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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


May, 2017


We hereby approve the thesis of


candidate for the MASTER OF SCIENCE degree*.

Committee Chair: Michael Rabinovich

Committee Member: Vincenzo Liberatore

Committee Member: Andy Podgurski

Date: 01 / 26 / 2017

*We also certify that written approval has been obtained

for any propriety material contained therein.

Contents ........................................................................................................................... i

List of Tables ................................................................................................................... iii

List of Figures ................................................................................................................. iv

1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................1

2. Related Work .............................................................................................................4

3. Background ................................................................................................................5

3.1. The Domain Name System ................................................................................ 5

3.2. Content Delivery Networks ............................................................................... 7

3.3. ECS EDNS Extension ........................................................................................ 10

3.4. Enabling ECS DNS Query ................................................................................. 11

4. Datasets...................................................................................................................13

4.1. Selected CDNs ................................................................................................ 13

4.2. CDN CNAMEs .................................................................................................. 15

4.3. List of Resolvers .............................................................................................. 16

5. Mapping Akamai Using ECS ......................................................................................17

5.1. ECS DNS Queries via Google Public DNS .......................................................... 17

5.2. DNS Queries to Our Own ADNS via Google ..................................................... 22

5.3. ECS DNS Queries Using Our Own Resolver ...................................................... 25

6. Exploring ECS Adopters ............................................................................................27

6.1. Detecting ECS Adopters .................................................................................. 27

6.2. ECS Adoption by CDNs .................................................................................... 28

6.3. ECS Adoption by Authoritative DNS Servers .................................................... 32

6.4. ECS Adoption by Resolvers .............................................................................. 37

6.4.1. Resolvers That Initialize the Option .................................................... 37

6.4.2. Resolvers Forwarding ECS Option ....................................................... 39

6.4.3. Can ECS-Compliant Resolvers Break a DNS Query? ............................. 41

7. Exploring the Use of CDN Federations and Multi-CDNs ............................................46

7.1. Multi-CDN ....................................................................................................... 46

7.2. CDN Federation .............................................................................................. 50

7.3. CDN Federation Footprints ............................................................................. 54

7.4. Multi-CDN Footprints ...................................................................................... 56

8. Conclusion ...............................................................................................................60

9. Bibliography .............................................................................................................62

List of Tables

Table 1: List of CDNs and their serving domains ........................................................ 15

Table 2: Akamai's CNAMEs and their IP addresses .................................................... 18

Table 3:’s resolved IP addresses .............................. 20

Table 4: Queries sent through China-based resolver that returned DNS responses with

non-zero ECS prefixes. ................................................................................. 21

Table 5: An example of Akamai's CNAME and their IP addresses .............................. 25

Table 6: Trace of interaction on queries to Akamai with and without ECS. ................ 27

Table 7: CDNs ECS adoption ...................................................................................... 29

Table 8: KeyCDN direct client based on the subnet client. ........................................ 31

Table 9: CDN77 returned IP addresses correlate with the client subnet. ................... 32

Table 10: The client subnets and the returned IP addresses on queries to ......... 35

Table 11: List of the ECS-enabled resolvers’ organizations .......................................... 39

Table 12: ECS queries sent through the 83,523 resolver to our name server .............. 41

Table 13: Samples of hostnames detected employ multi-CDN .................................... 50

Table 14: The combination of CDNs employed in multi-CDNs – single vantage point .. 50

Table 15: Pairs of CDNs detected in the federation – single vantage point .................. 53

Table 16: Pairs of CDNs detected in the federation – multiple vantage points ............ 56

Table 17: The combination of CDNs in the multi-CDNs found – ......................................

multiple vantage points ............................................................................... 59

List of Figures

Figure 1: The interaction of DNS resolution process ..................................................... 6

Figure 2: The system model of CDN ............................................................................. 8

Figure 3: An example of a poor DNS redirection......................................................... 10

Figure 4: ECS option structures .................................................................................. 11

Figure 5: An output example of dig with ECS patch .................................................... 12

Figure 6: ECS presence in queries' responses from 1 million name servers. ............... 33

Figure 7: ECS-adopters’ position on Alexa's ranking ................................................... 37

Figure 8: A sample of the EDNS0 section from the trace in a readable format............ 38

Figure 9: A name server that reject ECS queries and returns status error ................... 43

Figure 10: Queries time comparison between Azure, Akamai and CDN77 .................... 45

Figure 11: DNS resolution on multi-CDN implementation ............................................ 47

Figure 12: Example of multi-CDN DNS resolution ......................................................... 48

Figure 13: DNS resolution on CDN federation implementation .................................... 51

Figure 14: A CDN federation example .......................................................................... 52

Figure 15: CDN Federation detection from several sets of vantage points ................... 55

Figure 16: Multi-CDN detection from several set of vantage points ............................. 56

Figure 17: The number of CDNs present on CDN-directed hostname resolutions ......... 57

The State of Adoption of DNS ECS Extension on the Internet


Fajar Ujian Sudrajat

Collaboration between a group of DNS service providers and Content Delivery Networks

(CDNs) has led to an open IETF RFC — EDNS-Client-Subnet (ECS). ECS is an extension to

the DNS protocol that helps its adopters to better direct client requests for content to a

nearby server, thereby improving experiences for end users. In this thesis, we explore

the state of adoption of ECS on the Internet: how many CDNs already support ECS and

how widely ECS is adopted by the authoritative name servers and the resolvers. We also

explore a security implication of ECS, in that it can simplify scanning of the entire set of

servers used by a CDN. We show that Akamai, the largest CDN, has successfully

addressed this potential vulnerability while other CDNs remain explored. Finally, by

utilizing multiple vantage points, we are able to infer the extent to which individual

CDNs collaborate with each other to form so-called federated CDNs, and discover that

some content providers employ multiple CDNs to deliver their content.

1. Introduction

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) have become an important infrastructure in today’s

Internet architecture. Parallel with the rise of video content, an increasing amount of

content providers use CDNs to improve performance and maintain reliability. This is

highlighted by the growing amount of inter-domain traffic that flows directly between

large content providers and CDNs [28]. Notably, one CDN – Akamai [1] – claims to serve

15-30% of all Web traffic [32].

CDNs replicate content across a set of edge servers around the world and direct

clients to a nearby replica to reduce access time. In order to map the client to the

closest server, CDNs typically rely on the Domain Name System (DNS). When a client

wants to access a CDN-hosted web object, they first need to resolve the hostname. The

client will sends the DNS request to the local DNS resolver, typically the client’s ISP. The

resolver then forwards the request to the CDN’s authoritative name server. The CDN

makes decisions on server selection based on the IP address of the local DNS resolver.

This approach builds on the assumption that the client is close to the local DNS resolver,

thus the location of the resolver could represent the location of the client.

However, several studies [23, 33] have shown that these assumptions on locality

do not always hold. In some cases, the clients can be far removed from their resolvers,

and this may worsen client experience. Notably, the use of third party resolver like

Google Public DNS [14] and OpenDNS [18], since they may be far from the clients, could

yield worse end-to-end web performance [23, 34].

The potential problem that arises from the use of DNS-based redirection

motivates the collaboration work between third party resolvers and CDNs to provide a

solution. Their efforts led to RFC 7871 [26]. The document leverages the general DNS

extension mechanism (EDNS0) to convey information about the client to an

authoritative name server. The mechanism, called EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) allows

recursive resolvers to forward details about the client network information when talking

to other name servers. The network information forwarded by a recursive resolver could

be used by CDNs or content providers to better redirect clients to the nearby server.

Several prior studies [34, 36] observed a better performance in the use of ECS.

While the use of ECS offers an improvement in performance, it also introduces

unintended negative consequences. Several studies [24, 37] showed that the extension

could be used to reveal the edge servers of CDNs and content providers. It is possible to

map the infrastructure of an ECS adopter by sending crafted packets with arbitrary

client subnet information from a single vantage point. ECS adopters should be aware of

this vulnerability and address the threat to avoid revealing their infrastructure to

competitors and to prevent creating target lists for attacks.

To realize its benefits, ECS must be adopted by both DNS resolvers and CDNs. In

this thesis, we explore the state of ECS adoption on the Internet, including adoption by

DNS resolvers, CDNs, and other authoritative DNS servers (i.e., name servers that

maintain and provide mappings between hostnames and IP addresses).

We use DNS scanning, utilizing a large number of ECS DNS queries and

determine the CDNs’ support for ECS using certain characteristics in their response to

our queries. We first scan the largest CDN, Akamai, and try to map their entire platform

using ECS DNS queries. In our attempts to uncover their infrastructure we found that

Akamai’s support for ECS is not visible to us, as their response to our ECS queries do not

indicate that. While we were unable to detect Akamai’s use of ECS, we could infer that

the majority of CDNs have adopted ECS. In fact, one can simply scan such CDNs and

uncover details of their platform. We also explored the ECS adoption by authoritative

name servers through scanning a large number of hostnames and applying the same

detection technique we used to detect CDNs. In addition to that, we examined which

resolvers forward ECS queries sent by a client, showing their support of ECS. Our

experiments show that some authoritative name servers do not support the extension

and only return answer if the extension excluded. We conducted an investigation to find

a resolver that breaks access when querying such name server.

Finally, triggered by our findings in our ECS experiment, we explored the practice

of combining several CDNs by content providers. In alignment with that, we also

explored the extent to which individual CDNs collaborate with each other to form co-

called federated CDNs.

This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 surveys research related to our

work on ECS extension. In Chapter 3 we explain the technical background that is

necessary to understand the remainder of this thesis. Chapter 4 describes the datasets

used in our work. Our first work on ECS is presented in Chapter 5, where we will scan

Akamai in our attempt to uncover their serving servers. Further works involving ECS

scanning to explore the adoption of ECS by CDNs, website’s authoritative name servers

and resolvers are explained in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7 we present the extent of multi-

CDN and CDN federation implementations. We will summarize our work in Chapter 8.

2. Related Work

One of our objectives is to map Akamai’s entire set of edge servers using recently

proposed DNS extension, ECS. Prior research has presented several approaches to map

Akamai’s infrastructure but none of them made use of ECS. Huang et al. [29] were able

to map ~27,000 Akamai’s edge servers including ~6,000 DNS servers using queries from

a quarter million public DNS servers. Triukose et al. [38], in part of their work, utilize a

distributed measurement platform, DipZoom [11], to discover Akamai’s edge servers.

In relation to our experiments on ECS, there are several works that conducted

experiments on ECS. Otto et al. [34] presented the first study on the efficiency of ECS.

They observed that ECS provides a significant end-to-end performance improvement

over public DNS resolution without ECS. Sanchez et al. [36] presented Dasu, a

measurement experimentation platform for Internet’s edge. In their work, they

conducted HTTP requests to a set of CDN’s edge servers that were resolved using DNS

queries with ECS and without ECS. They found that the HTTP performance to the edge

servers resolved with the use of ECS is better than without ECS. Chen et al. [25]

confirmed the performance benefit of ECS during Akamai’s roll-out of ECS in the first

half of 2014. They showed an eight-fold decrease in mean mapping distance and a two-

fold decrease in RTT and content download time.

Several other pieces of work exploit the vulnerability introduced by ECS. Streibelt

et al. [37] showed how simple it is to expose the infrastructure of ECS adopters and

track their expansions. Calder et al. [24] presented an investigation on the growth of

Google’s global footprint over time. With their use of ECS, they uncover 15-20% more of

Google’s infrastructure from a single vantage point than by using 200,000 open

resolvers. Kintis et al. [31] discussed ways that ECS can be used to help augment

surveillance, and enable extremely targeted cache-poisoning attacks against DNS.

3. Background

3.1. The Domain Name System

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed database implemented in a hierarchy of

DNS servers containing various types of data, including host names and domain names.

At the very top of the hierarchy is the root domain called dot (“.”). The root domain of

the DNS is administered on a collection of root servers. The root servers delegate

responsibility for specific domains such as .edu, .org, .com to the name servers in the

next level in the hierarchy called top-level domain (TLD). Each TLD, delegates the

responsibility to its children, which may in turn, also delegate the responsibility to their

children. Ultimately, each website manages their own domain on their own name server

called authoritative DNS server (ADNS).

The steps required to resolve a hostname to an IP address are shown in Figure 1.

Suppose the client needs the IP address of the hostname: In step 1, the

client queries for the IP address of to the local DNS server (LDNS), also

known as the recursive DNS server. The local DNS server forwards the DNS query

message to one of the root DNS servers as we see in step 2. The root DNS server finds

the .com suffix and delegates the question to TLD servers responsible for .com by

Figure 1: The interaction of DNS resolution process

sending a reply to the local DNS servers with a list of IP addresses of .com TLD servers,

seen in step 3. Step 4 shows the local DNS server resending the query message to one of

the .com TLD servers. The TLD server finds the suffix and in step 5, returns

with the IP address of the authoritative name server for In steps 6 and 7,

the local DNS server finally obtains the IP address of provided by the

domain’s authoritative name server. The local DNS server then returns to the client with

the IP address in step 8.

3.2. Content Delivery Networks

Video streaming and multimedia content are significantly growing in the present

Internet. Serving this content to customers across the entire globe from a single location

could lead to a bottleneck in the server outgoing network connection and also links

between regions on a continent.

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) offers solutions to the problem by providing

the capacity and availability to deliver content using a globally distributed network of

servers in multiple data centers. CDNs generally push the server delivering the content

closer to the client. Content Providers (CP) such as media companies only need to

provide CDNs with their source Web server and the CDN distributes the content to the

clients through their distributed servers.

Generally, CDNs incorporates a large number of edge servers and DNS servers.

Edge servers are placed at multiple geographical locations and store a cached version of

content provided by content providers. DNS servers direct clients to the nearest edge

server that serves the requested content.

Figure 2 demonstrates how a CDN works. In step 1, when a client wants to access

content hosted by the content provider, they will send a DNS query to a local DNS server

to get the IP address of the serving server. We previously explained the resolution

process to obtain the IP address of a hostname. The IP address typically provided by the

domain’s authoritative name server. In a CDN system model, the domain’s authoritative

name server further delegates the question to CDN’s name server, typically by

returning, instead of the IP address sought, a special record (called a CNAME record)

Figure 2: The system model of CDN

that contains a “canonical” hostname (a synonym) for the name from the query. The

canonical name belongs to CDN’s domain. Thus, in Step 2, the local DNS server resends

the query, now for the canonical name, to CDN’s authoritative name server. In step 3,

CDN’s authoritative name server returns the IP address of one of CDN’s edge server to

local DNS server, ideally the closest to the client. The local DNS server then returns the

IP address to the client, as we see in step 4. Using the IP address of the edge server, in

steps 5 and 6, the client sends a request to the edge server and obtains the content

from the edge server if the edge server already cached the content. If the content not

cached, the edge server will fetch the content from the content provider and cache the

content for future requests.

Large CDNs and content providers rely on DNS to direct clients to a nearby

server. The general assumption is that clients are located close to the local DNS server

they use. Using the local DNS server address obtained from the source-IP address in the

DNS message request, a CDN’s authoritative name server may geo-locate or use certain

calculations to select a server that is close to the client. However, the assumption

proven does not always hold [23, 33]. In some cases, user may perceive a degraded


Figure 3 demonstrates that the use of a local DNS server’s IP address to

determine the location of a client does not always direct the client to the closest edge

server. As we see, the location of edge server 1 is closest to the local DNS server,

however, edge server 2 is the closest to the client. Instead of directing the client to edge

server 2, CDN’s authoritative name server directs the client to edge server 1, which is

assumed to be close to the client. The use of public DNS resolver like Google or

OpenDNS, since they may far from the clients, could yield even worse performance.

Figure 3: An example of a poor DNS redirection

3.3. ECS EDNS Extension

A collaboration effort between recursive DNS services and CDNs to find a solution for

the issue of miss-locating the end-user position led to RFC 7871. The document defines

an EDNS-Client-Subnet DNS extension (ECS). Traditionally, a client’s IP address is not

included in the DNS queries. ECS enables DNS queries to include the client’s IP address,

to be forwarded by all ECS enabled resolvers to authoritative name servers. The ECS

payload, as shown in Figure 4, consist of:

• OPTION-CODE, for ECS is 8 (0x00 0x08)

• OPTION-LENGTH, contains the length of payload

• FAMILY, the address family used for the client IP, 1 for IPv4 and 2 for IPv6.

• SOURCE PREFIX-LENGTH, representing the subnet to be used for the lookup.

• SCOPE PREFIX-LENGTH, representing the subnet the answer covers.

• ADDRESS, the IP address of the client. For privacy purposes, it is recommended

to use a prefix less than the full IP address.

Figure 4: ECS option structures

3.4. Enabling ECS DNS Query

In our work, we need a client that is able to send a DNS query with the ECS extension

enabled. We evaluated several options regarding how we set up our probe to send ECS

queries. Initially, we used a patched Bind’s dig tool [5] to test sending a DNS query with

the ECS extension enabled. The ECS patch to support ECS available at [6]. Figure 5 shows

the example of the ECS-enabled dig’s output. We see there is a CLIENT-SUBNET section

that shows the client subnet, source prefix-length and scope prefix length.

Dig also has an option to perform DNS resolution without using a recursive

resolver. By simply adding the +trace option, dig will send the query recursively in a

Figure 5: An output example of dig with ECS patch

typical DNS resolution scenario. Sending a large number of queries using dig requires

some script to continually execute the dig command and capture the output strings. The

output strings then need to be parsed accurately to make it easier to read. With that

complexity, instead of using dig, we use a simpler approach to make our probe. We

implemented our probe using a script written in Python, [9],

which enables client subnet in DNS queries. The script is a class

from a DNS toolkit for Python, dnspython [12]. Using functions provided in dnspython,

we can easily extract data from every section of DNS messages, simpler than parsing out

dig’s output string.

We want to mention that we also tried the only available ECS-enabled recursor

we found, PowerDNS Recursor [20]. Unfortunately, PowerDNS Recursor does not

forward the ECS data from a client. PowerDNS Recursor discards ECS data from a client

and composes new ECS data using the local machine network information. We got in

contact with one the developers of PowerDNS Recursor who informed us that the

exclusion of the ECS data from clients is to avoid a client hiding from an authoritative

name server by using a fake client subnet.

4. Datasets

In this chapter we present datasets that were used in our experiments and how these

are obtained.

4.1. Selected CDNs

We need the list of all known CDNs and the domain names they use to deliver contents.

The majority of CDNs on our list were selected from CDNPlanet [8]. Obtaining CDN’s

domains was not a straightforward process. None of the CDN official websites nor third

party websites publish a complete list of CDN domains. We pulled most of the

information from CDNs’ website FAQ pages where they have a quick review on how to

use the CDN. Usually they mention one or two CNAME examples, showing the domain

used by the CDN.

In addition, we resolved a large number of website hostnames, see Section 4.2,

and looked into frequent second-level domains in the CNAMEs that were returned by

the website hostnames. If the second-level domain in whois database lookup shows it

belonged to a CDN in our list of CDNs, we add the domain into the CDN domains list.

Finally, specific for Akamai, we obtained a number of their domains from the Wikipedia

page about Akamai [3]. In the end, we have in total 32 CDNs for which we know their

serving domains as shown in Table 1.

No CDN Domains
1 Akamai,,,,,,,,,,,,
2 Cloudfront,,
3 Azure,,
4 Edgecast,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
5 Cachefly
6 CDNetworks,,,,
7 Chinacache,,
8 Cloudflare,,
9 Incapsula
10 Instartlogic,
11 Internap
12 Limelight
13 MaxCDN
14 Mirror Image
15 Level-3
16 Onapp
17 OVH
18 Yotta
19 Streamzilla
20 CDN77,
21 CDNify
22 CDNSun,
23 CDNVideo,
24 ChinanetCenter,,,,,
25 Fastly,
26 Highwind

27 Isprime
28 KeyCDN
29 Leaseweb
30 Ngenix
31 Rackspace,
32 Xcdn

Table 1: List of CDNs and their serving domains


To collect CDN CNAMEs we need to know the hostnames from the CDN customer

websites that are outsourced to a CDN. The first step toward obtaining such hostnames

might be to extract them from URLs found in CDN customer websites. However, most

CDNs publish only a few of their top customers, thus limiting the number of hostnames

that we could gather. We therefore collect CDN CNAMEs by resolving a large number of

hostnames despite not knowing whether the hostnames are outsourced to a CDN or


We first obtained a large number of hostnames from a publicly available source,

the Alexa list of top 1 million websites [4]. Since websites’ starting hostnames (such as

“”) are less likely to be outsourced to a CDN, we need to get their subdomains

where the hostnames have a higher chance to be directed to a CDN. Using a simple

Python script, we probed the top page of the websites and pulled all of the URLs we

found on it. We collected a total of 5,611,473 URLs and from these URLs we extracted

2,017,367 hostnames. In the next step, we resolved all of the hostnames and captured

all of the CNAMEs present in the queries. We selected hostnames that were directed to

a CNAME belonging to the CDNs in our list. In total we pulled 429,563 hostnames

outsourced to CDN.

We observed that many of these hostnames belonging to the same second-level

domain, which means they are used by the same website. For example, hostnames and, both are part of a URLs in the

Career Age website. We believe the same edge servers serve different hostnames that

belong to the same second-level domain. Triukose et al [38] showed that the use of

additional CNAMEs from the same customer do not contribute much to server

discovery; meaning that they would all be directed to largely the same edge servers.

Based on this, we reduce the number of hostnames outsourced to CDN by

picking only one, arbitrarily chosen, hostname representation for each domain. From

our example above, we may pick as a representation of the domain and remove from the list. From the

reduced CDN outsourced hostnames, we have in total of 89,135 CDN’s CNAMEs with

17,618 of them belonging to Akamai.

4.3. List of Resolvers

A parallel study by a colleague in our lab, Rami Al-Dalky, involved scanning the entire

Internet for open recursive resolvers by sending DNS queries via all possible IP

addresses to resolve domain names registered in his authoritative name server. Using

traces captured at the authoritative name server, we could compile a list of resolvers

that could be discovered through this technique, and which of these resolvers actually

send DNS queries with the ECS option included. This work provides us with a list of

resolvers comprising 83,523 IP addresses.

5. Mapping Akamai Using ECS

[24, 37] shows that a single vantage point combined with publicly available information

is sufficient to uncover the global footprint of an ECS adopter and track its expansion. To

the best of our knowledge, there is no previous work that maps the edge servers of the

biggest CDN, Akamai using ECS. Since a previous report says that Akamai already

supports ECS [2], we want to use the capability of ECS to emulate queries from multiple

vantage points around the world to trick Akamai into sending responses with IP

addresses that correlate with the client subnet we put in the ECS option. By using all

advertised IPv4 prefixes we supposedly could enumerate the IP addresses of all

Akamai’s edge servers.

5.1. ECS DNS Queries via Google Public DNS

We designed our experiment to emulate ECS DNS queries from multiple vantage points

using arbitrary ECS client subnet information. With regards to the queries, we used

Akamai’s CNAMEs as query strings and various /24 prefixes as the ECS client subnets.

We used prefixes from a list of an advertised IPv4 prefixes obtained from [7].

In our initial experiment, we sent ECS queries from our lab machine to Google

Public DNS using 15 Akamai’s CNAMEs as the query strings. We paired 10 different client

subnets that are widely spread geographically with each of the query strings. We were

assuming that the return IP address from our queries would be located close to the

client subnet we used in the query.

Akamai’s CNAME Resolved IP address IP location Virginia, US Virginia, US, Ohio, US Virginia, US Virginia, US Virginia, US, Ohio, US, Ohio, US, Ohio, US Virginia, US, MA, US Virginia, US, Ohio, US, Ohio, US, Ohio, US

Table 2: Akamai's CNAMEs and their IP addresses

We geo-located the returned IP addresses using a GeoIP database from

MaxMind [17] and we found that the IP addresses of the edge servers, shown in Table 2,

are all located in the United States. 7 of 15 Akamai’s CNAMEs were directed to edge

servers located in Elyria, OH, roughly 28 miles from our lab location.

We observed that responses to our queries included the ECS option and had scope

prefix-length zero. According to RFC 7871, zero-scope means the client prefix in the ECS

DNS query is not used by the authoritative name server to generate the IP addresses in

the answer. Indeed, the edge servers’ IP addresses were not in correlation with the

client subnets we put in the ECS option.

We set up another set of ECS queries that use a large number of prefixes for the

client subnet information. We wanted to make sure the range of prefixes used in our

ECS queries was not the main factor for the unexpected ECS responses from Akamai as

an ECS adopter. We sent the ECS queries from our lab machine and from several

PlanetLab [21] nodes located in South Korea, Australia and Finland. From each location,

we sent a total of 40K queries with query string Each

query had a client subnet randomly picked from our list of prefixes. The result from this

set of ECS queries had similar characteristics as our initial ECS queries test. All the

responses included an ECS option and had scope prefix-length zero. The IP addresses in

the answers did not show the closeness to the client subnet in the ECS data. It seemed

that the IP addresses were given based on the network information of the queries’


Table 3 presents the result of our queries. The locations of Akamai’s edge servers

are relatively close to where the queries were sent. For example, queries sent from the

PlanetLab node in Helsinki, Finland received answers with IP addresses all located in

Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The example also shows more convincingly that the

answers were not derived from the ECS option in our queries. 4K queries with various

client subnet information in the ECS data that were sent from Helsinki, Finland only gave

us two Akamai’s IP addresses.

Akamai’s CNAME Queries origin Resolved IP IP location
address Ohio, US New York, US Massachusetts, US Massachusetts, US Washington, US Chicago, US Chicago, US New York, US
Victoria, AUS Sydney, AUS Hongkong, HK Buenos Aires, AR
Helsinki, FIN Amsterdam, NED Amsterdam, NED
Daejon, KR Anyang, KR Hongkong, HK Tokyo, JPN Seoul, KR Seoul, KR Texas, US Tokyo, JPN Seoul, KR

Table 3:’s resolved IP addresses

The experiment showed that we could not map Akamai’s edge servers using ECS

queries sent via Google Public DNS. We needed to make sure that our use of Google

public DNS in probing Akamai was not the reason we could not to get the result we

hoped for. We wanted to know how Google public DNS forwards an ECS query to an

authoritative name server. In section 5.2 we will present our experiment to address this


As an alternative to using Google in our probing, we used the 83,523 resolvers

obtained by our lab colleague. First, we sent ECS queries through the resolvers to

resolve various Akamai CNAMEs. We looked for a resolver that would return our query

with ECS option enabled and scope prefix-length non-zero, and we found eight such

resolvers. These resolvers are all located in China and we noticed the returned IP

addresses are located in/or around China, as shown in Table 4. We inferred that the IP

addresses were given based on the resolver’s IP addresses, not the client subnet we put

in the queries. Regardless, we sent another set of queries through the resolvers. We

sent the additional queries considering the presence of the non-zero scope might lead

to a different result compared to the results from our use of Google. In our queries we

used three different and geographically dispersed client subnets to each of the

resolvers. We saw that for each of the three queries, the resolvers returned IP addresses

that have the same location, if not the same IP address. Apparently we also cannot use

these resolvers to scan Akamai’s edge servers.

Akamai’ CNAMEs Resolver’s IP Scope Returned IP IP address’

addresses addresses location 24 Osaka, Japan 24 Hongkong 24 Hongkong 24 Beijing, China 24 Singapore
net. 24 Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia 24 Hongkong
net. 24 Osaka, Japan

Table 4: Queries sent through China-based resolver that returned DNS responses
with non-zero ECS prefixes.

5.2. DNS Queries to Our Own ADNS via Google

The previous experiment raised a question on how Google Public DNS handles ECS DNS

queries. Does Google modify the ECS option of queries received, or do they just let it

pass through as is? To answer this question, we sent ECS DNS queries through Google

Public DNS to our own authoritative name servers and observed the forwarded queries.

We set up our authoritative name server in our lab machine. First, we deploy

BIND as our authoritative name server, however at that time BIND had yet to release a

version with ECS support. Since we wanted it to be able to handle ECS DNS queries, our

authoritative name server needed to be ECS ready. Not many authoritative name

servers already support ECS. We find only PowerDNS [19] and gdnsd [13] already

support the extension. We picked PowerDNS as our ECS authoritative name server since

PowerDNS could run using our existing BIND configuration.

We first ran our experiment with our authoritative name server set to be ECS-

disabled. We sent several ECS queries and observed that Google does not forward the

ECS option from our original request to our authoritative name server. According to the

ECS standard, a recursive resolver may or may not include the ECS option from the

incoming query. Passing the ECS data from the client is supportive of recursive resolver

being used as the target of the forwarding resolver. However, it is recommended to only

send the ECS option to authoritative name servers that already support ECS.

There are two ways for recursive resolvers to determine which authoritative

name servers already support ECS:

1. Using whitelist

Authoritative name server actively submits a request to recursive resolver, to put

their domain name on the recursive resolver whitelist to send the option to.

2. Using probes

Recursive resolver implements a detection mechanism by sending probes

periodically and remembers which authoritative name server did return ECS option.

At first, we thought that Google does not forward our ECS option because our

authoritative name server was never registered in Google Public DNS’s whitelist and we

would need to send a request Google to be included on their whitelist. However, we

learned that Google no longer uses a whitelist to decide whether to send the ECS

option: it stopped using the whitelist in June 2014 [15]. Google public DNS now

automatically detects authoritative name servers that support ECS options and sends

queries with ECS options to such name servers automatically.

Even though Google employs such mechanisms to avoid sending ECS queries to a

non ECS-compliant authoritative name server, using another set of queries, we observed

Google did not completely exclude ECS option in a query to such name servers. We sent

40K ECS queries to our name server, via Google, with a different client subnet among

the queries. Although our name server was not ECS enabled, Google sent a total of

1,473 queries with the ECS option included to our name server. We also found that the

ECS queries still have the client subnet from our original query. Google indeed forwards

the ECS data from the client’s query.

Examining Google’s queries from the above experiment, it appeared that Google

would occasionally forward the ECS option in its queries to probe the ADNS’s ECS

support, and when the ADNS response does not indicate such support, Google would

stop forwarding the ECS option for a while, until the next probe.

To be more certain, we also sent ECS queries to our own authoritative name

server set to ECS enabled. As expected, Google forwarded our ECS option to our

authoritative name server without any modification. With this result, we assumed

Google supposedly would forward our ECS option to Akamai’s authoritative name

server, however the outcome from the previous experiment indicates a different

behavior between ECS DNS queries to Akamai and ECS DNS queries to our authoritative

name server.

Instead of using client subnet from a client, Google may use the client’s IP

address on the outgoing query to Akamai. This is shown by our previous experiment

where the returned IP addresses are close to the client locations. The only publicly

available information supporting our suspicion is the presentation slides of Matt Jansen

in SANOG 24, Delhi, August 2nd 2014 [30]. One of the slides discusses the security

concerns of an attempt to scan/walk the mapping algorithm used by Akamai. One of the

points presented was to enforce replacement of ECS data by Google and OpenDNS

before sending the query to Akamai.

5.3. ECS DNS Queries Using Our Own Resolver

Since we were unable to uncover Akamai’s edge servers using queries through Google

Public DNS, we then tried to resolve the Akamai’s CNAMEs using our own resolver. We

sent DNS queries with the ECS option from a single machine in our lab to resolve 17,618

of Akamai’s CNAMEs with ECS information of five arbitrary client subnets that are

geographically dispersed, for each CNAME. We also re-sent the same queries without

the ECS option in order to see whether both types of queries give different answers.

Akamai’s CNAME Client-subnet IP addresses,,,,,
(a) Queries with various client subnet returned same IP addresses

Akamai’s CNAME Client-subnet IP addresses
(b) Few queries returned with different IP addresses

Akamai’s CNAME Client-subnet IP addresses,,,
(c) Different CNAMEs directed to the same IP addresses

Table 5: An example of Akamai's CNAME and their IP addresses

We recorded that Akamai’s authoritative name server responded to all of our

ECS queries without the ECS option. For the majority of the CNAMEs, each directed to

the same set of IP addresses as shown in an example in Table 5 (a). Only 111 of the

17,618 CNAMEs have more than one IP addresses as can be seen in an example in Table

5 (b). We also saw that many of the CNAMES share the same IP addresses. Like the

example shown in Table 5 (c), there are a total of 5,480IP addresses linked to the 17,618


The non-present ECS option in the query’s responses indicates that Akamai’s

authoritative name server did not honor the ECS option from our queries. The returned

IP addresses also show that their assignment was not based on the client subnet in the

ECS option. A possible explanation would be that Akamai use a whitelist to limit the ECS

feature to only certain clients.

Even though we could not detect Akamai’s use of ECS from the ECS option and

the returned IP addresses, we observed that Akamai’s authoritative name servers do

treat ECS DNS queries differently from regular DNS queries. Table 6 shows that even

though the query’s answer is the same, there are differences in the DNS query’s trace of

interaction between queries with ECS and those without. In the example we see that

queries with ECS option have an extra round of interaction and a different hostname

compared to queries without ECS option.

1st round 2nd round 3rd round Answers

ECS a1479.b.akamai. net.

No a1479.b.akamai. -
ECS net.

Table 6: Trace of interaction on queries to Akamai with and without ECS.

Same as the result from our previous queries via Google public DNS, sending the

ECS DNS queries directly to Akamai’s authoritative name servers also showed us that we

could not exploit the ECS security vulnerability to map Akamai’s entire edge servers.

6. Exploring ECS Adopters

Moving on from our effort to map Akamai using ECS DNS queries, next we wanted to

explore the ECS adoption by other CDNs and the top websites’ authoritative name

servers. In this section, we are going to discuss how we detected ECS adopters and

which CDNs and hostnames are in our list of ECS adopters.

6.1. Detecting ECS Adopters

Since the RFC 7871 is not an Internet Standard Track specification, its adopters may

have a different implementation on a case-by-case basis. This was shown in our

previous experiments where Google treats ECS queries to Akamai and to our name

server differently. Examining the presence of the ECS option may not allow us to directly

find out if an authoritative name server is ECS enabled or not. Streibelt et al [37]

annotate an authoritative name server as ECS-enabled if the scope in the ECS option is

non-zero in one of the queries. Having non-zero scope however, does not convey

whether the client subnet was used in the assigning of the returned IP address – as

demonstrated by the 8 Chinese resolvers (Table 4).

Another thing to consider is that our experiments on Akamai show that even

though ECS option was not present in their answers, we detected different traces of

interactions involved in processing queries with and without ECS. We then decided to

determine that a name server is ECS-enabled by using the following heuristic:

1. If, for multiple queries, the ECS option with non-zero scope is present in the reply

and the IP address in the answer shows a correlation with the queries’ client subnet

in term of their distance, we annotate the authoritative name server as an ECS


2. Even when the response to an ECS DNS query arrives without the ECS option, if the

trace of interaction between DNS queries with and without the ECS option shows a

difference in a considerable amount of queries, we also annotate the authoritative

name server as an ECS adopter.

6.2. ECS Adoption by CDNs

To detect CDN ECS adopters, we recursively sent ECS DNS queries from a single machine

to resolve 89,135 CDN’s CNAMEs. For each CNAME, we sent five queries with a different

client subnet in the ECS option plus one query without ECS option for trace of

interaction comparison purposes. Table 7 shows our compilation of CDNs’ ECS adoption.

We marked Instartlogic in our table because from our queries to 348 Instartlogic’s

CNAMEs, we only found one CNAME where the responses included the ECS option.

No CDN ECS Scope- Answer Different ECS-
option prefix correlate with trace of enabled
length client subnet interaction
1 Akamai - - - √ √
2 Cloudfront √ non-zero √ - √
3 Azure - - - - -
4 Edgecaset √ non-zero √ - √
5 Cachefly √ non-zero √ - √
6 CDNetworks √ non-zero √ - √
7 Chinacache √ non-zero - - -
8 Cloudflare √ non-zero - - -
9 Incapsula √ non-zero √ - √
10 Instartlogic √* non-zero - - -
11 Internap - - - - -
12 Limelight - - - - -
13 MaxCDN √ non-zero √ - √
14 Mirror Image √ - - - -
15 Level-3 √ zero - - -
16 Onapp √ non-zero √ - √
17 OVH - - - - -
18 Yotta - - - - -
19 Streamzilla √ zero - - -
20 CDN77 √ non-zero √ - √
21 CDNify √ non-zero √ - √
22 CDNSun √ non-zero √ - √
23 CDNVideo √ non-zero √ - √
24 ChinanetCenter √ non-zero √ √
25 Fastly √ zero - - -
26 Highwind - - - - -
27 Isprime - - - - -
28 KeyCDN √ zero √** - √
29 Leaseweb √ non-zero √ - √
30 Ngenix √ - - - -
31 Rackspace √ non-zero √ - √
32 Xcdn √ non-zero √ - √

Table 7: CDNs ECS adoption

* Instartlogic only returned one query with ECS option from 348 queries
** KeyCDN returned answers that correlate with the given client subnets even though
the scope in the returned ECS option is zero

We found interesting behavior on KeyCDN. Even though they returned a zero

scope on their responses, we observed that the client subnets in fact correlate to the IP

addresses in the answers. Table 8 presents samples of our queries to KeyCDN that show

a correlation between the client subnet and the returned IP addresses.

According to the ECS specification, scope prefix-length is used to indicate to

which prefix’s family the answer belongs. In caching the answer, a resolver must

examine the scope. If the scope is shorter than source prefix-length, the answer is valid

for all addresses that fall within the scope range. If the scope is longer than source prefix

length, the answer is valid only to addresses within the range of the source prefix

length. That being said, zero scope means the answer covers all network.

However, zero scope could also mean the option is supported but not actually

used for generating a response. The two meanings of the zero scope led to an

ambiguous interpretation in our observations, whether the answer is valid for all

addresses or the option was not used to assign the answer. In the KeyCDN case, since

the client subnets in fact correlate to the IP addresses in the answers, we strongly

believe it was the former rather than the latter and we annotated KeyCDN as an ECS

adopter. With this, we further considered a non-zero scope in our heuristic to detect

ECS adopters. We re-examined other CDNs, now considering the non-zero scope, and no

changes were found from our pervious examination.

The second point in our heuristic involved comparing traces of interactions

involved in processing queries with ECS and without. We only found that Akamai has

differences in the traces of interaction.

CNAMEs Client subnets Client subnet Returned IP IP addresses
location addresses location Russia Russia Australia Sydney,
ecoportal- Italy Marco, Italy Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Chandler, Aurora,
United States United
States Tokyo, Japan Japan United United
Kingdom Kingdom Germany Germany
kingbuzz- Italy Italy Guangzhou, United
China States

Table 8: KeyCDN direct client based on the subnet client.

Half of the CDNs in our list have adopted ECS. In fact, their authoritative name

servers returned an ECS DNS query with an IP address that correlated with the client

subnet sent, thus making themselves open to easy scanning. For example, when we

scanned CDN77 using ECS DNS queries with only one query string and a random 100

different client subnets sent from a single machine, we obtained 21 locations of their

edge servers.

CDN77’s website officially stated that they have 32 datacenters around the

globe. What would it take to discover all their datacenters? Our next queries to CDN77

used selected client subnets that represented all regions (provinces/states) in the world

with a total of 2,676 prefixes, obtained from MaxMind database. We geo-located the

returned IP addresses using MaxMind and only found 17 locations of their datacenters.
However, using a better geo-location services (we used free geo-ip databases from

IP2Location [16] and DB-IP [10] in addition to MaxMind) we could discover 28 out of 32

CDN77 datacenters. The undiscovered datacenters are four datacenters that have status

‘custom datacenter’ in their description. Table 9 shows samples of our queries output to

CDN77. We see that the return IP addresses have a location correlation with the client

subnets used in the queries.

Query string Client subnet Client subnet Returned IP IP address

location address location Auckland, Chippendale,
New Zealand Australia Barra de Sao Brazil
Joao, Brazil Hong Kong Central District,
Hong Kong Singapore Singapore Rajkot, India India Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Brixen im Hungary
Thale, Austria Chihuahua Los Angeles,
City, Mexico United States Jakarta, Singapore

Table 9: CDN77 returned IP addresses correlate with the client subnet.

6.3. ECS Adoption by Authoritative DNS Servers

Next, we wanted to detect which websites have adopted the ECS extension. We used

the same detection heuristic we used on previous experiments on CDNs. In this

experiment, we probed the Alexa’s 1 million hostnames using ECS queries. In our

probing, we sent ECS queries using three different client subnets from distant regions.

We picked one client subnet located in Ukraine to represent Europe, one client subnet

located in Philippines to represent the Pacific region, and one client subnet located in

Kansas, United States.

Figure 6: ECS presence in queries' responses from 1 million name servers.

From the query responses, we first categorized the hostnames based on the

presence of the ECS option. Figure 6 shows that we successfully resolved the addresses

from 92% of the hostnames. While the majority of the name servers did not include the

extension, there were roughly 28% (279,468) name servers that included the ECS option

in the response. 57,049 of the name servers returned our queries with non-success

status and 16,861 name servers were inaccessible. We also recorded 23,476 name

servers did not support queries with the DNS extension (EDNS0) and only returned an

answer if the extension was omitted from the message. We previously found such a

name server in our CDNs scanning, which is Azure’s authoritative name server. We look

at these servers more closely in Section 6.4.3, to see if they introduce brittleness into

DNS system, when some recursive resolvers include ECS option in their queries by

default, and some authoritative name servers fail to resolve these queries.

We further looked into the ECS responses and checked the scope-prefix length in

the option. We found 120,358 name servers put a non-zero scope in the ECS option and

159,110 name servers have a zero scope. Previous findings showed that a zero scope

does not always mean the client subnet is not used, thus we still include the zero-scope

in the following examination. In the next step, we needed to examine the correlation

between the client subnet and the returned IP addresses.

To measure the correlation between the two addresses, we checked the location

of the IP addresses and the geo-distance between the client subnet and the IP

addresses. If the returned IP addresses were all located in one city, we inferred the

client subnets were not used by the authoritative name server. If the returned IP

addresses located in different cities, we then checked if the returned IP address is the

closest to the client subnet from the corresponding query, among the three client

subnets used. If that is the case, we noted the client subnet correlates with the IP

address. In this experiment, we used database from IP2location and MaxMind to obtain

the addresses’ geographical information. We could not use DB-IP database since the

free version does not have the latitude and longitude information.

We automatically annotated a hostname as an ECS adopter if the client subnets

in all three queries correlated with the returned IP address. We also observed

hostnames with only two queries out of three queries that had client subnet correlating

with the returned IP address; these hostnames might also be ECS adopters. Table 10

shows an example for such cases. We present the geographical information of the client

subnets and the returned IP addresses from queries to hostname: We see that returned two IP addresses on our three queries. Query with client subnet in

Philippines returned with an IP address in Republic of Korea and queries with client

subnet in US and Ukraine returned with the same IP address located in US. Its look like is using two data centers and sending clients to one of the two based on the client

location. Ukraine is roughly equidistant but they may know that their connectivity

between Europe and US is better than between Europe and Asia.

For each of the hostnames with cases like, we re-used the same client

subnets and re-sent each query three times. If the results are consistent across three

tries, we annotated the hostname as an ECS adopter.

Client subnet CS Country Returned IP IP Country Distance Distance

address CS – IP CS – other IP
(miles) (miles) Philippines Republic of 1625.67 7296.18
Korea U.S. U.S. 1053.15 6302.36 Ukraine U.S 6296.53 4535.08

Table 10: The client subnets and the returned IP addresses on queries to

Ultimately, from the 120,358 non zero-scope name servers we annotated 3,681

name servers as ECS adopters, and from the 159,110 zero-scope name servers we found

14 ECS adopter name servers, with the total of 3,695 name servers. We especially note

the fact that a vast majority of authoritative name servers that return a non-zero scope

ECS prefix in fact appear to be non-adopters. This contradicts the proper use of the ECS

extension, which according to [24], states: “A zone is ECS-enabled if its name servers'

responses to queries with ECS option data that has a non-zero prefix”. Whether to call

these servers “adopters” or “non-adopters”, they don’t appear to leverage the ECS

information from queries in generating their response.

To check for “hidden” ECS adopters, which – like Akamai – only honor ECS

options from white-listed resolvers, we also made a comparison between traces of

interactions involved in the DNS resolution of queries with and without ECS. We did not

find any differences in the trace of interactions.

We plotted the ranking position of the 3,695 websites we determined to be ECS

adopters on Alexa’s Top 1 million websites ranking, shown in Figure 8. We saw that 32%

of the name servers that we annotated as ECS adopters are in the top 100K of Alexa

ranking. In general, indicated by the concave shape of the curve on Figure 7, popular

websites are more likely to adopt ECS since they may also employ multiple web servers

in different locations.

Figure 7: ECS-adopters’ position on Alexa's ranking

6.4. ECS Adoption by Resolvers

Finally, we will present our effort to explore resolvers that already support the ECS

extension. We determine resolver’s compliance of ECS by examining the existence of

the ECS option in their outgoing queries.

6.4.1. Resolvers That Initialize the Option

The work our colleague described in section 4.3 provided us with a packet trace of a

large number of DNS queries that were sent to his authoritative name server. Even

though the queries were originally sent to resolvers without an ECS option on them, we

wanted to find resolvers that include the ECS option in their outgoing queries.

The packet capture files have a roughly 30 Gigabytes size in total. To make our

analysis on the packet traces easier, we converted the .pcap files into a readable format

files using tshark tool from Wireshark [22]. In the readable format files, we recognized

queries with an ECS option by finding queries with EDNS0 option set as ‘CSUBNET –

Client subnet’. Figure 8 shows a sample of a query with ECS option enabled.

Figure 8: A sample of the EDNS0 section from the trace in a readable format.

From the total of 66,982,397 DSN messages, there were 97,854 queries

containing the ECS option. We examined the source IP addresses of these queries and

counted that they were sent from 973 different IP addresses. In Table 11, we present

the list of organizations of the IP addresses that include ECS option in the outgoing


No Organization Resolvers
1 Google 764
2 Level 3 Communications 57
4 Chinanet 30

5 RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE) 28
6 China Unicom 22
7 China Mobile Communications Corporation / APNIC 15
8 Beijing Xinsixian Keji Co. 11
9 Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited 4
10 Beijing Teletron Telecom Engineering Co. 3
11 Sufeng Dianxin Keji (Shanghai) Co. 2
12 BeiJing Guoxin bilin Telecom Technology Co. 2
13 Beijing Internet Harbor Technology Co. 1
14 China Tianjin Tengxun / APNIC 1
16 China Taiyuan Shanxi Telecom 1
17 Asia Pacific Network Information Centre 1

Table 11: List of the ECS-enabled resolvers’ organizations

Since the original queries were sent without ECS and we found that some of the queries

reached our colleague’s authoritative name server with an ECS option on them, we

learned that even though a client sent a query without ECS option, some DNS servers at

some point between the client and the authoritative name server must have initialized

the option before forwarding the query to the authoritative name server.

6.4.2. Resolvers Forwarding ECS Option

In Sec. 6.4.1, we analyzed the packet trace that was taken in an experiment involving

sending DNS queries without ECS option. Even without the ECS option from the clients,

some resolvers deliberately initialize the ECS option and forward the queries after

including the option in them. In this experiment we wanted to find more resolvers that

enabled ECS in their DNS queries by sending them queries with the ECS option already

included. We sent ECS queries to our authoritative name server through 83,523

resolvers obtained from our colleague’s works. We presumed our ECS queries would

trigger the resolver to send the ECS option to our authoritative name server, indicating

their support for the option. To avoid being detected as a non ECS-compliant name

server, we configured our authoritative name server to be ECS-enabled. We were aware

that some of the ECS-compliant resolvers might still omit the ECS option due to the use

of the whitelist.

We examined the traces that were recorded in our probe’s machine and in our

authoritative name server. Table 12 (a) presents the number of queries grouped based

on their responses. Since we sent one query to each of the resolvers, the number of

queries in the group also represents the number of resolvers. We saw that there are

3,852 resolvers that had both an ECS option and an answer in their responses. However,

when we crosschecked with our records from the authoritative name server, we only

found 153 queries that included an ECS option as shown in Table 12 (b). We have two

possible explanations for the discrepancy. The first is that either the ECS-compliant

resolvers use a whitelist and exclude the ECS option on the outgoing queries or their

DNS caching stop the ECS queries being forwarded to our authoritative name server.

Based on the ECS standard, if the client query did include the option, an ECS-compliant

resolver must include one in its response. The other could be that the resolvers did not

actually support ECS and used normal queries to our name server, but they simply

echoed the ECS option back to our probe.

We observed that many of the queries received by our authoritative name server

were sent from different IP addresses that were not on the list of the resolvers that we

sent queries to. Many of the resolvers that we sent our queries to, acted as forwarding

resolvers. We checked the organization of the egress resolvers that sent us the ECS

queries. All of the IP addresses of the resolver are owned by Google, except one IP

address,, which belongs to Beijing Internet Harbor Technology Co.,Ltd.

These two organizations are already in our list of resolvers that include an ECS option in

their outgoing queries, presented in Table 11 (Section 6.4.1).

Type of responses Number of

Response has a status = 0 (SUCCESS), an ECS option and an answer 3852
Response has a status = 0 (SUCCESS), an ECS option and no answer 287
Response has a status = 0 (SUCCESS), without ECS option and has an 18267
Response has a status = 0 (SUCCESS), without ECS and has no answer 1390
Response has a status = 5 (REFUSED) 17758
Response has a status = 3 (NXDOMAIN) 17
Response has a status = 2 (SERVER FAIL) 373
Response has a status = 1 (FORMERR) 4499
Queries time out. 36964
Response from unexpected source 116
(a) Recorded queries in our probe’s machine

Type of request Number of

Request without an ECS option 24338
Request has ECS option 153
(b) Recorded queries in our authoritative name server

Table 12: ECS queries sent through the 83,523 resolver to our name server

6.4.3. Can ECS-Compliant Resolvers Break a DNS Query?

From previous experiments, we noticed that some authoritative name servers did not

respond properly to ECS DNS queries. For an example, as shown in Figure 9, we found

that MS Azure responded to our ECS DNS query with a response code FORMERR. When

we sent the same query without an ECS option, the name server successfully replied

with an answer. Such name server behavior was unexpected from a big CDN like MS

Azure. According to RFC6891 – EDNS0 [27], regardless of the type of option in the DNS

extension, if the name server does not recognize it, the option must be ignored.

With many authoritative name servers potentially behaving like MS Azure’s, ECS-

compliant resolvers must be able to re-send the query without the ECS option to

complete the DNS resolution. Imagine a client that wants to access content served by

MS Azure uses an ECS-enabled resolver that does not re-send the queries. The resolver

would never resolve any hostname from the Azure’s domain, effectively blocking the

client’s access to the content. In the next experiment, we tried to find an ECS-enabled

resolver that would break access to a name server that refused an ECS query.

(a) An ECS query to MS Azure’s name server returned with status FORMERR

(b) The same query sent without ECS returned with an answer

Figure 9: A name server that reject ECS queries and returns status error

First, we needed to find resolvers that are certain to send outgoing queries with

an ECS option regardless of the existence of the ECS option in the incoming query sent

by a client. To collect such resolvers, we sent a series of queries through candidate

resolvers to our authoritative name server. We then checked if the incoming queries

consistently included the ECS option on several occasions. We used the 83,523 resolvers

as our candidate resolvers and sent queries through them to our ECS disabled

authoritative name server. On the first query batch, we recorded 168 ECS queries sent

to our authoritative name server. The number of recorded ECS queries is different with

our previous experiment where we recorded 153 ECS queries. There are two possible

explanations for this:

1. Some of the resolvers that are involved in sending ECS queries to our authoritative

name server were not open on the previous experiment.

2. Some of the forwarding resolvers were not constantly forwarding queries to the

same resolvers on both experiments.

As we saw from previous experiment, the queries were received from IP

addresses that were not on the list of 83,523 resolvers and we actually sent our queries

to forwarding resolvers that forwarded our queries to other resolvers and ultimately an

egress resolvers sent the queries to our authoritative name server.

It would be simpler if we could directly use the egress resolvers for our Azure

experiment. However, these resolvers were not open to us. We need to use the

forwarding resolvers to use them. We observed that a majority of the client subnets in

the queries are a prefix of an IP addresses from the 83,523 resolvers. There are 193 IP

addresses that were covered by the /24 prefixes in the ECS queries recorded at our

authoritative name server. We then re-sent our queries, but this time only to the 193

forwarding resolvers that were possibly involved in the sending of previous ECS queries.

We recorded 116 of the forwarding resolvers forward the queries to our name

server. The presence of the ECS option and the client subnet were consistent on three

retries, therefore we (a) assumed these egress resolvers supposedly would also send

ECS queries to Azure and (b) knew how to access these egress resolvers consistently

through open forwarding resolvers.

Next, we sent queries to the forwarding resolvers to resolve Azure’s CNAME and check the responses to see if any of the resolvers break

access to Azure. A majority of the resolvers successfully resolved our queries. We found

several responses coming with error status but none of them had status FORMERR, a

status we receive if we directly send ECS queries to Azure’s name server. We therefore

checked if these resolvers generally functioned properly, by sending them several

queries for non-Azure hostnames. Indeed, the resolvers also returned the same error


We know that in order to resolve Azure’s hostnames, a resolver that sends an

ECS query to Azure’s authoritative name servers needs to re-send the query without

ECS. Supposedly, the total query time to resolve Azure will be higher than an average

time to resolve other hostnames. To make a comparison of the timing, we sent another

set of queries to forwarding resolvers that successfully resolved Azure (at that time, only

103 of the forwarding resolvers open), to resolve CDN77’ CNAME and Akamai’s CNAME We then

compared the recorded response time among queries to the three CDNs.

Figure 10: Queries time comparison between Azure, Akamai and CDN77

Figure 10 plots the response times of our queries to Azure, Akamai and CDN77. A

majority of the resolvers responded with similar response times between the three.

Presumably for the resolvers that showed little response time differences, the response

times are dominated by the delays from our probing host to the forwarding resolver to

the egress resolver; DNS caching could also mask extra latency in some of the cases

where the resolver need to re-send the query. Multi-second spikes may be caused by

DNS timeouts, when the resolver only re-sends the query after the DNS timeout.

7. Exploring the Use of CDN Federations and Multi-CDNs

7.1. Multi-CDN

In one of our initial tests on sending ECS DNS queries, we performed DNS resolution to

resolve a query string, one of the hostnames that outsourced their content

delivery to Akamai, using various client subnets. We noticed that not all answers were

directed to an Akamai edge server. We looked into the queries that were not directed to

Akamai and found that these queries had one thing in common; the client subnets

belonged to China. On the other hand, queries that were directed to Akamai had a non-

Chinese client subnet. The authoritative name server of a content provider like

that actively directs their clients to different sets of servers, may use more than one

CDN to deliver content to their client.

The practice of combining multiple CDN providers into one network by the

content provider is called multi-CDN. The main purpose of multi-CDN is to spread the

content across multiple CDNs to further increase global presence. Multi-CDN helps

content providers reduce the latency to deliver content and reduces the content

provider’s reliance of a single CDN. With multiple CDNs to select from, content providers

can direct the client to the CDN that is better represented in the client’s region, to one

that is better suited for specific content, or use any other selection criteria. The use of


Client y y.8
? y.6 Edge server

Local DNS resolver Authoritative DNS server


Authoritative DNS server x.4 x.3

Authoritative DNS server
Local DNS resolver CDN B


Client x x.8
? Edge server

Figure 11: DNS resolution on multi-CDN implementation

multi-CDN also improves redundancy and -- using automatic failover -- content delivery

could be switched from a failed CDN to another, online, CDN. Figure 11 shows the

general DNS resolution that implements multi-CDN. Suppose client X and client Y both

want to access content from website The website employs multiple CDNs

including CDN A and CDN B to deliver content to the clients. Using DNS redirection, the

website’s authoritative name server directs client X to be served by CDN B and client Y

by CDN A.

To detect a hostname that employs multi-CDN, we need to send multiple DNS

queries to resolve the hostname. If the hostname is directed to a different CDN on a

different query, the hostname’s authoritative name server then can be said to

implement multi-CDN.

(a) Query from client in Hamburg, Germany

(b) Query from client in Ohio, US

Figure 12: Example of multi-CDN DNS resolution

One of the factors that could trigger DNS re-direction by the authoritative name

server is the location of the query’s client. Figure 12 shows an example illustrating a

multi-CDN setup where hostname uses two CDN providers, Akamai

and Cloudfront. In Figure 12(a), using a query from Germany, we see the hostname

directed to Akamai. On a different query, the hostname directed to Cloudfront when the

query was sent from the United States, shown in Figure 12(b).

The ECS extension can potentially be leveraged to detect multi-CDN

deployments, and we would like to investigate this potential. Suppose there is a

hostname that employs multi-CDN and has an ECS-enabled authoritative name server.

We want to see if the use of ECS DNS queries to such hostnames from a single vantage

point with multiple client prefixes to emulate queries from various location on the globe

could trigger the DNS re-direction to multiple CDNs. In one of our experiments, we

probed 89,135 CDN-directed hostnames using ECS DNS queries with three dispersed

client prefixes for each of the hostnames. Using data from this experiment, we detected

26 hostnames outsourced their content to multiple CDNs. Table 13 presents samples of

the hostnames that employ multiple CDNs while Table 14 shows multiple CDNs which

these hostnames employed together.

No Hostnames CDNs CDN’s CNAMEs

1 Edgecast
2 Fastly
3 onesearch.svc.primedia CDNetwork
.com Akamai

4 Edgecast
5 CDNvideo

Table 13: Samples of hostnames detected employ multi-CDN

Cdn 1 Cdn 2 Cdn 3

Akamai Fastly Edgecast
Akamai Limelight
Akamai Cdnetwork
Akamai Cloudfront
Akamai Fastly
Cdnetwork Edgecast
Cdnvideo Onapp
Cloudflare Fastly
Cloudfront Cloudflare
Cloudfront Fastly
Cloudfront Edgecast

Table 14: The combination of CDNs employed in multi-CDNs – single vantage point

We observed that the use of ECS DNS queries with multiple client prefixes to

resolve the hostnames does not seem to affect the DNS re-direction to multiple CDNs.

Repeated trials showed that the CDNs returned were seemingly picked at random,

regardless of the client subnet, and in fact 6 of 26 authoritative name servers did not

return ECS option.

7.2. CDN Federation

Another practice of combining several CDNs – this time by the CDNs themselves – is

called CDN federation. The objectives of CDN federation are to reduce network

transport costs by sharing resources between CDN members, allow individual CDN

federation members to capture wider market, and allow content provider to have an

agreement with only one of CDN federation member but benefit from wider footprint

and greater capacity of the combined CDN platforms.

Figure 13 shows common DNS resolution that implements CDN federation.

Suppose is a client of CDN A and CDN A is a member of a CDN federation

Authoritative DNS server Authoritative DNS server CDN A
3 4

2 5
Edge server

DNS resolver Authoritative DNS server

10 Edge server
Client CDN B

CDN Federation
Figure 13: DNS resolution on CDN federation implementation

where CDN B also a member. When a client wants to access content from the website, the name server directs the client to be served by CDN A. CDN

A’s authoritative name server detects that the client is located closer to the serving area

of CDN B then decides to re-direct the client to CDN B. In the end the client gets the

content of from CDN B, even though and CDN B may not

have a direct agreement between them. For more detail explanation on CDN federation

see [35].

Unlike multi-CDN detection that requires more than one query, CDN federation

could be seen in the DNS resolution of a single query. If the resolution contains a chain

of CNAMEs that are owned by more than one CDN, we annotate that those CDNs are

members of a CDN federation. In Figure 14 we see an example of a CDN federation that

has ChinaCache and Akamai as its members. DNS resolution of the hostname assets.ray- shows it is first directed to, a Chinacache’s

CNAME, before being redirected to an Akamai’s CNAME

Figure 14: A CDN federation example

Using the data from our experiment on ECS adoption by CDNs that we discussed

in section 6.2, we discovered 730 hostnames bounced from one CDN to another. Table

15 shows how they are paired in the queries’ trace of interaction. Like previous multi-

CDN detection, the client prefixes on the ECS option seems did not affect the DNS

routing to another CDN. Regardless the client prefixes sent to each of the hostnames, all

queries showed the same pair of CDNs.

Akamai Chinanet Cloudflare Cloudfront Edgecast Incapsula

Akamai √ √ √ √
Chinacache √ √ √
Chinanet √
Cloudflare √
Msazure √ √
Rackspace √
Yotta √

Table 15: Pairs of CDNs detected in the federation – single vantage point
(CDNs in the left column redirect to CDNs in the top row)

Our attempt to discover which authoritative name servers implement multi-

CDNs and which CDNs collaborate in a CDN federation using queries from a single

vantage point, while utilizing ECS option to emulate various location on the globe,

produced a limited detection. In the following experiment we further investigate the

detection of multi-CDN and CDN federation using DNS queries sent from various

vantage points around the globe by employing PlanetLab nodes. To ensure our vantage

points were representing the distribution of client prefixes across the world, we

clustered all 272,246 prefixes from the IPv4 advertised prefixes obtained from [7] into 50 clusters based on the estimated distance between prefixes.

We then selected PlanetLab nodes that were close to the center of the clusters.

We could do this on the majority of the clusters. However not all clusters have active

nodes on them. Clusters that covered Africa, The Middle East, South Asia and West

Australia did not have an active node that we could use. To substitute the vantage

points from the aforementioned clusters, we picked active PlanetLab nodes that are still

widely distant from other nodes that we already picked. In the end we had 47 PlanetLab

nodes as our vantage points. From these nodes, we probed 89,135 CDN-directed

hostnames and captured all the traces of interactions in the DNS resolution.

In this experiment, we also wanted to see if the detection of multi-CDN and CDN

Federation increases with the increasing number of vantage points used. For that

purpose, we clustered the 47 PlanetLab nodes into several smaller clusters to have

clusters of 2, 5, 10, 20 and 47 vantage points. We recorded the number of detections

with each cluster and plotted the difference.

7.3. CDN Federation Footprints

We first reported our detection of CDN federations using the technique we previously

explained. From data on each of the vantage points, we detected hostnames that use

CDNs involved in CDN federations were ranging from 728 to 744 hostnames. As

illustrated in Figure 15, the trend shows more websites are detected outsourced to a

CDN federation with the increase of vantage points used. There was a significant

increase in the detection from the use of 1 vantage point (we used the median value of

all vantage points) to 5 vantage points but the new detections began to gradually drop

with the addition of vantage points.

In each detection, it shows only two CDNs involved in the federation. Table 16

shows how they are paired in the queries’ trace of interaction. In the row headers are

Figure 15: CDN Federation detection from several sets of vantage points

CDNs that are directly linked from the content delivery’s authoritative name server and

in the column headers are CDNs that ultimately deliver content to the client. We saw

that Cloudfront and Edgecast served as the end point in a federation while MirrorImage

and Yotta were the front end linked directly with the content providers. It is interesting

to see that Akamai, the biggest CDN, operates as both of the roles. Based on their

massive infrastructure, one could expect that Akamai would be mostly used to deliver

content to clients rather than being the front end. However, being the front end also

indicates that Akamai has a large number of customers.

Chinacache Akamai Cloudflare Chinanet Edgecast Cloudfront Highwind

Rackspace v
Chinacache v v v
Akamai v v v v v
Azure v v
Cloudflare v
Mirrorimage v
Yotta v
Chinanet v

Cdnetworks v
Incapsula v

Table 16: Pairs of CDNs detected in the federation – multiple vantage points
(CDNs in the left column redirect to CDNs in the top row)

7.4. Multi-CDN Footprints

Next, we considered hostnames that employ multi-CDN and how the discovery of these

hostnames increased as we increased the number of vantage points. Similar to our

result on CDN federation detection, as shown in Figure 16, we also recorded an increase

in multi-CDN detection when we added the number of vantage points. Data from 2

vantage points showed a total of 136 hostname using multi-CDN. The number of multi-

CDN detection rose significantly on the use of 5 vantage points before gradually leveling

off with further addition of vantage points.

Figure 16: Multi-CDN detection from several set of vantage points

Figure 17 presents the CDF of the number of CDNs detected for each of the

hostnames that we probed in this experiment. Even though all the 89,137 hostnames

that we used in this experiment were directed to some CDNs in prior experiments, 15%

of them are not directed to a CDN in this experiment, thus plotted to 0 CDN. 83% of the

hostnames used 1 CDN and only a small number of hostnames employed multi-CDN;

176, 26 and 14 hostnames used 2, 3 and 4 CDNs respectively. Which multiple CDNs

these hostnames employed together shown in Table 17.

Figure 17: The number of CDNs present on CDN-directed hostname resolutions


Akamai Chinanetcenter Edgecast Level3
Akamai Cdnetworks Cloudflare Incapsula
Akamai Edgecast Highwind Maxcdn
Chinacache Chinanetcenter Edgecast Level3
Chinanetcenter Cloudfront Edgecast Limelight
Chinanetcenter Cloudflare Keycdn Maxcdn

Akamai Chinacache Chinanetcenter
Akamai Cloudfront Highwind
Akamai Cdnetworks Edgecast
Akamai Limelight Maxcdn
Akamai Edgecast Level3
Akamai Highwind Maxcdn
Cachefly Cloudfront Fastly
Cdnetworks Cloudflare Incapsula
Cdnetworks Edgecast Level3
Cdnetworks Edgecast Highwind
Chinanetcenter Cloudfront Edgecast
Cloudflare Cloudfront Incapsula
Cloudfront Edgecast Limelight
Edgecast Fastly Highwind
Edgecast Highwind Leaseweb
Akamai Cloudfront
Akamai Level3
Akamai Edgecast
Akamai Fastly
Akamai Cdnetworks
Akamai Chinacache
Akamai Limelight
Akamai Highwind
Akamai Chinanetcenter
Akamai Maxcdn
Cdnetworks Edgecast
Cdnetworks Fastly
Cdnetworks Chinanetcenter
Cdnetworks Cloudfront
Cdnetworks Level3
Cdnvideo Onapp
Chinacache Cloudflare
Chinacache Cloudfront
Chinacache Chinanetcenter
Chinanetcenter Keycdn
Chinanetcenter Cloudfront
Chinanetcenter Cloudflare
Chinanetcenter Fastly
Chinanetcenter Msazure
Chinanetcenter Edgecast
Cloudflare Cloudfront

Cloudflare Fastly
Cloudflare Incapsula
Cloudfront Incapsula
Cloudfront Edgecast
Cloudfront Fastly
Cloudfront Maxcdn
Cloudfront Limelight
Cloudfront Level3
Edgecast Highwind
Edgecast Level3
Edgecast Fastly
Edgecast Maxcdn
Edgecast Incapsula
Highwind Internap
Highwind Maxcdn
Maxcdn Msazure

Table 17: The combination of CDNs in the multi-CDNs found – multiple vantage points

Aside from the detection of hostnames that employ multi-CDN, we also

discovered hostnames that while outsourced their content to CDN, still direct some

request to their own server. We found 2589 hostnames direct client either to their own

server or to a CDN on multiple queries. We see that content providers now have more

options on how they deliver their content to client, either using their own servers

or/and outsourced the delivery to one or more CDNs.

Overall, we find that the ECS option is not an effective mechanism to detect the

use multi-CDNs. While we identified 26 hostnames as using a multi-CDN setup with ECS,

we were able to detect 216 hostnames using multiple vantage points.

8. Conclusion

In this thesis we explored the adoption of the EDNS-Client-Subnet extension (ECS) by

major CDNs, authoritative name servers and resolvers. By using a series of ECS DNS

queries, we inferred that a majority of CDNs have adopted ECS. Our scanning in fact

exploited the unintended uses of this recently proposed DNS extension.

Using CDN77 as example, our experiments show that one can simply uncover the

serving servers of ECS adopters by using a single vantage point. An early adopter of ECS

needs to address this security vulnerability that comes as a consequence of enabling

ECS. We showed that Akamai, the largest CDN, has successfully addressed this potential

vulnerability. The growing adoption of ECS by resolvers needs to be anticipated by

authoritative name servers to make sure they are able to provide an answer to ECS

queries even though they have yet to adopt ECS. Failing to do so may result in

unnecessary re-query and delays.

On the other hand, an ECS-compliant resolver needs to re-send queries without

the option when their ECS query is refused by the target authoritative name server.

Finally we found that many major CDNs are involved in CDN federation, including the

largest CDN, Akamai, which is rather surprising given Akamai’ own extensive footprint.

We also showed that some content providers deliver their content using multiple CDNs.

Our overall conclusion is that ECS has reached a critical mass of adoption by

CDNs but not by individual content providers. We speculate that the reason for the

latter is that most content providers scale their web sites by subscribing to CDNs rather

than building up their own distributed platforms. However, many content providers

that have not adopted ECS, instead of just ignoring the ECS option, fail to process ECS

queries altogether, leading to query timeouts and delays.

Furthermore, most CDNs that adopt ECS fail to protect themselves from

exposing their platforms to easy scans by an adversary. Thus, the emergence of ECS

requires action from web platform operators whether or not they decide to make use of

this new DNS feature.

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