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The globalisation’s influences on me – are there any opportunities?

For me, personally, as a pupil of the 13th class, the last phase before achieving my Abitur,
globalisation influences nearly every part of my life. Food, clothes, (school) books,
entertainment products, etc. – everything comes from several countries all over the world.
Nevertheless the globalisation also offers me some opportunities for taking direct advantage
of it.

The first one, a manifested part of my everyday life, is the using of the internet. On the own
hand it is irreplaceable for my duties at school, on the other hand the (probably) fastest and
most comfortable form of worldwide communication. Getting knowledge from everywhere,
every time I like to, meeting friends virtually, buying a mobile phone directly from the USA in
some seconds, ... – all these things are results of the fast, unfortunately more and more
incontrollable, development of the globalisation.

Another opportunity, mostly based on globalisation, is my possibly future job of an airline

pilot. Logically nearly no one would need someone flying him from Frankfurt to Tokyo if the
globalisation would not suggest or even force him to. Interestingly there is an additional
factor, which is not as obliviously as the first one. Without any hindrance, one of the most
important parts of the pilot training got outsourced into the USA. On a four month trip to
Phoenix you gain first experiences in practical flying. In connection with the English whose
propagation is also a result of the globalisation, jobs like pilot or nautical captain have good
perspectives in future.

A third opportunity, offered by the globalisation, perhaps also concerning me personally, is

the chance of making career in our capitalistic world. The base, of course (in case my pilot
career fails), should be a course, e.g. studying law or economy. This is (more or less) possible
in nearly each country today. So called global players (almost every big company today) offer
jobs to (mainly intelligent, successful, creative, ...) students – even before they are finished
with studying. Depending on the concern this can be one of the best opportunities of global
interaction or even of getting a job in another country.

Naturally (and hopefully) there are more than only these three prospects given by the global
society. Nevertheless these are the most significant ones at this point of my life.

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