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- 3 to 4 pounds of pork meat cut in medium pieces 1 pound of ribs and 2 pounds of loin
- 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
- 10 cloves of garlic, 5 whole and 5 crushed
- 1 white onion cut into pieces
- 1 small onion or a shallot cut in chunks
- 3 cups of water
- 1 cup orange juice
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Fried ripe plantains

- Yucca mote, llapingachos

- Onion and tomato curtido
- Avocado

1. Season the pork with ground cumin, crushed garlic, salt and pepper. If you have
time, let it rest in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
2. Put the pork, onion, shallot, whole garlic cloves and water in a large skillet and
cook until almost no water is left.
3. Add the orange juice and cook until all the liquid is reduced.
4. The meat begins to brown, with a wooden spoon stir the meat from time to time
to prevent it from burning. Cook the meat until all the pieces are browned.
5. In the same pan add the yucca, the mote and the fried plantains, if you wish you
can cook the plantains in the same fat as the fritada, called mapahuira, but this can
become complicated and it is easier to fry them separately.
6. Serve the fritada with the yucca, mote, fried plantains, curtido, avocado and aji
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