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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Garden Spurge (Euphorbia hirta) Extract as a

Molluscicidal Agent Against Golden Apple Snails (Ampullariidae) in Brgy. District

29 Nadongholan of Ormoc City

A Research Paper

Presented to the Western Leyte College of Ormoc

High School Department

Ormoc City, Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research II

Pauleen Marie P. Bagaporo

Ana Myka Girlie De Leon

Kerstin Hannah A. Albor

Kirby M. Rosal

October 2023


Agriculture is essential for any society. It plays an important role in human

survival and the growth of the economy of any country. Due to several factors such as

pest and diseases, climate change and water scarcity, several agricultural problems occur.

Pests, specifically Golden Apple Snails (Ampullariidae) are one of the factors that affects

the growth and development of some agricultural crops. Golden Apple Snail remains as

one of the dominant rice pest in the Philippines (Joshi et al., 2001). Golden Apple Snail

can cause a huge loss in rice production annually due to the amount of rice seedlings it

can consume per day (Prabhakaran et al., 2017). Thus, using of molluscicides is one of

the common chemical snail control. Nonetheless, the use of molluscicide can benefit to

the agricultural sector but greatly impacts the environment and human health due to its

toxicity when inhaled. Thus, developing an effective molluscicides could lead to a

sustainable, eco-friendly solution to mitigate this issue.

Garden Spurge (Euphorbia hirta) is a herb with documented molluscicidal

properties is widely used in the Philippines and across tropical Asia. It is usually seen in

open waste spaces, grasslands, road sides and pathways. According to Kumar et al.,

(2010), Garden Spurge possesses antibacterial, anthelmintic, anti-asthmatic, sedative,

anti-spasmodic, anti-fertility, anti-fungal, and anti-malarial properties. Aside from that, it

is positive in saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids, cardiac glycoside, phenolic compounds,

steroids and alkaloids. These chemical constituents of Euphorbia hirta contributes to its
molluscicidal properties. Brgy. Nadongholan is one of the barangay that is currently

facing this issue. The objective of this study is to investigate whether this garden spurge

plant extract can effectively control or eliminate Golden Applle Snail populations. The

significance of this study lies in its potential contributions to agriculture, environmental

management and farmers. If Euphorbia hirta extract proves effective, it could provide an

eco-friendly and sustainable solution for controlling golden apple snail populations,

which can be a major pest in rice fields. This could lead to improved crop yields and

reduced ecological impact compared to chemical alternatives.

Statement of the Problem

The problem that will be addressed in this study revolves around evaluating the

feasibility of Garden Spurge (Euphorbia hirta) for exterminating Golden Apple Snails

(Ampullariidae). This study aims to asses if the extermination of Golden Apple Snails

using Garden Spurge extract benefits the farmers in maintaining their crops.

1. How does the use of garden spurge extract impact the growth and quality of the


2. How does the killing of apple snails using garden spurge extract benefits the

farmers in protecting their rice fields?

3. What are the benefits that the farmers can get in using this alternative way?


From the problem stated above, the following hypotheses were formulated:

HOI: The evaluation of Garden Spurge (Euphorbia hirta) extract does not have a

measurable impact on the overall health and growth of crops, as compared to crops

protected by other snail control methods.

H02: There is no significant difference in the effectiveness of Garden Spurge (Euphorbia

hirta) in the extermination of Golden Apple Snails (Ampullariidae) compared to

conventional snail control methods.

H03: There is no statistically significant difference in the economic outcomes for farmers

who employ Garden Spurge (Euphorbia hirta) extract for snail control and those who use

alternative methods in terms of crop yield and cost-effectiveness.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will specifically focus on evaluating the potential of Garden Spurge

(Euphorbia Hirta) extract as a molluscicidal agent for Golden Apple Snails

(Ampullariidae) in aiding the agricultural development of Brg District 29 Nadongholan,

Leyte. The research method of the study will involve collecting Golden Apple Snails

(Ampullariidae), extracting Garden Spurge (Euphorbia hirta), and observing its potential

effects in order to identify its effectivity. The research will examine the said plant extract

as a potential molluscicidal agent. Duta collection and analysis will take place over the

specific given time, making sure that all findings are accurate for the given period.

The study will not address broader agricultural factors that may affect the

agriculture, nor will it expand its focus beyond the selected mollusks and plant extract

sources in Brgy. District 29 Nadongholan of Ormoc City. Additionally, the results and

conclusions generated by this research should not be the primary solution for

exterminating pests and other organisms outside the scope of this research. Ethical

consideration and informed consent will be essential components of the research process,

ensuring that the study is carried out with the utmost honesty, privacy, and respect for the

Significance of the Study

Utilizing Garden Spurge (Euphorbia hirta) as a molluscicide for Golden Apple

Snails (Ampullariidae) is environmentally friendly and economically significant. It offers

a sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides. Protecting non-target species and

promoting eco-conscious agriculture. This research aids in reducing chemical usage,

benefiting both human health and the environment while also being cost-effective for

farmers. It contributes to biodiversity conservation by minimizing harm to non-target

organisms and indirectly benefits public health by decreasing chemical exposure.

To Department of Agriculture. The results of this study will provide research-

based information that aids their responsibility for the promotion of agricultural

development. From the results, they could identify the problem that demands assistance

for the purpose of achieving rapid agricultural growth.

To Farmers. This study will provide information as to the prevention of bad

harvests and reducing the risk of parasite-causing illness in livestock. Furthermore, this

will minimize the high expenses associated with commercially available molluscicides.

Since the introduced agent is derived from plant extraction, it has a lower chance of

harming the environment, thus increasing agriculture’s long-term viability.

To Other researchers. This research can be a source of another study or can be

replicated using additional variables in another locale or setting or with different

respondents. The results can possibly become a research literature for their own study.

Enrichment or validation of the study of the same variables is recommended for them to

be able to reinforce the results of this study. The findings of this study can also serve as a

conceptual framework of another research.

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