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(AC-S09) Week 09 - Task: Assignment - A

Peruvian Legend



Task: Assignment - A Peruvian Legend

The Legend of the Chullachaqui

To begin with, the Chullachaqui is a rainforest dwarf or demon whose name comes from the
Quechua terms. According to Iquitos legend, this forest dwarf has the ability to transform
himself into anyone else he wishes in order to deceive visitors or local people living in the
jungle. Furthermore, he can appear as a family member or a friend, leading them down the
wrong path, going deeper and deeper into the jungle and then leaving them there, lost. At
the same time, for an infant, the Chullachaqui will often appear as another child or another
playmate, trying to trick the child into the forest, so that he or she will get lost. Finally, the
only way to discover the Chullachaqui's true identity is to look at his feet, as one of his feet is
deformed, and that is where he will try to hide his feet in order to don't be discover. Feeling
discovered, the Chullachaqui will escape deep into the jungle.

It all started when a boy went to the jungle with his parents to look for firewood. The parents
left the child alone playing off to the side, in an open area. Suddenly, another boy appeared
between the trees and began to call him. The boy didn’t leave the open area as his parents
told him not to. After that, the boy told his parents that he saw another boy who was calling
him to play. His parents, surprised, told him that no one lived in those remote lands. In the
end, the boy and his parents began to search the area for the other boy, but they only found
strange footprints, which seemed to have been made by a dwarf who had a deformed foot.

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