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Jamison Mays, Anthony Panko, Anna Roberts

Dr. L

Testing and Prescription

May 2, 2023

SER 310 Exercise Prescription

Individual Exercise Prescription Project

Our client is AM. He is 20 years old, 193 lbs or 87.8 kg, and 5’11” or 180cm with a BMI of 26.9.

AM filled out our health screening and he had no potential risk factors that could contribute to any ACSM

risks. We do not need to gain any medical clearance before any exercise with us. Before evaluating him

on the YMCA bike test, we took his resting heart rate and blood pressure. Pre-exercise heart rate was 99

bpm (beats per minute) and his blood pressure was 124/70. Measurements were normal, even though we

would need two readings of blood pressure to clear there is no risk of hypertension.

Current aerobic exercise is soccer practice 3-4 times a week. However, it is mostly anaerobic

since he is a goalkeeper. With an additional 2 muscular strength sessions a week. On the YMCA bike test,

he achieved a VO2 max of 40.6 ml/kg/min. This is in the 45 percentile and is fair for his age and sex.

Our client is excited to start a workout routine that will fit what he wants to achieve. His main

two goals are to improve his performance on the field and help him lose weight at the same time. He has

time after classes most days to work out, from 3-6 pm normally. Realistically, his workout would last

about an hour to an hour and a half. Our client wants to improve his abilities as a goalkeeper. He tends to

struggle with keeping himself accountable. This is why he wants to come to us for extra sessions to make

sure he is taking responsibility for showing up. He also is in college right now, while working some

part-time jobs with the school and having practiced with his team. This might make it difficult for us to

schedule around.

The five components of fitness are muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular

endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Muscular strength is the body's ability to exert force during
an activity. This will help build lean muscle mass to help start developing a better physique which is why

he wants to start working with us. While improving upon muscular strength, his goal to be a better

goalkeeper will be improved. The more muscular strength he builds up, the more power he will have to

produce the outcomes that are expected of him in regard to his sport. Muscular endurance is the muscles

performing an activity for a longer period of time without fatigue. While building muscular endurance,

this will help AM with goalkeeping the more endurance his muscles are able to have. The longer he is

able to efficiently have the desired output for an entire training or game he participates in. Cardiovascular

endurance is performing an activity with a heart rate at an elevated level for a long period of time. For

AM this component is essential even though he is a goalie. Since he is a goalkeeper, most of his training

should be focused on anaerobic. However, it is still very important since his cardiovascular endurance

needs to be efficient in order to recover properly from his quick anaerobic activities as a goalkeeper. As

well, extra cardiovascular endurance training can help burn kilocalories and in return will help get rid of

fat mass. This overall can help him achieve his goals. Flexibility is the maximum amount of muscle and

joint range of motion in the body. For AM this is important as a goalkeeper. We want to make sure we are

working on this component when we can. As a goalkeeper, the range of motion within the joints is

important. In order to block or stop shots, good reactions are required. If his flexibility is poor, he will not

be able to do this efficiently. Body composition is how your body is made up of lean and fat mass. As our

client is working on muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility, he

should be able to see results through body composition changes. We can assess this as progress

throughout our program.

Our client wants to work on body composition. This is important to our client because this is the

area where he wants to improve upon. His main goal is to slim down and lose some weight. He used to

always go to the treadmill but it would never work for him. He came to us to properly lose the weight this

time. When we implement the muscular strength and muscular endurance part of the programs this will

help build up lean muscle mass. This helps improve body composition since lean muscle mass takes more

kilocalories to maintain. While doing this, we will be burning fat while doing those exercises and trying to
add extra cardiovascular endurance sessions within our sessions together. If the proper caloric intake is

achieved and proper effort in our workouts is done, AM will see improvement in his goal of body

composition and improvements in regard to soccer.

Client’s Current Exercise History

Aerobic Exercise
Frequency Intensity Type Time Location

M, Tu, Th, F RPE of 10-15 Anaerobic 30 mins - 1 DSG Field

Goalkeeper-Specific hour

Client’s Current Exercise History

Anaerobic or Strength Training Exercises

Client’s First Week IOs & Behavioral Goals

Body Composition:

IO: Wants to Eat Healthier

Behavioral goal: In the first week of the program, our client will cut out sweets and add proper hydration

2 days a week.

Muscular Strength:

IO: Want to Get Stronger

Behavioral goal: For the first week, we are doing 2-3 days' worth of strength-related exercises at 60% of

his 1RM. This will consist of 6 exercises doing 3 sets of 10 for each exercise.

This exercise prescription is specifically tailored to our client AM. Our client came to us for help

to improve his body composition. We determined that his first week's intended outcome should be to gain

strength. Based on his lack of muscular strength and endurance. It would be beneficial for our client to

focus on strength. For his body composition to improve we want him to gain lean muscle mass which is
why we want to focus on gaining strength. Lean muscle mass is accomplished by focusing on muscular

strength and endurance resistance training. As well, lean muscle mass requires more calories to maintain

which will help burn more calories. Calorie intake vs caloric expenditure is important when the goal is to

improve body composition. He should have higher caloric expenditure than calories coming into the body.

Our behavioral goal for him is to try and develop better eating habits. He currently struggles with

unhealthy eating as he has a sweet tooth. We want him to try and cut out all sweets for at least 2 days in

the first week while trying to properly hydrate. This will help him in the future as he progresses in our

exercise program, he will need sufficient eating behaviors to help him progress towards his goal. With

proper nutrition, he will be able to get the correct amount of protein to help initiate muscle growth and

both of the intended outcomes will be achieved.

The FITT for AM is a one-hour strength training session 2 days a week including a 5-minute

warm-up, 50-minute workout, and 5-minute cool down. He will complete 7 exercises for 3 sets of 10 reps

each day. His intensity will be monitored using RPE and his level. The FITT protocol recommends that

novice exercisers be trained at 60-70% of a 1RM. For experienced exercises, there should be multiple

ranges of intensities and reputations dependent on the goals of the exerciser. We decided to classify him in

between a novice and an experienced exerciser. He lifts with the soccer team, but he is unsure of how to

correctly apply it for himself. We decided this because he does not lift regularly by himself but is still

active as a Division 2 collegiate soccer player.

Because of this, we developed a plan to incorporate a middle ground between both guidelines. We

created a program where he is lifting at 60-70% of his 1RM but also is mixing in multiple sets of

workouts to help cater to an athlete. In terms of frequency, we kept it at 2 days a week so he is not

overwhelmed right away by the increased workload. For this type of training, we made sure to focus on

compound exercises first to include multi-joint movements and targeting multiple muscle groups. After

the completion of compound exercises, we went into single-joint exercises that focused on the other
muscle groups. These exercises can help improve deficiencies present when performing compound or

multi-joint exercises.

His flexibility frequency is twice a week after his strength training sessions. This will be the

cool-down, so 5-10 minutes total. It will consist of 4-5 stretches. Each stretch will be held for 15-20

seconds for 1-2 sets each. Each session will have its own set of stretches to target the muscles that were

used in the training session.

Strength Training workouts

2 days per week (Wednesday and Saturday)
Warm-up: 5 minutes on the treadmill at 2.8-3.5 mph at 0-5% grade depending on how the client is
feeling that day. Warm-up for each day will start with just the barbell with no weight for the first
exercise of the day, the upper body being bench press & barbell row, and the lower body being barbell
Wednesday Workout: Upper Body
Exercise Intensity Sets Reps Additional Info

Bench Press 135 lbs 3 10 Barbell bench

Incline Bench 40 lbs 3 10 20 lb Dumbbells


Shoulder Press 45 lbs 3 10 Dumbbells used

Barbell Row 105 lbs 3 10 Barbell used

Lat Pulldown 90 lbs 3 10 Machine Used

Tricep 30 lbs 3 10 Cable Machine

Pulldown used with rope

Bicep Curls 50lbs 3 10 25 lbs dumbbells

in each hand

Saturday Workout: Lower Body

Exercise Intensity Sets Reps Additional Info

Barbell squats lbs 3 10 Barbell squat

Seated hamstring curls 90 lbs 3 10 Hamstring curl machine

Seated quad extensions 100 lbs 3 10 quad machines

Bulgarian split squats 80 lbs 3 10 40lb dumbbells

RDLs 95 lbs 3 10 barbell

Seated Calf raises 45 lbs 3 10 dumbbells on thighs then

perform a calf raise motion with
a 45lb plate underneath feet

RPE should be about 10-15 on the Borg RPE scale. This is based on 60% of the client's max. This RPE should be
fluid throughout both training days. RPE will increase to about 15 near the end of the reps as fatigue is reached and
enough rest which should be (1 - 2 minutes) should be given to be able to complete the set again without failure.

Cool down for upper body day:

Stretch Duration Sets

Tricep stretch 15-30 seconds each 1-2 sets

Arm across the body stretch 15-30 seconds each 1-2 sets

Pec stretch 15-30 seconds 1-2 sets

Child’s pose with upper body 5-10 seconds hold each side 1-2 sets

Cool down for lower body day:

Stretch Duration Sets

Hamstring stretch (standing or 15-30 seconds each 1-2 sets


Quad stretch 15-30 seconds each 1-2 sets

Adductor stretch (standing with legs 15-30 seconds 1-2 sets

further than shoulder width and lean
to the side)

Calf stretch 15-30 seconds hold each side 1-2 sets

Pigeon stretch (one knee bent in 15-30 seconds each side 1-2 sets
front of the body with the other leg
straight back)
Data Log Sheet for AM:

Date Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

sets/ reps
& RPE)




The RPE will be taken at the end of the set for each exercise above that week. The sets and reps

will be recorded to show how much weight AM has gone up since the following week. We chose only to

record these 3 exercises because they are incorporated into the program each week and will show the most

improvement week to week. The other exercises in the program are to help build strength, not necessarily

to show growth by looking at the weight used. These other exercises can be manipulated from week to

week depending on the client’s performance and the client’s enjoyment of the exercises. They are used to

help with any deficiencies found in the compound/multi-joint exercises.

Client description/Exercise History 3
Client description and risk stratification level given
Exercise History includes FITT for all exercises (table included)
Preferences, motivations, and barriers are explained

Fitness Components 3
Fitness Component identified & correctly defined
The importance of this component to this client is explained
Written to client

IOs & BGs 3

2 Intended Outcomes (with insight as to why this is an I.O.)
2 Behavioral Goals related to outcomes (SMART)

Exercise Program 10
Overview: Explanation of how the program is aligned with the I.O.s (specificity)
Includes appropriate FITT for all planned exercises
Includes appropriate plan for progression
1 week program is detailed and needs no further explanation (recipe card)
Includes Intensity, Time, Type, Mode, Warm & Cool, Rest, etc.
Exercises are in appropriate order
If needed, text explains potentially confusing or ambiguous items

Reflection 5
Insightful comments on: observations from client
what worked and what did not work

changes made to the program

changes you would make to your data/log sheet

What did you learn from the experience
Exercise documentation included (Appendix)

Writing (see attached rubric)

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