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To help CIIT students come
back to their culture of
filipino values by sweet
filipino products.
Dulse aims to be a provider of
quality Filipino
treats to leave lasting
impressions to the CIIT
consumer market.
To be able to sell Filipino sweets to 150 unique
customers within 6 days.

To be able to find 10 Flipino quality sweet products to

sell to the CIIT consumer market before opening day.

Maintaining quality service by managing two sellers on

our booth in the span of 6 days of selling.

Advertising by using a trivia games specifically about

Filipino culture in the span of a few minutes in each day
of selling.
To be able to sell Filipino sweets to 150 unique
customers within 6 days.

To be able to find 10 Flipino quality sweet products to

sell to the CIIT consumer market before opening day.

Maintaining quality service by managing two sellers on

our booth in the span of 6 days of selling.

Advertising by using a trivia games specifically about

Filipino culture in the span of a few minutes in each day
of selling.
To divide the group into different tasks in order to
maintain balance and a smooth passage between
each aspect of running a small business
To assign the best skilled individuals to their
respective task in order to create quality products
To implement a guideline in making and or
procuring sweets for the sake of quality control
Give a happy-go-lucky personality in order to
manifest an organic environment where everyone
from both sellers buyers can have fun
Sharon | Cafeteria Staff
Sharon | Cafeteria Staff

How do assign or
delegate roles?
How do you communicate that?
Sharon | Cafeteria Staff

What if someone is
absent, how do
assign roles?
Sharon | Cafeteria Staff

What are your

priorities when
handling your job?
Sharon | Cafeteria Staff

To what degree are the

others followed by the
person in charge?
Sharon | Cafeteria Staff

Is skill important in
your department?
Gillian Sapino | Librarian
Gillian Sapino | Librarian

How do you delegate

Gillian Sapino | Librarian

What if it was a busy

day how do you hand
Gillian Sapino | Librarian

To what degree are

task being followed if
assigned directly?
Gillian Sapino | Librarian

In terms of
specialization, how do
you decide who get
what role?
Gillian Sapino | Librarian

Is the work
environment formal or
loose or a mix?
Donna | Front Desk
Donna | Front Desk

How do you handle

delegating roles?
Donna | Front Desk

How do you coordinate

and communicate with
each other?
Donna | Front Desk

Is the communication for on-

site a lot more challenging if
put into perspective, and is it
Donna | Front Desk

As a department when you

make goals, how are they
conceptualized and are they in
line with your interests and
Donna | Front Desk

What is the difference

in tasks and roles for
on-site vs. online?
Donna | Front Desk

To what degree are the

orders being followed
by the employees
through the manager?
Perks and Benefits
Loyalty bonuses
Monthly team dinners
Christmas party
Team building & Field
trips (cultural herritages)
Food bazaars
Event collaborations
Pre-order or online selling
Balance Score Card
Objective Goals Indicators Initiatives

Financial Increase product Higher percentage of

Increase Pricing Better packaging
Perspective pricing by 15-20% profit

Customer Have a customer Have an average Retain regular Create effective

Perspective rating score of 4\5 customers marketing

Reinvest 70% of funds Track and compute

Internal Process Create an internal Save money by
made into making money using Google
Perspective financial ecosystem reinvesting it
more product Sheets

Each member be
Have a fair distribution
Learning And present for 3 hours on Create a logging
of shifts and create Track attendance
Growth Perspective each given day, 3 system
flexible schedules
days a week at least

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