ Index).
can also be obtained by first obtaining a new set of As shown in Figure 9, adding Oil to the forecast
conditional scenarios from the factor LSR (using the does not substantially alter the scenario itself, and
full residuals from the regressions) and re-simulating hence has a small impact on the portfolio. However,
the portfolio in each of these. This is computationally adding the EQ Index results in much lower
much more costly.) expected portfolio returns, with most o f the return
• Putting it till together to understand the impact on coming from the EQ portfolio, as expected. At First
the portfolio. glance, the scenario does not significantly affect

406 Journal o f Risk Management in Financial Institutions Vol. 9, 4 391-412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)
A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations

Portfolio P&L - Conditional Expected Scenario

Global Outlook


0.80 Rates Portfolio USD-GOV EUR-SOV

- 0.20 US$-HY
-0.40 EUR-HY
-0.60 Default
Global Global + oil Global + oil + S&P 500

Figure 11: Effect of scenario variables on expected conditional portfolio P&L — global outlook scenario
Key: EQ: equities; IR: interest rates; CR: credit; IG: investment grade; HY: high yield

the positions in the Rates or the C redit portfolios. mean scenario, Industrials and Inform ation Tech are
A m ore in -d ep th look at the sub-portfolios shows essentially m ore dom inant in the three US outlook
a m ore intricate story. T he scenario has opposing scenarios. This, o f course, suggests some possible
effects on the US$ and the € R ates portfolios, w hich portfolio rebalancing, if w e believe these forecasts
cancel each other, because rates in the USA tend and w ant to take some advantage o f them.
to increase and are lowered for the € . For the C R In addition to the expected conditional scenario
portfolio, the opposing effects o f the H Y and IG P&Ls, we can com pute the full conditional
positions hedge each other in the scenario. scenario P&L distributions. Table 3 summarises
Figure 12 shows the US outlook expected the C onditional VaR (99 per cent) for the three
conditional scenarios for the U S E Q portfolio, as US outlook scenarios and compares them to the
well as the (unconditional) m ean P&L. W e focus unconditional num bers. T he U nexpected Loss
now on this portfolio, as it dom inates the results. (UL) defines the worst possible deviation from the
T he portfolio, w ith an N M V o f US$136m, has an mean at a 99 per cent confidence level (the VaR
(unconditional) m ean P&L o f alm ost US$10m and m inus the expected P&L). For comparability, we
V aR o f US$35m . T he three US outlook scenarios express the V aR as P&L, so that negative values
result in a P&L range o f US$12m to US$15m, all correspond to losses. T he U L o f US$1 lm is the
above the mean P&L. The bottom graph in Figure 13 same in all three outlook scenarios, and m uch lower
drills d o w n to th e sector P&L con trib u tio n s than the unconditional one o f nearly US$45m .
(in the m ean scenario as w ell as the th ree U S U nder the LSR assum ption o f homoskedasticity,
outlook scenarios). W hile Energy has a large P&L the distribution around the m ean loss is the same
contribution o f alm ost US$4m to the (unconditional) under every scenario, once we define the fixed

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391-412 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 407
Rosen and Saunders


a Cons Disc

a Cons Staples

s Energy

□ Financials

□ Health Care

m Industrials

s Info Tech

■ Materials

□ Telecom

a Utilities

Figure 12: Expected conditional US EQ portfolio P&L — US outlook scenarios

Key: VaR: value-at-risk; Cons Disc: Consumer Discretionary

economic factors. The variance of this distribution any variables in the forecast). Removing the EQ
also decreases as variables are added to the forecast, Index from the conditioning variables results in
hence, the large difference from US$45m to US$1 tm. substantial positive additional returns in the Base and
Also note that, at the 99 per cent level, all three Up scenarios, but almost no impact on the Down
outlook scenarios generate a profit! scenario. Removing both the S&P500 and Rates
Figure 13 further shows the impact of the (thus leaving only GDP, Inflation, Unemployment
variables included in the scenarios. We progressively and Oil Prices), leaves the Base and Up scenarios
remove the EQ Index and the Rates from the almost unchanged, but reduces the P&L in the
forecast. The bar chart shows the expected Down scenario, because the forecasts essentially
conditional scenario for all cases under the Base, reflect slightly more bullish views. Finally, the
Up and Down scenarios as well as the conditional conditional variance and UL increase when variables
UL. It also contrasts these to the unconditional are removed from the forecast. (Much as the R 2 of a
mean P&L and UL (the equivalent to not having regression always increases when more explanatory

408 Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions Vol. 9, 4 391-412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)
A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations

Base Up Down Ul

Figure 13: Effect of scenario variables on expected and unexpected conditional US EQ Portfolio P&L — US outlook scenarios
Key: UL: unexpected loss

Table 3: Expected and unexpected conditional portfolio P&L — US outlook scenarios

Scenario Mean P&L Unexpected P&L VaR
Unconditional 9.7 44.7 -35.0
Base 11.8 11.4 0.4
Up 15.3 11.4 3.9
Down 12.4 11.4 1.0
Key: P&L: profit and loss; VaR: value-at-risk

variables are added, C onditional UL always decreases As part o f a risk analysis, a fund m anager may
as m ore econom ic variables are fixed (and these in addition w ant to look at dow nside econom ic
variables explain m ore o f the portfolio returns). scenarios com ing, for exam ple, from regulators,
This observation depends on the assumption o f w ho have dedicated substantial efforts to understand
hom oskedasticity o f the errors.) As we remove the possible dow nfall scenarios. We test the portfolio
E Q Index and then also R ates, the conditional against the com prehensive capital analysis and
UL increases from US$10m to U S$30m to US$37m. review (C C A R ) 2015 Adverse scenario,14 applied
At this point, the rem aining econom ic factors have a to the same econom ic variables. C C A R scenarios
smaller effect on the volatility o f the m arket factors. produced by the US Federal R eserve were originally
T h e US outlook scenarios look quite optim istic designed for regulatory stress tests for bank holding
and do not produce any portfolio losses at the companies w ith US$50bn or more o f total consolidated
99 per cent level (including the D ow n scenario). assets. C C A R provides three scenarios: Baseline,

© Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016) Vol. 9, 4 391-412 Journal o f Risk Management in Financial Institutions 409
Rosen and Saunders

Base Up Down CCAR

Real GDP (% change) 0.3 30.00

Inflation (% change) 4.0 2 0 .0 0

Unemployment (%) 7.3


IR Short 2.6

IR Long 4.6
- 10.00
S&P 500 (% change) - 2 0 .5

- 20.00
Oil ($/bbl, WTI) 90.00
* Approximate

Figure 14: Conditional expected market scenarios from CCAR Adverse economic scenario and US outlook scenarios — US EQ portfolio P&L
Key: GDP: gross domestic product; IR: interest rates; bbl: barrel; WTI: west texas intermediate; S&P: standard and poors

Adverse and Severely Adverse, on 28 variables, given by the product o f the portfolio regression beta
including economic activity, unemployment, exchange to the factor and the factor change in the scenario
rates, prices, incom es and interest rates. T he (see equation 21). Figure 15 presents the econom ic
Baseline scenario is sim ilar to average projections factor contributions (adding to a gross 100 per cent)
from surveys o f econom ic forecasters (not the on the expected co n d itio n al C C A R scenarios
forecast o f the Federal Reserve), w hile the Adverse (for each o f the th ree sets o f variables). W h en
and Severely Adverse scenarios are hypothetical included, the E Q Index dom inates, accounting for
events designed to assess the strength o f organisations almost 80 per cent o f the loss. U nem ploym ent and
and resilience to adverse econom ic environm ents. Inflation becom e m ore im portant w hen the EQ
In particular, the Severely Adverse scenario subjects Index is not present. Also, O il has a large positive
the banks to a full year o f global recession. As the contribution once R ates are not included, because
Severely Adverse scenario is a bit extrem e (eg a the higher oil prices positively influence the energy
60 per cent drop in equity markets), we focus on the positions. This simple ability to allocate factor P&L
im pact o f the Adverse scenario on our portfolio. contributions provides a useful tool for im proving
Figure 14 summarises the Adverse C C A R the understanding o f scenario outcom es, m anaging
econom ic scenario, and contrasts the expected the risk o f the portfolio and constructing investm ent
conditional m arket factor scenarios that result from strategies.
fixing different sets o f variables w ith the US outlook
scenario results. T h e C C A R Adverse scenario causes
portfolio losses o f alm ost U S$30m (over 20 per cent CONCLUDING REMARKS
o f N M V ). R e m o v in g the E Q Index from the LSST is a simple new approach to create m eaningful
forecast substantially reduces the losses, but losses stress scenarios for risk m anagem ent and investm ent
increase a little again w hen R ates are also removed. analysis o f m ulti-asset portfolios, w hich effectively
Finally, a sig n ificant advantage o f the LSST com bine econom ic forecasts and ‘expert’ views w ith
fram ew ork is its ability to provide risk factor portfolio sim ulation m ethods. A lthough conditional
contributions. Essentially, on a conditional scenario, m arket scenarios can be obtained for simple jo in t
the P&L contribution o f each econom ic risk factor is distributions such as Gaussian and Student t, LSST

410 Journal o f Risk Management in Financial Institutions Vol. 9, 4 391-412 © Henry Stewart Publications 1752-8887 (2016)
A least-squares method for integrating economic scenarios with risk simulations

All Factors Less S&P 500 Less S&P & Rates

■ W R L D .O IL

a U S _ M K TJD X




0 U S _ C P IJN F



Figure 15: Factor risk contributions for CCAR Adverse econom ic scenarios — US EQ portfolio P&L
Key: S&P: standard and poors

derives conditional scenarios from a pre-com puted Finally, the focus o f the paper has been largely
sim ulation, for completely general jo in t distributions on explaining the basic concepts and m ethodology,
and a large num ber o f factors, using LSR. T he and show ing its application to a real-life problem
m ethodology is com putationally efficient and can be and portfolio. We have left some o f the m ore
built on top o f any existing scenario and portfolio advanced m athem atical concepts, such as dealing
sim ulation risk engine, providing transparent results w ith heteroskedasticity for the full conditional
that are auditable and easy to explain. It also defines distributions, as well as m ethodology extensions,
a natural decom position o f a portfolio’s perform ance to a follow-up paper.
into risk factor P&L contributions, allows users to
ru n m ultiple scenarios and assumptions in real tim e,
and provides an explicit assessm ent o f m odel risk.
A lthough we focus this paper on point scenarios, Acknowledgments
conditional scenarios w here factors are given fixed Support in the form o f a Discovery G rant from
values, LSST allows one to define m uch m ore the N atural Sciences and E ngineering Research
general views in term s o f distributional parameters C ouncil o f Canada is gratefully acknowledged. T he
for the factors, etc. In particular one can also views expressed in this paper are solely those o f the
naturally define conditional scenarios w here factors authors. We w ould like to thank R ob Hodgson, Ian
are prioritised, by ru n n in g nested LSRs on a factor Buckley and Gajanan Kuganesan for their substantial
hierarchy, w ith progressive orthogonal increm ental contributions to im plem enting the m ethodologies
contributions, at each level (hierarchical LSRs). and generating the examples.

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