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De La Cruz, Eleonor A.

BSPsych 2A

2. When the child of Luna and Rick was born, there are survival and primitive reflexes
that the neonate will perform either permanent or temporary reflexes. The following are
the reflexes the neonate will perform:
• Breathing reflex. The child’s first identification of living wherein when the baby
exposed to the outside world, they start breathing to give oxygen into their body.
• Eye-Blink reflex. The child’s eyes will automatically respond to sudden bright
lights and also when an object is near their eyes.
• Pupillary reflex. It helps to manage the amount of light that the infant will adapt
in his eyes. When the light is bright, his eyes’ pupils will constrict, when reduces
light, the pupils will dilate.
• Rooting reflex. When the baby’s cheek is touched, he will turn his head towards
the touch and seek for feeding.
• Sucking reflex. When the baby’s mouth is stimulated or when putting an object
like the pacifier into his mouth, he will suck it automatically.
• Swallowing reflex. The baby will swallow the liquid of breast feeding to prevent
themselves from choking.
• Babinski reflex. When the sole feet of the baby are touched, his toes will fan out
and curl as a response to stimulation.
• Grasping reflex. When putting something into the baby’s hand, he will grab it.
That’s why babies grab hairs of the mothers because of grasping reflex.
• Moro reflex. When the baby is startled or feeling to fall, they spread out their
arms and legs and usually accompanied by crying.
• Swimming reflex. This is often present when taking them to a bath or lying them
to a flat surface facing the floor. The baby’s hands and foot will move intensively.
• Stepping reflex. The baby held upright so that their feet touch a flat surface as if
they are walking.
3. Cephalocaudal principle states that growth occurs from the head downward
direction. For example: The new born baby has a large size of head than to the rest of
their body because the brain is one of the first organ to develop from fetus stage.
Proximodistal principle states that growth and development of muscles from the
center outward to the extremities, and is seen during prenatal period. For example, the
baby will first learn to develop muscles in their arms to control it before their hands.
Lastly, the Orthogenetic principle states that the development and growth start
undifferentiated or simple and moves toward differentiation or complex integration of
body organs. For example, the baby will first learn to crawl before they learn to walk;
infants learn to draw circles before learning to draw different shapes or even letters.
6. Obesity should be considered as life span problem because it can develop at any age
and can produce serious health problems throughout a person’s life. People do not live
as long as their peer’s normal weight, with this they are prone to diseases such as heart
and kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, liver problems, and even
inflammations. The interventions to reduce the incidence of obesity are- to a pregnant
woman, they should have healthy diet, and regular light exercise to maintain normal
weight; providing healthy foods and drinks to infants to practice healthy lifestyle as they
grow; students and children must practice physical activities by encouraging them to
participate and enjoy; adults should start aerobic exercises or go to a gym and have
appointments for regular training; adults must avoid or limit intake in sugary drinks and
processed foods and; talk to doctors regularly especially to those older adults for

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