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Code of Conduct Assignment

Jingjing jiang
November 14, 2023

1) What does “ESG” stand for and what is its origin?

 ESG are an acronym for the word “environmental, social, and governance”.
 It is concerned with mentioning businesses to demonstrate the importance
sustainability and ethical responsibility. In other words, the purpose is essentially
to help businesses realize that making a profit is not the only thing they need to
do, but rather that they should make a profit while maintaining the functioning of
society and the sustainability of society's resources.
 Its origin is “the phrase ESG was coined in 2005 by United Nations Environment
Programme Initiative in the Freshfields Report.” (Dahiya,2022)

2) Give specific examples of how LP is trying to meet each ESG requirement with its
“Code of Business Conduct” (12 marks – 4 marks per requirement – cite specific
sections of the code – min word count 200)

 LP building solutions (n.d.) notified about the security . This security

corresponds to the ESG requirement of “social”. Security in this context refers
not only to the safety that a company reports for its employees and the work
environment, but also to the company's concern for the reciprocity of people in
the social environment, which allows the company in its entirety to work
 LP building solutions (n.d.) mentioned the importance of compliance with the
law, which corresponds to the ESG requirement of "governance". A company
has to respect the laws promulgated by the government and the company has
to be conscious of the fact that all its behaviors are not permitted to contravene
the law. Consequently, this exemplifies the importance of ensuring that one's
company is a firm that obeys by the rules.
 LP building solutions (n.d.) refers to the importance of protecting nature. This
corresponds to the ESG requirement of " environmental". A company needs to
realize that their role is not limited to more than just an extractor of natural
resources, and the LP chooses to be opted for sustainability and has made the
environment as its best friend.

3) What is the relationship between “ESG”, “ethics” and codes of conduct?

 ESG allows businesses to realize that business is an important factor in the

process of helping cities achieve sustainable development.
 ESG is essentially a study of the ethics of business,which informs the market
about what businesses need to do.
 Ethics and rules are needed for the positive development of society so that
businesses can be judged fairly and equitably.
 The purpose of business is not only to make money, but also to take the social
obligation to make the city as a better place.
 Codes of conduct become a vector for regulating unethical behavior by


Dahiya, A. (2022, January 27). The origins of ESG. The origins of ESG - by Arooshi

LP Building Solutions. (n.d.). Executive BIOS.

LP building solutions. (n.d.). Code of business conduct - LP building solutions.

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