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Diabetic Emergency


What is it ?

u It is when the body cant produce enough insulin, and the blood sugar
levels become too high or low.
u People who have diabetes are able to have a diabetic emergency.

u hyperglycaemia - high blood glucose

u hypoglycaemia - low blood glucose.
u 12.6% population has diabetes
How to treat it ?

u It was said to give them a sweet to eat or non diet drink, anything to help
their blood sugar levels come up.
u Comfort the person until help arrives
u Ask them what they consumed in the last hour to hours.
u Call 911
u Anything with sugar if body needs it.
Symptoms and signs

u Warm dry skin

u Rapid pulse and rapid breathing.
u Excessive thirst
u Profuse sweating
u Confusion or drowsiness
How long can it last ?

u Any time from a few seconds to a few minutes, as long as the body needs
to restore blood sugar to a normal rate.

u Family related
u Blood glucose level unstable levels
u Blood pressure
Most common type

u The more common emergency is hypoglycaemia which affects brain

function and can lead to unconsciousness if untreated. Diabetic
ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life threatening complication in patients with
untreated diabetes or improperly managed diabetes.


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