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Name : Ni Luh Putu Meka Dewi

NIM : 1912021021

Class : 6G

Senior High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Using Self-assessment in Writing: SMAN 1



3.1 Research Design

The focus of this study is about the teachers' perceptions about using self-assessment in
writing skill in senior high schools in Bali by observing and identifying the teachers’ perceptions
about using self-assessment. This study used the descriptive research design and qualitative
research method. Descriptive research method is used to describe the phenomena descriptively and
systemically to provide the accurate information (Atmowardoyo, 2018). Qualitative research is
used to understand the meaning of the information through the data that related to the phenomena
(Creswell, 2009). In this study, the qualitative research method is used to explore the information
related to phenomena which is the teacher’s perceptions and giving the meaning to phenomena
based on data.

3.2 Subject and Object of the Study

English Language Teachers of Senior High School were the subject of this research.

The object of this research is self-assessment used in writing skill. This research will
conducted the perceptions about the using of this self-assessment.

3.3 Research Setting

The researcher conducted this research in one of the Senior High School in Payangan
Regency, specifically in English Language Teachers. This School is SMAN 1 Payangan. This
school was chosen because this school, firstly was applied self-assessment but then stop. So, from
that, SMAN 1 Payangan was choosen for this research.
3.4 Method of Data Collection

In collecting data the author used two methods such as observation and interview. The
observation is used to get the information about the teachers’ perceptions using self-assessment in
writing skill. The interview method is used to get information about the challenges faced by teacher
when applied the self-assessment in writing.

1. Observation

Observation is one of the most data collection that use by many researcher. Walshe et al., (2012)
stated that observation methods can be used to understand action, behavior and roles of the
peoplewhich can be changed based on situations and times. In this study, the researcher doing the
class observation through online media that is WhatsApp. In the class observation, the researcher
focuses on the teachers’ perceptions when implementing the self-assessment in the class. In
collecting information, the researcher take screenshots to save the data.

2. Interview

The interview method is one of the most methods that often used in research. Alshenqeeti (2014 )
stated that the interview is the way to collecting the data through conversation between the
interviewer and the sources to get the information related to the topic. In this study, the interview
method is used to gain the information about the challenges that the teacher faced during
implementing the self-assessment. The interview is conducted by asking some question related to
the challenges during implementing the self-assessment to the teacher. The questions used to
interview teachers were made by the researcher to get appropriate answers as detailed as posibble.
During the interview process, the researcher focused on the teacher's answers and take a note of
the important point from the teacher answer. The researcher interviewed all the teachers who were
the subjects of this study.

3.5 Research Instrument

The data for this study was collected using a variety of instruments, including observation sheets
and interview guide.

1. Observation Sheet
Observation sheets were used to obtain information on the comparison of the teachers’ perceptions
on using self-assessment of 1-3 teachers, and what the challenges teachers face when applied the
self-assessment in learning especially writing skill.

2. Interview Guide

The interview guide is to obtain the information about the purpose of this study According to
Nasution (1992: 72) stated that interview basically conducted in two forms, namely structured
interviews and unstructured interviews. Structured techniques are carried out through questions
that have been prepared that related to the problem of this study, while unstructured interviews
answers that appear outside the question but are still related to the problems discussed in this study.
In this study, interviews were conducted by resource persons with one until three English
Language Teachers who teach in SMAN 1 Payangan.

3.6 Data Analysis

The data will be analyzed qualitatively by observing Senior high school teachers’ perception on
using self-assessment in writing. Based on Miles & Huberman, (1994), there are several procedure
that used to collecting the data such as, data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion
drawing. Those techniques will be explained on the diagram below:

1. Data Collection

Data Collection according to (Miles & Huberman, 1994), The teacher's assessment and
implementation of educational content knowledge in teaching English to the learner was studied,
observed, interviewed, photographed, and documented by the researcher. During data collection,
researcher will choose data that is relevant to the study's objective.
2. Data Reduction

According to (Miles & Huberman, 1994), Data Reduction is the process of selecting, focusing,
clarifying, abstracting, and transforming data. After collecting the information from observation,
and interview, the data was reduced and structured. The information used in this study was the
data that relevant to the study and the researcher discarded the data that was not relevant.

3. Data display

According to (Miles & Huberman, 1994), Data Display is a compressed collection of data. After
organizing the data, a display could take the form of a table, graph, or text. So, the researcher will
be able to provide the correct response to the study questions.

4. Conclusion Drawing/Verification

After all of the data have been selected, the researcher will make final conclusion that will answer
the research questions. The researcher has come to a short conclusion.

Atmowardoyo, H. (2018). Research methods in TEFL studies: Descriptive research, case study,
error analysis, and R & D. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(1), 197-

Alshenqeeti, H. (2014). Interviewing as a data collection method: A critical review. English

linguistics research, 3(1), 39-45.

Creswell, J. W. (2009 ). Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods

approaches. (3rd ed). SAGE Publications

Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis (2nd ed., Vol. 1304). SAGE

Walshe, C., Ewing, G., & Griffiths, J. (2012). Using observation as a data collection method to
help understand patient and professional roles and actions in palliative care settings.
Palliative medicine, 26(8), 1048-1054.

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