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Nombre: Kahory Perez Camacho RUT:24.476.


My last summer

Last summer was not that amusing. My family and I did not go anywhere during the summer.
We mainly stayed at home. However, during February, we traveled to Valdivia. Unfortunately,
we traveled by bus. I would’ve rather gone by plane, but my mother thought it was too
expensive. When I travel long distances by bus or car, I usually get anxious. I think about every
single possibility of a traffic accident, even though we arrived well.
Our first day, we visited the surrounding stores of the town. There I found a wonderful store
which sells handmade clothes. My Mom bought a stunning black nightdress. Later, in the hotel.
My aunt tried on the dress and the black silk tears apart. My mom went absolutely furious, her
face turned red. Nevertheless, She did not say anything. Instead she turned around, took the
dress and walked to the store. There it started the war. She began to argue with the store’s
owner. My mom said that the dress was poorly made and she wanted a refund. Unfortunately,
the owner refused to make a total refund, but she suggested to choose another dress from the
store in payment. My mom couldn’t refuse the offer, otherwise she would have lost the dress
and the money.
The following days we go all over the city, everything as beautiful to see. The most outstanding
thing was the landscape at the golden hour. Moreover, during one of our tours we meet a group
of people who belong to an organization that protect the welfare of the sea, rivers and lakes.
They taught us to take care of our waste and how to give them a new life. Even though, they
were friendly and fully aware about the topic, we never hear from them again.
Finally, we came back at home. We spent the rest of the summer sleeping, watching Netflix
and enjoying our last days of vacations.

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