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Nama: Satriawan Insani R.


No absen:26

Malin Kundang
Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman named Malin Kundang who lived in a small village on the
coast of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Despite his humble origins, Malin Kundang had dreams of wealth and
success, and he left his village to seek his fortune in the big city.
Years passed, and Malin Kundang became incredibly rich through his hard work and business acumen.
He married a beautiful woman and had a son, but he never returned to his village or acknowledged his

One day, Malin Kundang’s ship was anchored near the coast of his hometown, and he saw an old woman
waving at him from the shore. She was none other than his mother, who had been searching for him for
many years. Malin Kundang was ashamed of his humble origins and refused to acknowledge her, instead
ordering his crew to set sail and leave the shore.
As the ship sailed away, a storm suddenly appeared, and the ship was battered by huge waves. Malin
Kundang tried to save himself, but he slipped and fell onto the deck, where he was struck by lightning and
turned into a stone statue.

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