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Solution Manual for Introduction to Chemistry, 5th Edition, By Rich Bauer, James Birk, Pamel

Solution Manual for Introduction to Chemistry, 5th

Edition, By Rich Bauer, James Birk, Pamela Marks,
ISBN10: 1259911144, ISBN13: 9781259911149

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Chapter 9 – The Gaseous State
9.1 (a) effusion; (b) Boyle’s law; (c) combined gas law; (d) ideal gas; (e) pressure; (f) Dalton’s law of partial
pressures; (g) molar volume; (h) ideal gas constant, R

9.2 (a) diffusion; (b) Charles’s law; (c) Gay-Lussac’s law of combining volumes; (d) ideal gas law; (e)
barometer; (f) kinetic-molecular theory; (g) standard temperature and pressure (STP); (h) Avogadro’s

9.3 The y-axis units and label are missing (in both the graph and the data tables), x-axis units are missing, the
points should not be connected by lines (a straight “best fit” line that comes closest to all points should be
used), gridlines should be uniformly labeled (for example, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, etc.), the x-axis maximum
should be 60 instead of 120, a graph title is missing.

9.4 Each graph axis should have labels and units. In addition rather than “connecting the dots”, scientific
graphs use “trend lines” which show the trend of the data. Notice the trend line is a “best-fit” line and does
not necessarily touch any of the data points. A title should also be included.

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9.5 There is a trend, but it is not linear because the data clearly are curved in an upward direction.


After graphing the data draw a best-fit line through the data points. Determining the equation that fits the
line requires determining the variables m and b in the equation for a straight line:
y = mx + b
You can do this by using two points on the best fit line. By taking the points from the best-fit line you are
getting the equation that best fits all the data.
100ºC 67 g/100 mL
40ºC 34 g/100 mL
Next solve the set of equations:
67 = m(100) + b

34 = m(40) + b

m = 0.55 g/(ºC·100 mL)

b = 12 g/100 mL
Equation: y = 0.55x + 12

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9.7 The values for Dh represent the pressure applied to the gas in excess of 1 atm. The length of the gas
column is proportional to the volume of the gas. When the pressure is high, the volume is small. As the
pressure decreases, the volume increases. Gas pressure and volume are inversely related.

9.8 Pressure and volume are inversely related. Because the slope is constant we can state that
Pressure (Dh) = k´ or PV = k
where k is a constant.

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9.9 You can estimate the vapor pressure by drawing a line vertically from the temperature and seeing where the
intersection point lies on the vapor pressure axis (horizontal line).
22ºC 21 torr
38ºC 50 torr

9.10 There appears to be a linear trend in the data. At 0.92 g/mL the velocity is approximately 1360 m/s.

9.11 (a) 5 x + 1 = 3 ; subtract 1 from both sides

5 x = 2 ; divide both sides by five
x= = 0.4

(b) 0.412 / x = 2.00 ; multiply both sides by x

0.412 = 2.00 ⋅ x ; divide both sides by 2
x= = 0.206

(c) x 2 = 32 - x 2 ; add x2 to both sides

2 ⋅ x 2 = 32 ; divide both sides by 2
x 2 = 16 ; take the square root of both sides
x= x 2 = 16 = 4

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(d) 2 x = 6 - x ; add x to both sides
3x = 6 ; divide both sides by 3
x= =2

9.12 (a) 14 x + 16 = 44 ; subtract 16 from both sides

14 x = 28 ; divide both sides by 14
x= = 2.0

(b) x + 3 = 5 ; subtract 3 from both sides
x = 2 ; multiply both sides by 3
x = 2´3 = 6

(c) 12 x = 4 (12 - x ) ; divide both sides by four

3x = 12 - x ; add x to both sides
4 x = 12 ; divide both sides by 4
x= =3

(d) 3x + 15 = 4 x + 12 ; subtract 3x from both sides

15 = x + 12 ; subtract 12 from both sides
x = 15 -12 = 3

9.13 For temperature conversions we use the equation:

TF = 1.8TC + 32
To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius we rearrange the equation:
(TF - 32)
TC =
It is worth noting that 1.8 and 32 are exact in this equation and that the significant figures are determined
by the precision of the temperature you are converting:
(212 - 32) 180.
(a) TC = = = 100.C
1.8 1.8
(80.0 - 32) 48.0
(b) TC = = = 26.7C
1.8 1.8
( - 32)
32.0 0.0
(c) TC = = = 0.0C
1.8 1.8
(-40.0 - 32) -72.0
(d) TC = = = -40.0C
1.8 1.8

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9.14 For Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature conversions we use the equation:
TF = 1.8TC + 32
It is worth noting that 1.8 and 32 are exact in this equation and that the significant figures are determined
by the precision of the temperature you are converting:
(a) TF = 1.8´(37.0) + 32 = 66.6 + 32 = 98.6C
(b) TF = 1.8´(212) + 32 = 381.6 + 32 = 414C
(c) TF = 1.8´(100.0) + 32 = 180.0 + 32 = 212.0C
(d) TF = 1.8´(-40.0) + 32 = -72.0 + 32 = -40.0C

9.15 Solve the equation algebraically and then calculate for the unknown value.

PV (1.00)(1.00)
(a) T = = = 24.4
nR (.500)(0.08206)

PV (0.750)(3.00)
(b) n = = = 0.116
RT (0.08206)(237)

nRT (1.50)(0.08206)(455)
(c) V = = = 17.2
P (3.25)
nRT (2.67)(0.08206)(322)
(d) P = = = 4.70
V (15.0)
9.16 Solve the equation algebraically and then calculate for the unknown value.

PV (3.55)(1.75)
(a) T = = = 369
nR (.205)(0.08206)

PV (1.00)(22.5)
(b) n = = = 0.920
RT (0.08206)(298)

nRT (3.00)(0.08206)(535)
(c) V = = = 1050
P (0.125)
nRT (1.57)(0.08206)(343)
(d) P = = = 7.07
V (6.25)
9.17 When compared to other states of matter, gases have low densities and are very compressible. They also
take the shapes of their containers. We describe a gas in terms of its pressure, temperature, volume, and the
number of moles of the gas in the sample.

9.18 Unlike liquids and solids, gases take the shapes of and fill their containers. Atoms and molecules in the gas
phase are very much more mobile than they are in the solid or liquid phases. Compared to solids and
liquids, gases have low densities and are very compressible.

9.19 The density of warm air is lower than the density of cool air.

9.20 Warm air rises because it is less dense than cool air.

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9.21 As temperature decreases, gas molecules move more slowly. As a result, they collide with less force, and a
larger number of molecules occupy a unit volume. As shown in the figure, at lower temperatures the gas
density is higher, but the molecular velocity is lower.

9.22 (a) When a gas is heated, either the pressure or volume (or both) can change. If the volume changes, there
should be fewer molecules in the image, but the piston should have moved upward. The gas molecules
should also be moving faster as a consequence of the temperature increase. (b) The piston should have
moved up to show the expansion of the gas. The image incorrectly shows that the molecules increase in
size. When the volume of gas increases, the molecules do not increase in size. (c) The sample density
should decrease (because the volume increased), but the size of molecules does not change. (d) Although
the piston moved up, the density of molecules did not go down as it should have.

9.23 Gas pressure is the amount of force exerted by the gas particles divided by the area over which the force is
exerted. P =

9.24 When a gas molecule strikes a wall, the wall experiences a force. When we add together the forces of all
the molecules striking the wall and divide by the area of the wall, we determine the pressure of the gas.

9.25 We measure absolute pressure with a barometer (Figure 9.11). Essentially, a barometer allows us to
compare the pressure exerted by a column of a liquid (usually mercury) to the pressure exerted by the
atmosphere. A tire gauge compares the pressure of the air inside a tire to atmospheric pressure.

9.26 (a) We commonly use many different units for measuring pressure. These would include atmospheres,
torr, pascals, kilopascals, pounds per square inch, and inches, centimeters and millimeters of mercury.
(b) Here are several different pressure units and their relationships to 1 atmosphere (atm).

1 atm = 29.9 in Hg
= 76 cm Hg
= 760 mm Hg
= 760 torr
= 101,325 Pascal
= 101.325 kPa
= 14.7 lb/in2 (also known as pounds per square inch, or psi)

Because each of these values is equal to 1 atm, they are also equal to each other. When we convert from
inches of mercury to torr, for example, we can use the relationship 760 torr = 29.9 in Hg.

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9.27 If the temperature doesn’t change, the velocity of the gas molecules remains constant. Because the volume
is larger, the density of molecules is lower.

9.28 (a) If the volume of a gas sample increases, the density of gas molecules should decrease because we are
not adding any gas molecules so those that are present can spread out over a larger volume. In this image,
the density of particles is the same (which is incorrect) and the molecules increase in size (which is also
incorrect). When a gas expands, the space between the molecules increases but the molecules do not
change size. (b) The density of the particles did not change; it should have decreased. (c) The density
appears to have changed, but the piston did not move. In order for the volume to increase, the piston must
move up (as is shown in figures (a) and (b)). (d) The piston should have moved up and the gas molecules
should have remained the same size.

9.29 We use the following relationships to convert between the various pressure units:

1 atm = 29.9 in Hg = 76 cm Hg = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr = 101,325 Pa = 101.325 kPa = 14.7 lb/in2

For example, to convert between pascals and mm Hg, use the relationship: 760 mm Hg = 101,325 Pa.
1 atm
(a) Pressure in atm = 745 torr ´ = 0.980 atm
760 torr
760 torr
(b) Pressure in torr = 1.23 atm ´ = 935 torr
1 atm
1 atm
(c) Pressure in atm = 90.1 mm Hg ´ = 0.119 atm
760 mm Hg

1000 Pa
(d) Pressure in Pa = 0.643 kPa ´ = 643 Pa
1 kPa
760 mm Hg
(e) Pressure in mm Hg = 1.35´105 Pa ´ = 1.01 ´ 103 mm Hg
101,325 Pa
760 torr
(f) Pressure in torr = 7.51´10 4 Pa ´ = 563 torr;
101,325 Pa
101,325 Pa
(g) Pressure in Pa = 798 torr ´ = 1.06 ´ 105 Pa;
760 torr
10 mm
(h) Pressure in mm Hg = 29.3 cm Hg ´ = 293 mm Hg
1 cm

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9.30 We use the following relationships to convert between the various pressure units:
1 atm = 29.9 in Hg = 76 cm Hg = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr = 101,325 Pa = 101.325 kPa = 14.7 lb/in2
For example, to convert between pascals and millimeters of mercury, use the relationship: 760 mm Hg =
101,325 Pa.
760 torr
(a) Pressure in torr = 1.15 atm ´ = 874 torr
1 atm
1 atm
(b) Pressure in atm = 968 torr ´ = 1.27 atm
760 torr
1 atm
(c) Pressure in atm = 2.50 ´105 Pa ´ = 2.47 atm
101,325 Pa
760 torr
(d) Pressure in torr = 695 mm Hg ´ = 695 torr
760 mm Hg
Note that the units torr and mm Hg are interchangeable: 1 torr = 1 mm Hg.
101,325 Pa
(e) Pressure in Pa = 0.953 atm ´ = 9.66 ´ 104 Pa
1 atm
760 mm Hg
(f) Pressure in mm Hg = 653 torr ´ = 653 mm Hg
760 torr
101,325 Pa
(g) Pressure in Pa = 1545 mm Hg ´ = 2.060 ´ 105 Pa
760 mm Hg

1 atm
(h) Pressure in kPa = 3.73 kPa ´ = 3.68 ´ 10-2 atm
101.325 kPa

9.31 The conversion from inches of mercury to pascals is quite lengthy. The first half of the conversion
involves converting from inches to millimeters (English to metric conversion). The second half involves
using the relationships among pressure units to convert from millimeters of mercury to pascals. The
problem solving map looks like:
2.54 cm = 1 in 10 mm = 1 cm
Pressure in Hg   cm Hg   mm Hg

760 mm Hg = 1 atm 1 atm = 101,325 Pa

mm Hg   atm   Pa

2.54 cm 10 mm 1 atm 101,325 Pa

Pressure in Pa = 30.24 in ´ ´ ´ ´ = 1.024 ´ 105 Pa
1 in 1 cm 760 mm 1 atm

An alternate, but important, conversion method involves using the definitions of pressure given in the text.
We know that 1 atm = 29.9 in Hg and also that 1 atm = 101,325 Pa. This means that 29.9 in Hg = 101,325
Pa. Using this factor, we can convert from inches to pascals in one step (although with less precision):
101,325 Pa
Pressure in Pa = 30.24 in Hg ´ = 1.02 ´ 105 Pa
29.9 in Hg

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9.32 The conversion from kilopascals to inches of mercury is quite lengthy. The first half of the conversion is
converting from kilopascals (kPa) to millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) (pressure conversions). The second
half involves converting from millimeters of mercury to inches (English to metric conversion). The
problem solving map looks like:

1000 Pa = 1kPa 101,325 Pa = 1 atm 760 mm Hg = 1 atm 10 mm = 1 cm

kPa  Pa   atm   mm Hg  
2.54 cm = 1 in
cm Hg   in Hg

1000 Pa 1 atm 760 mm Hg 1 cm Hg 1 in Hg

Pin Hg = 101.19 kPa ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ = 29.881 in Hg
1 kPa 101,325 Pa 1 atm 10 mm Hg 2.54 cm Hg

The conversion factor 2.54 cm/in is exact.

An alternate, but important, conversion method involves using the definitions of pressure given in the text.
We know that 1 atm = 29.9 in Hg and also that 1 atm = 101,325 Pa. This means that 29.9 in Hg =
101,325 Pa. To convert to kilopascals, we use the definition: 1 kPa = 1000 Pa:

1000 Pa 29.9 in Hg
Pressure in Hg = 101.19 kPa ´ ´ = 29.9 in Hg
1 kPa 101,325 Pa

9.33 Boyle’s law tells us that, at constant temperature, as the pressure of a gas increases the volume decreases.
This is an inverse relationship, so that if the pressure increases by a factor of three, the volume decreases to
one third (1/3) of its original volume, assuming the temperature remains constant.

9.34 Boyle’s law is an inverse relationship: As the volume of a gas sample increases, the pressure of the gas
decreases, assuming that the temperature is kept constant. When the volume of a gas increases by four
times its original volume, its pressure decreases to one fourth its original pressure (at constant temperature).
Mathematically, we can write Boyle’s law as P1V1 = P2V2.

9.35 If the container volume decreases, the particles will collide with the container walls more frequently,
causing an increase in pressure. If the container size is decreased to half its original volume, and the
sample size remains constant, we expect to find twice as many molecules in the same space. The velocity
of the molecules will not change as long as the temperature remains constant, so the pressure on the
container walls will double.

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9.36 If the volume of the container is increased, the particles will collide with the container wall less frequently
causing a decrease in pressure. If the container volume is tripled, the pressure of the gas molecules against
the container walls decreases to one third of its original pressure. This is because, at constant temperature,
the velocity of the molecules does not change, but the frequency of their collisions with the container walls
decreases. Because there are 8 gas molecules in the original picture there should be about 8 ´ 1/3 = 2 2/3
molecules in the new picture.

9.37 (a) 3.60 L; (b) 26.7 mL; (c) 0.392 mL. Boyle’s law describes the relationship of pressure and volume
changes (P & V) on a gas sample, assuming that the sample size (number of moles) and temperature are
kept constant. Boyle’s law is an inverse relationship: As the volume of a gas sample increases, the
pressure of the gas decreases, assuming that the temperature is kept constant. For example, in part (a)
because the pressure increases by a factor of 5.00 atm/2.00 atm (units must be the same), we conclude that
the volume will decrease by a factor of 2.00 atm/5.00 atm. We can compute the final volume as follows:

3.00 atm
Final volume = ´6.00 L = 3.60 L
5.00 atm

Boyle’s law also states that P1V1 = P2V2. For part (a) we have:

V1 P1 P2 V2
6.00 L 3.00 atm 5.00 atm ?

We can rearrange Boyle’s law and solve for V2 as follows:

V2 = 1 1

(3.00 atm )(6.00 L)

V2 = = 3.60 L
5.00 atm

By either applying the proportionality, or using Boyle’s law, we obtain the same result. After you complete
your calculation, you should make sure to evaluate your answer to ensure that it is reasonable. The effect
of the pressure increase should be a volume decrease.

(b) The pressure increases, so we should see a volume decrease, and we do.

(60.0 torr )(40 mL)

V2 = = 26.7 mL
90.0 torr

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(c) The pressure increases, so we should see a volume decrease, and we do.

(40.0 torr )(2.50 mL)

V2 = = 0.392 mL
255 torr

9.38 Boyle’s law describes the relationship of pressure and volume changes (P and V) on a gas sample,
assuming that the sample size (number of moles) and temperature are kept constant. Boyle’s law is an
inverse relationship: As the volume of a gas sample increases, the pressure of the gas decreases, assuming
that the temperature is kept constant. Before we apply Boyle’s law, we must make certain that the pressure
units are the same. Mathematically, we can write Boyle’s law as P1V1 = P2V2. For these problems, we are
solving for V2:

V2 = 1 1

(a) Using Boyle's law, we get the new volume:

(2.50 atm )(2.50 L)

V2 = = 0.00862 L
725 atm

Because the pressure increases, the volume should decrease, and it does.

(b) With a decrease in pressure we expect an increase in the volume, V2.

(825 torr )(6.25 L)

V2 = = 11.3 L
456 torr

(50.0 torr )(450 mL)

(c) V2 = = 7.5 ´ 102 mL
30.0 torr

9.39 According to Boyle's law, if the volume of a gas sample increases by a factor of 1512 mL/405 mL, its
pressure decreases by a factor of 205 mL/1512 mL. For part (a) we can write:

405 mL
P2 = ´602 torr = 161 torr
1512 mL

We can obtain the same results using the mathematical expression of Boyle's law, P1V1 = P2V2, solving
for P2:
P2 = 1 1
Note: When we solve these problems, the volume units must agree so that they cancel properly.

(602 torr)(405 mL )
(a) P2 = = 161 torr
1512 mL

Because the sample volume increases, we expect that the pressure will decrease, and it does.

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(b) Before we can use Boyle's law, we must convert 1.50 L into mL.
1000 mL
Volume in mL = 1.50 L ´ = 1.50 ´ 103 mL

(0.00100 torr)(1.50 ´103 mL )

P2 = = 0.100 torr
15.0 mL
Because the volume decreases, we expect the pressure to increase, and it does.

(0.832 atm)(805 L )
(c) P2 = = 17.9 atm
37.5 L
Because the volume decreases, we expect pressure to increase, and it does.

9.40 According to Boyle's law, a decrease in the volume of a gas results in an increase in pressure.
Mathematically, we express Boyle's law as P1V1 = P2V2. We are looking for the final pressure, so we solve
the equation for P2:

P2 = 1 1

If the units of V1 and V2 are the same, we need not worry about unit conversions.

(a) Prior to using Boyle's law, we must convert 155 mL to L so that the volume units agree.
Volume in L = 155 mL = 0.155 L
1000 mL

(845 torr)(0.155 L )
P2 = = 84.5 torr
1.55 L

We see that the calculated pressure is lower than the initial pressure as a result of an increase in
volume. This is in agreement with the inverse relationship between pressure and volume shown by
Boyle’s law.

(5.30 atm)(2.85 L )
(b) P2 = = 3.36 atm
4.50 L

Because the volume increases, the pressure decreases as predicted by Boyle’s law.

(c) Prior to using Boyle's law, we must convert 5500 mL to L so that the volume units agree.

Volume in L = 5500 mL = 5.5 L
1000 mL

(755 torr)(2.00 L )
P2 = = 275 torr
5.5 L

Because the volume increases, the pressure decreases as predicted by Boyle’s law.

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9.41 It is helpful to organize the data in table form.

P1 V1 P2 V2
1.25 atm 925 L ? 6.35 L

Based on Boyle's law, we predict that if the volume of the gas sample decreases by a factor of
6.35 L/925 L, the pressure should increase by a factor of 925 L/6.35 L, assuming the sample size and
temperature are kept constant. Solving Boyle's law for P2 we have:

P2 = 1 1

1.25atm ´ 925 L
P2 = =182 atm
6.35 L

As we predicted, the pressure is higher by a factor of 925 L/6.35 L.

9.42 It is helpful to organize the data in table form.

P1 V1 P2 V2
0.945 atm 186 mL 1.76 atm ?

Based on Boyle's law, we predict that if the pressure of a gas sample increases by a factor of
1.76 atm/0.945 atm, its volume will decrease by a factor of 0.945 atm/1.76 atm, assuming that the sample
size and temperature are kept constant. Solving Boyle's law for V2 we have:

V2 = 1 1

(0.945 atm )(186 mL)

V2 = = 99.9 mL
1.76 atm

As we predicted, the volume decreased by a factor of 0.945 atm/1.76 atm.

9.43 Organize the data in table form.

P1 V1 P2 V2
1.00 atm 0.550 L 725 torr ?

Notice that the units of pressure for P1 and P2 differ. Because 1 atm = 760 torr, we can substitute 1.00 atm
with 760 torr in the Boyle's law expression:

PV (760 torr )(0.550 L)

V2 = 1 1
= = 0.577 L
P2 725 torr

The volume of H2 required is larger than 0.550 L because it is being collected at a lower pressure.

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9.44 Organize the data in table form.

P1 V1 P2 V2
2.00 atm 2.50 L 735 torr ?

Notice that the units of pressure for P1 and P2 differ. We must convert 735 torr to atm before using Boyle's

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 735 torr ´ = 0.967 atm
760 torr

PV (2.00 atm )(2.50 L)

V2 = 1 1
= = 5.17 L
P2 0.967 atm

The larger volume the gas occupies at the lower pressure is consistent with Boyle's law.

9.45 Charles’s law states that if the pressure and sample size of a gas are kept constant, the volume and
temperature (in kelvins) of the gas are directly proportional to each other (volume increases when
temperature increases; volume decreases when temperature decreases). If the temperature increases, the
gas will occupy a larger volume.

9.46 Charles’s law indicates the direct proportionality between the absolute temperature of a gas and its volume,
provided the pressure and sample size are kept constant. If the temperature increases, the volume of the gas
will increase. If the temperature decreases, the volume of the gas will decrease. Mathematically, we can
write Charles’s law as:

V1 V2
T1 T2

9.47 The velocity of the gas particles increases as temperature increases. This means they strike the walls of the
container with greater force. If the container volume does not increase, the gas pressure increases. To
maintain a constant pressure, as stated in the problem, the volume of the container will increase.

9.48 The velocity of the gas particles decreases as the temperature decreases. This means that they strike the
container walls with less force. If the container does not decrease in volume, the pressure decreases. To
maintain a constant pressure, the volume of the container will decrease.

9.49 In Charles's law problems, we must always express temperature in kelvins. We can state Charles’s law
mathematically as:

V1 V2
T1 T2

Solving for V2: V2 = ´T
T1 2
We see that if the temperature, T2, increases, the volume, V2 must also increase.

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(a) Both temperatures are given in Celsius. The conversion is: TK = TC + 273.15 K.

T1 = 30.0C + 273.15 = 303.2 K

T2 = 0.0C + 273.15 = 273.2 K

6.00 L
V2 = ´ 273.2 K = 5.41 L
303.2 K

Because the temperature decreases, the volume also decreases.

(b) Both temperatures are given in Celsius. The conversion is: TK = TC + 273.15 K.

T1 = -60.0C + 273.15 = 213.15 K (4 sig figs)

T2 = 401.0C + 273.15 = 674.15 K (4 sig figs)

212 mL
V2 = ´ 674.15 K = 671 mL
213.15 K
Because temperature increases, the volume also increases.

47.5 L
(c) V2 = ´ 337 K = 75.5 L
212 K

Because the temperature increases, the volume also increases.

9.50 When we solve Charles's law problems, we must always express temperature in kelvins. We can state
Charles’s law mathematically as:

V1 V2
T1 T2
Solving for V2: V2 = ´T
T1 2
We see that if the temperature, T2, increases, the volume, V2 must also increase.

(a) Both temperatures are given in Celsius. The conversion is: TK = TC + 273.15 K.

T1 = 0.0C + 273.15 = 273.2 K

T2 = 100.0C + 273.15 = 373.2 K

224 L
V2 = ´ 373.2 K = 306 L
273.2 K
Because the temperature increases, the volume also increases.

152 mL
(b) V2 = ´ 450 K = 1.5 ´ 103 mL
45 K
Because the temperature increases, the volume also increases.

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(c) Both temperatures are given in Celsius. The conversion is: TK = TC + 273.15 K.

T1 = 45C + 273.15 = 318 K

T2 = 450C + 273.15 = 7.2 ´ 102 K

156 L
V2 = ´ 7.2 ´102 K = 3.5 ´ 102 mL
318 K
Because the temperature increases, the volume also increases.

9.51 When we solve Charles's law problems, we must always express temperature in kelvins. We can state
Charles’s as:

V1 V2
T1 T2

Solving for T2: T2 = V2 ´
(a) Although we are asked to give the final temperature in Celsius, we must solve for T2 in kelvins and
then express that temperature in degrees Celsius.

T1 = 0.0C + 273.15 = 273.2 K

273.2 K
T2 = 140.0 mL ´ = 546 K
70.0 mL
Because the volume doubles, the temperature also doubles. Convert T2 to Celsius:

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 546 K - 273.15 = 273C

(b) The units for volume must be the same so they will cancel. First, we convert 85 mL to liters and
-37C to kelvins before we apply Charles’s law:

Volume in liters = 85 mL ´ = 0.085 L
1000 mL

T1 = -37C + 273.15 = 236 K

236 K
T2 = 0.085 L ´ = 7.9 K
2.55 L

Because the volume decreases, the temperature also decreases.

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 7.9 K - 273.15 = -265.2C

165 K
(c) T2 = 135 L ´ = 255 K
87.5 L

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 255 K - 273.15 = -19C

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9.52 When we solve Charles's law problems, we must express the temperature in kelvins. We can state
Charles’s law mathematically as:

V1 V2
T1 T2

Solving for T2: T2 = V2 ´
(a) The units for volume must be the same so they will cancel. First, we convert 100.0C to kelvins:
T1 = 100.0C + 273.15 = 373.2 K

373.2 K
T2 = 100.0 mL ´ = 149.2 K
250.0 mL

Because the volume decreases, the temperature also decreases.

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 149.2 K - 273.15 = -124.0C

(b) First, we convert 27.5C to kelvins before we use Charles’s law:

T1 = 27.5C + 273.15 = 300.7 K

300.7 K
T2 = 148 mL ´ = 356 K
125 mL

Because the volume increases, the temperature also increases.

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 356 K - 273.15 = 83C

300 K
(c) T2 = 57.2 L ´ = 1 ´ 103 K (to 1 significant figure).
13.7 L

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 1 ´ 103 - 273.15 = 1 ´ 103 C (to one significant figure)

9.53 It is often helpful to create a table like the one shown below and input the data from the problem.

V1 T1 V2 T2
0.150 mL 24.2C ? 62.5C

Because only temperature and volume are changing, we use Charles’s law to solve for the new volume:
V2 = ´ T2
Before doing the calculation, we must convert the temperatures to kelvins:
T1 = 24.2C + 273.15 = 297.4 K
T2 = 62.5C + 273.15 = 335.7 K

0.150 mL
V2 = × 335.7 K = 0.169 mL
297.4 K
Because the temperature increases, the volume of the bubble also increases.
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9.54 It is often helpful to create a table like the one shown below and input the data from the problem.

V1 T1 V2 T2
79.0 L 27.0C 32.0 L ?

Because only temperature and volume are changing, we use Charles’s law and solve for temperature:

T2 = V2 ´

Convert 27.0C to kelvins:

T1 = 27.0C + 273.15 = 300.2 K

300.2 K
T2 = 32.0 L ´ = 121 K
79.0 L

Because the volume decreases, the temperature also decreases.

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 121 K - 273.15 = -152C

9.55 Nothing happens to the particles if the temperature, pressure, and volume are constant. If the tank is sealed
so that no gas molecules can escape, then the pressure does not change. If the tank is opened, then some of
the gas molecules will leave the tank to maintain an equilibrium pressure with the air outside the tank.

9.56 The pressure at sea level is higher than at 9000 ft. As the external pressure on the container increases, the
volume of the container will decrease as long as the temperature stays constant.

9.57 We know that the temperature and pressure of a fixed volume of gas are directly related, so we can write an
equation relating the change in pressure that occurs when the temperature of a gas sample changes. The
equation is similar to that for Charles’s law, except that we substitute pressure for volume (recall that
volume and temperature are also directly proportional).

P1 P2
T1 T2

Solving for P2: P2 = T2 ´
(a) Convert temperatures to kelvins:

T1 = 0.0C + 273.15 = 273.2 K

T2 = 105.0C + 273.15 = 378.2 K

302 torr
P2 = 378.2 K ´ = 418 torr
273.2 K

The temperature increases, so the pressure also increases.

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(b) Convert temperatures to kelvins:

T1 = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

T2 = 0.0C + 273.15 = 273.2 K

735 torr
P2 = 273.2 K ´ = 673 torr
298.2 K

The temperature decreases, so the pressure also decreases.

3.25 atm
(c) P2 = 373 K ´ = 4.44 atm
273 K

Because the temperature increases, the pressure also increases.

9.58 We know that temperature and pressure of a fixed volume of a gas are directly related, so we can write an
equation relating the change in pressure of a gas sample when the temperature of the gas sample changes.
The equation is similar to that for Charles’s law, except that we substitute pressure for volume (recall that
volume and temperature are also directly proportional).

P1 P2
T1 T2

Solving for P2: P2 = T2 ´

255 torr
(a) P2 = 315 K ´ = 357 torr
225 K

Because the temperature decreases, the pressure also decreases.

(b) Convert temperatures to kelvins:

T1 = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

895 torr
P2 = 206 K ´ = 618 torr
298.2 K

Because the temperature decreases, the pressure also decreases.

(c) Convert temperatures to kelvins:

T1 = 150C + 273.15 = 420 K

T2 = 23C + 273.15 = 296 K

2.74 atm
P2 = 296 K ´ = 1.9 atm
420 K

Because the temperature decreases, the pressure also decreases.

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9.59 We know that temperature and pressure of a fixed volume of a gas are directly related, so we can write an
equation that relates the change in pressure of a gas sample with a change in temperature. The equation is
similar to Charles’s law, except that we substitute pressure for volume (recall that volume and temperature
are also directly proportional).
P1 P2
T1 T2
Solving for T2: T2 = P2 ´
(a) Convert temperature to kelvins:

T1 = 30.0C + 273.15 = 303.2 K

303.2 K
T2 = 915 torr ´ = 182 K
1525 torr

Convert T2 to degrees Celsius:

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 182 K - 273.15 = -91C

(b) Convert temperature to kelvins:

T1 = 250.0C + 273.15 = 523.2 K

The pressures need to be expressed in the same units. Convert 1042 torr to atm:
1 atm
Pressure in atm = 1042 torr ´ = 1.371 atm
760 torr
523.2 K
T2 = 1.371 atm ´ = 1.0 ´ 103 K
0.70 atm
Convert T2 to degrees Celsius:

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 1.0 ´ 103 K - 273.15 = 750C

355 K
(c) T2 = 1000.0 torr ´ = 7.10 ´ 102 K
500.0 torr

Convert T2 to degrees Celsius:

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 7.10 ´ 102 K - 273.15 = 437C

9.60 We know that the temperature and pressure of a fixed volume of a gas are directly related, so we can write
an equation relating the change in pressure associated with a change in the temperature of a gas sample.
The equation is similar to Charles’s law, except that we substitute pressure for volume (recall that volume
and temperature are also directly proportional).

P1 P2
T1 T2

Solving for T2: T2 = P2 ´

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(a) Convert temperature to kelvins:

T1 = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

298.2 K
T2 = 735 torr ´ = 902 K
243 torr

Convert T2 to degrees Celsius:

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 902 K - 273.15 = 629C

205 K
(b) T2 = 1.20 atm ´ = 105 K
2.35 atm

Convert T2 to degrees Celsius:

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 105 K - 273.15 = -168C

(c) The pressures must be in the same units. Convert 875 torr to atm:
1 atm
Pressure in atm = 875 torr ´ = 1.15 atm
760 torr

375 K
T2 = 0.85 atm ´ = 2.8 ´ 102 K
1.15 atm

Convert T2 to degrees Celsius:

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 2.8 ´ 102 K - 273.15 = 0C (There are no significant figures in the answer.)

9.61 We know that the temperature and pressure of a fixed volume of a gas are directly related, so we can write
an equation relating the pressure change associated with a change in the temperature of a gas sample. The
equation is similar to Charles’s law, except that pressure replaces volume (recall that volume and
temperature are also directly proportional).

P1 P2
T1 T2
Solving for P2: P2 = T2 ´

P1 T1 P2 T2
7.25 atm 18.5C ? 37.2C

Convert temperatures to Celsius and calculate P2:

T1 = 18.5C + 273.15 = 291.7 K

T2 = 37.2C + 273.15 = 310.4 K

7.25 atm
P2 = 310.4 K ´ = 7.71 atm
291.7 K

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9.62 We know that the temperature and pressure of a fixed volume of a gas are directly related, so we can write
an equation relating the pressure change associated with a change in the temperature of a gas sample. The
equation is similar to Charles’s law, except that pressure replaces volume (recall that volume and
temperature are also directly proportional).

P1 P2
T1 T2

P1 T1 P2 T2
6.75 atm 25.0C 1.25 atm ?

Convert temperature to kelvins:

T1 = 28.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

298.2 K
T2 = 1.25 atm ´ = 55.2 K
6.75 atm

Convert T2 to degrees Celsius:

TC = TK - 273.15 K = 55.2 K - 273.15 = -217.9C

9.63 When we use the combined gas law, it helps if we solve the equation for the desired variable before we
substitute numbers into the expression. When we rearrange the equation, we try to keep the state 1 and
state 2 variables separate (it helps us to keep from mixing up the variables). We must also make sure that
the units are consistent (i.e. that the pressures are in the same units and the temperatures are in kelvins).

Combined gas law: 1 1
= 2 2
T1 T2

(a) The missing value on the data table is V2:

V2 = 1 1
´ 2
T1 P2

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
0.50 atm 2.50 L 20.0C 760.0 torr ? 0.0C

We need to express the pressures in common units and convert the temperatures to kelvins. Since
760.0 torr is 1.000 atm, we can simply substitute 1.000 atm for P2. First, we convert temperatures to
kelvins and then solve for V2:

T1 = 20.0C + 273.15 = 293.2 K

T2 = 0.0C + 273.15 = 273.2 K

(0.50 atm )(2.50 L) 273.2 K

V2 = ´ = 1.2 L
293.2 K 1.000 atm

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(b) The value missing from the data table is T2:

T2 = ´ P2V2
1 1

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
0.250 atm 125 L 25.0C 100.0 torr 62.0 L ?

Temperature and pressure both need to be converted to appropriate units:

T1 = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

1 atm
P2 (atm) = 100.0 torr ´ = 0.1316 atm
760 torr

298.2 K
T2 = ´(0.1316 atm )(62.0 L ) = 77.8 K (or -195.3C)
(0.250 atm )(125 L )

(c) The value missing from the data table is P2:

P2 = 1 1
´ 2
T1 V2
P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
200.0 torr 455 mL 300.0 K ? 200.0 mL 327C

First, we convert T2 to kelvins:

T2 = 327C + 273.15 = 6.00 ´ 102 K

(200.0 torr)(455 mL ) 6.00 ´102 K

P2 = ´ = 9.10 ´ 102 torr
(300.0 K ) 200.0 mL

9.64 When we use the combined gas law, it helps if we solve the equation for the desired variable before we
substitute numbers into the expression. When we rearrange the equation, we try to keep the state 1 and
state 2 variables separate (it helps to keep us from mixing up the variables). We must also make certain
that the units are consistent (i.e. that pressures are in the same units and temperatures are in kelvins.

Combined gas law: 1 1
= 2 2
T1 T2

(a) The value missing from the data table is P2:

P2 = 1 1
´ 2
T1 V2

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
900.0 torr 601 mL -10.0C ? 1200.0 mL 0.0C

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Convert temperatures to kelvins:
T1 = -10.0C + 273.15 = 263.2 K
T2 = 0.0C + 273.15 = 273.2 K
(900.0 torr)(601 mL ) 273.2 K
P2 = ´ = 468 torr
(263.2 K ) 1200.0 mL
(b) The value missing from the data table is T2:

T2 = ´ P2V2
1 1

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
75.0 atm 237 mL 147 K 150.0 atm 474 mL ?

147 K
T2 = ´ (150.0 atm )(474 mL ) = 588 K
(75.0 atm )(237 mL )
(c) The value missing from the data table is V2:

V2 = 1 1
´ 2
T1 P2

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
760.0 torr 1.12 L 0.0C 700.0 torr ? 25.0C

The pressures and temperature units need to be changed. Because 760.0 torr = 1.000 atm, we can
make this substitution. Convert temperatures to kelvins:

T1 = 0.0C + 273.15 = 273.2 K

T2 = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

(760.0 torr )(1.12 L) 298.2 K

V2 = ´ = 1.33 L
273.2 K 700.0 torr

9.65 We want to calculate the volume of oxygen at STP (V1). Standard temperature and pressure are 273.15 K
(0C) and 1 atm (by definition). The tank will hold 0.500 L at 3.50 atm and 24.5C. This can be
considered the final state of the gas.

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
1 atm ? 273.15 K 3.50 atm 0.500 L 24.5C

Convert 24.5C to kelvins:

T2 = 24.5C + 273.15 = 297.7 K
Solve the combined gas law for V1.

P2V2 T1 (3.50 atm )(0.500 L) 273.15 K

V1 = ´ = ´ = 1.61 L
T2 P1 297.7 K 1 atm

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9.66 The initial state of the gas is 22.0 L at 25.0C and 725 torr, and we are trying to determine the pressure (P2)
when the gas is heated to 134C and compressed to 4.5 L.

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
725 torr 22.0 L 25.0C ? 4.50 L 134C

Convert temperatures to kelvins:

T1 = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

T2 = 134C + 273.15 = 407 K

Solve the combined gas law for P2.

PV T (725 torr)(22.0 L ) 407 K

P2 = 1 1
´ 2 = ´ = 4.84 ´ 103 torr
T1 V2 298.2 K 4.50 L

9.67 Gay-Lussac’s Law states that volumes of gases react in simple, whole number ratios when the volumes of
the reactants and products are measured at the same temperature and pressure. These ratios correspond to
the coefficients in the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

9.68 The ratio of the volumes of the gaseous reactant and product corresponds to the ratio of the stoichiometric
coefficients for these substances in the balanced chemical reaction.

9.69 The molar volume of all gases is approximately 22.414 L/mol at STP.

9.70 The volume of 1.00 mol of H2 gas at STP is 22.4 L. This is approximately true for all gases.

9.71 At STP, 1.00 mol of any gas occupies 22.414 L. We determine the mass of each gas sample from the
number of moles and the molar mass of the gas.

1 mol
(a) Moles CH4 = 8.62 L ´ = 0.385 mol CH4
22.414 L

Given that the molar mass of CH4 (16.04 g/mol) we can calculate the mass of CH4:

16.04 g
Mass CH4 = 0.385 mol ´ = 6.17 g CH4
1 mol

(b) Convert mL to L:

Volume in L = 350.0 mL ´ = 0.3500 L
1000 mL

1 mol
Moles Xe = 0.3500 L ´ = 1.562 ´ 10-2 mol Xe
22.414 L

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We use the molar mass of Xe (131.3 g/mol) to calculate the mass of Xe gas in the sample:

131.3 g
Mass Xe = 1.562 ´10-2 mol ´ = 2.050 g Xe
1 mol

1 mol
(c) Moles CO = 48.1 L ´ = 2.15 mol CO
22.414 L

We use the molar mass of CO (28.01 g/mol) to calculate the mass of CO gas in the sample:

28.01 g
Mass CO = 2.15 mol ´ = 60.1 g CO
1 mol

9.72 At STP, 1.00 mol of any gas occupies 22.414 L. We determine the mass of each gas sample from the
number of moles and the molar mass of the gas.
(a) Convert mL to L:

Volume in L = 135 mL ´ = 0.135 L
1000 mL

1 mol
Moles H2 = 0.135 L ´ = 6.02 ´ 10-3 mol H2
22.414 L

We use the molar mass of H2 (2.016 g/mol) to calculate the mass of H2 gas in the sample:

2.016 g
Mass H2 = 6.02 ´10-3 mol ´ = 0.0121 g H2
1 mol

1 mol
(b) Moles N2 = 8.96 L ´ = 0.400 mol N2
22.414 L
We use the molar mass of N2 (28.02 g/mol) to calculate the mass of N2 gas in the sample:

28.02 g
Mass N2 = 0.400 mol ´ = 11.2 g N2
1 mol

1 mol
(c) Moles He = 0.75 L ´ = 0.033 mol He
22.414 L
We use the molar mass of He (4.003 g/mol) to calculate the mass of He gas in the sample:

4.003 g
Mass He = 0.033 mol ´ = 0.13 g He
1 mol

9.73 Avogadro’s law tells us that because both balloons have the same volume they contain the same number of
gas particles (and, therefore, the same number of moles). Because argon atoms are more massive than
helium atoms, the balloon containing argon has the greater mass, and, therefore, the greater density (the
volumes of the balloons are the same).

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9.74 Avogadro’s law tells us that both balloons contain the same number of gas molecules. The CO2-filled
balloon has the greater mass, because CO2 molecules are more massive than O2 molecules. Because the
volumes of the balloons are the same and the mass of the CO2 balloon is greater, the density of the CO2
balloon is also greater.

9.75 We use the molar mass of each gas to calculate the number of moles of gas in each sample. Because the
gases are at STP, one mole of each gas occupies 22.414 L.
(a) 5.8 g NH3 (17.03 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles NH3 = 5.8 g ´ = 0.34 mol NH3
17.03 g

22.414 L
Volume NH3 = 0.34 mol ´ = 7.6 L NH3
1 mol
(b) 48 g O2 (32.00 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles O2 = 48 g ´ = 1.5 mol O2
32.00 g

22.414 L
Volume O2 = 1.5 mol ´ = 34 L O2
1 mol
(c) 10.8 g He (4.003 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles He = 10.8 g ´ = 2.70 mol He
4.003 g

22.414 L
Volume He = 2.7 mol ´ = 60.5 L He
1 mol

9.76 We use the molar mass of each gas to calculate the number of moles of gas in each sample. Because the
gases are at STP, one mole of each gas occupies 22.414 L.

(a) 2.2 g CO2 (44.01 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles CO2 = 2.2 g ´ = 0.050 mol CO2
44.01 g

22.414 L
Volume CO2 = 0.050 mol ´ = 1.1 L CO2
1 mol
(b) 5.6 g N2 (28.02 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles N2 = 5.6 g ´ = 0.20 mol N2
28.02 g

22.414 L
Volume N2 = 0.20 mol ´ = 4.5 L N2
1 mol

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(b) 145 g Ar (39.95 g/mol)
1 mol
Moles Ar = 145 g ´ = 3.6 mol Ar
39.95 g
22.414 L
Volume Ar = 3.6 mol ´ = 81 L Ar
1 mol

9.77 We convert the mass of helium (425 g, given in the figure) to the equivalent number of moles, and then to
volume in liters, using the molar mass of helium (4.003 g/mol) and the molar volume of a gas at STP
(22.414 L/mol). Once we have determined the volume, we can determine approximately how many
balloons we can fill from the tank.

1 mol
Moles He = 425 g ´ = 106 mol He
4.003 g

22.414 L
Volume He = 106 mol ´ = 2.38 ´ 103 L He
1 mol

Because each balloon holds 1.0 L of gas, we can estimate that we can fill approximately 2380 balloons.

9.78 We convert the mass of CO2 (370 g, given in the figure) to the equivalent number of moles, and then to
volume in liters, using the molar mass of CO2 (44.01 g/mol) and the molar volume of a gas at STP
(22.414 L/mol). Once we determine the volume of CO2, we can estimate the number of balloons we can fill
using the volume of each balloon.

1 mol
Moles CO2 = 370 g ´ = 8.4 mol CO2
44.01 g

22.414 L
Volume CO2 = 8.4 mol ´ = 1.9 ´ 102 L CO2
1 mol

Because each balloon holds 0.75 L, we can estimate the number of balloons we can fill from the CO2 in the

1 balloon
Balloons = 1.9´102 L ´ = 2.5 ´ 102 balloons
0.75 L

9.79 Convert 25.0C to kelvins: T1 = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K. For STP, T2 = 273.15 K and P2 = 1 atm.
Solve the combined gas law for V2.

PV T (1.00 atm )(12.0 L) 273.15 K

V2 = 1 1
´ 2 = ´ = 11.0 L
T1 P2 298.2 K 1 atm

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9.80 To solve this problem using the combined gas law, we can first calculate the volume of the H2 at STP
(1 atm, 273.15 K). Then we can use the combined gas law to calculate the volume the He occupies at
30.0C and 0.975 atm:

V2 = 1 1
´ 2
T1 P2

22.414 L
Volume of gas at STP = 1.50 mol ´ = 33.6 L
1 mol

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
1 atm 33.6 L 273.15 K 0.975 atm ? 30.0C

Convert T2 to kelvins:

T2 = 30.0C + 273.15 = 303.2 K

(1 atm )(33.6 L) 303.2 K

V2 = ´ = 38.3 L
273.15 K 0.975 atm

9.81 An ideal gas is any gas whose behavior is described by the five postulates of kinetic-molecular theory.
Ideal gases have elastic collisions (they bounce and/or collide without losing energy), travel in straight lines
(because they are not attracted to other molecules), and occupy zero volume. In addition, the average
kinetic energy of an ideal gas is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas.

9.82 (a) The ideal gas law is: PV = nRT. (b) The ideal gas law is used to relate the variables that describe the
state of a gas. These variables are pressure, volume, number of moles, and temperature. Given any three
of these variables, we can calculate the fourth.

9.83 To calculate the volume occupied by each gas, we first determine the number of moles of each gas and
convert the temperature of the gases to kelvins. Whenever we use the ideal gas law, we must make certain
that the units of P, V, n, and T match the units of R that we are using (R = 0.08206 L·atm/(mol·K)).

For each gas, the temperature is T = 100.0C + 273.15 K = 373.15 K (four significant figures)

Rearranging the ideal gas law for volume: V =
(a) 5.8 g NH3 (17.03 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles NH3 = 5.8 g ´ = 0.34 mol NH3
17.03 g

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(0.34 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(373.15 K )
⋅ K ø÷
V= = 0.69 L NH3
15.0 atm

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(b) 48 g O2 (32.00 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles O2 = 48 g ´ = 1.5 mol O2
32.00 g

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(1.5 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(373.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
V= = 3.1 L O2
15.0 atm

(c) 10.8 g He (4.003 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles He = 10.8 g ´ = 2.70 mol He
4.003 g

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(2.70 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(373.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
V= = 5.51 L He
15.0 atm

9.84 To calculate the volume occupied by each gas, we first determine the number of moles of each gas and
convert the temperature of the gases to kelvins. Anytime we use the ideal gas law, we must make certain
that the units P, V, n, and T match the units of R that we are using (R = 0.08206 L·atm/(mol·K)).

For each gas, the temperature is T = 75.0C + 273.15 K = 348.2 K

Rearranging the ideal gas law for volume: V =
(a) 2.2 g CO2 (44.01 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles CO2 = 2.2 g ´ = 0.050 mol CO2
44.01 g

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(0.050 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(348.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
V= = 0.41 L CO2
3.5 atm

(b) 5.6 g N2 (32.00 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles N2 = 5.6 g ´ = 0.20 mol N2
28.02 g
æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(0.20 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(348.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
V= = 1.6 L N2
3.5 atm
(c) 7.5 g Ar (39.95 g/mol)

1 mol
Moles Ar = 7.5 g ´ = 0.19 mol Ar
39.95 g

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æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(0.19 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(348.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
V= = 1.5 L Ar
3.5 atm

9.85 Rearranging the ideal gas law for the number of moles in the sample: n =
Because R = 0.08206 L⋅atm/(mol⋅K), we must express pressure in atmospheres and, of course, temperature
in kelvins.
1 atm
Pressure in atm = 722 torr ´ = 0.950 atm
760 torr

T = 87.5C + 273.15 = 360.7 K

(a) 7.62 L CH4 (16.04 g/mol)

PV (0.950 atm )(7.62 L )

n= = = 0.245 mol
RT ç æ L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
èç mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 360.7 K )
16.04 g
Mass CH4 = 0.245 mol ´ = 3.92 g CH4
1 mol

(b) 135 mL H2 (2.016 g/mol)

First convert mL to L:

Volume in L = 135 mL ´ = 0.135 L
1000 mL

PV (0.950 atm )(0.135 L )

n= = = 4.33 ´ 10-3 mol
RT æç L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
çè mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 360.7 K )
2.016 g
Mass H2 = 4.33´10-3 mol ´ = 8.74 ´ 10-3 g H2
1 mol
(c) 8.96 L N2 (28.02 g/mol)

PV (0.950 atm )(8.96 L )

n= = = 0.288 mol
RT æç L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
èç mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 360.7 K )
28.02 g
Mass N2 = 0.288 mol ´ = 8.06 g N2
1 mol
9.86 Rearranging the ideal gas law for the number of moles of gas in the sample: n =
Because R = 0.08206 L·atm/(mol·K), we must express pressure in atmospheres, and, of course, temperature
in kelvins.

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1 atm
Pressure in atm = 790 torr ´ = 1.04 atm (2 significant figures)
760 torr
T = 54.0C + 273.15 = 327.2 K

(a) 150.0 mL Xe (131.3 g/mol)

Convert 150.0 mL Xe to liters:
Volume in L = 150.0 mL ´ = 0.1500 L
1000 mL

PV (1.04 atm )(0.1500 L )

n= = = 5.8 ´ 10-3 mol
RT ç æ L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
èç mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 327.2 K )
131.3 g
Mass Xe = 5.8´10-3 mol ´ = 0.76 g Xe
1 mol

(b) 38.1 L CO (28.01 g/mol)

PV (1.04 atm )(38.1 L )

n= = = 1.5 mol
RT æç L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
çè mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 327.2 K )
28.01 g
Mass CO = 1.5 mol ´ = 41 g CO
1 mol

(c) 2.5 L O2 (32.00 g/mol)

PV (1.04 atm )(2.5 L )

n= = = 0.097 mol
RT ç æ L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
èç mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 327.2 K )
32.00 g
Mass O2 = 0.097 mol ´ = 3.1 g O2
1 mol

9.87 The balloons sink or float depending on how their densities compare to the density of air. Recall that if the
balloons (or any containers) have equal volume, pressure, and temperature, they contain the same number
of particles (Avogadro’s Law or ideal gas law). Because each CO2 molecule is heavier than each He atoms,
and there are equal numbers of each, the CO2-filled balloon will have more mass and, therefore, higher
density. Why doesn’t CO2 float in air? Air is less dense than CO2. Air is primarily a mixture of N2 and O2,
both of which have lower masses than CO2. The CO2-filled balloon sinks because CO2 gas is more dense
than air.

9.88 The larger balloon is at the higher temperature. The velocity of the N2 molecules is greater in the warmer
balloon, so they collide with the walls of the balloon more often and with greater force, causing the volume
to increase. The density of particles is lower in the larger balloon.

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9.89 At STP, one mole of any gas occupies 22.414 L. If we know the molar mass of a gas, we can calculate its
density (d = m/V, the mass of one mole divided by the volume of one mole).
(a) NH3 (17.03 g/mol).

17.03 g
d= = 0.7598 g/L
22.414 L

(b) N2 (28.02 g/mol)

28.02 g
d= = 1.250 g/L
22.414 L

(c) N2O (44.02 g/mol)

44.02 g
d= = 1.964 g/L
22.414 L

9.90 At STP, one mole of gas occupies 22.414 L. If we know the molar mass of the gas, we can calculate its
density (d = m/V, the mass of one mole divided by the volume of one mole).
(a) NO (30.01 g/mol)

30.01 g
d= = 1.339 g/L
22.414 L

(b) NO2 (46.01 g/mol)

46.01 g
d= = 2.053 g/L
22.414 L

(c) O2 (32.00 g/mol)

32.00 g
d= = 1.428 g/L
22.414 L

9.91 Density is the mass of a substance divided by its volume. For gas samples, it is convenient for us to
determine density by dividing the molar mass of the gas by its volume, which we calculate using the ideal
gas law.

T = 25C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

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1 atm
Pressure in atm = 735 torr ´ = 0.967 atm
760 torr

n = 1.00 mol (we choose this for convenience)

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(1.00 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(298.2 K )
⋅ K ÷ø
V= = = 25.3 L
P 0.967 atm

To calculate the density, we divide the molar mass by the volume it occupies:

(a) NH3 (17.03 g/mol) – One mole of NH3 has a mass of 17.03 g and occupies a volume of 25.3 L. The
density is:

m 17.03 g
d= = = 0.673 g/L
V 25.3 L

(b) N2 (28.02 g/mol) – One mole of N2 has a mass of 28.02 g and occupies a volume of 25.3 L. The
density is:

m 28.02 g
d= = = 1.11 g/L
V 25.3 L

(c) N2O (44.02 g/mol) – One mole of N2O has a mass of 44.02 g and occupies a volume of 25.3 L. The
density is:

m 44.02 g
d= = = 1.74 g/L
V 25.3 L

9.92 Density is the mass of a substance divided by volume. For gas samples, it is convenient for us to determine
density by dividing the molar mass of the gas by its volume, which we calculate using the ideal gas law.
T = 25C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 735 torr ´ = 0.967 atm
760 torr

n = 1.00 mol

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(1.00 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(298.2 K )
⋅ K ÷ø
V= = = 25.3 L
P 0.967 atm

To calculate the density, divide the molar mass by the volume it occupies:

(a) NO (30.01 g/mol) – One mole of NO has a mass of 30.01 g and occupies a volume of 25.3 L. The
density is:

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m 30.01 g
d= = = 1.19 g/L
V 25.3 L

(b) NO2 (46.01 g/mol) – One mole of NO2 has a mass of 46.01 g and occupies a volume of 25.3 L. The
density is:

m 46.01 g
d= = = 1.82 g/L
V 25.3 L

(c) O2 (32.00 g/mol) – One mole of O2 has a mass of 32.00 g and occupies a volume of 25.3 L. The density

m 32.00 g
d= = = 1.26 g/L
V 25.3 L

9.93 According to the ideal gas law, equal-molar amounts of every gas occupy the same volume at the same
pressure and temperature. Using this law, we can calculate the number of moles of gas in the container.
First, we convert pressure and temperature to units consistent with the units in the gas constant:

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 840 torr ´ = 1.1 atm
760 torr

Temperature in K = 50.0C + 273.15 = 323.2 K

1.1 atm 5.00 L)( ) = 0.21 mol
RT æç L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
çè mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 323.2 K )
Now we can determine the mass of each gas using its molar mass:

(a) H2 (2.016 g/mol)

2.016 g
Mass H2 = 0.21 mol ´ = 0.42 g H2

(b) CH4 (16.04 g/mol)

16.04 g
Mass CH4 = 0.21 mol ´ = 3.3 g CH4

(c) SO2 (64.06 g/mol)

64.06 g
Mass SO2 = 0.21 mol ´ = 13 g SO2

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9.94 According to the ideal gas law, equal-molar amounts of every gas occupy the same volume at the same
pressure and temperature. Using this law, we can calculate the number of moles of gas in the container.
First, we convert pressure and temperature to units that are consistent with the units in the gas constant:

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 650 torr ´ = 0.86 atm
760 torr

Temperature in K = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

0.86 atm 2.50 L )( ) = 0.087 mol
RT æç L ⋅ atm ÷÷ö
÷ 298.2 K
mol ⋅ K ÷ø
Now, we can determine the mass of each gas using its molar mass:
(a) O2 (32.00 g/mol)

32.00 g
Mass O2 = 0.087 mol ´ = 2.8 g O2

(b) CO2 (44.01 g/mol)

44.01 g
Mass CO2 = 0.087 mol ´ = 3.8 g CO2

(c) He (4.003 g/mol)

4.003 g
Mass He = 0.087 mol ´ = 0.35 g He

9.95 Dalton’s law of partial pressures states that the total pressure in a container is the sum of the pressures
exerted by each of the individual gases in the container. Each gas exerts a pressure on the walls of the
container as if it were the only gas in the container. Gas molecules behave in this way because they are not
strongly attracted to each other.

9.96 Suppose we have a closed container that contains CO2(g) and some liquid water. The total pressure inside
the container is actually the sum of the pressures of the CO2(g) and H2O(g) (water vapor). To determine the
pressure of just the CO2(g) we can subtract the pressure of the water from the total pressure in the container.
The vapor pressure of water depends only on the temperature so we can determine that pressure from a
table in the textbook or from another reference book. Mathematically, we express Dalton’s law of partial
pressures for this system as: Ptotal = PCO + Pwater . The pressure of CO2 is: PCO = Ptotal - Pwater
2 2

9.97 According to Dalton’s law of partial pressures, the total pressure (728 torr) is the sum of the pressure
exerted by the oxygen gas and water vapor (20.0 torr). To calculate the partial pressure of oxygen gas we
subtract the water vapor pressure from the total pressure. Mathematically, Dalton’s law of partial pressures
looks like:

Ptotal = PO + Pwater

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PO = Ptotal - Pwater = 728 torr – 20.0 torr = 708 torr

9.98 According to Dalton’s law of partial pressures, the total pressure (742 torr) is a sum of the pressure exerted
by the hydrogen gas and water vapor (15.5 torr). To calculate the partial pressure of hydrogen gas we
subtract the water vapor pressure from the total pressure. Mathematically, Dalton’s law of partial pressures
looks like:

Ptotal = PH + Pwater

PH = Ptotal - Pwater = 742 torr – 15.5 torr = 727 torr


9.99 (a) We use molar mass to calculate the number of moles of N2 (28.02 g/mol).

1 mol
Moles N2 = 78.0 g ´ = 2.78 mol N2
28.02 g

(b) We use molar mass to calculate the number of moles of Ne (20.18 g/mol).

1 mol
Moles Ne = 42.0 g ´ = 2.08 mol Ne
20.18 g

(c) To calculate the partial pressure of N2 we use the ideal gas law (PV = nRT). We know the number of
moles of N2 (part (a)) and temperature (50.0C), but the volume is missing. To calculate the volume,
we take advantage of a concept from Dalton’s law of partial pressures; that each gas occupies the total
volume of the container. Because we know the total pressure, number of moles of N2, and temperature,
we can calculate the total volume.

Ptotal = 3.75 atm

ntotal = 2.78 mol + 2.08 mol = 4.86 mol

T = 50.0C + 273.15 = 323.2 K

Vtotal = ?

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(4.86 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(323.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
Vtotal = = = 34.4 L
Ptotal 3.75 atm

Using the total volume, calculate the partial pressure of N2 using the moles of N2.

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(2.78 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(323.2 K )
⋅ K ÷ø
PN = 2
= = 2.15 atm
Vtotal 34.4 L

(d) To calculate the partial pressure of Ne, we can do exactly as we did in (c) or we can use Dalton’s law
of partial pressures. Either method gives the same result. According to Dalton's law of partial

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pressures, the total pressure is the sum of the pressures of Ne and N2. Mathematically, we can express
Dalton's law of partial pressure as:

Ptotal = PN + PNe

PNe = Ptotal - PN = 3.75 atm - 2.15 atm = 1.60 atm


9.100 (a) We use molar mass to calculate the number of moles of CO2 (44.01 g/mol).

1 mol
Moles CO2 = 150.0 g ´ = 3.41 mol CO2
44.01 g

(b) We use molar mass to calculate the number of moles of O2 (32.00 g/mol).

1 mol
Moles O2 = 24.0 g ´ = 0.750 mol O2
32.00 g

(c) To calculate the partial pressure of CO2 we use the ideal gas law (PV = nRT). We know the number of
moles of CO2 (part (a)) and temperature (50.0C), but the volume is missing. To calculate the volume,
we take advantage of a concept from Dalton’s law of partial pressures: each gas occupies the total
volume of the container. Because we know the total pressure, the number of moles, and the
temperature, we can calculate the total volume.
Ptotal = 4.25 atm
ntotal = 3.41 mol + 0.750 mol = 4.16 mol
T = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K
Vtotal = ?
æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(4.16 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(298.2 K )
⋅ K ÷ø
Vtotal = = = 23.9 L
Ptotal 4.25 atm

Using the total volume, we can calculate the partial pressure of CO2 using the moles of CO2.
æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(3.41 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(323.2 K )
⋅ K ÷ø
PCO = 2
= = 3.48 atm
Vtotal 23.9 L

(d) To calculate the partial pressure of O2, we can do exactly as we did in (c) or we can use Dalton’s law of
partial pressures. Either method gives the same result. According to Dalton's law of partial pressures
the total pressure is the sum of the pressure of O2 and CO2. Mathematically, we can express Dalton's
law of partial pressures as:

Ptotal = PCO + PO
2 2

PO = Ptotal - PCO = 4.25 atm - 3.48 atm = 0.77 atm

2 2

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9.101 Given gas density (g/L), we can calculate molar mass (g/mol) using the molar volume of a gas (L/mol).
Under STP conditions, the molar volume of a gas is 22.414 L/mol. Multiplying density (g/L) by molar
volume (L/mol) converts density units to molar mass units:

1.785 g 22.414 L
(a) MM = ´ = 40.01 g/mol
1L 1 mol

1.340 g 22.414 L
(b) MM = ´ = 30.03 g/mol
1L 1 mol

2.052 g 22.414 L
(c) MM = ´ = 45.99 g/mol
1L 1 mol

0.905 g 22.414 L
(d) MM = ´ = 20.3 g/mol
1L 1 mol

0.714 g 22.414 L
(e) MM = ´ = 16.0 g/mol
1L 1 mol

9.102 Given gas density (g/L), we can calculate molar mass (g/mol) using the molar volume of a gas (L/mol).
We begin by calculating the volume occupied by 1.00 mol of the gas at 27.0C and 745 torr:
1 atm
Pressure in atm = 745 torr ´ = 0.980 atm
760 torr
Temperature in K = 27.0C + 273.15 = 300.2 K
æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(1 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(300.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
V= = 25.1 L
0.980 atm
This volume is the volume occupied by 1.00 mol of gas, so it is the molar volume which can be written as
25.1 L/mol. Multiplying density (g/L) by molar volume (L/mol) converts density units to molar mass units:

2.436 g 25.1 L
(a) MM = ´ = 61.2 g/mol
1L 1 mol

0.842 g 25.1 L
(b) MM = ´ = 21.2 g/mol
1L 1 mol

1.325 g 25.1 L
(c) MM = ´ = 33.3 g/mol
1L 1 mol

3.450 g 25.1 L
(d) MM = ´ = 86.7 g/mol
1L 1 mol

1.706 g 25.1 L
(e) MM = ´ = 42.9 g/mol
1L 1 mol

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9.103 The five postulates of the kinetic-molecular theory are:

1) Gases are composed of small, widely separated particles.

2) Gas particles behave independently of each other.
3) Gas particles move in straight lines.
4) Gas pressure results from the force exerted by the particles in the container. This force is the sum of
the forces exerted by the particles as they bounce off the container walls.
5) The average kinetic energy of gas particles depends only on the absolute temperature.

The key to understanding the postulates 1-3 of the kinetic-molecular theory is recognizing that particles
(atoms or molecules) in the gas phase are not strongly attracted to each other. Particles that are strongly
attracted tend to be liquids or solids at room temperature. In addition, because they are not attracted to each
other, the particles move through space on straight paths. Postulate 4 also is easy to understand. As
particles strike the container walls, they exert a force on those walls. This is analogous to the force you feel
when you walk into a wall (if you try this, make sure no one is looking). One person walking into a wall
exerts only a small force, but if the whole class ran into the same wall at the same time, they could do some
damage! The forces of individual particles are additive. The fifth postulate is most difficult to understand.
When a gas particle absorbs energy, its only options are to store it as potential energy or use it as kinetic
energy. Kinetic energy is energy of motion. Particles travel faster and vibrate faster when they have more

9.104 Kinetic energy of gas particles is directly related to pressure. As the kinetic energy of the particles
increases the pressure exerted by the particles increases.

9.105 As the temperature of a gas sample increases the kinetic energy of the particles increases. Recall that
kinetic energy is the energy of motion. This means that increasing the temperature results in an increase in
particle velocity. Faster-moving particles strike the walls of a container with greater force than slower-
moving particles, so the pressure is higher. In addition, when the particles are moving faster, the frequency
of their collisions with the container walls also increases.

9.106 As the temperature decreases, the volume of the balloon decreases because the helium atoms have less
forceful collisions with the balloon wall. At the macroscopic level, the balloon at lower temperature
should be smaller. At the microscopic level, at the higher temperature the helium atoms are moving faster
and are less dense (image A). At the lower temperature, the atoms are moving more slowly and are more
dense (image B).


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9.107 The pressure of a gas depends on the force and frequency of collisions in a given area. The density of gas
particles is inversely proportional to volume. If the volume decreases, the density of the gas sample
increases. Because the density of gas particles increases with decreasing volume, we can conclude that the
frequency of collisions in a given area also increases with decreasing volume. This means that the pressure

9.108 The pressure of a gas depends on the force and frequency of collisions in a given area. If we introduce
more gas particles into a container without allowing the container to expand, the density of gas particles
increases. This increase results in more frequent particle collisions, which in turn creates a greater force on
the container wall. As long as the temperature remains constant, the energy of each collision remains
constant as well.

9.109 Because the gases are all at the same temperature, their kinetic energies are the same. The equation for
kinetic energy, KE, is: KE = ½ mv2. This means that if two objects have the same kinetic energy, the
heavier object will move more slowly than the lighter object. For a gas sample (with many particles), the
equation is described in terms of the average kinetic energy: KEave = ½ m(vave)2. This equation shows us
that, at a given temperature, gas particles with the largest molar mass will move the slowest. Of the
substances listed, CO2 has the largest molar mass, so it has the lowest velocity. H2 has the smallest molar
mass, so it has the highest velocity.

(lowest velocity) CO2 < CH4 < He < H2 (highest velocity)

9.110 For gases, average kinetic energy is directly proportional to temperature. At any given temperature,
particles with larger molar masses move more slowly, on average, than particles with smaller molar
masses, but their average kinetic energies are equal. This means that CO2, which has the largest molar
mass, has the same kinetic energy as H2, even though the lighter particle moves faster. All the gases have
the same average kinetic energy because they are at the same temperature.

9.111 Gas particles with smaller molar masses have higher average velocities than gas particles with larger molar
masses, when at the same temperature. As a result, gases with smaller molar masses diffuse faster than
gases with larger molar masses.

9.112 As the velocity of gas particles increases, they collide more frequently with the walls of a container.
Effusion rates are greater when the frequency of collisions is high. At any temperature, heavier gas
particles move more slowly than lighter particles, so the rate of effusion for heavier particles will be lower
than that for lighter particles.

9.113 The He atoms are lighter than Ne atoms, so the He atoms will have a higher average velocity, and therefore
effuse faster than the Ne atoms.

9.114 Lighter particles move more rapidly than heavier particles; therefore, lighter particles effuse at a higher rate
than heavier particles. Argon, with its lower molar mass, will effuse out of the container faster than Xe.

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9.115 The volumes of gases that react are directly proportional to the stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced
chemical equation for the reaction. If the products are at the same temperature and pressure as the
reactants, the gaseous reaction product volumes are also proportional to the stoichiometric coefficients of
the chemical equation. For the given reaction, this means that 2 L H2 react with 1 L O2.

2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(g)

We can calculate the volume of H2 required to react with 12 L of O2 using this problem solving map:

volume ratio
Volume O2  Volume H 2

2 L H2
Volume of O2 = 12 L O ´ = 24 L H2
2 1 L O2

9.116 The volumes of gases that react are directly proportional to the stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced
chemical equation for the reaction. If the products are at the same temperature and pressure as the
reactants, the gaseous reaction product volumes are also proportional to the stoichiometric coefficients of
the chemical equation. For the given reaction, this means that 3 L H2 reacts with 1 L N2.

3H2(g) + N2(g)  2NH3(g)

We can calculate the volume of nitrogen required to react with 9 L of hydrogen using the following
problem solving map:

volume ratio
Volume H 2  Volume of N 2

1 L N2
Volume of N2 = 9 L H ´ = 3 L N2
2 3LH

9.117 When we measure the volumes of gases in chemical reactions under the same pressure and temperature
conditions, the volume ratios are equivalent to the mole ratios from the balanced chemical equation. For
the reaction of hexane with oxygen, we can say that 2 L of C6H14 react with 19 L of O2 to produce 12 L of
CO2 and 14 L of H2O.

12 L CO 2
Volume CO2 = 8.00 L C6 H14 ´ = 48.0 L CO2
2 L C6 H14

19 L O 2
Volume O2 = 8.00 L C6 H14 ´ = 76.0 L O2
2 L C6 H14

9.118 When we measure the volumes of gases in chemical reactions under the same pressure and temperature
conditions, the volume ratios are equivalent to the mole ratios from the balanced chemical equation. For
the reaction of ammonia with oxygen, we can write 4 L NH3 form 4 L NO.

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4 L NO
Volume NO = 1250 L NH14 ´ = 1250 L NO
4 L NH14

To calculate the volume of gas at STP we use the combined gas law.

V2 = 1 1
´ 2
T1 P2

Temperature in kelvins = 325C + 273.15 = 598 K

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
4.25 atm 1250 L 325C 1 ? 273.15 K

(4.25 atm )(1250 L) 273.15 K

V2 = ´ = 2.43 ´ 103 L
598 K 1 atm

9.119 Use the ideal gas law to calculate the number of moles of N2O produced in the reaction. Then use this
number of moles of N2O to calculate the number of moles, and mass, of NH4NO3 (80.05 g/mol) required for
the reaction.

PV = nRT mole ratio MM

Volume N2 O  mol N 2 O  mol NH 4 NO3  g NH 4 NO3

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 2850 torr ´ = 3.75 atm
760 torr

Temperature in K = 42C + 273.15 = 315.2 K

PV (3.75 atm )(145 L )

n= = = 21.0 mol N2O
RT æç L ⋅ atm ÷÷ö
÷ 315.2 K
mol ⋅ K ÷ø
1 mol NH 4 NO3 80.05 g NH 4 NO3
Mass NH4NO3 = 21.0 mol N 2 O ´ ´ = 1.68 ´ 103 g NH4NO3
1 mol N 2 O 1 mol NH 4 NO3

9.120 Use the ideal gas law to calculate the number of moles of NO produced in the reaction. Then use this number of
moles of NO to calculate the number of moles, and mass, of Cu (63.55 g/mol) required for the reaction.

PV = nRT mole ratio MM

Volume NO  mol NO  mol Cu  g Cu

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 725 torr ´ = 0.954 atm
760 torr

Temperature in K = 20C + 273.15 = 293.2 K

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PV (0.954 atm )(15 L )
n= = = 0.595 mol NO
RT æç L ⋅ atm ÷÷ö
÷ 293.2 K
mol ⋅ K ÷ø
( )
3 mol Cu 63.55 g Cu
Mass Cu = 0.595 mol NO ´ ´ = 56.7 g Cu
2 mol NO 1 mol Cu

9.121 At higher altitudes, the pressure on the outside of the balloon is lower than the pressure the balloon
experiences on the ground. The balloon expands or contracts so that the external pressure and the internal
pressure are the same.

9.122 It is easiest to think of a gas in a flexible container. As the temperature of the gas increases, the kinetic
energy of the particles increases. This kinetic energy increase results in an increase in the total force of the
gas particles on the container walls, causing the container to expand. As the container expands, the gas
density decreases. This density decrease results in a decrease in the frequency of particle collisions that
continues until the force exerted by the particles on the inside of the container is equal to the force exerted
by gas particles on the outside of the container. If we heat a gas that is not inside a container, the same
process happens, except that the gas particles are simply pushing other gas particles out of the way.

9.123 The density of a gas decreases when it is heated and its volume is allowed to expand, or if the gas sample
size in a fixed volume container is reduced. A hot air balloon actually has an opening in the bottom. As the
air in the balloon is heated, the gas expands and the “extra” air leaves from the opening at the bottom of the
balloon. Since gas molecules are escaping and the volume is remaining fairly constant, the air in the hot air
balloon becomes less dense than the surrounding air, allowing the balloon to float.

9.124 The water in the tank exerts pressure on the bubbles in the tank. Because the water pressure is greater at
the bottom of the tank than at the top, the bubbles expand as they rise to the surface.

9.125 We are looking at a change of state (i.e. “Assume the pressure at the surface is 760 torr and changes to 150
torr.”). Therefore, we can assume that this is a combined gas law problem, and organize the data into a
table as shown below:

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
760 torr nc ? 150 torr nc 218 K
*nc = no change

Next, we write the combined gas law, cancel the variables that do not change, and solve for T1:

P1 V1 P2 V2
Combined gas law: =
T1 T2

T2 218 K
T1 = P1 ´ = 760 torr ´ = 1.10 ´ 103 K
P2 150 torr

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9.126 Although the gas molecules move at high velocity, they do not travel in straight lines. They bump into
other gas molecules, and so are constantly changing direction which adds distance between an object and
our noses.

9.127 The table below summarizes the changes on the macroscopic and microscopic levels.
What will happen if… Macroscopic view Microscopic view
molecules move more rapidly
temperature increases and molecules collide more forcefully
balloon gets bigger
pressure remains constant collision frequency increases
molecules are further apart
molecules move more slowly
temperature decreases and molecules collide less energetically
balloon gets smaller
pressure remains constant collision frequency decreases
molecules are closer together
10,000 feet (temperature molecules move more slowly
balloon probably
decreases and pressure molecules collide less energetically
gets a little bigger
decreases) collision frequency decreases

9.128 Use the ideal gas law to calculate the number of moles N2 that form when the bag fills. Then use this
number of moles of N2 to calculate the number of moles, and mass, of NaN3 (65.02 g/mol) required to
produce the N2.

PV = nRT mole ratio MM

Volume N 2  mol N 2  mol NaN3  g NaN3

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 1140 torr ´ = 1.50 atm
760 torr

Temperature in K = 25C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

PV (1.50 atm )(2.5 L )

n= = = 0.153 mol N2
RT æç L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
çè mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 298.2 K )
2 mol NaN3 65.02 g NaN3
Mass NaN3 = 0.153 mol N 2 ´ ´ = 6.63 g NaN3
3 mol N 2 1 mol NaN3

9.129 To calculate the volume of O2, we must first determine the number of moles of O2 produced. We can
calculate the number of moles from the mass of HgO that reacted, the molar mass of HgO (216.6 g/mol),
and the balanced chemical equation.

MM mole ratio PV = nRT

g HgO  mol HgO  mol O2  Volume O2

1 mol HgO 1 mol O2

Moles O2 = 27.0 g HgO ´ ´ = 0.0623 mol O2
216.6 g HgO 2 mol HgO

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Temperature in kelvins = 50.0C + 273.15 = 323.2 K

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(0.0623 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(323.2 K )
⋅ K ÷ø
V= 2
= = 1.75 L O2
P 0.947 atm

9.130 First, we use the ideal gas law to calculate the number of moles of argon in the sample:

1 atm
Pressure of Ar in atm = 765 torr ´ = 1.01 atm
760 torr

Temperature in kelvins = 27.0C + 273.15 = 300.2 K

PV (1.01 atm )(3.00 L )

n= = = 0.123 mol Ar
RT æç L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
çè mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 300.2 K ( )
Next, we use the ideal gas law to calculate the volume of argon after bubbling it through water. Note: We
use Dalton’s law of partial pressures to determine the pressure of the argon alone:

Ptotal = PAr + Pwater PAr = Ptotal - Pwater = 778 torr - 13 torr = 765 torr

1 atm
Pressure of Ar in atm = 765 torr ´ = 1.01 atm
760 torr

Temperature in kelvins = 15.0C + 273.15 = 388.2 K

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(0.123 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(288.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
V= = = 2.88 L
P 1.01 atm

9.131 If we assume that the reaction takes place at 745 torr and 25.0C, we can use the stoichiometric coefficients
to calculate the volume of the butene combusted:

1 L C 4 H8
Volume C4H8 = 12.0 L O2 ´ = 2.00 L C4H8
6 L O2

Then, we can use the combined gas law to calculate the volume occupied by this amount of butene at
188C and 2.50 atm:

P1 V1 T1 P2 V2 T2
745 torr 2.00 L 25.0C 2.50 atm ? 188C

1 atm
Pressure of C4H8 in atm = 745 torr ´ = 0.980 atm
760 torr

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Convert temperatures to kelvins:

T1 = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

T2 = 188C + 273.15 = 461 K

Solve the combined gas law for V2:

PV T (0.980 atm )(2.00 L) 461 K

V2 = 1 1
´ 2 = ´ = 1.21 L
T1 P2 298.2 K 2.50 atm

9.132 We can use the molar masses of N2 (28.02 g/mol) and Ar (39.95 g/mol) to calculate the number of moles of
each in the mixture.

1 mol
Moles N2 = 72.0 g ´ = 2.57 mol N2
28.02 g

1 mol
Moles Ar = 66.0 g ´ = 1.65 mol Ar
39.95 g

We can either calculate the total pressure due to the total number of moles of gas in the sample, or we can
calculate the partial pressures of each gas separately, and then add them to find the total pressure (as shown
Temperature in kelvins = 45.0C + 273.15 = 318.2 K
æ L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
nN RT ( )
2.57 mol ççç0.08206
çè mol ⋅ K ø÷
÷ 318.2 K ( )
PN = 2
= = 33.6 atm
Vtotal 2.00 L
æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
nAr RT
(1.65 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(318.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
PAr = = = 21.5 atm
Vtotal 2.00 L
The total pressure is:
PT = 33.6 atm + 21.5 atm = 55.1 atm.

9.133 First, we use the balanced chemical equation and the molar mass of CuO (79.55 g/mol) to calculate the
number of moles of H2 required to react with 85.0 g of CuO. Then we can use the ideal gas law to calculate
the volume of H2 gas.
MM CuO Mole ratio PV = nRT
Mass CuO   mol CuO  mol H 2  Volume H 2
1 mol CuO 1 mol H 2
Moles H2 = 85.0 g CuO ´ ´ = 1.07 mol H2
79.55 g CuO 1 mol CuO

Temperature in kelvins = 27.0C + 273.15 = 300.2 K

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 722 torr ´ = 0.950 atm
760 torr

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æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(1.07 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(300.2 K )
⋅ K ø÷
V= = = 27.7 L
P 0.950 atm

9.134 The “Before” image shows the molecules at higher pressure. Because the density of the particles is higher,
and they appear to be traveling at the same velocity, the pressure must be higher. The “After” image shows
the particles at the same temperature as in the “Before” image (they appear to have the same kinetic
energy) but at a lower pressure. This can happen only if the volume of the container increases (i.e. Boyle’s
law: as pressure decreases, volume increases) or if molecules are effusing from a hole in the container. In
either case, there would be a reduction in density without a change in kinetic energy.

9.135 Because the gas volumes are all measured at the same conditions, we can use the mole ratios as volume
1 L H2S
(a) Volume H2S = 5.00 L H 2 ´ = 5.00 L
1 L H2

2 L NH3
(b) Volume NH3 = 5.00 L H 2 ´ = 3.33 L
3 L H2

1 L C6 H12
(c) Volume C6H12 = 5.00 L H 2 ´ = 1.67 L
3 L H2

9.136 From the mass of CaCO3 and its molar mass (100.09 g/mol), we can calculate the number of moles of
CaCO3 that decompose each day. Then we can use the balanced chemical equation to determine the
number of moles of CO2 formed, and the ideal gas law to determine the volume of this CO2 at the stated

1000 g = 1 kg MM mole ratio PV = nRT

kg CaCO3   g CaCO3  mol CaCO3  mol CO2  L CO2

1000 g CaCO3 1 mol CaCO3 1 mol CO2

Moles CO2 = 1.00 ´105 kg CaCO3 ´ ´ ´ = 9.99 ´ 105 mol CO2
kg CaCO3 100.09 g CaCO3 1 mol CaCO3

T = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 735 torr ´ = 0.967 atm
760 torr

æ L ⋅ atm ö÷
(9.99´10 5
mol ççç0.08206
çè mol ⋅ K
÷÷ 298.2 K
V= = = 2.53 ´ 107 L
P 0.967 atm

9.137 From Chapter 5, we learned that, when heated, calcium carbonate decomposes to form calcium oxide and
carbon dioxide gas:

CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g) Reaction 1

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The reaction of CaO with carbon is:

2CaO(s) + 5C(s)  2CaC2(s) + CO2(g) Reaction 2

The equation given in this problem is:

CaC2(s) + 2H2O(l)  Ca(OH)2(aq) + C2H2(g) Reaction 3

If we determine the number of moles of CaCO3 (limestone) that react, then we can calculate the number of
moles of C2H2 that form using the stoichiometric coefficients from reactions 1-3.

mole ratio mole ratio mole ratio

mol CaCO3  mol CaO  mol CaC2  mol C2 H 2
reaction 1 reaction 2 reaction 3

1 mol CaCO3
Moles CaCO3 = 5.00 g CaCO3 ´ = 0.0500 mol CaCO3
100.09 g CaCO3

1 mol CaO 2 mol CaC 2 1 mol C 2 H 2

Moles C2H2 = 0.0500 mol CaCO3 ´ ´ ´ = 0.0500 mol C2H2
1 mol CaCO3 2 mol CaO 1 mol CaC 2

Finally, we use the ideal gas law to calculate the temperature of the gas:

(0.750 atm )(1.25 L ) = 228 K (-45C)
nR æ L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
( )
0.0500 mol ççç0.08206
çè mol ⋅ K ø÷

9.138 From the mass of KClO3 (122.55 g/mol) we can calculate the number of moles of O2 formed. Then we can
calculate the volume of O2 produced at 735.0 torr and 70.0C. Because the O2 is collected over water, we
recognize that the pressure of the collected gas mixture will include the vapor pressure of water (Table 9.2).

MM mole ratio PV = nRT  L O

Mass KClO3  mol KClO3  mol O2 
Dalton 's law 2
of partial p r essure

1 mol KClO3 3 mol O2

Moles O2 = 13.5 g KClO3 ´ ´ = 0.165 mol O2
122.55 g KClO3 2 mol KClO3

The total pressure of the gas mixture (O2 plus H2O) is 735 torr, and the partial pressure of water vapor at
70.0C is 233.7 torr. This means that the O2 pressure at this temperature is:
PO = 735 torr – 233.7 torr = 501 torr

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 501 torr ´ = 0.659 atm
760 torr
T = 70.0C + 273.15 = 343.2 K
æ L ⋅ atm ö÷
( ç
0.165 mol ççç0.08206
mol ⋅ K
÷÷ 343.2 K
V= = = 7.05 L
P 0.659 atm

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9.139 (a) Assuming the temperature and pressure are kept constant, the number of moles of a gas and its volume
are directly proportional to each other. Increasing the number of moles of gas increases the volume
occupied by the gas.
(b) Pressure and temperature must be held constant for this relationship to be true. We can use the ideal
gas law to show this:

V= = k´n
where k is constant as long as T and P are constant. This means volume is directly proportional to the
number of moles of gas at constant T and P.

9.140 (a) Air is a mixture of gases. To calculate the average molar mass of air, we calculate the volume occupied
by 1 mole of air. Then we can determine the mass of the air in that sample volume using the density of
air under the specified conditions. Because the mass we calculate represents the mass of 1 mol of air,
it is the molar mass of air. Because 760.0 torr = 1 atm, we can simply substitute this pressure into the

T = 25.0C + 273.15 = 298.2 K

æ L ⋅ atm ÷÷ ö
(1 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ÷(298.2 K )
⋅ K ÷ø
V= = = 24.47 L
P 1.000 atm

1.186 g
Mass of gas = 24.47 L ´ = 29.02 g

The molar mass of air is 29.02 g/mol

(b) The molar masses of O2 and N2 are 32.00 g/mol and 28.02 g/mol, respectively. Assuming that air
contains only O2 and N2, we can calculate the percentage of each as follows:

Mass difference O2 – N2 = 32.00 g/mol – 28.03 g/mol = 3.98 g/mol

Mass difference Air – N2 = 1.00 g/mol

3.98 g / mol - 1.00 g / mol

Percentage of N2 = ´ 100% = 74.9% N2
3.98 g / mol
The numerator of the percentage represents how much closer the average mass is to the mass of
nitrogen. The denominator represents the total difference in the two masses. The percentage of O2 is
Alternatively, we can use the fractional abundances to calculate the average mass:

Average mass = FN ´ MM N + FO ´ MMO

2 2 2 2

where MM represents the molar mass of each substance and F represents the fractional abundance of
each substance (what we are trying to find). Both the fractions are unknown, so we need a second

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Sum of fractional abundances = FN + FO = 1.00
2 2

The sum the fractional abundances is 1.00 (i.e. 100%). We can solve the two equations and calculate
the percentages of N2 and O2.

9.141 We can determine the molar mass of the liquid by dividing the mass of the liquid by the number of moles
of liquid. Mass is given, but we need to determine the number of moles from the information given. We
are given the pressure, temperature, and volume of the vaporized liquid, so we can use the ideal gas law to
calculate the number of moles of vapor (which is the same as the number of moles of liquid).

Volume in liters = 127 mL ´ = 0.127 L
1000 mL

1 atm
Pressure in atm = 691 torr ´ = 0.909 atm
760 torr

Temperature in kelvins = 98C + 273.15 = 371 K

0.909 atm 0.127 L )( ) = 3.79 ´ 10-3 mol
RT æç L ⋅ atm ÷÷ö
çè ÷ 371 K
mol ⋅ K ÷ø
( )
0.495 g
Molar mass of liquid = = 131 g/mol
3.79´10-3 mol

9.142 If you make a close inspection of the data, they appear to be linear. There are actually three data points in
the question. The implied data point is that the air pressure is 760 mm at an altitude of 0 ft.
If you graph the data and extrapolate to 30,000 ft you find that the air pressure will be very low; about 50
torr. Under these circumstances, the partial pressure of oxygen would be too low to survive.

9.143 If we calculate the total number of moles of gas produced by the reaction, we can calculate their total

MM mole ratio PV = nRT

g C3 H 5 (ONO2 )3  mol C3 H 5 (ONO2 )3  mol gas  Volume gas

The molar mass of nitroglycerine is 227.1 g/mol. Note: We are not concerned with the volume produced
by any one gas, so we can group the stoichiometric coefficients of the gases:

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1 mol C3H5(ONO2)3 = 12 + 10 + 6 + 1 = 29 mol gas

1 mol C3 H 5 (ONO2 )3 29 mol gas

Moles gas = 1.00 g C3 H 5 (ONO2 )3 ´ ´ = 0.0319 mol gas
227.1 g C3 H 5 (ONO2 )3 4 mol C3 H 5 (ONO2 )3

Temperature in K = 275C + 273.15 = 548 K

æ L ⋅ atm ö÷
(0.0319 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ⋅ K
÷÷ 548 K
V= = = 0.718 L
P 2.00 atm

9.144 The water pressure decreases as the mass of the water above the bubble decreases. Like a balloon, an air
bubble changes volume so that the pressure inside the bubble is the same as outside the bubble. As
pressure on the outside of the bubble decreases, the air bubble volume increases to allow for decrease in air
pressure inside the bubble.

9.145 (a) Average kinetic energy does not change when volume is changed because it is constant at a given
(b) Average molecular velocity does not change when volume is changed because for a given gas, average
velocity only changes when kinetic energy changes: KEave = m(vave)2.
(c) Pressure increases as the gas particles become more crowded with resulting greater collisions per
unit area.

9.146 (a) Average kinetic energy decreases with temperature.

(b) Average molecular velocity decreases because kinetic energy decreases: KEave = m(vave)2.
(c) Pressure decreases because gas particles are colliding less frequently and with less force.

9.147 (a) Average kinetic energy decreases with temperature.

(b) Average molecular velocity decreases because kinetic energy decreases.
(c) Volume decreases to maintain constant pressure as gas particle velocity decreases.

9.148 To calculate moles of each gas we rearrange the ideal gas law PV=nRT to solve for moles: n= . To
calculate mass, we multiply moles by the molar mass of the gas.
(a) Before substituting P, V and T into the formula, we check to see if each has the correct units.
Temperature is given in kelvin units and volume is given in liters so no conversions are needed for T
and V. However pressure units must be converted from units of torr to atm:
1 atm
P = 389.0 torr ´ = 0.5120 atm
760 torr
Substituting into the rearranged gas law gives:
PV 0.512 atm ´ 20.0 L
n= = = 0.416 mol Ne
RT L ⋅ atm
0.08206 ´ 300.0 K
mol⋅ K
20.18 g Ne
Mass of neon = 0.416 mol Ne ´ = 8.39 g Ne
1 mol Ne

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(b) The calculated number of moles of hydrogen is the same as that for neon because identity of the
element is irrelevant in the ideal gas law calculation. The mass is different because hydrogen has a
lower molar mass.
Moles of hydrogen = 0.416 mol H2
2.016 g H 2
Mass of hydrogen = 0.416 mol H 2 ´ = 0.839 g H 2
1 mol H 2
(c) Moles of carbon dioxide = 0.416 mol CO2
44.01 g CO2
Mass of carbon dioxide = 0.416 mol CO2 ´ = 18.3 g CO2
1 mol CO2
9.149 Under the identical conditions of temperature and pressure, the ratio of gas densities is the same as the ratio
of their molar masses because equal volumes of gases contain the same number of gas particles
(Avogadro’s hypothesis). Therefore, to find a gas that has 8.0 times the density we must identify a gas with
a molar mass that is 8.0 times the molar mass of H2:

Molar mass of unknown gas = molar mass H2 ´ 8.0 = 2.016 g/mol ´ 8.0 = 16 g/mol

The molar mass of O2 is 32.00 g/mol, the molar mass of CH4 is 16.04 g/mol, and the molar mass of Ne is
20.18 g/mol. The molar mass of CH4 is the best match, so of the three possibilities, it is most likely the
unknown gas.

9.150 (a) The air pressure is lower at higher altitudes, so the air inside the sealed bottle is at a lower pressure
than after the plane descends. The higher pressure at the Earth’s surface pushes in on the bottle much
more than the air inside the bottle, causing the bottle to decrease volume by crushing. This is an
application of Boyle’s law.
(b) This is another application of Boyle’s law. The lower atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes causes
the pressure inside the bag to also be lower, causing its volume to be greater. Once the volume of the
bag can no longer increase, the pressure inside the bag increases to greater than the external pressure.
(c) As the temperature in the trunk and in the soccer ball increases, volume and pressure increase due to
increased air particle collisions. If the soccer balls are old and worn in places, the air pressure can be
great enough to break the seams.
(d) As the air in a hot air balloon is heated up, the air molecules increase in velocity and spread out
(Charles’ Law) as some escape through the large hole in the bottom of the balloon. The remaining air
molecules become much less crowded, and the mass per unit volume decreases, decreasing the density.

9.151 The pressure of a gas can be increased by reducing the volume, increasing the temperature, or adding more
gas to the container. Another way would be to increase the pressure of the surrounding air if the gas is in an
elastic container.

9.152 (a) The partial pressure of water vapor at 50.0C is 92.5 torr.
(b) The molecular-level image shows there are 5 times as many O2 molecules as water molecules, so the
partial pressure of O2 is 5 times that of H2O (Dalton’s law of partial pressures):

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PO = 92.5 torr ´ 5 = 462 torr

(c) The total pressure is the sum of the partial pressures:

Ptotal = PO + PH O = 462.5 torr + 92.5 torr = 555 torr
2 2

(d) We know the partial pressure of O2, temperature, and volume so we can solve for moles of O2 using
PV=nRT after converting pressure to atm units, temperature to kelvin units, and volume to mL units:
PV 0.60855 atm ´ 0.1200 L
n= = = 0.002754 mol
RT L ⋅ atm
0.08206 ´ 323.15 K
mol⋅ K
(e) To determine moles of KClO3, we use mole ratio obtained from the coefficients in the balanced
equation as the conversion factor:
2 moles of KClO3
Moles of KClO3 = 0.00276 mol O2 ´ = 0.00184 mol KClO3
3 mol O2

PV 91 atm ´1.0 L
9.153 (a) n = = = 1.5 mol
RT L ⋅ atm
0.08206 ´ 740 K
mol⋅ K
44.01 g CO2
(b) Mass of carbon dioxide = 1.5 mol CO2 ´ = 66 g CO2
1 mol CO2
(c) To calculate density we divide mass by volume. Mass was calculated in (b). The volume used to
determine moles in (a) was 1.0 L so this is the volume we must use to calculate density:
mass 66 g
Density = = = 66 g/L
volume 1.0 L
66 g 1 L
Density in units of g/mL = ´ = 0.066 g/mL
L 1000 mL


9.154 Answer: C; Pressure is the force applied per unit area. When considering gas particles, it is the pressure
they exert on the walls of a container divided by the surface area of the container.

A. The densities of gases are less than the densities of liquids and solids.
B. Gases consist of particles that are relatively far apart compared to liquids and solids.
D. Warm air is less dense than cold air.
E. When the temperature of a gas increases, the density of the gas decreases.

9.155 Answer: B; To compare the magnitudes of the pressure, they should be converted to a common unit. The
value 12.1 lb/in2 (A) is equal to 0.823 atm. The pressure 34.1 inches Hg (C), converted to atmospheres is
0.0449 atm. In part D, 760 torr is equal to 1.0 atm. The pressure 64,000 Pa (E) converted to atmospheres is
0.63 atm. The order of increasing pressure is C < E < A < D < B.

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9.156 Answer: E; According to Charles’s law, volume will decrease as temperature decreases at constant

A. The balloon will expand because the low heat will slow the molecules down.
B. Temperature has no effect on the behavior of gases. Volume is directly proportional to temperature (on
the Kelvin scale).
C. Molecules do not change in size when temperature changes.
D. If temperature increases, the balloon expands because the molecules move faster and occupy a larger

9.157 Answer: A; When volume decreases, atoms will be closer together.

B. With a volume decrease a given volume of gas will contain more atoms.
C. Atoms do not get larger with changes in volume, pressure, or temperature.
D. This image does not show a change in volume of the piston. With no volume change at constant
temperature, there wouldn’t be a change in the number of atoms. Also, atom sizes do not change.
E. This image does not show a change in volume of the piston. If this were corrected, the image will still
be wrong because atom sizes do not change.

9.158 Answer: C; This is a statement of Boyle’s law.

A. The volume of a gas is inversely proportional to pressure at constant temperature.

B. The volume of a gas is directly proportional to temperature at constant pressure.
D. Equal volumes of different gases will contain the same moles of gas at a given temperature and
E. The volume of a gas is directly proportional to the moles of gas at constant temperature and pressure.

9.159 Answer: C; The moles of helium can be calculated by rearranging the ideal gas law: n = , where R is
L ⋅ atm
the ideal gas constant, R = 0.08206 . Following the units of the constant, volume must be expressed
mol ⋅ K
in liters, pressure in atmospheres, and temperature in kelvins.

A. This mathematical operation has the incorrect rearrangement of the ideal gas law to solve for moles of
gas. Also, temperature is not expressed in kelvins.
B. This expression has the correct relationship to solve for moles but does not show the conversion of
pressure and torr to atm. Also, the temperature is not expressed in kelvins.
D. This expression has the correct conversion for torr to atom and shows temperature in kelvins.
However, the ideal gas law is incorrectly rearranged to solve for moles.
E. This mathematical operation has the correct relationship to solve for moles but has incorrect values of
pressure, volume, and temperature.

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9.160 Answer: D; Substituting the moles of gas, temperature, and pressure into the ideal gas law:
æ L ⋅ atm ö÷÷
(1.25 mol )ççççè0.08206 mol ⋅ K ÷ø
÷ 50.0 + 273.15 K )
V= = = 25.8 L
P æ ö
çç978 torr ´ 1 atm ÷÷
çç ÷÷
è 760 torr ø

A. The volume decreases by a factor of 0.84.

B. The initial volume can be calculated using the ideal gas law:
æ L ⋅ atm ö÷
(1.25 mol)ççç0.08206 ÷(25.0 + 273.15 K )
nRT è mol ⋅ K ø÷
V= = = 30.8 L
P æ ö
çç755 torr ´ 1 atm ÷÷
èç 760 torr ø÷
C. The volume is expected to decrease because the pressure increases by a greater factor than the
temperature increase.
E. The volume of one mol of any gas at standard temperature and pressure is 22.4 L.

9.161 Answer: E; According to the ideal gas law, equal volumes of different gases contain the same number of
moles of gas. Substituting volume, temperature, and pressure into the ideal gas law:

PV (1.12 atm)(2.50 L)
n= = = 0.114 mol
æ ö
RT çç0.08206 L ⋅ atm ÷÷(25.0 + 273.15 K )
çè mol ⋅ K ÷ø

The molar mass can then be used to calculate the grams of each gas. Since density is mass/volume, the gas
with highest molar mass will have the greatest density.
28.02 g
0.114 mol N 2 ´
A. Density N = 1 mol = 3.21 g/L N
2.50 L
32.00 g
0.114 mol O2 ´
B. DensityO = 1 mol = 3.66 g/L O
2.50 L
44.01 g
0.114 mol CO2 ´
C. DensityCO = 1 mol = 5.04 g/L CO
2.50 L
4.003 g
0.114 mol He ´
D. Density He = 1 mol = 0.458 g/L He
2.50 L
64.06 g
0.114 mol SO2 ´
E. DensitySO = 1 mol = 7.33 g/L SO
2.50 L

9.162 Answer: C; The average kinetic energy of gas particles depends only on the absolute temperature, not the
identity of the gas.

A. The He and O2 containers contain the same number of gas molecules, but have different masses.
B. There are equal moles of He and O2.

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D. The He molecules on average are moving faster than the O2 molecules.
E. The volume of the O2 container has the same volume as the He container.

9.163 Answer: B; Under STP conditions the gas with the greatest number of moles will occupy the greatest
volume. Using the molar mass of each gas, we can calculate the moles and then use molar volume
(24.414 L/1 mol) to determine the volume occupied by each gas.
1 mol 24.414 L
A. Volume N = 46.2 g N 2 ´ ´ = 37.0 L N 2
28.02 g 1 mol
1 mol 24.414 L
B. Volume H = 24.3 g H 2 ´ ´ = 270 L H 2
2.016 g 1 mol
1 mol 24.414 L
C. Volume CO = 54.1 g CO2 ´ ´ = 27.6 L CO2
44.01 g 1 mol
1 mol 24.414 L
D. Volume Ar = 39.4 g Ar ´ ´ = 22.1 L Ar
39.95 g 1 mol
1 mol 24.414 L
E. Volume NH = 21.5 g NH3 ´ ´ = 28.3 L NH3
17.03 g 1 mol
The order of increasing volume is D < C < E < A < B

9.164 Answer: E; Gases are composed of small and widely separated particles.
A. The average kinetic energy of gas particles depends only on the absolute temperature of the gas.
B. The average velocity of gas particles increases when temperature increases.
C. The volume occupied by gas particles is very small compared to the total volume occupied by the gas.
D. A gas particle moves in rapid, straight-line motion until it collides with another particle or the
container. When collisions do occur, they are perfectly elastic.

9.165 Answer: B; The gas with the lowest molar mass is expected to have the greatest velocity. The order of
increasing average velocity is C < A < D < E < B

9.166 Answer: B; According to Gay-Lussac’s law of combining volumes, gases combine in simple whole-number
volume proportions with the volume ratios or reactant and products the same as the mole ratios as long as
conditions of temperature and pressure remain constant. The volume of CO2 produced can be calculated
from the following relationship:
8 L CO2
Volume CO = 5.00 L C 4 H10 ´ = 20.0 L CO2
2 L C 4 H10
A. The volume of O2 required to react with butane can be calculated in a similar way:
13 L O2
Volume O = 5.00 L C 4 H10 ´ = 32.5 L O2
2 L C 4 H10
The volume of O2 required to completely react with the butane is 32.5 L.
C. The ratio of volumes of reactants to products is 15:18. The total volume of gases is expected to

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D. The volume of H2O produced can be calculated from the mole ratios indicated by the balanced
10 L H 2 O
Volume H = 5.00 L C 4 H10 ´ = 25.0 L H 2 O
2 L C 4 H10
The volume of H2O produced is 25.0 L.
E. The final volume of gases produced can be calculated from the mole ratios indicated by the balanced
18 L products (CO2 +H2 O)
Volume products = 5.00 L C 4 H10 ´ = 45.0 L products
2 L C 4 H10
The final volume of gases produced is 45.0 L.

9.167 Answer: C; From Table 9.2 the vapor pressure of water at 29°C is 30.0 torr. If oxygen gas is collected over
water at a total pressure of 765 torr, the partial pressure of oxygen is 735 torr:
Ptotal = PO + Pwater

PO = Ptotal - Pwater = 765 torr - 30.0 torr = 735 torr


1 mol KClO3 3 mol O2

A. mol O2 = 7.5 g KClO3 ´ ´ = 0.092 mol O2
122.55 g KClO3 2 mol KClO3
0.092 mol of oxygen is expected to be produced.
B. The partial pressure of water at this temperature is 30 torr.
D. 7.5 g of KClO3 reacts.
1 mol KClO3
E. mol KClO3 = 7.5 g KClO3 ´ = 0.061 mol KClO3
122.55 g KClO3
0.061 mol of KClO3 reacts.

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