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The Battle of Horus and Set

Group 5
Osiris, a god in ancient Egyptian religion, was associated with
fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life,
and vegetation. He was depicted as a green-skinned deity with
a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs,
wearing a distinctive atef crown, and holding a symbolic crook
and flail. Osiris was considered the eldest son of Geb and Nut,
brother of Isis, Set, Nephthys, Horus the Elder, and Horus the
Younger considered his posthumously begotten son. He was
also a god of the Moon through syncretism with Iah. Osiris was
the judge and lord of the dead and underworld, the "Lord of
Silence" and Khenti-Amentiu, meaning "Foremost of the
Seth, an ancient Egyptian god, was the
patron of the 11th nome or province of
Upper Egypt. He was worshipped in Nubt, a
predynastic center in Upper Egypt. Seth was
a sky god, lord of the desert, master of
storms, disorder, and warfare.
Nephthys, a Greek form of Egyptian goddess
Nebtho, was created as a second sister to
Osiris and wife to Set. She bewails Osiris's
death with Isis, personifying Osiris's
residence and his throne, while Isis
personifies his throne.

Isis, also known as Egyptian Aset or Eset, was
a significant goddess in ancient Egypt.
Initially an obscure deity, she gained
prominence as the dynastic age progressed.
Isis was worshipped throughout the Roman
Empire and is still revered by pagans today.
She was a mourner, magical healer, and
mother, often depicted as a beautiful woman
with a throne or solar disk. Isis was
mentioned in the Pyramid Texts and later
extended her help to all dead Egyptians.

Horus, an ancient Egyptian falcon god,

represented power and healing. He was the
son of Osiris and Isis and nephew of Seth.
Horus contested Seth's throne after Osiris's
murder, eventually defeating him and
avenging his father's rule. Falcon cults were
prevalent in Egypt.
From Geb, the earth god, and Nut, the sky goddess came
four children: Osiris, Isis, Set and Nepthys. Osiris was the
oldest and so became king of Egypt, and he married his
sister Isis. Osiris was a good king and commanded the
respect of all who lived on the earth and the gods who
dwelled in the netherworld.
However, Set was always jealous of
Osiris, because he did not command
the respect of those on earth or
those in the netherworld. One day,
Set transformed himself into a
vicious monster and attacked
Osiris, killing him. Set then cut Osiris
into pieces and distributed them
throughout the length and breadth
of Egypt.
With Osiris dead, Set became king of Egypt, with his sister Nepthys as his
wife. Nepthys, however, felt sorry for her sister Isis, who wept endlessly
over her lost husband. Isis, who had great magical powers, decided to find
her husband and bring him back to life long enough so that they could
have a child. Together with Nepthys, Isis roamed the country, collecting
the pieces of her husband’s body and reassembling them. Once she
completed this task, she breathed the breath of life into his body and
resurrected him. They were together again, and Isis became pregnant soon
after. Osiris was able to descend into the underworld, where he became
the lord of that domain.
The child born to Isis was named Horus, the hawk-god. When he
became an adult, Horus decided to make a case before the court of
gods that he, not Set, was the rightful king of Egypt. A long period of
argument followed, and Set challenged Horus to a contest. The winner
would become king.

Set, however, did not play fair. After several matches in which Set
cheated and was the victor, Horus’ mother, Isis, decided to help her
son and set a trap for Set. She snared him, but Set begged for his life,
and Isis let him go. When he found out that she had let his enemy live,
Horus became angry with his mother, and rages against her, earning
him the contempt of the other gods. They decided that there would
be one more match, and Set would get to choose what it would be.
Set decided that the final round of the contest would be a boat race.
However, in order to make the contest a challenge, Set decided that
he and Horus should race boats made of stone. Horus was tricky and
built a boat made of wood, covered with limestone plaster, which
looked like stone. As the gods assembled for the race, Set cut the top
off of a mountain to serve as his boat and set it in the water. His boat
sank right away, and all the other gods laughed at him. Angry, Set
transformed himself into a hippopotamus and attacked Horus’ boat.
Horus fought off Set, but the other gods stopped him before he
could kill Set. The other gods decided that the match was a tie. Many
of the gods were sympathetic to Horus, but remembered his anger
toward his mother for being lenient to Set, and were unwilling to
support him completely

The gods who formed the court decided to write a
letter to Osiris and ask for his advice. Osiris
responded with a definite answer: his son is the
rightful king, and should be placed upon the throne.

STORY No one, said Osiris, should take the throne of Egypt

through an act of murder, as Set had done. Set had
killed Osiris, but Horus did not killed anyone, and
was the better candidate. The sun and the stars,
who were Osiris’ allies, descended into the
underworld, leaving the world in darkness. Finally,
the gods agreed that Horus should claim his
birthright as king of Egypt.
- Largely moral, depicting the eternal struggle

FEATURES between the powers of good and evil. Osiris is

fearless, self-sacrificing, gentle, in harmony with
himself, a benefactor to mankind; whereas Set is
OF THE STORY fearful, devious, full of envy and hate, sterile,
never at peace. Osiris commands undying loyalty,
while Set is deserted when his luck wears thin. The
gods aid Osiris' family through hardships, but Set
has merely his own strength to rely on. Lastly,
goodness leads to one's resurrection and an
honored place in the afterworld, but evil leads
only to a despised exile.
Campus, Rica May
Carredo, Sabrina
Lantayona, Yanielle Kaye
Maniwang, Charles Darwin
Pepito, John Lawrey
Rodriguez, Angelie
Talisic, Lezleih Shane

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