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ADHD in Women

" I used to think ADHD mean that you were hyperactive, but it turns out all the studies on adhd
were done on boys, and that women and girls can present very differently. They have become
some good at hiding their traits because they were taught that women should be nice and
polite and not a nuisance to anyone. Women are so good at masking they even convince their
doctors that they're 'normal' and then, they get misdiagnosed with anxiety, depression or pms.

To many women and girls are living in a constant state of overwhelm, have crippling low self-
esteem and they don’t now why they feel misunderstood. And this can have disastrous

Women and girls with adhd are consistently undiagnosed. This happen firstly because we used
to think that only men could have adhd, which is obviously not true but also, we thought that
having adhd simply meant that you were hyperactive and naughty. But women can present
very differently to men, the traits can be very internal.

For example, they might struggle to maintain friendships, they could have self-doubt, they
could be day dreamers, they could be accused of being too sensitive especially to rejection,
they could have ansiedade, imposter syndrome, difficulty with time management and living in
a state of constant overwhelm All off this things don’t present physically.

Now suicide rate amongst women with Adhd undiagnosed is 4 times higher than the average
population. It’s about time we raise awareness for the female traits of adhd as we stop letting
women slip through the net. "

Alex partridge LADBible and UNILAD Founder - ADHD podcast

ADHD bodies are not Typical either - DR Sam Zoranovich Chiropractic

For the variations ( ADhd autism and anxiety)

1 – Did you use to sprain your ankles a lot as a kid?

2 – Are you covered with mystery bruises? Or did you used to be all the time, and don’t
remember banging into anything.

3 – Woll is you digestive system? did you have bad gut health, or a lot of upset stomach, or
have a variability off food sensitivities?

4 – Do you have a history of skin conditions, especially at puberty (worse than average acne)

Why this question is associated with Neurodivessity? Is has to do with the fact that when we
see one variation, or developmental variation in a person's, that’s actually predictive of seeing
additional variations, so for them variations is the norm and if you have one congenital
variation you probably have more than one .

So if you have neurological variation or neurological diversity or divergence, the likelihood that
you have corporal body based variation diversity probably goes up.

We see that a lot whit this loose connective tissue disorder that comes up often with
neurodivergent people.

So what can we do about it ? We can figure out how to manage how your body works based on
how you came into this world. The recommendations are:

Be cautious and mindful of overstretching, people with adhd often have a lot of energy in their
bodies and one of the ways that can show up is really vigorous intense all the time stretching
that can actually overtax you already loose ligaments and joints.

So for the digestive system, we tend to try your best to bring down the overall stress an treaht
response , We all know that when we get really stressed the stomach suffer. So anything you
can do to bring the background noise to threat response in your body down is likely to improve
digestive system health. You can adopt gentle stems instead of deep overstretch, deep
breathing, pressing gently on the face or just holding hands still on the body to create a sense
of comfort and dropping.

For proprioception – One off the recommendations is various degrees of confinement of

resistance, or encapsulation. You can be wrapped tightly in a sheet or a bandage , or have a
friend perhaps tie you up. So that can be really helpful, to be able to fell the edges of their
body more accurately .

You can also just try squeeze compression on the edges of your body to reinforce for your brain
where your edges are

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